The Association between Academic Stress and Problematic Internet Use among Adolescents: A Three-Level Meta-Analysis J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Zihao Chen, Jinyi Zeng, Jinqian Liao, Cheng Guo
Despite previous studies examining the relationship between problematic Internet use and academic stress in adolescents, significant limitations remain, especially in terms of the nature of the stress and moderators. This study systematically examines the association between academic stress and problematic Internet use in adolescents, using a three-level meta-analysis. Following the Preferred Reporting
Discriminatory Climate and School Adjustment in Ethnically Minoritized Adolescents and Majority Adolescents: An Investigation of the Mediating Role of Teaching Quality J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Birgit Heppt, Miriam Schwarzenthal, Jan Scharf
Discriminatory teacher beliefs and behaviors, as reflected in a discriminatory climate, are negatively related to student adjustment, but little is known about the classroom processes contributing to this relationship. This study investigated the role of teaching quality as a mechanism behind the associations between a discriminatory climate at school and students’ school adjustment. The study used
The potential harm of loss and grief narratives among families of transgender and nonbinary youth. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Russell B Toomey,Lizette Trujillo,Roberto Abreu,Ari Rios Garza,Sydney Hainsworth,Zhenqiang Zhao
Grief and loss perspectives are frequently used in clinical and nonclinical (e.g., parent-facilitated support groups) settings to support families who are navigating awareness or disclosure of a child's diverse gender identity (i.e., as transgender or nonbinary [TNB]). