Granzyme K activates the entire complement cascade Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Carlos A. Donado, Erin Theisen, Fan Zhang, Aparna Nathan, Madison L. Fairfield, Karishma Vijay Rupani, Dominique Jones, Kellsey P. Johannes, Soumya Raychaudhuri, Daniel F. Dwyer, A. Helena Jonsson, Michael B. Brenner
Granzymes are a family of serine proteases mainly expressed by CD8+ T cells, natural killer cells, and innate-like lymphocytes1. Although their primary function is thought to be the induction of cell death in virally infected and tumor cells, accumulating evidence indicates certain granzymes can elicit inflammation by acting on extracellular substrates1. Recently, we found that the majority of tissue
Superfluid stiffness of twisted trilayer graphene superconductors Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Abhishek Banerjee, Zeyu Hao, Mary Kreidel, Patrick Ledwith, Isabelle Phinney, Jeong Min Park, Andrew Zimmerman, Marie E. Wesson, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Robert M. Westervelt, Amir Yacoby, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Pavel A. Volkov, Ashvin Vishwanath, Kin Chung Fong, Philip Kim
The genetic origin of the Indo-Europeans Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Iosif Lazaridis, Nick Patterson, David Anthony, Leonid Vyazov, Romain Fournier, Harald Ringbauer, Iñigo Olalde, Alexander A. Khokhlov, Egor P. Kitov, Natalia I. Shishlina, Sorin C. Ailincăi, Danila S. Agapov, Sergey A. Agapov, Elena Batieva, Baitanayev Bauyrzhan, Zsolt Bereczki, Alexandra Buzhilova, Piya Changmai, Andrey A. Chizhevsky, Ion Ciobanu, Mihai Constantinescu, Marietta Csányi, János Dani
Directly imaging the cooling flow in the Phoenix cluster Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Michael Reefe, Michael McDonald, Marios Chatzikos, Jerome Seebeck, Richard Mushotzky, Sylvain Veilleux, Steven W. Allen, Matthew Bayliss, Michael Calzadilla, Rebecca Canning, Benjamin Floyd, Massimo Gaspari, Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, Brian McNamara, Helen Russell, Keren Sharon, Taweewat Somboonpanyakul
Distributed quantum computing across an optical network link Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 D. Main, P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, B. C. Nichol, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, D. M. Lucas
Cretaceous Antarctic bird skull elucidates early avian ecological diversity Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Christopher R. Torres, Julia A. Clarke, Joseph R. Groenke, Matthew C. Lamanna, Ross D. E. MacPhee, Grace M. Musser, Eric M. Roberts, Patrick M. O’Connor
Metal-halide porous framework superlattices Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Wenqiang Zhang, Hong Jiang, Yikuan Liu, Yue Hu, Athulya Surendran Palakkal, Yujie Zhou, Meng Sun, Enping Du, Wei Gong, Qun Zhang, Jianwen Jiang, Jinqiao Dong, Yan Liu, Dehui Li, Yihan Zhu, Yong Cui, Xiangfeng Duan
IL-27 elicits a cytotoxic CD8+ T cell program to enforce tumour control Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Béatrice Bréart, Katherine Williams, Stellanie Krimm, Tiffany Wong, Brandon D. Kayser, Lifen Wang, Eric Cheng, Mayra Cruz Tleugabulova, Romain Bouziat, Tianshi Lu, Kobe Yuen, Natalie S. Firmino, Daniel D. Bravo, Juliette Roels, Atish Bhakta, Jack Bevers, Isabelle Lehoux, Alan Gutierrez, Yajun Chestnut, Joanna E. Klementowicz, Teresita L. Arenzana, Ilseyar Akhmetzyanova, Elizabeth Dixon, Min Chen, Kazi
Superfluid stiffness of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Miuko Tanaka, Joel Î-j. Wang, Thao H. Dinh, Daniel Rodan-Legrain, Sameia Zaman, Max Hays, Aziza Almanakly, Bharath Kannan, David K. Kim, Bethany M. Niedzielski, Kyle Serniak, Mollie E. Schwartz, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Terry P. Orlando, Simon Gustavsson, Jeffrey A. Grover, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, William D. Oliver
Fungal impacts on Earth’s ecosystems Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Nicola T. Case, Sarah J. Gurr, Matthew C. Fisher, David S. Blehert, Charles Boone, Arturo Casadevall, Anuradha Chowdhary, Christina A. Cuomo, Cameron R. Currie, David W. Denning, Iuliana V. Ene, Lillian K. Fritz-Laylin, Aleeza C. Gerstein, Neil A. R. Gow, Asiya Gusa, Iliyan D. Iliev, Timothy Y. James, Hailing Jin, Regine Kahmann, Bruce S. Klein, James W. Kronstad, Kyla S. Ost, Kabir G. Peay, Rebecca
Engineering a genomically recoded organism with one stop codon Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Michael W. Grome, Michael T. A. Nguyen, Daniel W. Moonan, Kyle Mohler, Kebron Gurara, Shenqi Wang, Colin Hemez, Benjamin J. Stenton, Yunteng Cao, Felix Radford, Maya Kornaj, Jaymin Patel, Maisha Prome, Svetlana Rogulina, David Sozanski, Jesse Tordoff, Jesse Rinehart, Farren J. Isaacs
Limited impact of Salmonella stress and persisters on antibiotic clearance Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Joseph Fanous, Beatrice Claudi, Vishwachi Tripathi, Jiagui Li, Frédéric Goormaghtigh, Dirk Bumann
Synthetic lethality of mRNA quality control complexes in cancer Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Vivian Prindle, Adam E. Richardson, Kimberly R. Sher, Sarah Kongpachith, Kaitlin Kentala, Sakina Petiwala, Dong Cheng, Deborah Widomski, Phuong Le, Maricel Torrent, Anlu Chen, Stephen Walker, Marianne B. Palczewski, Diya Mitra, Vlasios Manaves, Xu Shi, Charles Lu, Stephanie Sandoval, Zoltan Dezso, F. Gregory Buchanan, Daniel Verduzco, Brian Bierie, Jonathan A. Meulbroek, William N. Pappano, Joshua
Quantum coarsening and collective dynamics on a programmable simulator Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Tom Manovitz, Sophie H. Li, Sepehr Ebadi, Rhine Samajdar, Alexandra A. Geim, Simon J. Evered, Dolev Bluvstein, Hengyun Zhou, Nazli Ugur Koyluoglu, Johannes Feldmeier, Pavel E. Dolgirev, Nishad Maskara, Marcin Kalinowski, Subir Sachdev, David A. Huse, Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletić, Mikhail D. Lukin
A genomic history of the North Pontic Region from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Alexey G. Nikitin, Iosif Lazaridis, Nick Patterson, Svitlana Ivanova, Mykhailo Videiko, Valentin Dergachev, Nadiia Kotova, Malcolm Lillie, Inna Potekhina, Marta Krenz-Niedbała, Sylwia Łukasik, Serhij Makhortykh, Virginie Renson, Henry Shephard, Gennadie Sirbu, Sofiia Svyryd, Taras Tkachuk, Piotr Włodarczak, Kim Callan, Elizabeth Curtis, Eadaoin Harney, Lora Iliev, Aisling Kearns, Ann Marie Lawson,
SKI complex loss renders 9p21.3-deleted or MSI-H cancers dependent on PELO Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Patricia C. Borck, Isabella Boyle, Kristina Jankovic, Nolan Bick, Kyla Foster, Anthony C. Lau, Lucy I. Parker-Burns, Daniel A. Lubicki, Tianxia Li, Ashir A. Borah, Nicholas J. Lofaso, Sohani Das Sharma, Tessla Chan, Riya V. Kishen, Anisah Adeagbo, Srivatsan Raghavan, Elisa Aquilanti, John R. Prensner, J. Michael Krill-Burger, Todd R. Golub, Catarina D. Campbell, Joshua M. Dempster, Edmond M. Chan,
