Ambiguity-resolved short-baseline positioning performance of LEO frequency-varying carrier phase signals: a feasibility study J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-14 S. Yang, A. Khodabandeh, S. Zaminpardaz, P. J. G. Teunissen
While integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) enables GNSS to achieve real-time sub-centimeter-level positioning in open-sky environments, it can be easily hindered if the involved receivers are situated in areas with limited satellite visibility, such as in dense city environments. In such GNSS-challenged cases, commercial Low Earth Orbit (LEO) communication satellites can potentially augment GNSS by providing
Benefits of refined 10-day effective angular momentum forecasts for earth rotation parameter prediction J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 R. Dill, L. Stumpe, J. Saynisch-Wagner, M. Thomas, H. Dobslaw
Effective angular momentum (EAM) forecasts are widely used as an important input for predicting both polar motion and dUT1. So far, model predictions for atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial hydrosphere utilized in Earth rotation research reach only 6-days into the future. GFZ’s oceanic and land-surface model forecasts are forced with operational 6-day high-resolution deterministic numerical weather
Stochastic modelling of polyhedral gravity signal variations. Part II: Second-order derivatives of gravitational potential J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Georgia Gavriilidou, Dimitrios Tsoulis
The stochastic representation of an uncertain shape model allows the dynamic evaluation of its induced gravity signal. This can be also applied for representing a time variable gravity field to model mass changes. The algorithm for estimating variations in gravitational potential is extended for the case of second-order derivatives. Two different harmonic synthesis formulas are used to derive the sought
The statistical testing of regularized mathematical models in geodetic data processing J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Artur Fischer, Krzysztof Nowel, Slawomir Cellmer
The geodetic community commonly challenges the composite hypotheses in the statistical testing of mathematical models. Since the composite hypotheses are not specified as opposed to their simple counterparts, they require a prior estimation of the model parameters. However, if the mathematical models are ill-conditioned, the regularized estimation is often applied for the parameters of interest. Due
Spatially enhanced interpolating vertical adjustment model for precipitable water vapor J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Hao Yang, Vagner Ferreira, Xiufeng He, Wei Zhan, Xiaolei Wang, Shengyue Ji
As a critical parameter in meteorological monitoring, precipitable water vapor (PWV) is widely used in short-term extreme weather forecasting and long-term climate change research. However, as PWV exhibits significant vertical attenuation, especially within 2 km, achieving accurate vertical interpolation is essential for comparisons and fusion across different measurement techniques, such as sampling
Incorporating Satellite Laser Ranging observations into BDS analysis: from the perspectives of orbit validation, precise orbit determination, and geodetic parameters estimation J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Yongqiang Yuan, Xingxing Li, Hongjie Zheng, Chutian Gao, Xia Yao
In February 2023, the International Laser Ranging Service started the tracking of additional medium Earth orbit satellites from the global BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) constellation, increasing the total number of tracked BDS satellites to 27. As an optical space geodesy technique, the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) provides another important measurement for BDS other than the microwave
Trends in the M $$_2$$ ocean tide observed by satellite altimetry in the presence of systematic errors J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Richard D. Ray, Michael Schindelegger
Trends in the deep-ocean M\(_2\) barotropic tide, deduced from nearly three decades of satellite altimetry and recently presented by Opel et al. (Commun Earth Environ 5:261, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01432-5, 2024), are here updated with a slightly longer time series and with a focus on potential systematic errors. Tidal changes are very small, of order 0.2 mm/year or less, with a tendency
Effect of the Earth’s triaxiality on the tide-generating potential J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Sergey Kudryavtsev
Latest harmonic developments of the Earth tide-generating potential (TGP), e.g., HW95 (Hartmann and Wenzel in Geoph Res Lett 22:3553, 1995), RATGP95 (Roosbeek in Geophys J Int 126:197, 1996), KSM03 (Kudryavtsev in J Geodesy 77:829, 2004), include a number of terms caused by the joint effect of the Earth’s polar flattening (that can be numerically described by the \({J}_{2}\) geopotential coefficient)
