From Emotional Labour to Affectual Bodies: Moving Towards an ‘Affective Ethnography’ of the Criminal Court Space Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 Anna Carline, Clare Gunby, Vanessa Munro, Yvette Tinsley, Kirsty Duncanson, Heather Flowe
Participation in, and attendance at, court often positions people amid a charged emotional environment, where the evidence frequently involves distressing accounts and the stakes of decision-making are high. Research has explored the impact of this environment on various court protagonists. What this research has failed to consider in detail, however, are the ways in which such vectors of emotional
Exploring Emotions Through Co-speech Gestures: The Caveats and New Directions Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-08-31 Zeynep Aslan, Demet Özer, Tilbe Göksun
Co-speech hand gestures offer a rich avenue for research into studying emotion communication because they serve as both prominent expressive bodily cues and an integral part of language. Despite such a strategic relevance, gesture-speech integration and interaction have received less research focus on its emotional function compared to its cognitive function. This review aims to shed light on the current
Affect and Impact Neglect in Sustainable Decision-Making Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-08-31 Erkin Asutay, Hulda Karlsson, Daniel Västfjäll
In a recent special section on Sustainability and Emotion, Schneider and van der Linden present how sustainability science could benefit from affective science to address important unanswered questions about the psychological and affective antecedents of people's engagement in relatively high-impact sustainable behaviors. Here, we underline the importance of combining the motivational role of positive
Revisiting “The Malicious Serpent”: Phylogenetically Threatening Stimulus Marked in the Human Brain Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-08-30 Luiz Biondi, Nuno Gomes, Rafael S. Maior, Sandra C. Soares
Twenty years ago, Öhman and Mineka's publication “The Malicious Serpent” emphasized the selective pressure ancestral reptiles would have on early mammals’ visual system, specifically the development of a set of subcortical structures that would provide snake-like images privileged access to the amygdala. This process would occur automatically and allows for quick defensive reactions. Based on criticisms
Affective Ruptures: A Pragmatist Approach Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-06-20 Giacomo Lampredi
This article defines a possible pragmatist approach to the sociology of emotions by discussing and delimiting the concept of “affective rupture.” According to this approach, emotions emerge from the breaking of habits in the face of the transformation of situations, producing reflexivity and relational adjustments. The pragmatist approach problematizes the “rhythm” of emotions, made up of ruptures
Music as an Evolved Tool for Socio-Affective Fiction. Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-06-11 Caitlyn Trevor,Sascha Frühholz
The question of why music evolved has been contemplated and debated for centuries across multiple disciplines. While many theories have been posited, they still do not fully answer the question of why humans began making music. Adding to the effort to solve this mystery, we propose the socio-affective fiction (SAF) hypothesis. Humans have a unique biological need for emotion regulation strengthening
Empathy & Literature Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 A. E. Denham
There is a long tradition in philosophy and literary theory defending the view that engagement with literature promotes readers’ empathy. Until the last century, few of the empirical claims adduced in that tradition were investigated experimentally. Recent work in psychology and neuropsychology has now shed new light on the interplay of empathy and literature. This article surveys the experimental
Don’t Be Too Good at Reading Other People's Minds Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 Lisa Zunshine
Attribution of mental states is fundamental to our engagement with fiction. Crucially, its social content depends on mental states recursively “embedded” within each other; for instance, when a person doesn’t want other people to know about her intentions. Given that some characters seem to be consistently capable of embedding mental states on a higher level than others, this essay reviews factors
Introduction to the Special Issue: “Literature and Emotion” Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 Bradley J. Irish
This introduces the special issue “Literature and Emotion.”
