High overall values mitigate gaze-related effects in perceptual and preferential choices. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Chih-Chung Ting,Sebastian Gluth
A growing literature has shown that people tend to make faster decisions when choosing between two high-intensity or high-utility options than when choosing between two less-intensity or low-utility options. However, the underlying cognitive mechanisms of this effect of overall value (OV) on response times (RT) remains controversial, partially due to inconsistent findings of OV effects on accuracy
A comparative investigation of interventions to reduce anti-fat prejudice across five implicit measures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Calvin K Lai,Joel M Le Forestier
The severity and pervasiveness of anti-fat prejudice and discrimination have led to calls for interventions to address them. However, intervention studies to combat anti-fat prejudice have often been stymied by ineffective approaches, small sample sizes, and the lack of standardization in measurement. To that end, we conducted two mega-experiments totaling 27,726 participants and 50 conditions where
Joint collective action increases support for social change and mitigates intergroup polarisation: A registered report Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Feiteng Long, Zi Ye, Lijuan Luo
Over the past decade, a surge in protests and social movements worldwide has offered promise for positive social change while also introducing divisions and tensions into society. In the current research, we examined the impact of joint collective action involving both advantaged and disadvantaged group members, as well as collective action solely involving disadvantaged group members, on public support
More likely or more wrong? - Disentangling the prototype effect of discrimination perception Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Paul-Michael Heineck, Roland Deutsch
Extensive evidence suggests that perceptions of discrimination are influenced by a mental prototype of what constitutes discriminatory behavior, the so-called prototype effect of discrimination perception. However, the underlying psychological processes and thus the extent to which statistical expectations and moral evaluations contribute to this prototype effect remain underexplored. In a series of
Do people prefer to share political information that boosts their ingroup or derogates the outgroup? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Jakob Kasper,Thomas Gilovich
Recent analyses of social media activity indicate that outgroup animosity drives user engagement more than ingroup favoritism, with content that derogates the outgroup tending to generate more viral responses online. However, it is unclear whether those findings are due to most people's underlying preferences or structural features of the social media landscape. To address this uncertainty, we conducted
Using hearing and vision for motion prediction, motion perception, and localization. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Yichen Yuan,Nathan Van der Stoep,Surya Gayet
Predicting the location of moving objects in noisy environments is essential to everyday behavior, like when participating in traffic. Although many objects provide multisensory information, it remains unknown how humans use multisensory information to localize moving objects, and how this depends on expected sensory interference (e.g., occlusion). In four experiments, we systematically investigated
Preferences for facial femininity/masculinity across culture and the sexual orientation spectrum. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 R Thora Bjornsdottir,Iris J Holzleitner,Keiko Ishii
Judgments of attractiveness have many important social outcomes, highlighting the need to understand how people form these judgments. One aspect of appearance that impacts perceptions of attractiveness is facial femininity/masculinity (sexual dimorphism). However, extant research has focused primarily on White, Western, heterosexual participants' preferences for femininity/masculinity in White faces
Individual differences in working memory and attentional control continue to predict memory performance despite extensive learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Chong Zhao,Edward K Vogel
Individual differences in working memory predict a wide range of cognitive abilities. However, little research has been done on whether working memory continues to predict task performance after repetitive learning. Here, we tested whether working memory ability continued to predict long-term memory (LTM) performance for picture sequences even after participants showed massive learning. In Experiments
Profound individual differences in contextualized emotion perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Noga Ensenberg-Diamant,Ran R Hassin,Hillel Aviezer
Emotion perception is a fundamental aspect of our lives because others' emotions may provide important information about their reactions, attitudes, intentions, and behavior. Following the seminal work of Ekman, much of the research on emotion perception has focused on facial expressions. Recent evidence suggests, however, that facial expressions may be more ambiguous than previously assumed and that
Ranking tasks in recognition memory: A direct test of the two-high-threshold contrast model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Constantin G Meyer-Grant,Marie Jakob
