Computational design of serine hydrolases Science (IF 44.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Anna Lauko, Samuel J. Pellock, Kiera H. Sumida, Ivan Anishchenko, David Juergens, Woody Ahern, Jihun Jeung, Alex Shida, Andrew Hunt, Indrek Kalvet, Christoffer Norn, Ian R. Humphreys, Cooper Jamieson, Rohith Krishna, Yakov Kipnis, Alex Kang, Evans Brackenbrough, Asim K. Bera, Banumathi Sankaran, K. N. Houk, David Baker
The design of enzymes with complex active sites that mediate multistep reactions remains an outstanding challenge. With serine hydrolases as a model system, we combined the generative capabilities of RFdiffusion with an ensemble generation method for assessing active site preorganization to design enzymes starting from minimal active site descriptions. Experimental characterization revealed catalytic
Pre-clinical safety and efficacy of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived products for autologous cell therapy in Parkinson’s disease Cell Stem Cell (IF 19.8) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Jeha Jeon, Young Cha, Yean Ju Hong, In-Hee Lee, Heejin Jang, Sanghyeok Ko, Serhiy Naumenko, Minseon Kim, Hannah L. Ryu, Zenith Shrestha, Nayeon Lee, Tae-Yoon Park, HoeWon Park, Seo-Hyun Kim, Ki-Jun Yoon, Bin Song, Jeffrey Schweitzer, Todd M. Herrington, Sek Won Kong, Bob Carter, Kwang-Soo Kim
Synonymous mutations promote tumorigenesis by disrupting m6A-dependent mRNA metabolism Cell (IF 45.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Yiheng Lan, Zhen Xia, Qizhe Shao, Peng Lin, Jinhong Lu, Xiaoying Xiao, Mengyue Zheng, Di Chen, Yanmei Dou, Qi Xie
Male-male interactions shape mate selection in Drosophila Cell (IF 45.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Tom Hindmarsh Sten, Rufei Li, Florian Hollunder, Shade Eleazer, Vanessa Ruta
Design of CoQ10 crops based on evolutionary history Cell (IF 45.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Jing-Jing Xu, Yuan Lei, Xiao-Fan Zhang, Jian-Xu Li, Qiupeng Lin, Xiang-Dong Wu, Yu-Guo Jiang, Wenyi Zhang, Runtong Qian, Shu-Yi Xiong, Kuo Tan, Yu Jia, Qiang Zhou, Yan Jiang, Hang Fan, Yan-Bo Huang, Ling-Jian Wang, Ji-Yun Liu, Yu Kong, Qing Zhao, Xiao-Ya Chen
Enhancers activate from afar Nat. Cell Biol. (IF 17.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Sabrya Carim
Enhancers control the expression of their target genes from a distance, and many genes are controlled by multiple enhancers. However, how the individual enhancer elements interact and cooperate is poorly understood. A study by Thomas, Feng et al. designed a reporter system that enables enhancer–enhancer cooperativity across distances in the mammalian genome to be studied. The authors found that the
Mesoderm FN1 shaping the heart Nat. Cell Biol. (IF 17.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Daryl J. V. David
Cardiac development involves tissue mechanics, cell polarity, growth and cell adhesion but their precise co-ordination for proper morphogenesis in mammals is unclear. Arriagada et al. report that the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein fibronectin (FN1) synthesized by the mesoderm affects multiple cell behaviours in the dorsal pericardial wall of the developing mouse heart. The authors used Fn1flox/−;Mesp1Cre
Restoring placental methylome Nat. Cell Biol. (IF 17.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Stylianos Lefkopoulos
Human trophoblast stem cells (hTSCs) are used to model placentation, but whether their epigenome recapitulates primary trophoblast remains underexplored. A new study shows that hTSCs display an atypical methylome compared with trophectoderm and first trimester cytotrophoblast (CTB), which can be restored by DNMT3L overexpression. Lea et al. performed whole-genome bisulphite sequencing on cultured hTSCs
Active repression of cell fate plasticity by PROX1 safeguards hepatocyte identity and prevents liver tumorigenesis Nat. Genet. (IF 31.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Bryce Lim, Aryan Kamal, Borja Gomez Ramos, Juan M. Adrian Segarra, Ignacio L. Ibarra, Lennart Dignas, Tim Kindinger, Kai Volz, Mohammad Rahbari, Nuh Rahbari, Eric Poisel, Kanela Kafetzopoulou, Lio Böse, Marco Breinig, Danijela Heide, Suchira Gallage, Jose E. Barragan Avila, Hendrik Wiethoff, Ivan Berest, Sarah Schnabellehner, Martin Schneider, Jonas Becker, Dominic Helm, Dirk Grimm, Taija Mäkinen,
