Tectonic evolution of the Atlantic rift, central sector offshore Uruguay Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Marmisolle Josefina, Morales Ethel, Rossello Eduardo, Soto Matías, Javier Hernández-Molina
The Uruguayan Continental Margin (UCM) is considered one of the most promising frontier areas for hydrocarbon exploration in the South Atlantic. The UCM central sector, corresponding to the transitional region between the Punta del Este and Pelotas basins and where the Rio de la Plata Transfer System (RPTS) is located, exhibits outstanding characteristics such as interruption of the seaward dipping
Crustal geoelectric structure of the Indian plate at the western extremity of the Bundelkhand craton and Sharda Depression in the Ganga Basin Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 A. Manglik, M. Suresh, N.N. Chakravarthi, G. Pavankumar
The latest episode in the geodynamic evolution of the Ganga Basin invokes continent-continent collision, Himalayan mountain building, and flexure of the Indian plate, which resulted in deposition of thick alluvial sediments in the basin masking the geological heterogeneities of the Indian plate. In recent years, a series of magnetotelluric (MT) studies in the central Ganga Basin have brought out information
Timing of the switchover from thrusting to normal faulting in the Cretan nappe pile, Greece Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Uwe Ring, Charalampos Fassoulas, I. Tonguç Uysal, Johannes Glodny, Kui Tong, Andrew Todd
Contractional faults and shear zones are often reactivated by normal faulting and the timing of this kinematic switchover is critical for better understanding orogeny, especially the formation and exhumation of high-pressure rocks. We report two fault gouge ages of ∼30 and ∼25 Ma from the contact zone between the high-pressure Phyllite-Quartzite Unit and the overlying, weakly metamorphosed Tripolitza
Moho depth variations of Zealandia from gravity data inversion and implications for continental breakup Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 Xuliang Feng, Xiangyu Zong, Xiaodong Wang, Liu Yang, Jiayue Ma
The thickness of the Earth's crust, along with the relief and characteristics of the Moho discontinuity, serves as a critical constraint for numerous geoscientific investigations. By removing the gravitational effects of topography, seawater, sediment, and thermo-gravitational effects from the lithosphere in Zealandia and its adjacent regions, we isolate the gravity anomaly associated with the Moho
Seismicity, seismotectonics and historical earthquakes of the Northwestern Apennines, Italy: A reappraisal Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 E. Eva, G. Molli, F. Pettenati, S. Solarino
The inner NW Apennines includes the Lunigiana region, which has been shaken by several strong (M > 6.0) earthquakes in the last millenium until the most recent 2013 Mw 5.1, Fivizzano earthquake. In this study we profit from more than 30 years of seismicity and an updated map of the faults to perform a seismotectonic analysis. In order to enlarge our study to the strongest events, we also compute the
The complex 4D multi-segmented rupture of the 2014 Mw 6.2 Northern Nagano Earthquake revealed by high-precision aftershock locations Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Titouan Muzellec, Grazia De Landro, Giovanni Camanni, Guido Maria Adinolfi, Aldo Zollo
Enhanced earthquake sequence seismic catalogs have the potential to reveal fault surface complexities at depth (e.g., segmentation, bends). Past analyses were generally restricted to 2D analysis considering faults discontinuous along their strike and do not include segment temporal evolution. Our work provides a comprehensive methodology, for reconstructing the 3D fine-scale (few kilometers length)
Impact of large-scale structures on fracture network connectivity: Insights into the Vaca Muerta unconventional play, Neuquén basin, Argentina Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Clara Correa-Luna, Daniel L. Yagupsky, Jeremías Likerman, Hernán Barcelona
Understanding natural fracture networks in rock masses is crucial due to their significant impact on mechanical behavior and fluid flow dynamics. Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models provide a robust framework for representing these networks and assessing their role as pathways for fluid migration. They also allow the study of the relationship between fracturing and large-scale geological features
Heat flow in an active plate margin: New Zealand's crustal thermal regime from borehole temperatures and numerical modelling Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 Alison Kirkby, Rob Funnell, Phil Scadden, Anya Seward, Conny Tschritter, Katie Jones