It has long been debated whether latent memory signals determine recognition judgments directly or through a small number of discrete states. Often, signal detection theory (SDT) models instantiate the former perspective, whereas the two-high-threshold (2HT) model instantiates the latter. Kellen and Klauer (2014) conducted a critical test using a ranking paradigm that yielded results in line with common
The Metacognitive Optimization of Offloading Task (MOOT): Both higher costs to offload and the accuracy of memory predict goodness of offloading performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Dillon H Murphy,Janet Metcalfe
We developed a Metacognitive Offloading Optimization Task (MOOT) whereby participants were instructed to score as many points as possible by accessing words from a presented list either by remembering them (worth 10 points each) or by offloading them (worth less than 10 points each). Results indicated that participants were sensitive to the value of the offloaded items such that when offloaded items
Cognitive mechanisms of aversive prediction error-induced memory enhancements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Kaja Loock,Felix Kalbe,Lars Schwabe
While prediction errors (PEs) have long been recognized as critical in associative learning, emerging evidence indicates their significant role in episodic memory formation. This series of four experiments sought to elucidate the cognitive mechanisms underlying the enhancing effects of PEs related to aversive events on memory for surrounding neutral events. Specifically, we aimed to determine whether
Temporal metacognition: Direct readout or mental construct? The case of introspective reaction time. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Nathalie Pavailler,Wim Gevers,Boris Burle
Deciphering whether and which mental processes are accessible for metacognitive judgments is a key question to understand higher cognitive functions. Paralleling the crucial role of reaction times (RT) for unraveling the temporal sequence of mental processes, a comparable chronometric approach can be employed at the second-order level through introspective reaction times (iRT) measures. Although mean
Do we really think our politicians should be intellectually humble? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Jonah Koetke, Karina Schumann
In recent years, researchers have investigated how intellectual humility (IH) might help reduce political polarization among everyday U.S. Americans. In the current work, we examine whether people think politicians should exhibit IH and how this might depend on context. In preregistered Study 1 (N = 477), participants read about and reported their ideal level of IH for a fictional ingroup or outgroup
Ease of retrieval of role attributes predicts role clarity which, in turn, predicts outcomes among stepparents Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Erica B. Slotter, Hanna Campbell
Stepfamilies are a common familial structure in the United States; however, members of stepfamilies are at risk for various adverse outcomes. The present research sought to examine the experiences of stepparents as one window into stepfamily functioning. Past research suggests that a lack of stepparent role clarity correlates with lower overall identity clarity and worse personal and relational well-being
Students' daily activity and beliefs about the world before and after a campus shooting Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Shelly Tsang, Kyle Barrentine, Shigehiro Oishi, Adrienne Wood
How do students' beliefs about the world and their everyday exploratory behaviors change after a mass campus shooting? In the present longitudinal study, an on-campus shooting occurred in the middle of data collection, resulting in an unplanned pre-post quasi-experiment to investigate whether the association between world beliefs and behavior changed after a traumatic event. Over three two-week waves
Can cognitive discovery be incentivized with money? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Pamela J Osborn Popp,Ben R Newell,Daniel M Bartels,Todd M Gureckis
The ability to discover patterns or rules from our experiences is critical to science, engineering, and art. In this article, we examine how much people's discovery of patterns can be incentivized by financial rewards. In particular, we investigate a classic category learning task for which the effect of financial incentives is unknown (Shepard et al., 1961). Across five experiments, we find no effect
What does a verbal working memory task measure? The process-specific and age-dependent nature of attentional demands in verbal working memory tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Steve Majerus
Most models of verbal working memory (WM) consider attention as an important determinant of WM. The detailed nature of attentional processes and the different dimensions of verbal WM they support remains, however, poorly investigated. The present study distinguished between attentional capacity (scope of attention) and attentional control (control of attention) and examined their respective role for
Rewards transiently and automatically enhance sustained attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Juliana E Trach,Megan T deBettencourt,Angela Radulescu,Samuel D McDougle
Our ability to maintain a consistent attentional state is essential to many aspects of daily life. Still, despite our best efforts, attention naturally fluctuates between more and less vigilant states. Previous work has shown that offering performance-based rewards or incentives can help to buffer against attentional lapses. However, such work is generally focused on long timescales and, critically
“You're leaving us?” Feeling ostracized when a group member leaves Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 James H. Wirth, Andrew H. Hales