Transforming US agriculture for carbon removal with enhanced weathering Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 David J. Beerling, Euripides P. Kantzas, Mark R. Lomas, Lyla L. Taylor, Shuang Zhang, Yoshiki Kanzaki, Rafael M. Eufrasio, Phil Renforth, Jean-Francois Mecure, Hector Pollitt, Philip B. Holden, Neil R. Edwards, Lenny Koh, Dimitar Z. Epihov, Adam Wolf, James E. Hansen, Steven A. Banwart, Nick F. Pidgeon, Christopher T. Reinhard, Noah J. Planavsky, Maria Val Martin
Topological water-wave structures manipulating particles Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Bo Wang, Zhiyuan Che, Cheng Cheng, Caili Tong, Lei Shi, Yijie Shen, Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Jian Zi
A comprehensive spatio-cellular map of the human hypothalamus Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 John A. Tadross, Lukas Steuernagel, Georgina K. C. Dowsett, Katherine A. Kentistou, Sofia Lundh, Marta Porniece, Paul Klemm, Kara Rainbow, Henning Hvid, Katarzyna Kania, Joseph Polex-Wolf, Lotte Bjerre Knudsen, Charles Pyke, John R. B. Perry, Brian Y. H. Lam, Jens C. Brüning, Giles S. H. Yeo
RUNX2 promotes fibrosis via an alveolar-to-pathological fibroblast transition Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Yinshan Fang, Sanny S. W. Chung, Le Xu, Chenyi Xue, Xue Liu, Dianhua Jiang, Rongbo Li, Yohei Korogi, Ke Yuan, Anjali Saqi, Hanina Hibshoosh, Yuefeng Huang, Chyuan-Sheng Lin, Tatsuya Tsukui, Dean Sheppard, Xin Sun, Jianwen Que
Differential protection against SARS-CoV-2 reinfection pre- and post-Omicron Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Hiam Chemaitelly, Houssein H. Ayoub, Peter Coyle, Patrick Tang, Mohammad R. Hasan, Hadi M. Yassine, Asmaa A. Al Thani, Zaina Al-Kanaani, Einas Al-Kuwari, Andrew Jeremijenko, Anvar Hassan Kaleeckal, Ali Nizar Latif, Riyazuddin Mohammad Shaik, Hanan F. Abdul-Rahim, Gheyath K. Nasrallah, Mohamed Ghaith Al-Kuwari, Adeel A. Butt, Hamad Eid Al-Romaihi, Mohamed H. Al-Thani, Abdullatif Al-Khal, Roberto Bertollini
Multi-interface licensing of protein import into a phage nucleus Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Claire Kokontis, Timothy A. Klein, Sukrit Silas, Joseph Bondy-Denomy
Children’s arithmetic skills do not transfer between applied and academic mathematics Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Abhijit V. Banerjee, Swati Bhattacharjee, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, Esther Duflo, Alejandro J. Ganimian, Kailash Rajah, Elizabeth S. Spelke
A neoantigen vaccine generates antitumour immunity in renal cell carcinoma Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 David A. Braun, Giorgia Moranzoni, Vipheaviny Chea, Bradley A. McGregor, Eryn Blass, Chloe R. Tu, Allison P. Vanasse, Cleo Forman, Juliet Forman, Alexander B. Afeyan, Nicholas R. Schindler, Yiwen Liu, Shuqiang Li, Jackson Southard, Steven L. Chang, Michelle S. Hirsch, Nicole R. LeBoeuf, Oriol Olive, Ambica Mehndiratta, Haley Greenslade, Keerthi Shetty, Susan Klaeger, Siranush Sarkizova, Christina B
H-bonded organic frameworks as ultrasound-programmable delivery platform Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Wenliang Wang, Yanshu Shi, Wenrui Chai, Kai Wing Kevin Tang, Ilya Pyatnitskiy, Yi Xie, Xiangping Liu, Weilong He, Jinmo Jeong, Ju-Chun Hsieh, Anakaren Romero Lozano, Brinkley Artman, Xi Shi, Nicole Hoefer, Binita Shrestha, Noah B. Stern, Wei Zhou, David W. McComb, Tyrone Porter, Graeme Henkelman, Banglin Chen, Huiliang Wang