Affect Theory and Literary Criticism Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 Stephen Ahern
The “affective turn” is by now long established, part of a wider surge of interest in emotion playing out in a range of disciplines. In literary studies, the conversation about how affect theory might help us to interpret literature is still emerging. The goal of the present discussion is to provide a critical overview of work by scholars who draw on the insights of recent theory to read literary texts
Fairness, Hierarchy, and Moral Rationalization, or What's Wrong With Paradise Lost? Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 Patrick Colm Hogan
Literature and Moral Feeling argued that ethics is best understood as a constraint on egocentric self-interest. That constraint is specified variously by groups or individuals who set parameters differently within common ethical principles, and who use a range of emotion-guided narrative genres to imagine and evaluate possible actions. Though it covers many ethical concerns (collectively termed “morality”)
Less Is More: How the Language of Fiction Fosters Emotion Recognition Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-02-15 Emanuele Castano
Stories, in pictorial format, orally narrated, and later on as narrative texts, have played a key role in human evolution and to this day continue to surreptitiously teach us things and skills. In recent decades, psychologists and cognitive scientists have begun documenting the role of stories, and particularly fiction, in refining our sociocognitive skills. In this essay, I focus specifically on how
Narrating Anger Appropriately: Implications for Narrative Form and Successful Coping Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 Tilmann Habermas, Stephan Bongard
We propose that emotion psychology would significantly gain from including narrative(s) and the conversational negotiation of appropriateness. Using the example of anger, we argue that narrators need to construct plausible narratives of emotional events to achieve validating responses by listeners. We argue first that narrators attempt to demonstrate that the appraisal conditions for their emotion
Using Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory to Explain Individual Differences in the Appraisal of Problem-Focused Coping Potential Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2023-04-06 Olga Poluektova, Arvid Kappas, Craig A. Smith
Appraisal theory assumes that the individual variability of emotional reactions to the same situation is due to individual differences in appraisal. However, the question of how interindividual dif...
Incorporating Consciousness into an Understanding of Emotion and Nonverbal Behavior Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2023-03-21 David Matsumoto, Matthew Wilson
We posit a model of emotion and nonverbal behavior (NVB) that incorporates a perspective of consciousness. We leverage an understanding of the neural pathways innervating NVB to describe the comple...
Somatovisceral Influences on Emotional Development Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2023-03-16 Kelly E. Faig, Karen E. Smith, Stephanie J. Dimitroff
Frameworks of emotional development have tended to focus on how environmental factors shape children's emotion understanding. However, individual experiences of emotion represent a complex interpla...
Room for Feelings: A “Working Memory” Account of Affective Processing Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2023-01-24 Lotte F. van Dillen, Wilhelm Hofmann
In the past decades, affective science has overwhelmingly demonstrated the unique properties of affective information to bias our attention, memory, and decisions. At the same time, accumulating ev...
Skin Complexion and the Blush Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2023-01-17 W. Raymond Crozier
The implications of variation in skin pigmentation for the blush have attracted discussion for centuries. Two long-standing positions are identified. First, the blush has been identified with shame...
How Awe Shaped Us: An Evolutionary Perspective Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-12-21 Matthew T. Richesin, Debora R. Baldwin
Research shows the experience of awe is associated with a variety of benefits ranging from increased well-being and prosocial behavior to enhanced cognition. The adaptive purpose of awe, however, i...
Specificity Versus Generality: A Meta-Analytic Review Of The Association Between Trait Disgust Sensitivity And Moral Judgment Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-12-13 Michael R. Donner, Shaheed Azaad, Garth A. Warren, Simon M. Laham
Disgust seems to play an important role in moral judgment. However, it is unclear whether the role of disgust in moral judgment is limited to certain kinds of moral domains (versus many) and/or cer...
Analysis and Classification of Music-Induced States of Sadness Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-11-28 Oliver Herdson, Tuomas Eerola, Amir-Homayoun Javadi
The enjoyment and pleasure derived from sad music has sparked fascination among researchers due to its seemingly paradoxical nature in producing positive affect. Research is yet to develop a compre...
What is Sympathy? Understanding the Structure of Other-Oriented Emotions Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-11-21 Elodie Malbois
Sympathy (empathic concern) is mainly understood as a feeling for another and is often contrasted with empathy—a feeling with another. However, it is not clear what feeling for another means and wh...