Comparative analysis of the Mexico City Prospective Study and the UK Biobank identifies ancestry-specific effects on clonal hematopoiesis Nat. Genet. (IF 31.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Sean Wen, Pablo Kuri-Morales, Fengyuan Hu, Abhishek Nag, Ioanna Tachmazidou, Sri V. V. Deevi, Haeyam Taiy, Katherine R. Smith, Douglas P. Loesch, Oliver S. Burren, Ryan S. Dhindsa, Sebastian Wasilewski, Jesus Alegre-Díaz, Jaime Berumen, Jonathan Emberson, Jason M. Torres, Rory Collins, Keren Carss, Quanli Wang, Slavé Petrovski, Roberto Tapia-Conyer, Margarete A. Fabre, Andrew R. Harper, George S. Vassiliou
Germline mutations increasing pediatric cancer risk Nat. Genet. (IF 31.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Tiago Faial
Children with solid tumors face high mortality rates. Although a lot has been uncovered about somatic oncogenic drivers in these rare pediatric cancers, our knowledge about inherited DNA variants that increase the risk of tumor development is more limited. In a recent article in Science, Gillani et al. report an analysis of germline structural variants (SVs) in pediatric patients with extracranial
DNA loop extrusion is asymmetric but can switch direction Nat. Genet. (IF 31.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Chiara Anania
Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein complexes fold the genome via DNA loop extrusion. Whether SMC proteins confer directionality to loop extrusion remains controversial. In a recent issue of Cell, Barth et al. used single-molecule in vitro experiments to measure the directionality of DNA loop extrusion by the three major eukaryotic SMC complexes: human cohesin, yeast condensin and SMC5/6
A model of heritable genome editing for complex traits Nat. Genet. (IF 31.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Michael Fletcher
Genome-wide association studies have identified thousands of trait-associated loci, but translating these findings into improved health outcomes is non-trivial. With the advent of CRISPR and related methods, there is increasing interest in applying gene editing in humans for this aim — most prominently the example of He Jiankui — although doing so in the germline and therefore generating heritable
Engineering extrachromosomal DNA Nat. Genet. (IF 31.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Safia Danovi
Extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) harboring key oncogenes has been observed in several cancer types and is associated with poor survival. Understanding how these circular structures help drive tumor evolution is an outstanding question in the field but has been hampered by our inability to engineer them with precision — until now. A recent report in Nature by Andrea Ventura and colleagues described a strategy
Author Correction: India–Eurasia convergence speed-up by passive-margin sediment subduction Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Hao Zhou, Jiashun Hu, Luca Dal Zilio, Ming Tang, Keqing Li, Xiumian Hu
Correction to: Nature https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08069-6 Published online 6 November 2024
Publisher Correction: Immune evasion through mitochondrial transfer in the tumour microenvironment Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Hideki Ikeda, Katsushige Kawase, Tatsuya Nishi, Tomofumi Watanabe, Keizo Takenaga, Takashi Inozume, Takamasa Ishino, Sho Aki, Jason Lin, Shusuke Kawashima, Joji Nagasaki, Youki Ueda, Shinichiro Suzuki, Hideki Makinoshima, Makiko Itami, Yuki Nakamura, Yasutoshi Tatsumi, Yusuke Suenaga, Takao Morinaga, Akiko Honobe-Tabuchi, Takehiro Ohnuma, Tatsuyoshi Kawamura, Yoshiyasu Umeda, Yasuhiro Nakamura, Yukiko
Correction to: Nature https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08439-0 Published online 22 January 2025
Are the Trump team’s actions affecting your research? How to contact Nature Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13
Use this form to share information with Nature’s news team, or to make suggestions for future coverage.
Are PhDs losing their lustre? Why fewer students are enrolling in doctoral degrees Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13
High living costs paired with stagnant stipends are being blamed for a drop in PhD enrolments in several countries.
The researchers on a quest to protect the gut from antibiotics Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13
The crucial drugs can have unintended consequences. Innovative therapies could shield the microbiome from their effects.