Geothermal heat provides a low-carbon energy source, which can be used directly or to produce electricity. It is an important part of New Zealand's energy mix, but to date geothermal use in New Zealand has been focused in known hot regions, particularly the Taupō Volcanic Zone (TVZ), above the subducting Pacific Plate. This study examines the complexity of New Zealand's heat flow and crustal temperature
Locating active faults in the Cusco Valley using magnetotelluric and radon gas data Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 Briant García, César J. Guevara-Pillaca, Martyn Unsworth, Patrizia Pereyra, Carlos Benavente, Andy Combey, Daniel Palacios, Anderson Palomino, Rafael Ponce, Lorena Rosell, Alonso Muñoz
This study presents a novel approach to identifying and characterizing active faults in urban areas, using an example from the city of Cusco in Peru, by combining magnetotelluric (MT) exploration and radon gas monitoring. The research aims to improve understanding of the active faults in the Cusco Valley by using the MT method to provide subsurface electrical resistivity data, enabling the mapping
Mantle influence on crustal discontinuity revealed by He isotopes and resistivity in the East African Rift System Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 Zhijie Jia, Jianbing Peng, Pietro Sternai, Quanzhong Lu, Weiliang Huang, Lingqiang Zhao, Jiewei Zhan, Qiang Xu
As one of the most renowned continental rifts on Earth, the East African Rift System (EARS) is characterized by intense rifting and active volcanic activity, creating a favorable geological setting for the development of crustal discontinuity and ground fissures. In this study, crustal discontinuities are defined as regions of weakness resulting from fault activity and crust-mantle interaction. This
Mid-crustal low-velocity zones beneath Southeastern Coastal China revealed by multimodal ambient noise tomography: Insights into Mesozoic magmatic activities Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 Haiyan Li, Juqing Chen, Zhengbo Li, Xiaofei Chen, Huiteng Cai, Xuping Feng, Gongheng Zhang, Zhen Jin
Southeastern Coastal China, located at the southeastern margin of the Eurasian continent, is an essential part of the South China Block. It is characterized by extensive Mesozoic magmatism and polymetallic mineralization. To explore the potential impact of Mesozoic magmatic events on the crust, we analyzed inter-station cross-correlation functions from 878 seismic stations. Utilizing the recently developed
Intra-salt deformation of K-Mg salt layers in diapiric structures, an analogue modelling approach Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Alexandre Pichat, Naïm Célini, Sylvie Schueller, Jean-Marie Mengus, Claude Gout, Sabine Delahaye, Jean-Paul Callot
K-Mg salts are one to six orders of magnitude less viscous than halite and therefore flow faster than other evaporites. However, their influence and deformation patterns in diapiric structures are poorly understood. Analogue models are useful for simulating salt deformation, but have never been used to model heterogeneous salt formations involving low-viscosity K-Mg salts. We have developed a new material
Erratum to “Geophysically-BASED structural framework and tectonic evolution of the Brazilian equatorial margin” [Tectonophysics 896 (2025) /230604] Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Francisco Gabriel Ferreira de Lima, Walter Eugênio de Medeiros, Emanuel Ferraz Jardim de Sá
Reactivation of critically-stressed basement faults and related induced seismicity in the southeastern Sichuan basin Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Mengke An, Rui Huang, Derek Elsworth, Fengshou Zhang, Zhen-Yu Yin, Liuke Huang, Zhengyu Xu
The southeastern Sichuan basin possesses abundant gas shale resources that are currently being recovered. The basement strata are seismically active making it important to understand the effect of fluid injection during geo-energy extraction and storage. We recovered outcropping basement rocks and conducted friction experiments on simulated rock gouge to assess the potential for frictional stability
Seismic reflection analysis of the Western Sichuan Basin: Implications for the decoupling relationship between deep and shallow structures Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Shan Yan, Yang Li, Zhongquan Li, Gen Li, Yigui Han
The structural relationship between the deep and shallow structures of the Western Sichuan Basin (WSB) holds significant information for comprehending the tectonic framework of the basin and the eastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau. Although the regional structural geometries in the WSB have been extensively studied, the kinematics and controlling factors are still debated. Field observations
Mixed-mode deformation in a rock bridge between two fault segments Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Erina Prastyani, Benoît Cordonnier, Jessica McBeck, Jérôme Weiss, François Renard