Emergence of collective oscillations in massive human crowds Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 François Gu, Benjamin Guiselin, Nicolas Bain, Iker Zuriguel, Denis Bartolo
Two-dimensional polyaniline crystal with metallic out-of-plane conductivity Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Tao Zhang, Shu Chen, Petko St. Petkov, Peng Zhang, Haoyuan Qi, Nguyen Ngan Nguyen, Wenjie Zhang, Jiho Yoon, Peining Li, Thomas Brumme, Alexey Alfonsov, Zhongquan Liao, Mike Hambsch, Shunqi Xu, Lars Mester, Vladislav Kataev, Bernd Büchner, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Ehrenfried Zschech, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Ute Kaiser, Thomas Heine, Renhao Dong, Rainer Hillenbrand, Xinliang Feng
Thermalization and criticality on an analogue–digital quantum simulator Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 T. I. Andersen, N. Astrakhantsev, A. H. Karamlou, J. Berndtsson, J. Motruk, A. Szasz, J. A. Gross, A. Schuckert, T. Westerhout, Y. Zhang, E. Forati, D. Rossi, B. Kobrin, A. Di Paolo, A. R. Klots, I. Drozdov, V. Kurilovich, A. Petukhov, L. B. Ioffe, A. Elben, A. Rath, V. Vitale, B. Vermersch, R. Acharya, L. A. Beni, K. Anderson, M. Ansmann, F. Arute, K. Arya, A. Asfaw, J. Atalaya, B. Ballard, J. C.
Polytype switching by super-lubricant van der Waals cavity arrays Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Youngki Yeo, Yoav Sharaby, Nirmal Roy, Noam Raab, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Moshe Ben Shalom
Two-Eyed Seeing and other Indigenous perspectives for neuroscience Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 J. Illes, M. L. Perreault, K. Bassil, J. G. Bjaalie, R. L. Taylor-Bragge, H. Chneiweiss, T. R. Gregory, B. N. Kumar, O. P. Matshabane, A. L. Svalastog, M. R. Velarde
Antibody prophylaxis may mask subclinical SIV infections in macaques Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Christopher A. Gonelli, Hannah A. D. King, SungYoul Ko, Christine M. Fennessey, Nami Iwamoto, Rosemarie D. Mason, Ashley Heimann, Dillon R. Flebbe, John-Paul Todd, Kathryn E. Foulds, Brandon F. Keele, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Richard A. Koup, Mario Roederer
Millihertz oscillations near the innermost orbit of a supermassive black hole Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Megan Masterson, Erin Kara, Christos Panagiotou, William N. Alston, Joheen Chakraborty, Kevin Burdge, Claudio Ricci, Sibasish Laha, Iair Arcavi, Riccardo Arcodia, S. Bradley Cenko, Andrew C. Fabian, Javier A. García, Margherita Giustini, Adam Ingram, Peter Kosec, Michael Loewenstein, Eileen T. Meyer, Giovanni Miniutti, Ciro Pinto, Ronald A. Remillard, Dev R. Sadaula, Onic I. Shuvo, Benny Trakhtenbrot
Left–right-alternating theta sweeps in entorhinal–hippocampal maps of space Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Abraham Z. Vollan, Richard J. Gardner, May-Britt Moser, Edvard I. Moser
HIV immune evasin Nef enhances allogeneic CAR T cell potency Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Karlo Perica, Ivan Kotchetkov, Jorge Mansilla-Soto, Fiona Ehrich, Kevin Herrera, Yuzhe Shi, Anton Dobrin, Mithat Gönen, Michel Sadelain