People leave groups. We examined the psychological consequences for the remaining group members; specifically, whether the departure of a member can produce feelings of ostracism (being excluded and ignored). We manipulated systematically the number of group members who left (zero, one, or two out of the two other group members) during a get to know you interaction (Study 1), a word creativity task
Emotion regulation strategy use and forecasting in response to dynamic, multimodal stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 William J Mitchell,Joanne Stasiak,Steven Martinez,Katelyn Cliver,David Gregory,Samantha Reisman,Helen Schmidt,Vishnu P Murty,Chelsea Helion
Successful emotion regulation (ER) requires effective strategy selection. Research suggests that disengagement strategies (e.g., distraction) are more often selected than engagement strategies (e.g., reappraisal) as emotional experiences intensify. However, the extent to which ER strategy choice in controlled circumstances reflects strategy usage during complex, multimodal events is not well understood
Gifts that keep on giving: Reflected appraisals from gifts and their role in identity and choice Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Laurence Ashworth, Suzanne Rath, Nicole Robitaille
Gifts are one important way in which individuals come to own and consume the products that they do. The current work investigates a novel consequence of acquiring and consuming items in this way—recipients draw inferences about givers' views of them (reflected appraisals) which, in turn, can influence related aspects of recipients' identity. We report five studies that test our predictions, distinguish
Don't judge a book by its cover: The effect of perceived facial trustworthiness on advice following in the context of value-based decision-making Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Mathias Van der Biest, Sam Verschooren, Frederick Verbruggen, Marcel Brass
Trustworthiness is crucial in social interactions that depend on other's information. For example, an interaction partner's trustworthiness determines whose advice we act on in learning contexts, whom we choose to invest in during economic decisions, or even whom we decide to cooperate with. However, how perceived trustworthiness influences advice following in value-based decision-making when the trustworthiness
When does an extinction procedure lead to mere exposure effects and extinction of evaluative conditioning? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Jasmin Richter, Jan R. Landwehr, Rolf Reber
Repeatedly presenting a neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) together with a positive or negative stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US) typically changes liking of the CS. An important question is whether a subsequent extinction phase where the CS is presented without the US extinguishes such evaluative conditioning (EC) effects. In this regard, it is crucial to consider that an extinction procedure
Large scale event segmentation affects the microlevel action control processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Birte Moeller,Christian Beste,Alexander Münchau,Christian Frings
How do we make sense of our surroundings? A widely recognized field in cognitive psychology suggests that many important functions like memory of incidents, reasoning, and attention depend on the way we segment the ongoing stream of perception (Zacks & Swallow, 2007). An open question still is, how the structure generated from a perceptual stream translates into behavior. To address this question,
Erring on the side of caution: Two failures to replicate the derring effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Yeray Mera,Ariana Modirrousta-Galian,Gemma Thomas,Philip A Higham,Tina Seabrooke
It has been claimed that deliberately making errors while studying, even when the correct answers are provided, can enhance memory for the correct answers, a phenomenon termed the derring effect. Such deliberate erring has been shown to outperform other learning techniques, including copying and underlining, elaborative studying with concept mapping, and synonym generation. To date, however, the derring
Does communicating measurable diversity goals attract or repel historically marginalized job applicants? Evidence from the lab and field. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Erika L Kirgios,Ike Silver,Edward H Chang
Many organizations struggle to attract a demographically diverse workforce. How does adding a measurable goal to a public diversity commitment-for example, "We care about diversity" versus "We care about diversity and plan to hire at least one woman or racial minority for every White man we hire"-impact application rates from women and racial minorities? Extant psychological theory offers competing
Avoiding positivity at a cost: Evidence of reward devaluation in the novel valence selection task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Mya Urena,E Samuel Winer,Caitlin Mills
Reward devaluation theory (RDT) posits that some depressed individuals may not only be biased toward negative material but also actively avoid positive material (i.e., devaluing reward). Although there are intuitive, everyday life consequences for individuals who "devalue reward" or positivity, prior work has not established if (and how) reward devaluation manifests in tasks that encompass aspects