Analyzing how fracture networks develop from preexisting isolated fault segments in immature faults may provide knowledge of the preparation process leading to fault growth and dynamic rupture. We reproduce this process experimentally using triaxial compression experiments coupled with time-lapse in-situ synchrotron X-ray tomography in Westerly granite core samples (10 mm diameter, 20 mm height) that
Geological and geodetical vertical deformation profiles across the Kuradake fault group, Central Kyushu, SW Japan: Estimation of the proportion of triggered aseismic slip in the total late Quaternary slip Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-11 Tabito Matsu'ura, Kazuya Ishitsuka
We investigated the Kuradake fault group, which includes the Matoishi-bokujo-I (MbI), Tsumushi-yama (Ty), and Matoishi-hatabe-III (MhIII) faults, on the northwestern rim of Aso caldera, SW Japan. To obtain the total vertical displacement since ca. 87 ka, we conducted a geological survey, borings, and seismic profiling, and to obtain the vertical displacement due to slip triggered by the 2016 Kumamoto
Stress evolution on the Kunlun fault under the influence of the laterally heterogeneous lower crust Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-11 Yajin Pang, Yanqiang Wu, Changyun Chen
The Kunlun fault is seismically active with successive strong earthquakes. Two seismic gaps along the fault that have not ruptured for several centuries, including the Xidatan and Maqin-Maqu segments, provoke urgent concerns on future seismic hazard. Quantitative analysis of crustal stress evolution, which is controlled by inter-seismic tectonic loading and strong earthquakes, is important for understanding
An improved assessment of the geodetic/seismic deformation in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its implications for regional seismic hazard Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Zhengyang Pan, Zhigang Shao, Wuxing Wang, Feng Long, Zhenyu Wang, Meixuan Hao
To better understand the moment deficit and seismic coupling in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, we jointly analyzed the seismic catalogs and GNSS observations to improve the assessment of earthquake hazards in the area. This study involved an updated GNSS velocity field in a unified reference frame which is used to determine the strain field, and compiled several earthquake catalogs to estimate the
Structural style of the Guañacos Fold and Thrust Belt (southern Central Andes): A tectonic setting for the Cura Mallín Basin revisited Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Lucía Jagoe, Martín Turienzo, Lucía Sagripanti, Natalia Sánchez, Andrés Folguera
The tectonic setting of the Oligo-Miocene Cura Mallín Basin in the southern Central Andes has been a topic of debate in recent years. Proposed models include extensional, compressional, and a hybrid-sequential model with an initial extension (∼20 Ma) followed by contraction (∼19 Ma). We conducted a detailed structural analysis to understand the tectonic evolution of the Cura Mallín Basin at the eastern
Subsurface structure of a foreland basin from analysis of gravity and aeromagnetic data: Revealing the basement structure of Gharb Basin, NW Morocco Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Salma Zerouali Masror, Ahmed Ntarmouchant, Mustapha Elabouyi, Telmo M. Bento dos Santos, Ahmed Manar, My Hachem Smaili, Brahim Mali, Nahla Ntarmouchant, Badr El Mahrad, Youssef Driouch, Pedro Cachapuz, Tiago Catita, El Mehdi Jeddi
Located in NW Morocco, Gharb Basin (GB) is a part of the foreland basin that was formed at the front of the Rif cordillera. It stands as a transition zone between the Maamora Plateau, to the South, and the Rif Belt, to the North. The first features of this basin began to appear in the Middle Miocene due to the compression caused by the convergence of Eurasia and Africa. The correlation of drilling
Identification of seismogenic fault network using earthquake focal mechanisms and stress constraints: A case of the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake sequence, South Korea Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Chandong Chang, Tae-Seob Kang, Dabeen Heo
We present a method to identify fault planes from earthquake focal mechanisms using stress field constraints to determine subsurface seismogenic fault geometry. Fault-plane ambiguity in focal mechanisms is resolved by applying two-step stress constraints. First, fault planes are inferred from the two nodal planes in each case by selecting those with the higher fault instability parameter, a function
Surface deformation and geometry of the Himalayan frontal thrust system in Pakistan: An insight from InSAR and seismic interpretation Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Kamil A. Qureshi PhD, Shuhab D. Khan PhD, Ozzy Tirmizi PhD, Zaid Khan