Autologous chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are a genetically engineered therapy that is highly effective against B cell malignancies and multiple myeloma1. However, the length and cost of personalized manufacturing limits access and leaves patients vulnerable to disease progression. Allogeneic cell therapies have the potential to increase patient access and improve treatment outcomes but are
Molecular basis of vitamin K driven γ-carboxylation at membrane interface Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Qing Cao, Aaron Ammerman, Mierxiati Saimi, Zongtao Lin, Guomin Shen, Huaping Chen, Jie Sun, Mengqi Chai, Shixuan Liu, Fong-Fu Hsu, Andrzej M. Krezel, Michael L. Gross, Jinbin Xu, Benjamin A. Garcia, Bin Liu, Weikai Li
The γ-carboxylation of glutamate residues enables Ca2+-mediated membrane assembly of protein complexes that support broad physiological functions including hemostasis, calcium homeostasis, immune response, and endocrine regulation1-4. Modulating γ-carboxylation level provides prevalent treatments for hemorrhagic and thromboembolic diseases5. This unique posttranslational modification requires vitamin
Engineered heart muscle allografts for heart repair in primates and humans Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Ahmad-Fawad Jebran, Tim Seidler, Malte Tiburcy, Maria Daskalaki, Ingo Kutschka, Buntaro Fujita, Stephan Ensminger, Felix Bremmer, Amir Moussavi, Huaxiao Yang, Xulei Qin, Sophie Mißbach, Charis Drummer, Hassina Baraki, Susann Boretius, Christopher Hasenauer, Tobias Nette, Johannes Kowallick, Christian O. Ritter, Joachim Lotz, Michael Didié, Mathias Mietsch, Tim Meyer, George Kensah, Dennis Krüger, Md
Methanol transfer supports metabolic syntrophy between bacteria and archaea Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Yan Huang, Kensuke Igarashi, Laiyan Liu, Daisuke Mayumi, Tomomi Ujiie, Lin Fu, Min Yang, Yahai Lu, Lei Cheng, Souichiro Kato, Masaru K. Nobu
SARS-CoV-2 evolution on a dynamic immune landscape Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 N. Alexia Raharinirina, Nils Gubela, Daniela Börnigen, Maureen Rebecca Smith, Djin-Ye Oh, Matthias Budt, Christin Mache, Claudia Schillings, Stephan Fuchs, Ralf Dürrwald, Thorsten Wolff, Martin Hölzer, Sofia Paraskevopoulou, Max von Kleist
Structure and mechanism of vitamin-K-dependent γ-glutamyl carboxylase Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Rong Wang, Baozhi Chen, Nadia Elghobashi-Meinhardt, Jian-Ke Tie, Alyssa Ayala, Ning Zhou, Xiaofeng Qi
Warming and cooling catalyse widespread temporal turnover in biodiversity Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Malin L. Pinsky, Helmut Hillebrand, Jonathan M. Chase, Laura H. Antão, Myriam R. Hirt, Ulrich Brose, Michael T. Burrows, Benoit Gauzens, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Shane A. Blowes
C-terminal amides mark proteins for degradation via SCF–FBXO31 Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Matthias F. Muhar, Jakob Farnung, Martina Cernakova, Raphael Hofmann, Lukas T. Henneberg, Moritz M. Pfleiderer, Annina Denoth-Lippuner, Filip Kalčic, Ajse S. Nievergelt, Marwa Peters Al-Bayati, Nikolaos D. Sidiropoulos, Viola Beier, Matthias Mann, Sebastian Jessberger, Martin Jinek, Brenda A. Schulman, Jeffrey W. Bode, Jacob E. Corn
Copper-dependent halogenase catalyses unactivated C−H bond functionalization Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Chen-Yu Chiang, Masao Ohashi, Jessie Le, Pan-Pan Chen, Qingyang Zhou, Songrong Qu, Undramaa Bat-Erdene, Shabnam Hematian, Jose A. Rodriguez, K. N. Houk, Yisong Guo, Joseph A. Loo, Yi Tang
