Why is the Earth System Oscillating at a 6-Year Period? Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Anny Cazenave, Julia Pfeffer, Mioara Mandea, Véronique Dehant, Nicolas Gillet
A 6-year cycle has long been recognized to influence the Earth’s rotation, the internal magnetic field and motions in the fluid Earth’s core. Recent observations have revealed that a 6-year cycle also affects the angular momentum of the atmosphere and several climatic parameters, including global mean sea level rise, precipitation, land hydrology, Arctic surface temperature, ocean heat content and
India’s Earthquake Early Warning Systems: A Review of Developments and Challenges Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Himanshu Mittal, Shanker Pal, Rajiv Kumar, Atul Saini, Yih-Min Wu, Ambikapathy Ammani, R. C. Patel, Sandeep, O. P. Mishra
The risk of earthquakes and their effects on both nature and infrastructure in seismically active regions of India require adaptable and scalable earthquake early warning (EEW) systems. Developing a robust EEW system is crucial to mitigate earthquake risks in the region, but it is a challenging task. Various institutes have attempted to develop EEW systems using different methods. Still, there is no
Meta Learning for Improved Neural Network Wavefield Solutions Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2025-01-04 Shijun Cheng, Tariq Alkhalifah
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) provide a flexible and effective alternative for estimating seismic wavefield solutions due to their typical mesh-free and unsupervised features. However, their accuracy and training cost restrict their applicability. To address these issues, we propose a novel initialization for PINNs based on meta-learning to enhance their performance. In our framework, we
An Overview of Theoretical Studies of Non-Seismic Phenomena Accompanying Earthquakes Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Vadim V. Surkov
In this paper, we review the theoretical studies of the electromagnetic and other non-seismic phenomena accompanying earthquakes. This field of geophysical research is at the interception of several sciences: electrodynamics, solid-state physics, fracture mechanics, seismology, acoustic-gravity waves, magnetohydrodynamics, ionospheric plasma, etc. In order to make physics of these phenomena as transparent
Identification and Verification of Geodynamic Risk Zones in the Western Carpathians Using Remote Sensing, Geophysical and GNSS Data Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Lubomil Pospíšil, Dalibor Bartoněk, Jiri Bures, Otakar Svabensky
Previous surveys using the remote sensing (RS) method revealed significant structures in the area of the Western Carpathians. It has not yet been possible to verify and explain the results of these surveys, even though all the phenomena are regional in nature and show many morphological features that clearly indicate recent activity and deformations, including current earthquake foci. The aim of the
Efficient Solutions for Forward Modeling of the Earth's Topographic Potential in Spheroidal Harmonics Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Cong Liu, Zhengtao Wang, Fupeng Li, Yu Gao, Yang Xiao
Gravity forward modeling provides important high-resolution information for the development of global gravity models, and can also be applied in many studies, e.g., topographic/isostatic effects computation and Bouguer anomaly maps compilation. In this paper, we present efficient spectral forward modeling approaches in the spheroidal harmonic domain, based on a single layer with constant density or
Recent Advances in Machine Learning-Enhanced Joint Inversion of Seismic and Electromagnetic Data Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 Jixiao Ma, Yangfan Deng, Xin Li, Rui Guo, Hongyu Zhou, Maokun Li
Seismic and electromagnetic (EM) imaging are essential tools for characterizing velocity and conductivity. However, the separate inversion of seismic and EM data is challenging due to the noisy measurements, inadequate data collection, and reliance on prior information, consequently resulting in uncertainty and ambiguity of the solutions. Moreover, the two methods are different in sensitivity and spatial
Extreme Events Contributing to Tipping Elements and Tipping Points Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-16 A. Romanou, G. C. Hegerl, S. I. Seneviratne, B. Abis, A. Bastos, A. Conversi, A. Landolfi, H. Kim, P. E. Lerner, J. Mekus, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, F. S. R. Pausata, I. Pinto, L. Suarez-Guiterrez