Targeting audiences' moral values shapes misinformation sharing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Suhaib Abdurahman,Nils K Reimer,Preni Golazizian,Elisa Baek,Yixuan Shen,Jackson Trager,Roshni Lulla,Jonas Kaplan,Carolyn Parkinson,Morteza Dehghani
Does aligning misinformation content with individuals' core moral values facilitate its spread? We investigate this question in three behavioral experiments (N1a = 615; N1b = 505; N₂ = 533) that examine how the alignment of audience values and misinformation framing affects sharing behavior, in conjunction with analyzing real-world Twitter data (N = 20,235; 809,414 tweets) that explores how aligning
Prediction that conflicts with judgment: The low absolute likelihood effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Chengyao Sun,Robyn A LeBoeuf
How do people predict the outcome of an event from a set of possible outcomes? One might expect people to predict whichever outcome they believe to be most likely to arise. However, we document a robust disconnect between what people predict and what they believe to be most likely. This disconnect arises because people consider not only relative likelihood but also absolute likelihood when predicting
From artifacts to human lives: Investigating the domain-generality of judgments about purposes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Michael Prinzing,David Rose,Siying Zhang,Eric Tu,Abigail Concha,Michael Rea,Jonathan Schaffer,Tobias Gerstenberg,Joshua Knobe
People attribute purposes in both mundane and profound ways-such as when thinking about the purpose of a knife and the purpose of a life. In three studies (total N = 13,720 observations from N = 3,430 participants), we tested whether these seemingly very different forms of purpose attributions might actually involve the same cognitive processes. We examined the impacts of four factors on purpose attributions
Why the belief in meritocracy is so pervasive Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Ian R. Hadden, Céline Darnon, Lewis Doyle, Matthew J. Easterbrook, Sébastien Goudeau, Andrei Cimpian
People worldwide tend to believe that their societies are more meritocratic than they actually are. We propose the belief in meritocracy is widespread because it is rooted in simple, seemingly obvious causal–explanatory intuitions. Our proposal suggests solutions for debunking the myth of meritocracy and increasing support for equity-oriented policies.
The impact factor: The effect of actual impact information and perceived donation efficacy on donors' repeated donations Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Liat Levontin, Zohar Gilad, Elizabeth Durango-Cohen, Pablo Durango-Cohen
This research examined the utility of providing people with information about the actual impact of their donations. Results of a field survey (N = 1062) and three controlled experiments (N = 881) reveal the importance of actual impact information in promoting repeated donations and retaining repeated donors. Exposing participants to information about the actual impact of their donations—compared with
Empathic listening satisfies speakers' psychological needs and well-being, but doesn't directly deepen solitude experiences: A registered report Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Netta Weinstein, Guy Itzchakov
A live discussion experiment was designed to test the effects of highly empathic (vs. moderately empathic) listening on solitude experiences. Participants were assigned to three conditions in which they: 1) Discussed a negative personal experience with a confederate (ostensibly another participant) exhibiting highly empathic listening; 2) Discussed an experience with a confederate exhibiting moderately
“Black-and-White” thinking: Does visual contrast polarize moral judgment? Independent replications and extension of Study 1 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Kevin Vezirian, Elisa Sarda, Laurent Bègue, Pierre-Jean Laine, Hans IJzerman
Does a black-and-white contrast background lead to more extreme moral judgments? Zarkadi and Schnall (2013) found in their Study 1 (N = 111) that, indeed, exposing English-speaking participants to a black-and-white (versus two other-colored conditions) background polarized participants' judgments in a moral dilemma task. This study supported a moral intuitionist model of moral judgment, lent further
Processes and measurements: a framework for understanding neural oscillations in field potentials Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Sander van Bree, Daniel Levenstein, Matthew R. Krause, Bradley Voytek, Richard Gao
Various neuroscientific theories maintain that brain oscillations are important for neuronal computation, but opposing views claim that these macroscale dynamics are ‘exhaust fumes’ of more relevant processes. Here, we approach the question of whether oscillations are functional or epiphenomenal by distinguishing between measurements and processes, and by reviewing whether causal or inferentially useful
The "plus polar self": A reinterpretation of the self-prioritization effect as a polarity correspondence effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Marcel Pauly,Dirk Wentura
We suggest that the polarity correspondence principle (PCP; Proctor & Cho, 2006) can explain the self-prioritization effect (SPE), that is, that matching responses for self-labels and self-assigned shapes are faster than matching responses for other labels and other-assigned shapes. According to PCP, one can argue that self-label, self-shape, and the "yes, match" responses are all + polar (hence full
Ideological beliefs as cues to exploitation-exploration behavior Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Alex Koch, Ron Dotsch, Roland Imhoff, Christian Unkelbach, Hans Alves