Parent–Child Attachment and Dynamic Emotion Regulation: A Systematic Review Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-11-08 Carli A. Obeldobel, Laura E. Brumariu, Kathryn A. Kerns
Although there is evidence parent–child attachment security is associated with trait-like emotion indices, trait perspectives do not fully capture children's responses to context, an important emot...
Emotional Feelings: Evaluative Perceptions or Position-Takings? Introduction to the Special Section Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-10-13 Rainer Reisenzein, Philipp Schmidt
This special section of Emotion Review is devoted to the discussion of a recent philosophical emotion theory, the theory of emotions as affective position-takings (Jean Moritz Müller, The World-Dir...
Apprehending Value, Position-Taking and the Manifest Image of Emotion: Responses to Commentators Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-09-21 Jean Moritz Müller
This article clarifies and defends my view of emotional feeling in response to the commentaries by Ronnie de Sousa, Rick Furtak, Agnes Moors, Kevin Mulligan, Rainer Reisenzein and Philipp Schmidt. ...
The Epistemological Dimension of Emotional Feeling and Other Affective Phenomena Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-09-19 Philipp Schmidt
Müller's position-taking view of emotions takes issue with the widely endorsed philosophical notion that emotional feelings are a form of consciousness in which we become acquainted with the evalua...
Commentary: Connecting Müller's Philosophical Position-Taking Theory of Emotional Feelings to Mechanistic Emotion Theories in Psychology Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-09-13 Agnes Moors
Müller proposes a position-taking theory to account for the manifest image of emotional feelings as “feelings towards”. He reduces the process of position-taking to goal-based construal, which is a...
Emotions as Affective Position-Takings and as Nonconceptual Meta-Representations: A Comparison Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-09-13 Rainer Reisenzein
The theory of emotions as affective position-takings (PT) is investigated from the perspective of a computational model of the belief-desire theory of emotions (CBDTE) proposed by the author. Both ...
Positive Cognitive Reappraisal in Stress Resilience, Mental Health, and Well-Being: A Comprehensive Systematic Review Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-07-22 Antje Riepenhausen, Carolin Wackerhagen, Zala C. Reppmann, Hans-Christian Deter, Raffael Kalisch, Ilya M. Veer, Henrik Walter
Stress-related psychopathology is on the rise, and there is a pressing need for improved prevention strategies. Positive appraisal style, the tendency to appraise potentially threatening situations...
The Architecture of Happiness Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-07-18 Tim Lomas, Meike Bartels, Margot Van De Weijer, Michael Pluess, Jeffrey Hanson, Tyler J. VanderWeele
Happiness is an increasingly prominent topic of interest across academia. However, relatively little attention has been paid to how it is created, especially not in a multidimensional sense. By ‘cr...
Situated Affectivity and Mind Shaping: Lessons from Social Psychology* Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-07-13 Sven Walter, Achim Stephan
Proponents of situated affectivity hold that “tools for feeling” are just as characteristic of the human condition as are “tools for thinking” or tools for carpentry. An agent’s affective life, the...
Authors Reply: Empathy and Creativity: Dangers of the Methodological Tail Wagging the Conceptual Dog Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-07-05 Brett A. Murphy, Sara B. Algoe
The three commentaries on “Why We Should Reject the Restrictive Isomorphic Matching (RIM) Definition of Empathy” mostly concurred with our critique of that widely adopted definition of empathy. Yet...
Comment: Empathy as a Flexible and Fundamentally Interpersonal Phenomenon: Comment on “Why We Should Reject the Restrictive Isomorphic Matching Definition of Empathy” Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 Alexandra Main
I strongly agree with the criticisms of the restrictive isomorphic matching (RIM) definition of empathy made by Murphy, Lilienfeld, and Algoe (2022), and largely agree with their conceptualization ...