This review article provides a synthesis and perspective on how weather and climate extreme events can play a role in influencing tipping elements and triggering tipping points in the Earth System. An example of a potential critical global tipping point, induced by climate extremes in an increasingly warmer climate, is Amazon rainforest dieback that could be driven by regional increases in droughts
Opportunities for Earth Observation to Inform Risk Management for Ocean Tipping Points Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 Richard A. Wood, Jonathan A. Baker, Grégory Beaugrand, Jacqueline Boutin, Alessandra Conversi, Reik V. Donner, Ivy Frenger, Eric Goberville, Hakase Hayashida, Wolfgang Koeve, Karin Kvale, Angela Landolfi, Wieslaw Maslowski, Andreas Oschlies, Anastasia Romanou, Christopher J. Somes, Thomas F. Stocker, Didier Swingedouw
A Multi-satellite Perspective on “Hot Tower” Characteristics in the Equatorial Trough Zone Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 Juliet Pilewskie, Graeme Stephens, Hanii Takahashi, Tristan L’Ecuyer
An Abrupt Decline in Global Terrestrial Water Storage and Its Relationship with Sea Level Change Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 Matthew Rodell, Anne Barnoud, Franklin R. Robertson, Richard P. Allan, Ashley Bellas-Manley, Michael G. Bosilovich, Don Chambers, Felix Landerer, Bryant Loomis, R. Steven Nerem, Mary Michael O’Neill, David Wiese, Sonia I. Seneviratne
North Atlantic Heat Transport Convergence Derived from a Regional Energy Budget Using Different Ocean Heat Content Estimates Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 B. Meyssignac, S. Fourest, Michael Mayer, G. C. Johnson, F. M. Calafat, M. Ablain, T. Boyer, L. Cheng, D. Desbruyères, G. Forget, D. Giglio, M. Kuusela, R. Locarnini, J. M. Lyman, W. Llovel, A. Mishonov, J. Reagan, V. Rousseau, J. Benveniste
A Geostationary Satellite-Based Approach to Estimate Convective Mass Flux and Revisit the Hot Tower Hypothesis Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-10 Amel Derras-Chouk, Zhengzhao Johnny Luo
Far-Zone Effects for Spherical Integral Transformations II: Formulas for Horizontal Boundary Value Problems and Their Derivatives Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-07 Michal Šprlák, Martin Pitoňák
Relationships Among Variations in the Earth’s Length-of-Day, Polar Oblateness, and Total Moment of Inertia: A Tutorial Review Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-07 Benjamin F. Chao
We revisit the derivation of the linear relationships connecting the variations of the Earth’s length-of-day (more specifically its mass term ΔLODmass), polar oblateness (ΔJ2), and total moment of inertia (ΔT) caused by geophysical mass transports. The three integral quantities are expressed as inner products of the perturbation, either in the form of density change in the Eulerian description or deformation
METEOSAT Long-Term Observations Reveal Changes in Convective Organization Over Tropical Africa and Atlantic Ocean Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-04 Rémy Roca, Thomas Fiolleau, Viju O. John, Jörg Schulz
The Intradecadal Periodic Signals in GPS Displacements and Their Possible Climate Change Influences Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 Hao Ding, WeiPing Jiang, Wei Luan, JianCheng Li, YuanJin Pan, Zhao Li
Lost in Translation: The Need for Common Vocabularies and an Interoperable Thesaurus in Earth Observation Sciences Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 P. A. Strobl, E. R. Woolliams, K. Molch
Discovery of Physically Interpretable Wave Equations Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 Shijun Cheng, Tariq Alkhalifah
The Global Energy Balance as Represented in Atmospheric Reanalyses Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-21 Martin Wild, Michael G. Bosilovich
Correction: Investigation of Fluid Types in Shale Oil Reservoirs Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-16 Xiaojiao Pang, Guiwen Wang, Lichun Kuang, Jin Lai, Nigel P. Mountney
Electromagnetic Subsurface Imaging in the Presence of Metallic Structures: A Review of Numerical Strategies Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-28 Octavio Castillo-Reyes, Pilar Queralt, Perla Piñas-Varas, Juanjo Ledo, Otilio Rojas
Understanding the Adjoint Method in Seismology: Theory and Implementation in the Time Domain Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-23 Rafael Abreu