Signatures of longitudinal spin pumping in a magnetic phase transition Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Taekhyeon Lee, Min Tae Park, Hye-Won Ko, Jung Hyun Oh, San Ko, Seongmun Hwang, Jae Gwang Jang, Geon-Woo Baek, Se Kwon Kim, Hyun-Woo Lee, Myung-Hwa Jung, Kab-Jin Kim, Kyung-Jin Lee
Degradable thermosets via orthogonal polymerizations of a single monomer Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Reagan J. Dreiling, Kathleen Huynh, Brett P. Fors
Maize monoculture supported pre-Columbian urbanism in southwestern Amazonia Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Umberto Lombardo, Lautaro Hilbert, McKenzie Bentley, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Kate Dudgeon, Albert Gaitan-Roca, José Iriarte, Andrés G. Mejía Ramón, Sergio Quezada, Marco Raczka, Jennifer G. Watling, Eduardo Neves, Francis Mayle
Contrasting drought sensitivity of Eurasian and North American grasslands Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Qiang Yu, Chong Xu, Honghui Wu, Yuguang Ke, Xiaoan Zuo, Wentao Luo, Haiyan Ren, Qian Gu, Hongqiang Wang, Wang Ma, Alan K. Knapp, Scott L. Collins, Jennifer A. Rudgers, Yiqi Luo, Yann Hautier, Chengjie Wang, Zhengwen Wang, Yong Jiang, Guodong Han, Yingzhi Gao, Nianpeng He, Juntao Zhu, Shikui Dong, Xiaoping Xin, Guirui Yu, Melinda D. Smith, Linghao Li, Xingguo Han
Bat genomes illuminate adaptations to viral tolerance and disease resistance Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Ariadna E. Morales, Yue Dong, Thomas Brown, Kaushal Baid, Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos, Victoria Gonzalez, Zixia Huang, Alexis-Walid Ahmed, Arkadeb Bhuinya, Leon Hilgers, Sylke Winkler, Graham Hughes, Xiaomeng Li, Ping Lu, Yixin Yang, Bogdan M. Kirilenko, Paolo Devanna, Tanya M. Lama, Yomiran Nissan, Martin Pippel, Liliana M. Dávalos, Sonja C. Vernes, Sebastien J. Puechmaille, Stephen J. Rossiter
Expanding the human gut microbiome atlas of Africa Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Dylan G. Maghini, Ovokeraye H. Oduaran, Luicer A. Ingasia Olubayo, Jane A. Cook, Natalie Smyth, Theophilous Mathema, Carl W. Belger, Godfred Agongo, Palwendé R. Boua, Solomon S. R. Choma, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Isaac Kisiangani, Given R. Mashaba, Lisa Micklesfield, Shukri F. Mohamed, Engelbert A. Nonterah, Shane Norris, Hermann Sorgho, Stephen Tollman, Floidy Wafawanaka, Furahini Tluway, Michèle Ramsay
An evaporite sequence from ancient brine recorded in Bennu samples Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 T. J. McCoy, S. S. Russell, T. J. Zega, K. L. Thomas-Keprta, S. A. Singerling, F. E. Brenker, N. E. Timms, W. D. A. Rickard, J. J. Barnes, G. Libourel, S. Ray, C. M. Corrigan, P. Haenecour, Z. Gainsforth, G. Dominguez, A. J. King, L. P. Keller, M. S. Thompson, S. A. Sandford, R. H. Jones, H. Yurimoto, K. Righter, S. A. Eckley, P. A. Bland, M. A. Marcus, D. N. DellaGiustina, T. R. Ireland, N. V. Almeida
The Ronne Ice Shelf survived the last interglacial Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Eric W. Wolff, Robert Mulvaney, Mackenzie M. Grieman, Helene M. Hoffmann, Jack Humby, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Rachael H. Rhodes, Isobel F. Rowell, Louise C. Sime, Hubertus Fischer, Thomas F. Stocker, Amaelle Landais, Frédéric Parrenin, Eric J. Steig, Marina Dütsch, Nicholas R. Golledge