We argue that one reason why people consider others' ideological beliefs (i.e., progressive vs. conservative) is that people profit by predicting others' exploration behavior from their beliefs. Eight experiments confirmed that people more readily invested in progressives when switching to novel options (i.e., exploration) was more profitable than staying with valuable resources (i.e., exploitation)
Beyond punishment: psychological foundations of restorative interventions Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-27 Katherine McAuliffe, Julia Marshall, Abby McLaughlin
Work on the psychology of justice has largely focused on punishment. However, punishment is not our only strategy for dealing with conflict. Rather, emerging work suggests that people often respond to transgressions by compensating victims, involving third-party mediators, and engaging in forgiveness. These responses are linked in that they are involved in more restorative than retributive justice
Consume humanity: Eating anthropomorphic food leads to the dehumanization of others Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-27 Hairu Wu, Chenjing Wu, Jun Zhang, Yuanxin Hu, Fuqun Liang, Xianyou He
Food anthropomorphism, a prevalent and effective marketing tactic, can positively influence consumer perception and purchasing behavior. However, recent scholarly attention has been drawn to the potential negative consequences of consuming anthropomorphized food. The current research focused on how and why food anthropomorphism affected the dehumanization of unfamiliar others and the negative downstream
Women underrepresented or men overrepresented? Framing influences women's affective and behavioral responses to gender gap in political leadership Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-27 Usman Liaquat, Madeline E. Heilman, Rachel D. Godsil, Emily Balcetis
Efforts to promote women in leadership have led to some high profile successes, yet unequal representation of women and men in such positions persists. The media often portrays the gap as women's underrepresentation. We examine whether reframing this gap as men's overrepresentation elicits greater anger and increases intentions and behaviors to remediate the disparity. In a meta-analysis of three pilot
Going at it alone: Zero-sum beliefs inhibit help-seeking Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Shai Davidai
What inhibits people from asking for help? Four studies of fully employed British and American participants (N = 1973, including three pre-registered studies) document the negative effect of lay beliefs about status on help-seeking. Specifically, I find that zero-sum beliefs about status—the belief that one employee's success comes at other employees' expense—discourage people from asking their colleagues
Generative adversarial collaborations: a new model of scientific discourse Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Benjamin Peters, Gunnar Blohm, Ralf Haefner, Leyla Isik, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Jennifer S. Lieberman, Carlos R. Ponce, Gemma Roig, Megan A.K. Peters
Choice availability and incentive structure determine how people cope with ostracism Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Anneloes Kip, Thorsten M. Erle, Willem W.A. Sleegers, Ilja van Beest
People vary greatly in their responses to being ignored and excluded by others (i.e., ostracism). Based on previous research, responses to ostracism are typically classified as prosocial, antisocial, and withdrawal behavior. However, studying these behaviors in isolation can limit our understanding of the decision-making process behind these behaviors. Offering multiple response options provides deeper
Empirical approaches to determining quality space computations for consciousness: a response to Dołęga et al. and Song Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Stephen M. Fleming, Nicholas Shea
AI as a companion or a tool? Nostalgia promotes embracing AI technology with a relational use Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 Jianning Dang, Constantine Sedikides, Tim Wildschut, Li Liu
Recent research has indicated that nostalgia is associated with, or fosters, favorable responses to innovative technology and in particular artificial intelligence (AI). However, prior studies failed to differentiate between the relational and functional uses of AI agents, resulting in an incomplete understanding of the role that nostalgia plays in facilitating acceptance of innovation. The current
Aphantasia as imagery blindsight Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-17 Matthias Michel, Jorge Morales, Ned Block, Hakwan Lau
Partitioned prosociality: Why giving a large donation bit by bit makes people seem more committed to social causes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 Rebecca L Schaumberg,Stephanie C Lin
Donating money to worthy social causes is one of the most impactful and efficient forms of altruism, but skepticism often clouds perceptions of donors' motives for giving. We propose a solution that reduces this skepticism: Instead of giving a single large donation, donors can partition their donations into multiple, smaller ones. Ten preregistered studies with 3,816 participants supported this idea
Psychological mechanisms underlying the biased interpretation of numerical scientific evidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 Clint McKenna,David Dunning