A Review on Intelligent Recognition with Logging Data: Tasks, Current Status and Challenges Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 Xinyi Zhu, Hongbing Zhang, Quan Ren, Lingyuan Zhang, Guojiao Huang, Zuoping Shang, Jiangbing Sun
Decadal Variations in Equatorial Ellipticity and Principal Axis of the Earth from Satellite Laser Ranging/GRACE Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-03 Minkang Cheng
Trends and Variability in Earth’s Energy Imbalance and Ocean Heat Uptake Since 2005 Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 Maria Z. Hakuba, Sébastien Fourest, Tim Boyer, Benoit Meyssignac, James A. Carton, Gaël Forget, Lijing Cheng, Donata Giglio, Gregory C. Johnson, Seiji Kato, Rachel E. Killick, Nicolas Kolodziejczyk, Mikael Kuusela, Felix Landerer, William Llovel, Ricardo Locarnini, Norman Loeb, John M. Lyman, Alexey Mishonov, Peter Pilewskie, James Reagan, Andrea Storto, Thea Sukianto, Karina von Schuckmann
Low-Rank Approximation Reconstruction of Five-Dimensional Seismic Data Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 Gui Chen, Yang Liu, Mi Zhang, Yuhang Sun, Haoran Zhang
Q: A Review Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 José M. Carcione, Francesco Mainardi, Ayman N. Qadrouh, Mamdoh Alajmi, Jing Ba
Interpolated Fast Damped Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis for Deblending of Off-the-Grid Blended Data Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-09 Zhuowei Li, Jiawen Song, Rongzhi Lin, Benfeng Wang
Investigation of Fluid Types in Shale Oil Reservoirs Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 Xiaojiao Pang, Guiwen Wang, Lichun Kuang, Jin Lai, Nigel P. Mountney
Stress-Dependent PP-Wave Reflection Coefficient for Fourier-Coefficients-Based Seismic Inversion in Horizontally Stressed Vertical Transversely Isotropic Media Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 Xinpeng Pan, Jianxin Liu
Constructing Priors for Geophysical Inversions Constrained by Surface and Borehole Geochemistry Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 Xiaolong Wei, Zhen Yin, Celine Scheidt, Kris Darnell, Lijing Wang, Jef Caers
High-Precision Microseismic Source Localization Using a Fusion Network Combining Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-06-14 Qiang Feng, Liguo Han, Liyun Ma, Qiang Li
Reflecting on the Science of Climate Tipping Points to Inform and Assist Policy Making and Address the Risks they Pose to Society Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 T. F. Stocker, R. G. Jones, M. I. Hegglin, T. M. Lenton, G. C. Hegerl, S. I. Seneviratne, N. van der Wel, R. A. Wood
Tropical Deep Convection, Cloud Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 Graeme L. Stephens, Kathleen A. Shiro, Maria Z. Hakuba, Hanii Takahashi, Juliet A. Pilewskie, Timothy Andrews, Claudia J. Stubenrauch, Longtao Wu
Meta-Processing: A robust framework for multi-tasks seismic processing Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 Shijun Cheng, Randy Harsuko, Tariq Alkhalifah
Near-Surface Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curve Inversion Algorithms: A Comprehensive Comparison Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-21 Xiao-Hui Yang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Peng Han, Xuping Feng, Xiaofei Chen
Multiscalar Integration of Dense and Sparse Spatial Data: an Archaeological Case Study with Magnetometry and Geochemistry Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-21 Jan Horák, Richard Hewitt, Julien Thiesson, Roman Křivánek, Alžběta Danielisová, Martin Janovský
Detectability of Seamount Eruptions Through a Quantum Technology Gravity Mission MOCAST+: Hunga Tonga, Fani Maoré and Other Smaller Eruptions Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 Carla Braitenberg, Alberto Pastorutti
Ecosystem Resilience Monitoring and Early Warning Using Earth Observation Data: Challenges and Outlook Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 Sebastian Bathiany, Robbin Bastiaansen, Ana Bastos, Lana Blaschke, Jelle Lever, Sina Loriani, Wanda De Keersmaecker, Wouter Dorigo, Milutin Milenković, Cornelius Senf, Taylor Smith, Jan Verbesselt, Niklas Boers
Far-Zone Effects for Spherical Integral Transformations I: Formulas for the Radial Boundary Value Problem and its Derivatives Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 Michal Šprlák, Martin Pitoňák