A machine learning-based partial ambiguity resolution method for precise positioning in challenging environments J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Zhitao Lyu, Yang Gao
Partial ambiguity resolution (PAR) has been widely adopted in real-time kinematic (RTK) and precise point positioning with augmentation from continuously operating reference station (PPP-RTK). However, current PAR methods, either in the position domain or the ambiguity domain, suffer from high false alarm and miss detection, particularly in challenging environments with poor satellite geometry and
On the feasibility of retrieving the temporal gravity field via improved optical clocks J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Shuyun Zheng, Hao Zhou, Zhiyu Ma, Xiang Guo, Zhicai Luo
The development of optical clocks has experienced significant acceleration in recent years, positioning them as one of the most promising quantum optical sensors for next-generation gravimetric missions (NGGMs). This study investigates the feasibility of retrieving the temporal gravity field via improved optical clocks through a closed-loop simulation. It evaluates optical clock capabilities in temporal
From one-dimensional to three-dimensional: effect of lateral inhomogeneity on tidal gravity and its implications for lithospheric strength J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Zhenyu Wang, Qian Zhao, Zhigang Shao, Wuxing Wang
Lateral inhomogeneity in the Earth’s mantle affects the tidal response. The current study reformulates the expressions for estimating the lateral inhomogeneity effects on tidal gravity with respect to the unperturbed Earth and supplements some critical derivation process to enhance the methodology. The effects of lateral inhomogeneity are calculated using several real Earth models. By considering the
Regional sea level budget around Taiwan and Philippines over 2002‒2021 inferred from GRACE, altimetry, and in-situ hydrographic data J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Wen-Hau Lan, Chi-Ming Lee, Chung-Yen Kuo, Li-Ching Lin, Eko Yuli Handoko
The regional sea level budget and interannual sea level changes around Taiwan and Philippines are studied using altimetry, GRACE, and in-situ hydrographic data during 1993‒2021. Results show that the average sea level trend around Taiwan and Philippines during 1993–2021 derived from the altimetric data is 3.6 ± 0.2 mm/yr. Over 2002–2021, the study shows closure of sea level budget in the eastern ocean
A generalized least-squares filter designed for GNSS data processing J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-17 Pengyu Hou, Baocheng Zhang
The Kalman filter stands as one of the most widely used methods for recursive parameter estimation. However, its standard formulation typically assumes that all state parameters avail initial values and dynamic models, an assumption that may not always hold true in certain applications, particularly in global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data processing. To address this issue, Teunissen et al
Finite volume method: a good match to airborne gravimetry? J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 Xiaopeng Li, Robert Čunderlík, Marek Macák, Dana J. Caccamise, Zuzana Minarechová, Pavol Zahorec, Juraj Papčo, Daniel R. Roman, Jordan Krcmaric, Miao Lin
Numerical methods, like the finite element method (FEM) or finite volume method (FVM), are widely used to provide solutions in many boundary value problems. In previous studies, these numerical methods have also been applied in geodesy but demanded extensive computations because the upper boundary condition was usually set up at the satellite orbit level, hundreds of kilometers above the Earth. The
A short note on GIA related surface gravity versus height changes in Fennoscandia J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 Mohammad Bagherbandi, Lars E. Sjöberg
Vertical land motion and the redistribution of masses within and on the surface of the Earth affect the Earth’s gravity field. Hence, studying the ratio between temporal changes of the surface gravity \(\left( {\dot{g}} \right)\) and height (\(\dot{h}\)) is important in geoscience, e.g., for reduction of gravity observations, assessing satellite gravimetry missions, and tuning vertical land motion
LARES-2 contribution to global geodetic parameters from the combined LAGEOS-LARES solutions J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 K. Sośnica, F. Gałdyn, R. Zajdel, D. Strugarek, J. Najder, A. Nowak, M. Mikoś, T. Kur, J. Bosy, G. Bury
LARES-2 is a new geodetic satellite designed for high-accuracy satellite laser ranging. The orbit altitude of LARES-2 is similar to that of LAGEOS-1, whereas the inclination angle of 70° complements the LAGEOS-1 inclination of 110°; hence, both satellites form the butterfly configuration for the verification of the Lense–Thirring effect. Although the major objective of LARES-2 is testing general relativity