Getting our Affect Together: Shared Representations as the Core of Empathy Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-06-07 Abigail A. Marsh
Empathy is a construct that is notoriously difficult to define. Murphy and colleagues argue for leaning into the construct's inherent fuzziness and reverting to what they term a classical definition informed by the observations of philosophers and clinicians: as a dynamic, “unfolding process of imaginatively experiencing the subjective consciousness of another person, sensing, understanding, and structuring
The Undoing Effect of Positive Emotions: A Meta-Analytic Review Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-06-06 Maciej Behnke, Magdalena Pietruch, Patrycja Chwiłkowska, Eliza Wessel, Lukasz D. Kaczmarek, Mark Assink, James J. Gross
The undoing hypothesis proposes that positive emotions serve to undo sympathetic arousal related to negative emotions and stress. However, a recent qualitative review challenged the undoing effect by presenting conflicting results. To address this issue quantitatively, we conducted a meta-analytic review of 16 studies (N = 1,220; 72 effect sizes) measuring sympathetic recovery during elicited positive
Caring as the Default of Empathic Direct Perception Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-06-01 Khen Lampert
The phenomenological understanding of empathy as the direct experiencing of the mental states (feelings, intentions, moods) of others eschews the identification of empathy with caring. At the same time, it leaves open the possibility of sadistic pleasure, indifference, or malice as consequences of empathic experience.In this paper, I intend to defend the place of caring as an inseparable part of the
The Feelings of Goals Hypothesis: Emotional Feelings are Non-Conceptual, Non-Motoric Representations of Goals Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-05-31 Assaf Kron, Assaf Weksler
This paper proposes and develops the feelings of goals hypothesis (FGH). It has two aims: first, to describe the evolutionary function of emotional feelings (EFs), and second, to describe the content and the format of EFs. According to FGH, the evolutionary function of EFs is to enable motoric flexibility. Specifically, EFs are a component of a psychological mechanism that permits differential motoric
Epistemic Feelings are Affective Experiences Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-05-30 Slawa Loev
This paper develops the claim that epistemic feelings are affective experiences. To establish some diagnostic criteria, characteristic features of affective experiences are outlined: valence and arousal. Then, in order to pave the way for showing that epistemic feelings have said features, an initial challenge coming from introspection is addressed. Next, the paper turns to empirical findings showing
Why we Should Reject the Restrictive Isomorphic Matching Definition of Empathy Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-05-02 Brett A. Murphy, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Sara B. Algoe
A growing cadre of influential scholars has converged on a circumscribed definition of empathy as restricted only to feeling the same emotion that one perceives another is feeling. We argue that this restrictive isomorphic matching (RIM) definition is deeply problematic because (1) it deviates dramatically from traditional conceptualizations of empathy and unmoors the construct from generations of
Transindividual Affect: Gilbert Simondon's Contribution to a Posthumanist Theory of Emotions Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-04-04 Claudio Celis Bueno, Claudia Schettini
The aim of this article is to explore how some aspects of Gilbert Simondon's philosophy of individuation may contribute to outlining a posthumanist theory of emotions. According to Simondon, the relation between affection and emotion is a key case study for examining the transindividual character of psychosocial individuation. Affection and emotion appear to him not as a binary opposition, but as an
Can We Model What an Emotion Is? Comment on Suri & Gross (2022) Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-29 Heather C. Lench, Noah T. Reed
The question “what is emotion?” has long been at the core of theoretical debates. The IAC-E is a useful framework for understanding relationships among responses in emotional situations. However, this approach cannot address the nature of emotion. Researchers determine what counts as emotion in the IAC-E, and this decision impacts the relationships detected and inferences made. The assumptions of researchers
Why a Connectionist Perspective on Emotion is Helpful Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 Gaurav Suri, James J. Gross
To make progress related to long-standing questions related to the nature of emotion, we offer the Interactive Activation and Competition framework for Emotion (IAC-E). The IAC-E is not another conventional theory of emotion. Rather, it offers a neural-network-based, algorithmic account of how emotion instances and categories arise. Our approach suggests that there need not be a contradiction between