Observational Assessment of Changes in Earth’s Energy Imbalance Since 2000 Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 Norman G. Loeb, Seung-Hee Ham, Richard P. Allan, Tyler J. Thorsen, Benoit Meyssignac, Seiji Kato, Gregory C. Johnson, John M. Lyman
Pressure Effects on Plane Wave Reflection and Transmission in Fluid-Saturated Porous Media Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 Fubin Chen, Zhaoyun Zong, Reza Rezaee, Xingyao Yin
Joint Inversion Method of Gravity and Magnetic Data with Adaptive Zoning Using Gramian in Both Petrophysical and Structural Domains Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 Tingyi Wang, Guoqing Ma, Qingfa Meng, Taihan Wang, Zhexin Jiang
Photonic Seismology: A New Decade of Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Geophysics from 2012 to 2023 Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 Feng Cheng
Feasibility Study of Anisotropic Full-Waveform Inversion with DAS Data in a Vertical Seismic Profile Configuration at the Newell County Facility, Alberta, Canada Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 Luping Qu, Wenyong Pan, Kristopher Innanen, Marie Macquet, Donald Lawton
Assessment of Atmospheric and Surface Energy Budgets Using Observation-Based Data Products Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 Michael Mayer, Seiji Kato, Michael Bosilovich, Peter Bechtold, Johannes Mayer, Marc Schröder, Ali Behrangi, Martin Wild, Shinya Kobayashi, Zhujun Li, Tristan L’Ecuyer
Low-rank Representation for Seismic Reflectivity and its Applications in Least-squares Imaging Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 Jidong Yang, Jianping Huang, Hao Zhang, Jiaxing Sun, Hejun Zhu, George McMechan
The Rheological Models of Becker, Scott Blair, Kolsky, Lomnitz and Jeffreys Revisited, and Implications for Wave Attenuation and Velocity Dispersion Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 José M. Carcione, Francesco Mainardi, Ayman N. Qadrouh, Mamdoh Alajmi, Jing Ba
Lessons Learned from the Updated GEWEX Cloud Assessment Database Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 Claudia J. Stubenrauch, Stefan Kinne, Giulio Mandorli, William B. Rossow, David M. Winker, Steven A. Ackerman, Helene Chepfer, Larry Di Girolamo, Anne Garnier, Andrew Heidinger, Karl-Göran Karlsson, Kerry Meyer, Patrick Minnis, Steven Platnick, Martin Stengel, Szedung Sun-Mack, Paolo Veglio, Andi Walther, Xia Cai, Alisa H. Young, Guangyu Zhao
Hybrid Virtual Interferometry Technique Based on Stacking of Neighboring Virtual Traces to Enhance Acoustic Logging Data Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 Song Xu, Shun Li, Zhihui Zou
Recent Reactivation of Variscan Tectonic Zones: A Case of Rodl-Kaplice-Blanice Fault System (Bohemian Massif, Austria/Czech Republic) Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-02-22 Pavel Roštínský, Lubomil Pospíšil, Otakar Švábenský, Anastasiia Melnyk, Eva Nováková
Gravitational Fields of Polyhedral Bodies with 3D Polynomial Density Contrast Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-02-07 M. G. D’Urso, D. Di Lieto
Integrated Geophysical and Geomorphological Studies of Caves in Calcarenite Limestones (Jaskinia pod Świecami Cave, Poland) Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 Bernadetta Pasierb, Grzegorz Gajek, Jan Urban, Wiesław Nawrocki
Simultaneous Estimation of P- and S-Wave Velocities by Integrated Inversion of Guided-P and Surface Wave Dispersion Curves Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-10 Zhinong Wang, Chengyu Sun, Dunshi Wu
Unravelling the Electrical Conductivity of Earth and Planets Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-06 Alexander Grayver
Three-Dimensional Urban Subsurface Space Tomography with Dense Ambient Noise Seismic Array Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-06 Ruizhe Sun, Jing Li, Yingwei Yan, Hui Liu, Lige Bai, Yuqing Chen
High-Resolution Sonic Slowness Estimation Based on the Reconstruction of Neighboring Virtual Traces Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 Song Xu, Shun Li, Zhihui Zou
Impact of Source Modelling and Poroelastic Models on Numerical Modelling of Unconsolidated Granular Media: Application at the Laboratory Scale Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2023-12-19 K. Asfour, R. Martin, D. El Baz, L. Bodet, B. Plazolles
Improving the Retrieval of High-Frequency Surface Waves Using Convolution-Based Three-Station Interferometry for Dense Linear Arrays Surv. Geophys. (IF 4.9) Pub Date : 2023-12-09 Bo Guan, Jianghai Xia, Ya Liu, Chaoqiang Xi, Binbin Mi, Hao Zhang, Jingyin Pang, Baiyang You