Extending higher-order model for non-conservative perturbing forces acting on Galileo satellites during eclipse periods J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-07 Xinghan Chen, Maorong Ge, Benjamin Männel, Urs Hugentobler, Harald Schuh
For precise orbit determination (POD) and precise applications with POD products, one of the critical issues is the modeling of non-conservative forces acting on satellites. Since the official publication of Galileo satellite metadata in 2017, analytical models including the box-wing model and thermal thrust models have been established to absorb a substantial amount of solar radiation pressure (SRP)
Cycle slip detection and repair method towards multi-frequency BDS-3/INS tightly coupled integration in kinematic surveying J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-30 Kai Xiao, Xiangwei Zhu, Lundong Zhang, Fuping Sun, Peiyuan Zhou, Wanli Li
Carrier phase integer ambiguities must be determined for BDS-3/inertial navigation system (INS) tightly coupled (TC) integration to achieve centimetre-level positioning accuracy. However, cycle slip breaks the consistency of the integer ambiguities. Conventional multi-frequency cycle slip methods use the pseudorange; thus, requiring improvement when applied to kinematic situations. Furthermore, a concise
Retrieval of refractivity fields from GNSS tropospheric delays: theoretical and data-based evaluation of collocation methods and comparisons with GNSS tomography J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-30 Endrit Shehaj, Alain Geiger, Markus Rothacher, Gregor Moeller
This paper focuses on the retrieval of refractivity fields from GNSS measurements by means of least-squares collocation. Collocation adjustment estimates parameters that relate delays and refractivity without relying on a grid. It contains functional and stochastic models that define the characteristics of the retrieved refractivity fields. This work aims at emphasizing the capabilities and limitations
Estimating three-dimensional displacements with InSAR: the strapdown approach J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-30 Wietske S. Brouwer, Ramon F Hanssen
Deformation phenomena on Earth are inherently three dimensional. With SAR interferometry (InSAR), in many practical situations the maximum number of observations is two (ascending and descending), resulting in an infinite number of possible displacement estimates. Here we propose a practical solution to this underdeterminancy problem in the form of the strapdown approach. With the strapdown approach
Flatness constraints in the estimation of GNSS satellite antenna phase center offsets and variations J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 Bingbing Duan, Urs Hugentobler, Oliver Montenbruck, Peter Steigenberger, Arturo Villiger
Accurate information on satellite antenna phase center offsets (PCOs) and phase variations (PVs) is indispensable for high-precision geodetic applications. In the absence of consistent pre-flight calibrations, satellite antenna PCOs and PVs of global navigation satellite systems are commonly estimated based on observations from a global network, constraining the scale to a given reference frame. As
A processing strategy for handling latency of PPP-RTK corrections J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 Cheng Ke, Amir Khodabandeh, Baocheng Zhang
An attractive feature of PPP-RTK is the possibility of reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred to users. By leveraging the state-space Representation (SSR) of the corrections, the correction provider (i.e., a GNSS network) can consider distinct transfer rates for each of the individual corrections according to their temporal characteristics. Reducing the transfer rates comes at the
Gap filling between GRACE and GRACE-FO missions: assessment of interpolation techniques J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-23 Hugo Lecomte, Severine Rosat, Mioara Mandea
We propose a benchmark for comparing gap-filling techniques used on global time-variable gravity field time-series. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and the GRACE Follow-On missions provide products to study the Earth’s time-variable gravity field. However, the presence of missing months in the measurements poses challenges for understanding specific Earth processes through the gravity
Modified Bayesian method for simultaneously imaging fault geometry and slip distribution with reduced uncertainty, applied to 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol-e Zahab (Iran) earthquake J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 Xiong Zhao, Lixuan Zhou, Caijun Xu, Guoyan Jiang, Wanpeng Feng, Yangmao Wen, Nan Fang