Do people use their statistical expertise selectively to reach preferred conclusions when evaluating scientific evidence, with those more expert showing more preferential bias? We investigated this motivated numeracy account of evidence evaluation but came to a different account for biased evaluation. Across three studies (N = 2,799), participants interpreted numerical data from gun control intervention
Let them eat ceke: An electrophysiological study of form-based prediction in rich naturalistic contexts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 Anthony Yacovone,Briony Waite,Tatyana Levari,Jesse Snedeker
It is well-established that people make predictions during language comprehension--the nature and specificity of these predictions, however, remain unclear. For example, do comprehenders routinely make predictions about which words (and phonological forms) might come next in a conversation, or do they simply make broad predictions about the gist of the unfolding context? Prior EEG studies using tightly
Experience-dependent biases in face discrimination reveal associations between perceptual specialization and narrowing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Marissa Hartston,Tal Lulav-Bash,Yael Goldstein-Marcusohn,Galia Avidan,Bat-Sheva Hadad
Experience is known to be a key element involved in the modulation of face-processing abilities as manifested by the inversion effect, other-race, and other-age effects. Yet, it is unclear how exposure refines internal perceptual representations of faces to give rise to such behavioral effects. To address this issue, we investigated short- and long-term experienced stimulus history on face processing
Individual differences in the dynamics of attention control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Nash Unsworth,Ashley L Miller
Individual differences in the dynamics of attention control were examined in two studies. Participants performed mouse tracker versions of Stroop (Studies 1 and 2) and flankers (Study 2), along with additional measures of attention control and working memory to better examine individual differences in how conflict resolution processes unfold over time. Attention control abilities were related to the
A perceptual cue-based mechanism for automatic assignment of thematic agent and patient roles. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Sofie Vettori,Catherine Odin,Jean-Rémy Hochmann,Liuba Papeo
Understanding social events requires assigning the participating entities to roles such as agent and patient, a mental operation that is reportedly effortless. We investigated whether, in processing visual scenes, role assignment is accomplished automatically (i.e., when the task does not require it), based on visuospatial information, without requiring semantic or linguistic encoding of the stimuli
Probing the origins of subjective confidence in source memory decisions in young and older adults: A sequential sampling account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Kevin P Darby,Jessica N Gettleman,Chad S Dodson,Per B Sederberg
Subjective confidence is an important factor in our decision making, but how confidence arises is a matter of debate. A number of computational models have been proposed that integrate confidence into sequential sampling models of decision making, in which evidence accumulates across time to a threshold. An influential example of this approach is the relative balance of evidence hypothesis, in which
It is not only whether I approach but also why I approach: A registered report on the role of action framing in approach/avoidance training effects Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Marine Rougier, Mathias Schmitz, Ivane Nuel, Marie-Pierre Fayant, Baptiste Subra, Theodore Alexopoulos, Vincent Yzerbyt
Research on approach/avoidance training (AAT) effects shows that approach (i.e., reducing the distance between the self and a stimulus) leads to more positive evaluations of stimuli than avoidance (i.e., increasing the distance between the self and a stimulus). The present experiments relied on a grounded cognition approach to extend this finding by investigating the framing-dependency of AAT effects
Sound amongst the din: primate strategies against noise Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-11 Julia Löschner, Steffen R. Hage
Ambient noise disrupts vocal communication amongst animals. Recent studies show that some species, such as marmosets, can rapidly adjust the patterns of ongoing calls according to noisy environments. This substantial vocal flexibility reveals that non-human primates have more advanced cognitive control over when and what to vocalize than previously thought.
When the bot walks the talk: Investigating the foundations of trust in an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Fanny Lalot,Anna-Marie Bertram
The concept of trust in artificial intelligence (AI) has been gaining increasing relevance for understanding and shaping human interaction with AI systems. Despite a growing literature, there are disputes as to whether the processes of trust in AI are similar to that of interpersonal trust (i.e., in fellow humans). The aim of the present article is twofold. First, we provide a systematic test of an
Social structure and the evolutionary ecology of inequality Trends Cogn. Sci. (IF 16.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-03 Daniel Redhead
From rising disparities in income to limited socio-political representation for minority groups, inequality is a topic of perennial interest for contemporary society. Research in the evolutionary sciences has started to investigate how social structure allows inequality to evolve, but is developing in silo from existing work in the social and cognitive sciences. I synthesise these literatures to present