This research evaluated the current rate of surface deformation in the Western Himalayas, focusing on the western Salt Range and the Trans Indus Ranges. The study focused on identifying the presence of a ductile detachment and its correlation with seismic activity. We utilized the InSAR-SBAS (small baseline subset) method and 2D reflection seismic interpretation to analyze 2937 Sentinel-1 A interferograms
Reconciling high-resolution strain rate of continental China from GNSS data with the spherical spline interpolation Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Zhengfeng Zhang, Huai Zhang, Yaolin Shi
In this study, we propose a new generation of high-resolution strain rate models for present-day continental China. The models were developed using up-to-date Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observation data from 3571 stations. A spherical spline method was used to reconcile the sparsely distributed GNSS velocity data into an integrated regional spherical coordinate frame. The model simultaneously
Revisiting the dip-slip rate of the North Tehran Fault (Northern Iran) through studying the faulted materials and geomorphic markers Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-22 Maryam Heydari, Mohammad R. Ghassemi
The North Tehran Fault (NTF), located south of the Central Alborz Mountains, crosses north of the megacity of Tehran. The NTF is the principal active fault in Tehran, playing an essential role in the risk potential for the near ten million inhabitants of the capital city. Despite this risk, our knowledge about its slip rate is limited to two contradictory quantifications for the western segment of
Lithospheric flexure and effective elastic thickness under the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea using gravitational coherence Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Masume Akbari, Hojjat Kabirzadeh, Chang Hwan Kim, Chan Hong Park, Youn Soo Lee, Jeong Woo Kim
To estimate a non-uniform effective elastic thickness (Te) of lithosphere across Korean Peninsula and the Surrounding Seas (KPSS), we employ gravitational coherence analysis between gravity anomalies and topography/bathymetry data in the Fourier domain. Exploring crustal flexure and effective elastic thickness variations can offer insights into flexural strength, and evolutionary mechanics of the lithosphere
Factors affecting the Pacific plate subduction towards and under the Changbaishan volcanic province since the Cenozoic: Insights from geodynamic modeling based on data assimilation Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Tao Zhu, Diandian Peng, Lijun Liu
The origin of the Changbaishan volcanic province (CVP) has been considered to correlate with the subduction of the Pacific plate, so it is necessary to dynamically reconstruct the subduction history of the Pacific plate towards and beneath the CVP since the Cenozoic for probing the mechanism of the CVP. Many parameters affect slab subduction dynamics, so how to choose these parameters reasonably is
Crustal magnetic structure and implications for the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis revealed by EMAG2-v3 Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Liguo Jiao, Jiyao Tu, Yu Lei, Junhao Zhao, Weinan Wang
The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) is located at the forefront of the collision between the Indian and Asian plates, representing the region with the most rugged terrain and intricate structural deformations along the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. A long-standing debate has revolved around two modes of tectonic evolution: “flat slab indentation” and “tectonic aneurysm”. This study,
Rupture directivity and seismogenic structures of strong aftershocks in the northeastern rupture zone of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Ting Liu, Xiaohui He, Yipeng Zhang, Zhiliang Liu, Wenjun Zheng, Peizhen Zhang, Yi Wang
Three strong aftershocks (MS6+) occurred in the northeastern rupture zone of the 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake within three months. No surface ruptures were observed, and the seismogenic faults remain unclear. Resolving the source parameters and seismogenic structures of these strong aftershocks is essential for clarifying the rupture termination mechanism of the mainshock and for future seismic hazard
The use of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and brittle mesostructures analysis to investigate the tectonic evolution of the oriental Atlas. Case study of the southern edge of the Tunisian trough, NW Tunisian Atlas Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 Siwar Ben Elhoul, Philippe Robion, Chaouki Khalfi PhD, Haithem Briki, Riadh Ahmadi