Inverting fault geometry and slip distribution simultaneously with geodetic observations based on Bayesian theory is becoming increasingly prevalent. A widely used approach, proposed by (Fukuda and Johnson, Geophys J Int 181:1441–1458, 2010) (F-J method), employs the least-squares method to solve the linear parameters of slip distribution after sampling the nonlinear parameters, including fault geometry
Global 3D ionospheric shape function modeling with kriging J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-15 Haixia Lyu, Manuel Hernández-Pajares, Min Li, Enric Monte-Moreno, Fabricio S. Prol, Hongping Zhang, Chenlong Deng, Jingnan Liu
The 3D ionosphere structure is of interest in many fields such as radio frequency communication and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications. However, the limited temporal and spatial coverage of measurements poses a challenge for 3D electron density modeling. To overcome this challenge, we explore the use of kriging interpolation technique. The kriging interpolation is performed to obtain
Spherical radial basis functions model: approximating an integral functional of an isotropic Gaussian random field J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-15 Guobin Chang, Xun Zhang, Haipeng Yu
The spherical radial basis function (SRBF) approach, widely used in gravity modeling, is theoretically surveyed from a viewpoint of random field theory. Let the gravity potential be a random field which is represented as an integral functional of another random field, namely an isotropic Gaussian random field (IGRF) on a sphere inside the Bjerhammar sphere with the SRBF as the integral kernel. When
Capture of coseismic velocity waveform using GNSS raw Doppler and carrier phase data for enhancing shaking intensity estimation J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-14 Jiawei Zheng, Rongxin Fang, Min Li, Qile Zhao, Chuang Shi, Jingnan Liu
In recent years, coseismic velocity from high-rate global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) carrier phase data has been widely utilized to estimate instrumental seismic intensity, thereby guiding earthquake early warning and emergency response. However, using carrier phase data only yields displacement, displacement increment, and average velocity but not instantaneous velocity at the epoch level
INTOMO operator for GNSS multi-source tomography based on 3D ray tracing technique J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 Adam Cegla, Gregor Moeller, Pawel Hordyniec, Witold Rohm
The current GNSS meteorology literature focuses on ground-based and space-based GNSS observations separately, without exploring potential synergies. In this study, we propose combining the two data sources using GNSS tomography to overcome current limitations in (1) horizontal resolution of GNSS space-based, (2) low vertical resolution of GNSS ground-based tropospheric retrievals when the number of
Derivation of the Sagnac (Earth-rotation) correction and analysis of its accuracy for GNSS applications J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 Wang Hu, Jay A. Farrell
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) applications require computation of the geometric range between the satellite vehicle at the time-of-signal transmission and the receiver antenna location at the time-of-signal reception. This computation requires attention to the frames of reference due to the rotation of the Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) frame during the time-of-signal propagation. Three
A new method for global ionospheric real-time modeling integrating ionospheric VTEC short-term forecast results J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 Peng Chen, Rong Wang, Yibin Yao, Mingzhu Xiong, Yuchen Zhang, Xinyue Yang
Modification methods of the Stokes’ kernel for determining the (quasi-) geoid with the Remove-Compute-Restore technique J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-07 Jian Ma, Ziqing Wei, Zhenhe Zhai, Duan Li, Changqiang Feng, Xiaogang Liu, Bin Guan
Assessing tropospheric turbulence impact on VGOS telescope placement in the Indian subcontinent for the estimation of earth orientation parameters J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 Arnab Laha, Johannes Böhm, Sigrid Böhm, Matthias Schartner, Hana Krásná, Nagarajan Balasubramanian, Onkar Dikshit
Power function of $${\varvec{F}}-$$ distribution: revisiting its computation and solution for geodetic studies J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 Cüneyt Aydin, Özge Güneş
A data-driven approach for analyzing contributions of individual loading factors to GNSS-measured bridge displacements J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 Xuanyu Qu, Xiaoli Ding, Yong Xia, Wenkun Yu
Two methods for spherical harmonic analysis of area mean values over equiangular blocks based on exact spherical harmonic analysis of point values J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-03 Rong Sun, Zhicai Luo