σ-Bond insertion reactions of two strained diradicaloids Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Arismel Tena Meza, Christina A. Rivera, Huiling Shao, Andrew V. Kelleghan, K. N. Houk, Neil K. Garg
The development of new synthetic methodologies are instrumental for enabling the discovery of new medicines. Those methods that provide efficient access to structural alternatives for aromatic compounds (i.e., saturated arene bioisosteres), have become highly coveted.1,2,3,4 The incorporation of such bioisosteres typically leads to favorable drug-like properties and represents an emerging field of
Observation of Plastic Ice VII by Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Maria Rescigno, Alberto Toffano, Umbertoluca Ranieri, Leon Andriambariarijaona, Richard Gaal, Stefan Klotz, Michael Marek Koza, Jacques Ollivier, Fausto Martelli, John Russo, Francesco Sciortino, Jose Teixeira, Livia Eleonora Bove
Water is the third most abundant molecule in the universe and a key component in the interiors of icy moons, giant planets, and Uranus- and Neptune-like exoplanets1–3. Owing to its distinct molecular structure and flexible hydrogen bonds that readily adapt to a wide range of pressures and temperatures, water forms numerous crystalline and amorphous phases4–6. Most relevant for the high pressures and
Cheap blood test detects pancreatic cancer before it spreads Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
The deadly cancer is often not found until it has spread to other parts of the body.
Gourmet cockatoos like to fancy up their food Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
Make mine blueberry: Goffin’s cockatoos add flair to plain vegetables with a dip into fruity soy yogurt.
Observation of an ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrino with KM3NeT Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
Learning produces an orthogonalized state machine in the hippocampus Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Weinan Sun, Johan Winnubst, Maanasa Natrajan, Chongxi Lai, Koichiro Kajikawa, Arco Bast, Michalis Michaelos, Rachel Gattoni, Carsen Stringer, Daniel Flickinger, James E. Fitzgerald, Nelson Spruston
Transcriptional adaptation upregulates utrophin in Duchenne muscular dystrophy Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Lara Falcucci, Christopher M. Dooley, Douglas Adamoski, Thomas Juan, Justin Martinez, Angelina M. Georgieva, Kamel Mamchaoui, Cansu Cirzi, Didier Y. R. Stainier
Transcriptomic neuron types vary topographically in function and morphology Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Inbal Shainer, Johannes M. Kappel, Eva Laurell, Joseph C. Donovan, Martin W. Schneider, Enrico Kuehn, Irene Arnold-Ammer, Manuel Stemmer, Johannes Larsch, Herwig Baier
Topological segregation of stress sensors along the gut crypt–villus axis Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Kouki K. Touhara, Nathan D. Rossen, Fei Deng, Joel Castro, Andrea M. Harrington, Tifany Chu, Sonia Garcia-Caraballo, Mariana Brizuela, Tracey O’Donnell, Jinhao Xu, Onur Cil, Stuart M. Brierley, Yulong Li, David Julius
A metagenomic ‘dark matter’ enzyme catalyses oxidative cellulose conversion Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Clelton A. Santos, Mariana A. B. Morais, Fernanda Mandelli, Evandro A. Lima, Renan Y. Miyamoto, Paula M. R. Higasi, Evandro A. Araujo, Douglas A. A. Paixão, Joaquim M. Junior, Maria L. Motta, Rodrigo S. A. Streit, Luana G. Morão, Claudio B. C. Silva, Lucia D. Wolf, Cesar R. F. Terrasan, Nathalia R. Bulka, Jose A. Diogo, Felipe J. Fuzita, Felippe M. Colombari, Camila R. Santos, Priscila T. Rodrigues
UM171 glues asymmetric CRL3–HDAC1/2 assembly to degrade CoREST corepressors Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Megan J. R. Yeo, Olivia Zhang, Xiaowen Xie, Eunju Nam, N. Connor Payne, Pallavi M. Gosavi, Hui Si Kwok, Irtiza Iram, Ceejay Lee, Jiaming Li, Nicholas J. Chen, Khanh Nguyen, Hanjie Jiang, Zhipeng A. Wang, Kwangwoon Lee, Haibin Mao, Stefan A. Harry, Idris A. Barakat, Mariko Takahashi, Amanda L. Waterbury, Marco Barone, Andrea Mattevi, Steven A. Carr, Namrata D. Udeshi, Liron Bar-Peled, Philip A. Cole