CARD domains mediate anti-phage defence in bacterial gasdermin systems Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Tanita Wein, Adi Millman, Katharina Lange, Erez Yirmiya, Romi Hadary, Jeremy Garb, Sarah Melamed, Gil Amitai, Orly Dym, Felix Steinruecke, Aidan B. Hill, Philip J. Kranzusch, Rotem Sorek
Fine-tuning gibberellin improves rice alkali–thermal tolerance and yield Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Shuang-Qin Guo, Ya-Xin Chen, Ya-Lin Ju, Chen-Yang Pan, Jun-Xiang Shan, Wang-Wei Ye, Nai-Qian Dong, Yi Kan, Yi-Bing Yang, Huai-Yu Zhao, Hong-Xiao Yu, Zi-Qi Lu, Jie-Jie Lei, Ben Liao, Xiao-Rui Mu, Ying-Jie Cao, Liangxing Guo, Jin Gao, Ji-Fu Zhou, Kai-Yang Yang, Hong-Xuan Lin, Youshun Lin
Global meta-analysis shows action is needed to halt genetic diversity loss Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Robyn E. Shaw, Katherine A. Farquharson, Michael W. Bruford, David J. Coates, Carole P. Elliott, Joachim Mergeay, Kym M. Ottewell, Gernot Segelbacher, Sean Hoban, Christina Hvilsom, Sílvia Pérez-Espona, Dainis Ruņģis, Filippos Aravanopoulos, Laura D. Bertola, Helena Cotrim, Karen Cox, Vlatka Cubric-Curik, Robert Ekblom, José A. Godoy, Maciej K. Konopiński, Linda Laikre, Isa-Rita M. Russo, Nevena Veličković
Enhanced energy storage in antiferroelectrics via antipolar frustration Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Bingbing Yang, Yiqian Liu, Ru-Jian Jiang, Shun Lan, Su-Zhen Liu, Zhifang Zhou, Lvye Dou, Min Zhang, Houbing Huang, Long-Qing Chen, Yin-Lian Zhu, Shujun Zhang, Xiu-Liang Ma, Ce-Wen Nan, Yuan-Hua Lin
Neuromorphic computing at scale Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Catherine Schuman, Craig M. Vineyard, Tej Pandit, Cory Merkel, Rajkumar Kubendran, James B. Aimone, Garrick Orchard, Christian Mayr, Ryad Benosman, Joe Hays, Cliff Young, Chiara Bartolozzi, Amitava Majumdar, Suma George Cardwell, Melika Payvand, Sonia Buckley, Shruti Kulkarni, Hector A. Gonzalez, Gert Cauwenberghs, Chetan Singh Thakur, Anand Subramoney, Steve Furber
Extended quantum anomalous Hall states in graphene/hBN moiré superlattices Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Zhengguang Lu, Tonghang Han, Yuxuan Yao, Zach Hadjri, Jixiang Yang, Junseok Seo, Lihan Shi, Shenyong Ye, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Long Ju
Resolving native GABAA receptor structures from the human brain Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Jia Zhou, Colleen M. Noviello, Jinfeng Teng, Haley Moore, Bradley Lega, Ryan E. Hibbs
Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar disorder Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Kevin S. O’Connell, Maria Koromina, Tracey van der Veen, Toni Boltz, Friederike S. David, Jessica Mei Kay Yang, Keng-Han Lin, Xin Wang, Jonathan R. I. Coleman, Brittany L. Mitchell, Caroline C. McGrouther, Aaditya V. Rangan, Penelope A. Lind, Elise Koch, Arvid Harder, Nadine Parker, Jaroslav Bendl, Kristina Adorjan, Esben Agerbo, Diego Albani, Silvia Alemany, Ney Alliey-Rodriguez, Thomas D. Als, Till
Experience-dependent dopamine modulation of male aggression Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Bing Dai, Bingqin Zheng, Xiuzhi Dai, Xiaoyang Cui, Luping Yin, Jing Cai, Yizhou Zhuo, Nicolas X. Tritsch, Larry S. Zweifel, Yulong Li, Dayu Lin
Superconductivity in 5.0° twisted bilayer WSe2 Nature (IF 50.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Yinjie Guo, Jordan Pack, Joshua Swann, Luke Holtzman, Matthew Cothrine, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, David G. Mandrus, Katayun Barmak, James Hone, Andrew J. Millis, Abhay Pasupathy, Cory R. Dean