This study used a combination of the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and the structural method to assess the tectonic evolution of the northwestern Tunisian Atlas. A total of 370 oriented specimens were sampled at 18 sites from fine grained Cretaceous sediments ranging from Aptian to Campanian. In order to identify the main magnetic carriers of the AMS signal, representative samples were
Geophysically-BASED structural framework and tectonic evolution of the Brazilian equatorial margin Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 Francisco Gabriel Ferreira de Lima, Walter Eugênio de Medeiros, Emanuel Ferraz Jardim de Sá
The Brazilian Equatorial Margin (BEM) encompasses a WNW to NW-trending segment along which a complex set of sedimentary basins were developed from the Neobarremian to the Albian. Recent discoveries of hydrocarbon reserves in the continental margins of Ghana, in Africa, and Guyanas/Suriname, in South America, have heightened interest in studying the Equatorial Atlantic margins. In this context, it is
Mesoscale fractures control the scale dependences of seismic velocity and fluid flow in subduction zones Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-17 Yuya Akamatsu, Hanaya Okuda, Manami Kitamura, Michiyo Sawai
Natural geological systems contain porosity structures of various scales that play different roles in geophysical properties, fluid flow, and geodynamics. To understand seismic activity associated with high pore-fluid pressure and fluid migration in subduction zones, it is necessary to explore the scale dependence of geophysical properties such as seismic velocity and permeability. Here, we compare
1-D velocity model from local earthquake localization and receiver functions for the southern Neuquén basin: Insights into lithosphere structure and dynamics Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 Sebastian Correa-Otto, Silvana Spagnotto, Guido M. Gianni, Mario Giménez
Knowledge of the lithospheric structure is key to understanding the seismotectonic characteristics of convergent margins. In this study, we provide a robust one-dimensional velocity model for the Añelo region, located within the Neuquén extensional basin in Argentina, with the aim of illuminating the lithospheric characteristics of the back-arc region of the southern central Andes. Data from a temporary
Unraveling the dynamics of seismicity in the Baihetan Reservoir Area with AI-based catalog Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Longfei Duan, Cuiping Zhao, Lianqing Zhou, Ce Zhao, Wei Guo, Mengqiao Duan, Kezhen Zuo, Lisheng Xu
In this study, we used LOC-FLOW to process continuous waveforms recorded by 55 stations near the Baihetan Reservoir in China, which is the second-largest reservoir in the world with installed capacity, from January 2021 to July 2022. We identified 53,838 seismic events with relative location errors within tens of meters, representing a fourfold increase compared to the manual catalog, and recalling
Temporal variation in counterclockwise vertical-axis block rotations across a rift overlap zone, southwestern Ethiopia, East Africa Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 A. Erbello, G. Dupont-Nivet, T. Kidane, N. Nowaczyk, M. Sudo, D. Melnick, B. Bookhagen, S. Brune, G. Corti, G. Gecho, M.R. Strecker
The southward propagation of the southern Main Ethiopian Rift (sMER) and the northward propagation of the Kenya Rift have generated the Broadly Rifted Zone (BRZ), a ∼ 40-km-wide region of extensional overlap between the Chew Bahir Basin-Gofa Province and the sMER. However, the tectonic interaction between these propagating rifts is not well-understood. We present new paleomagnetic and geochronologic
Geodetic constraints on the September 2022 Guanshan and Chihshang earthquakes, eastern Taiwan Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-08 Hsin Tung, Horng-Yue Chen, Ya-Ju Hsu, Chi-Hsien Tang, Jian-Cheng Lee, Yu Wang, Hung Kyu Lee
We characterize the spatiotemporal patterns of ground deformation caused by an earthquake doublet: the September 17, 2022, ML 6.6 Guanshan and the September 18, 2022, ML 6.8 Chihshang earthquakes occurred on the Central Range fault, eastern Taiwan. We use geodetic data collected from continuous and campaign-mode GNSS stations, as well as two precise leveling routes to estimate coseismic displacements
Numerical modelling of lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction and intraplate deformation in the Gulf of Guinea Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 Jaime Almeida, Hamzeh Mohammadigheymasi, Marta Neres, Stéphanie Dumont
To present day, the phenomenon of intraplate deformation and its associated earthquakes remain elusive. In this work, we argue that intraplate deformation may result from the interaction between lithospheric and upper mantle dynamic processes. To this extent, we targeted the Gulf of Guinea and adjacent Western Africa, a region with both low plate velocities and clear asthenosphere dynamics, allowing