Old Wine in New Bags—Suri and Gross's Connectionist Theory of Emotion is Another Type of Network Theory Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-21 Agnes Moors
Suri and Gross's 2022 connectionist emotion theory can be considered as one version of a family of theories known as network theories of emotion. It presents similarities and differences with older versions of network theories. Like previous network theories and several other traditional emotion theories, however, the connectionist theory remains a reactive theory. The class of reactive theories can
Care, Attachments and Concerns Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-15 Kevin Mulligan
Müller's account of the way episodic emotions function depends on a contrast between these and what he calls cares, concerns and attachments and the claim that the latter are in several respects prior to the former. The account seems to attribute no normative features to the latter. But this is implausible. If a preference for liberty over social justice is a concern, it is justified if liberty really
What non-Humans Can Teach us about the Role of Emotions in Cultural Evolution Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-14 Guillaume Dezecache, Christine Sievers, Thibaud Gruber
The role emotions play in the dynamics of cultural phenomena has long been neglected. The collection of articles recently published in Emotion Review provides an important first step into this necessary endeavor. In this commentary, we discuss this contribution by emphasizing the role epistemological parsimony should play in the future of this research agenda. The cultural behavior and emotions of
The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: Affective Intentionality and Position-Taking Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-14 Jean Moritz Müller
This article is a précis of my 2019 monograph The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: On Affect and Intentionality. The book engages with a growing trend of philosophical thinking according to which the felt dimension and the intentionality of emotion are unified. While sympathetic to the general approach, I argue for a reconceptualization of the form of intentionality that emotional feelings
Emotion, Action, and Passivity: A Commentary on Müller Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-10 Rick Anthony Furtak
According to Jean Moritz Müller's The world-directedness of emotional feeling, the reason why emotions do not apprehend or disclose value is that one cannot apprehend what one has already apprehended: the value in question, he claims, is apprehended prior to the emotional feeling. Emotions, then, should not be conceived as apprehending value since they already presuppose awareness of it. I can be acquainted
Who Needs Values When We Have Valuing? Comments on Jean Moritz Müller, The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-03-07 Ronald de Sousa
Müller argues that the perceptual or “Axiological Receptivity” (AR) model of emotions is incoherent, because it requires an emotion to apprehend and respond to its formal object at the same time. He defends a contrasting view of emotions as “Position-Takings" (PT) towards “formal objects”, aspects of an emotion's target pertinent to the subject's concerns. I first cast doubt on the cogency of Müller's
What is an Emotion? A Connectionist Perspective Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-02-28 Gaurav Suri, James J. Gross
Researchers often disagree as to whether emotions are largely consistent across people and over time, or whether they are variable. They also disagree as to whether emotions are initiated by appraisals, or whether they may be initiated in diverse ways. We draw upon Parallel-Distributed-Processing to offer an algorithmic account in which features of an emotion instance are bi-directionally connected
Autonomic Nervous System Activity During Positive Emotions: A Meta-Analytic Review Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-02-04 Maciej Behnke, Sylvia D. Kreibig, Lukasz D. Kaczmarek, Mark Assink, James J. Gross
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity is a fundamental component of emotional responding. It is not clear, however, whether positive emotional states are associated with differential ANS reactivity. To address this issue, we conducted a meta-analytic review of 120 articles (686 effect sizes, total N = 6,546), measuring ANS activity during 11 elicited positive emotions, namely amusement, attachment
Adopting Affective Science in Composition Studies: A Literature Review Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-01-20 Jordan C. V. Taylor
This article reviews literature in composition studies since affective science's emergence in the 1980s. It focuses on composition studies’ history of adopting findings and theories from affective science, and distinguishes trends in how the field applies those elements in theoretical versus pedagogical contexts. While composition studies’ adoption of affective science in its theorizing has helped