Global engineering effects of soil invertebrates on ecosystem functions Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Donghao Wu, Enzai Du, Nico Eisenhauer, Jérome Mathieu, Chengjin Chu
Genetic architecture in Greenland is shaped by demography, structure and selection Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Frederik Filip Stæger, Mette K. Andersen, Zilong Li, Jasmin Pernille Hjerresen, Shixu He, Cindy G. Santander, Rasmus Tanderup Jensen, Karsten Fleischer Rex, Anne Cathrine Baun Thuesen, Kristian Hanghøj, Inge Høst Seiding, Emil Jørsboe, Sara Elizabeth Stinson, Malthe Sebro Rasmussen, Renzo F. Balboa, Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen, Peter Bjerregaard, Mikkel Schubert, Jonas Meisner, Allan Linneberg,
Macrophages protect against sensory axon loss in peripheral neuropathy Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Sara Hakim, Aakanksha Jain, Stuart S. Adamson, Veselina Petrova, Jonathan Indajang, Hyoung Woo Kim, Riki Kawaguchi, Qing Wang, Elif S. Duran, Drew Nelson, Caitlin A. Greene, Jenae Rasmussen, Clifford J. Woolf
Manipulation of the altermagnetic order in CrSb via crystal symmetry Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Zhiyuan Zhou, Xingkai Cheng, Mengli Hu, Ruiyue Chu, Hua Bai, Lei Han, Junwei Liu, Feng Pan, Cheng Song
Shielding Pt/γ-Mo2N by inert nano-overlays enables stable H2 production Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Zirui Gao, Aowen Li, Xingwu Liu, Mi Peng, Shixiang Yu, Maolin Wang, Yuzhen Ge, Chengyu Li, Tie Wang, Zhaohua Wang, Wu Zhou, Ding Ma
Intrinsic electrical activity drives small-cell lung cancer progression Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Paola Peinado, Marco Stazi, Claudio Ballabio, Michael-Bogdan Margineanu, Zhaoqi Li, Caterina I. Colón, Min-Shu Hsieh, Shreoshi Pal Choudhuri, Victor Stastny, Seth Hamilton, Alix Le Marois, Jodie Collingridge, Linus Conrad, Yinxing Chen, Sheng Rong Ng, Margaret Magendantz, Arjun Bhutkar, Jin-Shing Chen, Erik Sahai, Benjamin J. Drapkin, Tyler Jacks, Matthew G. Vander Heiden, Maksym V. Kopanitsa, Hugh
Hydrogen escaping from a pair of exoplanets smaller than Neptune Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 R. O. Parke Loyd, Ethan Schreyer, James E. Owen, James G. Rogers, Madelyn I. Broome, Evgenya L. Shkolnik, Ruth Murray-Clay, David J. Wilson, Sarah Peacock, Johanna Teske, Hilke E. Schlichting, Girish M. Duvvuri, Allison Youngblood, P. Christian Schneider, Kevin France, Steven Giacalone, Natasha E. Batalha, Adam C. Schneider, Isabella Longo, Travis Barman, David R. Ardila
Aqueous-based recycling of perovskite photovoltaics Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Xun Xiao, Niansheng Xu, Xueyu Tian, Tiankai Zhang, Bingzheng Wang, Xiaoming Wang, Yeming Xian, Chunyuan Lu, Xiangyu Ou, Yanfa Yan, Licheng Sun, Fengqi You, Feng Gao
Learned magnetic map cues and two mechanisms of magnetoreception in turtles Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Kayla M. Goforth, Catherine M. F. Lohmann, Andrew Gavin, Reyco Henning, Andrew Harvey, Tara L. Hinton, Dana S. Lim, Kenneth J. Lohmann
MorPhiC Consortium: towards functional characterization of all human genes Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Mazhar Adli, Laralynne Przybyla, Tony Burdett, Paul W. Burridge, Pilar Cacheiro, Howard Y. Chang, Jesse M. Engreitz, Luke A. Gilbert, William J. Greenleaf, Li Hsu, Danwei Huangfu, Ling-Hong Hung, Anshul Kundaje, Sheng Li, Helen Parkinson, Xiaojie Qiu, Paul Robson, Stephan C. Schürer, Ali Shojaie, William C. Skarnes, Damian Smedley, Lorenz Studer, Wei Sun, Dušica Vidović, Thomas Vierbuchen, Brian S
The neuroimmune connectome in health and disease Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Michael A. Wheeler, Francisco J. Quintana
Direct experimental constraints on the spatial extent of a neutrino wavepacket Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Joseph Smolsky, Kyle G. Leach, Ryan Abells, Pedro Amaro, Adrien Andoche, Keith Borbridge, Connor Bray, Robin Cantor, David Diercks, Spencer Fretwell, Stephan Friedrich, Abigail Gillespie, Mauro Guerra, Ad Hall, Cameron N. Harris, Jackson T. Harris, Leendert M. Hayen, Paul-Antoine Hervieux, Calvin Hinkle, Geon-Bo Kim, Inwook Kim, Amii Lamm, Annika Lennarz, Vincenzo Lordi, Jorge Machado, Andrew Marino