Slip instability of dilatant and fluid-saturated faults Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Cheng Mei
The mechanisms of slip instabilities of dilatant and fluid-saturated faults remain controversial, particularly in low-permeability environments. Using a rate and state friction model including the effects of dilatancy, we conduct a linearized stability analysis of a one-dimensional spring-slider model and reexamine the critical stiffness (kc) of the fault zone as a function of fluid diffusivity and
Teleseismic evidence for structural heterogeneity in East Japan forearc from seafloor S-net data Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-03 Motoya Suzuki, Dapeng Zhao, Genti Toyokuni, Ryota Takagi
We measure and analyze 4381 P-wave and 4307 S-wave arrival times of 48 teleseismic events recorded at 150 stations of a permanent seafloor seismic network (S-net) installed in the outer-rise and forearc region off East Japan. The obtained relative travel-time residuals amounting to ∼3 s at the S-net stations are generally negative on the incoming Pacific and Philippine Sea plates and positive on the
Modeling the rupture dynamics of strong ground motion (> 1 g) in fault stepovers Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 Julian Lozos, Sinan Akçiz, Holland Ladage
Following the July 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquakes, multiple field investigators noted that pebble- to boulder-sized rocks had been displaced from their position in the desert pavement within a stepover along the right-lateral strike-slip M7.1 rupture trace, without evidence of dragging or shearing. This implies localized ground motions in excess of 1 g, in contrast to the instrumentally recorded
Moment tensors for small earthquakes and the stress regime in the mid-Atlantic United States Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 Kyle Homman, Andrew Nyblade
Focal mechanisms for small magnitude earthquakes (M ∼ 1.3–4.1) in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States have been determined using a double-couple moment tensor inversion procedure. The 26 new focal mechanisms obtained, when combined with previously published mechanisms, show a pattern of reverse faulting in the easternmost portion of the study area and strike-slip faulting in the west, consistent
Influence of seismometer misorientation on crustal thickness and Vp/Vs estimated with teleseismic P-wave receiver functions Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 Diogo Farrapo Albuquerque, Marcelo Peres Rocha, George Sand França, Marcelo Bianchi, Reinhardt A. Fuck
We analyzed the influence of seismometer misorientation on crustal thickness and Vp/Vs estimated with teleseismic P-wave receiver functions simulating orientation errors during the rotation procedure of the horizontal components from true NS-EW (North-South, East-West) to RT (Radial-Tangential) coordinate system. During this procedure, we incrementally added 5° to the azimuth of the NS and EW components
Transient seismic velocity variation accompanying an ML 4.2 earthquake on SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its implication for fault slip processes Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-29 Yuhan Xiong, Zhikun Liu, Xiaoxia Liu, Yi Meng, Zhi Chen, Shaopeng Yan, Chuantao Geng, Jinli Huang
On 8 July 2020, an ML 4.2 earthquake occurred in the Xiaojiang fault zone along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Applied ambient noise monitoring technique to the continuous waveforms from a near-fault small-aperture array, we obtain daily high-resolution variations in seismic velocity before and after the earthquake. When compared with environmental observations, we exclude these factors
Applying and validating Coulomb rate-and-state seismicity models in acoustic emission experiments Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-28 Elías Rafn Heimisson, Milad Naderloo, Debanjan Chandra, Auke Barnhoorn
A central goal of laboratory seismology is to infer large-scale seismic processes from small-scale experiments, with acoustic emissions (AE) being a common observable. These signals, indicative of microfracturing, slip localization, and damage evolution, are often paralleled with earthquakes to understand seismic behaviors. This study challenges traditional perspectives by applying Coulomb rate-and-state
The rheological structure of East Asian continental lithosphere Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 Yujun Sun, Shuwen Dong, Mian Liu, Huai Zhang, Yaolin Shi