On theoretical and practical analyses of BDS-3/Galileo/GPS all-in-view and PPP time transfer with the consideration of satellite clock biases J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 Dong Zhang, Fu Zheng, Meng Wang, Yuanhui Lin, Liangcheng Deng, Zhen Wang, Chuang Shi
A new approach to improve the Earth's polar motion prediction: on the deconvolution and convolution methods J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-25 CanCan Xu, ChengLi Huang, YongHong Zhou, PengShuo Duan, QiQi Shi, XueQing Xu, LiZhen Lian, XinHao Liao
An accurate and lightweight calculation for the high degree truncation coefficient via asymptotic expansion with applications to spectral gravity forward modeling J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-10 Linshan Zhong, Hongqing Li, Qiong Wu
Improved GPS tropospheric path delay estimation using variable random walk process noise J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-07 Zachary M. Young, Geoffrey Blewitt, Corné Kreemer
Satellite’s differential code bias conversion model between different IGS clock products using uncombined BDS-3 multi-frequency data J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-10-02 Jingzhu Zhao, Lei Fan, Shiwei Guo, Chuang Shi
Contribution to the global VGOS network by potential sites in South America J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-30 María Eugenia Gómez, Laura Isabel Fernández, Hayo Hase
A robust approach to terrestrial relative gravity measurements and adjustment of gravity networks J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-23 Franco S. Sobrero, Kevin Ahlgren, Michael G. Bevis, Demián D. Gómez, Jacob Heck, Arturo Echalar, Dana J. Caccamise, Eric Kendrick, Paola Montenegro, Ariele Batistti, Lizeth Contreras Choque, Juan Carlos Catari, Roger Tinta Sallico, Hernan Guerra Trigo
The ambiguity-resolved detector: a detector for the mixed-integer GNSS model J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 P. J. G. Teunissen
Bridging the gap between GRACE and GRACE Follow-On by combining high–low satellite-to-satellite tracking data and satellite laser ranging J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 Matthias Weigelt, Adrian Jäggi, Ulrich Meyer, Daniel Arnold, Torsten Mayer-Gürr, Felix Öhlinger, Krzysztof Sośnica, Sahar Ebadi, Steffen Schön, Holger Steffen
Differences among the total electron content derived by radio occultation, global ionospheric maps and satellite altimetry J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-11 M. J. Wu, P. Guo, X. Ma, J. C. Xue, M. Liu, X. G. Hu
Turbulent atmospheric phase correction for SBAS-InSAR J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-08 Meng Duan, Zhiwei Li, Bing Xu, Weiping Jiang, Yunmeng Cao, Ying Xiong, Jianchao Wei
A main direction-based noise removal algorithm for ICESat-2 photon-counting LiDAR data J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-04 Jiya Pan, Fan Gao, Jinliang Wang, Jianpeng Zhang, Qianwei Liu, Yuncheng Deng
Modeling random isotropic vector fields on the sphere: theory and application to the noise in GNSS station position time series J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 Paul Rebischung, Kevin Gobron
ITRF2020 seasonal geocenter motion model J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-30 Paul Rebischung, Zuheir Altamimi, Xavier Collilieux, Laurent Métivier, Kristel Chanard
Orbit design for a future geodetic satellite and gravity field recovery J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 Krzysztof Sośnica
Properties of an optical event timer for satellite laser ranging J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 Jan Kodet, Johann J. Eckl, K. Ulrich Schreiber
Toward a unified approach to the total least-squares adjustment J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 Yu Hu, Xing Fang, Wenxian Zeng
In this paper, we analyze the general errors-in-variables (EIV) model, allowing both the uncertain coefficient matrix and the dispersion matrix to be rank-deficient. We derive the weighted total least-squares (WTLS) solution in the general case and find that with the model consistency condition: (1) If the coefficient matrix is of full column rank, the parameter vector and the residual vector can be
A computational efficient approach for multi-GNSS real-time precise clock estimation with undifferenced ambiguity resolution J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 Xiang Zuo, Pan Li, Bobin Cui, Maorong Ge, Harald Schuh
Determination of borehole tiltmeter orientation using earth tides J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 Xiaojie Zhu, Jean Chéry, Michel Cattoen, Salvatore Gambino, Jiankun He, Michel Peyret, Laura Privitera, Han Cheng Seat
Improving multiple LEO combination for SLR-based geodetic parameters determination using variance component estimation J. Geod. (IF 3.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 Xingxing Li, Yuanchen Fu, Keke Zhang, Yongqiang Yuan, Jiaqi Wu, Jiaqing Lou