Earliest short-tailed bird from the Late Jurassic of China Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Runsheng Chen, Min Wang, Liping Dong, Guowu Zhou, Xing Xu, Ke Deng, Liming Xu, Chi Zhang, Linchang Wang, Honggang Du, Ganmin Lin, Min Lin, Zhonghe Zhou
Stronger and coarser-grained biodegradable zinc alloys Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Chengcheng Wu, Fengxiang Lin, Hong Liu, Matthew H. Pelletier, Max Lloyd, Williams R. Walsh, Jian-Feng Nie
Converging mechanism of UM171 and KBTBD4 neomorphic cancer mutations Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Xiaowen Xie, Olivia Zhang, Megan J. R. Yeo, Ceejay Lee, Ran Tao, Stefan A. Harry, N. Connor Payne, Eunju Nam, Leena Paul, Yiran Li, Hui Si Kwok, Hanjie Jiang, Haibin Mao, Jennifer L. Hadley, Hong Lin, Melissa Batts, Pallavi M. Gosavi, Vincenzo D’Angiolella, Philip A. Cole, Ralph Mazitschek, Paul A. Northcott, Ning Zheng, Brian B. Liau
The bulk motion of gas in the core of the Centaurus galaxy cluster Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
Balanced plant helper NLR activation by a modified host protein complex Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Shijia Huang, Junli Wang, Ridan Song, Aolin Jia, Yu Xiao, Yue Sun, Lin Wang, Dennis Mahr, Zhongshou Wu, Zhifu Han, Xin Li, Jane E. Parker, Jijie Chai
A crucial role for the cortical amygdala in shaping social encounters Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Antonio V. Aubry, Romain Durand-de Cuttoli, Elizabeth Karpman, Rachel L. Fisher-Foye, Lyonna F. Parise, Flurin Cathomas, C. Joseph Burnett, Yewon Yang, Chongzhen Yuan, Alexa R. LaBanca, Kenny L. Chan, Kion T. Winston, Hsiao-yun Lin, Farah Dackour, Arman A. Tavallaei, Johana Alvarez, Tadaaki Nishioka, Hirofumi Morishita, Robert C. Froemke, Long Li, Scott J. Russo
Activation and inhibition mechanisms of a plant helper NLR Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Yinyan Xiao, Xiaoxian Wu, Zaiqing Wang, Kexin Ji, Yang Zhao, Yu Zhang, Li Wan
Measuring racial educational disparities over time amongst top achievers Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Uditi Karna, Min Sok Lee, John A. List, Andrew Simon, Haruka Uchida
External Li supply reshapes Li deficiency and lifetime limit of batteries Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Shu Chen, Guanbin Wu, Haibo Jiang, Jifeng Wang, Tiantian Chen, Chenyang Han, Wenwen Wang, Rongchen Yang, Jiahua Zhao, Zhihang Tang, Xiaocheng Gong, Chuanfa Li, Mengyao Zhu, Kun Zhang, Yifei Xu, Ying Wang, Zhe Hu, Peining Chen, Bingjie Wang, Kai Zhang, Yongyao Xia, Huisheng Peng, Yue Gao
Global biodiversity loss from outsourced deforestation Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 R. Alex Wiebe, David S. Wilcove
Genetic data from Indigenous Greenlanders could help to narrow health-care gap Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Laura Arbour
Population genetics for the Greenlandic Inuit.
Mysterious neutrino barrels through deep waters near Sicily Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Erik K. Blaufuss
Highest-energy neutrino observed by underwater detector.
Record-breaking neutrino detected by huge underwater telescope Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 12 February 2025
X-ray telescope casts a sharper gaze on galaxy clusters Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Stefano Borgani
X-ray telescope elucidates the inner workings of galaxy clusters.
The lost long tail of early bird evolution Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Stephen L. Brusatte
Fossil find reveals the earliest known short-tailed bird.
I work remotely — on Mars Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
Geochemist Nicolas Randazzo plans for research millions of kilometres away and decades into the future.
How centuries of isolation shaped Greenlanders’ unique genetics Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
Centuries of isolation have given Greenlanders a genetic profile that includes Arctic-specific variants.
Sea turtles use magnetic ‘map’ and ‘compass’ to navigate the ocean Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12
Loggerhead sea turtles can learn to recognize foraging areas using natural magnetic signatures.