Towards a Taxonomy of Collective Emotions Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-01-18 Gerhard Thonhauser
This paper distinguishes collective emotions from other phenomena pertaining to the social and interactive nature of emotion and proposes a taxonomy of different types of collective emotion. First, it emphasizes the distinction between collective emotions as affective experiences and underpinning mechanisms. Second, it elaborates on other types of affective experience, namely the social sharing of
Presenting KAPODI – The Searchable Database of Emotional Stimuli Sets Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-01-13 Kathrin Diconne, Georgios K. Kountouriotis, Aspasia E. Paltoglou, Andrew Parker, Thomas J. Hostler
Emotional stimuli such as images, words, or video clips are often used in studies researching emotion. New sets are continuously being published, creating an immense number of available sets and complicating the task for researchers who are looking for suitable stimuli. This paper presents the KAPODI-database of emotional stimuli sets that are freely available or available upon request. Over 45 aspects
Meta-Analysis of the Associations Among Constructs of Intrapersonal Emotion Knowledge Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2022-01-12 Juhyun Park, Xinyi Zhan, Kristin Naragon- Gainey
To better define the boundaries of conceptually overlapping constructs of intrapersonal emotion knowledge (EK), we examined meta-analytic correlations among five intrapersonal EK-related constructs (affect labelling, alexithymia, emotional awareness, emotional clarity, emotion differentiation) and attention to emotion. Affect labelling, alexithymia, and emotional clarity were strongly associated, and
The Predictive Dynamics of Happiness and Well-Being Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2021-12-29 Mark Miller, Julian Kiverstein, Erik Rietveld
We offer an account of mental health and well-being using the predictive processing framework (PPF). According to this framework, the difference between mental health and psychopathology can be located in the goodness of the predictive model as a regulator of action. What is crucial for avoiding the rigid patterns of thinking, feeling and acting associated with psychopathology is the regulation of
Understanding Depressive Feelings as Situated Affections Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2021-12-08 Güler Cansu Ağören
Phenomenologists define social impairments as key aspects of depression and argue that depression is irreducible to the individual. In this article I aim to further elaborate this non-reductionist notion of depression by claiming that depression not only corresponds to an impaired experience of social relations, but also arises from a socially impaired world. To pursue this goal, I will challenge the
The Psychological Construction of Emotion – A Non-Essentialist Philosophy of Science Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2021-11-24 Peter Zachar
Advocates for the psychological construction of emotion view themselves as articulating a non-essentialist alternative to basic emotion theory's essentialist notion of affect programs. Psychological constructionists have also argued that holding essentialist assumptions about emotions engenders misconceptions about the psychological constructionist viewpoint. If so, it is important to understand what
“A Hand of Ivory”: Moving Objects in Psellos’ Oration for his Daughter Styliane. A Case-Study Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2021-10-07 Aglae Pizzone
This paper takes its cue from the recent interest in materiality and “things” in the field of Byzantine studies, to explore the role of objects in evoking being moved. First, it advances a new model to explain the relationship between being moved and affordances. Second, it focuses on a specific case study, that is Michael Psellos’ funeral oration for his daughter Styliane (1054), who died of smallpox
Being Moved: Motion and Emotion in Classical Antiquity and Today Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2021-09-27 David Konstan
Efforts to identify in the expression “being moved” a new emotion have found a hospitable environment in the recent turn to the body in emotion and cognitive studies, exemplified herein affect theory, with a particular focus on the effects of music. Although classical Greek and Latin had comparable expressions, however, they did not single out a specific emotion. Given that music played an important
Introduction to Special Section: On Being Moved. A Cross-Cultural Approach Emotion Review (IF 3.0) Pub Date : 2021-09-20 Pia Campeggiani
At first blush, “being moved” is nothing more than a generic expression we use to account for states of emotional arousal. These can be as diverse as joy and sorrow, or pity and admiration, and are often generic themselves, which is why we do not need nor care to be more specific when we talk about them. On closer inspection, however, things are not so simple. For a start, there seem to be some emotional