The rheological structure of the East Asia continent is the key to understanding its broad, heterogeneous, and intense Cenozoic deformation. Based on a refined three-dimensional thermal structure of the lithosphere in this region and the latest strain rate data, we derived a model of the rheological structure of the East Asian continental lithosphere. The strength envelopes, defined by the yield strength
Are strain rate lows proxies of low-potential of strong earthquakes? A case study in Western China Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 Yanqiang Wu, Changyun Chen, Zaisen Jiang, Jingwei Li, Mikhail Vladimir Rodkin, Valeri Grigorevich Gitis, Yajin Pang, Yuan Li
Strain accumulation is closely related to the occurrence of strong earthquakes. To investigate the pre-seismic deformation status of strong earthquakes, the correlation between the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) strain rates and earthquakes subsequent to the GNSS observation period in Western China was studied. The primary results show that a large part of MW ≥ 6.0 earthquakes occurred in
Seismotectonic assessment of the High Atlas orogen: Implications for the 8 September Mw 6.8 El-Haouz earthquake Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 Hamza Skikra, Abdelali Fadil, Youness Ouassanouan, Khalid Lakhouidsi, Abdelilah Tahayt, Abderrahmane Soulaimani, Lahcen El Moudnib
The Moroccan High Atlas is a slowly deforming intracontinental orogenic belt, characterized by moderate and diffuse seismic activity. The 8 September 2023 Mw 6.8 El-Haouz earthquake, one of the most powerful quakes recorded in North Africa, has intensified investigations into the seismotectonics of the High Atlas. This study examines seismotectonic patterns in the High Atlas using seismological and
The deep electrical structure characteristics and regional seismicity of the southeastern Jiali Fault Zone Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-22 Jialin Qi, Hao Dong, Leizhe Ji, Wenbo Wei, Sheng Jin
Located in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, the Jiali fault zone (JLF) is an important strike-slip fault system, which delineates the southern boundary of the south-eastward extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau. The JLF features long-recurrent seismicity and plays an important role in balancing the local stress field. However, previous geophysical studies have mostly focused on regional studies in the
Exhumation response to oceanic plateau accretion and oroclinal bending: Low-temperature thermochronology study of Wrangellia terrane on southern Vancouver Island, Canada Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-22 Xin Qiao, Ruohong Jiao, Dante Canil
Approximately 50 Myr ago, the triple junction of the Kula-Farallon-North America plates converged with the continental margin, causing ridge subduction and the formation, accretion and translation of two oceanic plateaus. We investigate the effects of this tectonic configuration on the exhumation of southern Wrangellia terrane on southern Vancouver Island since the Eocene. We report late Cretaceous
Tectonic structures of SW margin of Gondwana from gravity and magnetic anomalies of the Río de la Plata area and their correlation with the Beattie magnetic Anomaly in South Africa Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-22 S.E. Vazquez Lucero, F. Almaraz, C.B. Prezzi, M. Ghidella, H. Vizán
The Río de la Plata cratonic area and the adjacent continental platform (South America) have been subject of geophysical and tectonic studies for several decades. However, there are still many uncertainties related with its structural configuration and tectonic evolution. To deepen the knowledge of the tectono-structural characteristics of the cratonic and surrounding areas, we carried out an analysis
Upper and lower crustal deformation and residual topography in a continental back-arc: Inferences from the Pannonian-Transylvanian Basins Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 Dániel Kalmár, Attila Balázs
The topography and subsidence history of sedimentary basins are commonly related to crustal and lithospheric thinning linked to isostasy, also influenced by flexure and dynamic topography. The static component of the topography relative to a reference level can be calculated by the assumption that a lithospheric column consisting of crustal layers and a lithospheric mantle lid float within the asthenosphere
Paleolatitudinal movements of the eastern Sakarya Zone from Jurassic to Eocene Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 Sercan Kayın, Z. Mümtaz Hisarlı, Turgay İşseven, Abdurrahman Dokuz, Bahadırhan Sefa Algur
The study area covers a region oriented north-south from the Black Sea coastline in the north to the Kelkit Basin in the south within the eastern Sakarya Zone in northern Türkiye. The objective of this study is to investigate the paleolatitudinal movements of the eastern Sakarya Zone during the Jurassic-Eocene time interval through paleomagnetism. Various volcanic and sedimentary units (e.g., the Şenköy
Thermotectonic history of the Longshou Shan: From Paleozoic Tethys subduction to Cenozoic Tibetan Plateau growth Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-19 Ni Tao, Ruohong Jiao, Yiduo Liu, Meinert Rahn, Yunpeng Dong, Hanjie Wen, Haiqing Yan, Jiangang Jiao, Jun Duan, Chen Wang
Constraining exhumation and tectonic processes along an orogenic plateau's boundary provides important insights into the mechanisms leading to plateau expansion and crustal evolution. The Longshou Shan thrust belt (LSSTB) is located in the foreland of the northern Qilian Shan thrust belt, which is commonly regarded as the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The LSSTB is thus ideal for decoding
Heterogeneous Seasonal Deformation and Strain Budget in Himachal, NW Himalaya from new cGPS measurements: Hydrological and Seismic Hazard Implications Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-17 Prabhat Kumar, Javed N. Malik, Vineet K. Gahalaut
GPS measurements from 10 new permanent sites installed in Himachal, NW Himalaya are analysed with the primary objective to decipher the seasonal crustal deformation characteristics, its origins and hydrological implications. Additionally, we focus on the seismic hazard implications of the seasonal transients as well as of the long-term secular motion of GPS sites. Our findings suggest that the global
Mantle conduits of the K-Pg Reunion mantle plume rise beneath the Indian subcontinent revealed by 3D magnetotelluric imaging Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-16 K.K. Abdul Azeez, K. Veeraswamy, Prasanta K. Patro, A. Manglik, Arvind K. Gupta, Prabhakar E. Rao, D. Hanmanthu, B. Manoj Prabhakar, B.D.N. Kishore
The central-western region of the Indian subcontinent hosts the vast geological records of its evolution from the Archean to the Recent, including the youngest (∼65 Ma) episode of the Réunion mantle plume activity that produced a large igneous province, the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). A three-dimensional lithospheric resistivity image of central-western India is obtained to understand the lithospheric
A late Paleogene erosion event in the Sanshui Basin, southern margin of the South China Block and its tectonic significance Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-10 Peng Zhao, Xiaobin Shi, Lu Liu, Kui Liu, Yongqiang Shen, Ziqiang Ren, Xiaoqiu Yang, Yongbin Jin
Ubiquitous onshore Cenozoic basins of the southern margin of the South China Block (SCB) systematically show a stratigraphic hiatus in the sedimentary succession. The absence of strata between the residual Paleogene and the overlying Quaternary in the onshore basin is a serious obstacle to reconstruct their evolutionary history and completely understand the tectonic evolution of the southern SCB margin
The improved Moho depth imaging in the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone: A machine learning approach integrating seismic observations and satellite gravity data Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-07 Vahid Teknik
The Arabia-Eurasia convergences created one of the earth's topographic highs on the Central Tethys collisional belt. Despite the area's geological significance, a comprehensive and high-resolution map of Moho depth has been lacking due to the sparse and uneven distribution of seismically constrained Moho depth data. This study addresses this deficiency by compiling an extensive dataset of nearly 2500
Top-to-south shear at the base of the eastern Tethyan Himalayan Sequence during the Eocene-Oligocene Himalayan orogeny Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 Zhiqin Xu, An Yin, Hua Xiang, Qin Wang, Guangwei Li, Hanwen Dong, Hui Cao, Jianguo Gao
The early mountain building processes in the Himalayan orogen are still not clear because of extensive deformation and metamorphism since the Miocene. A large gently dipping ductile shear zone, referred as the Tethyan Himalayan Décollement (THD), is defined here as the sole décollement of the south-verging Tethyan fold-and-thrust belt in the Lhozag-Cuona area of the eastern Himalayan orogen. The ∼4 km-thick
Crustal silica content of East China: A seismological perspective and its significance Tectonophysics (IF 2.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 Ziwen Bao, Xiaohui Yuan, Wei Li, Yuan Gao, Xianliang Huang, Dequan Hong, Hongyu Ni
East China has experienced multiple periods of tectonic movements, which have contributed to the composition and rheological properties of its present crust. Estimating the composition of the crust is crucial for understanding the tectonic processes. Based on the teleseismic receiver functions with data from the National Seismic Network of China, we applied the H-κ-c method to obtain the crustal bulk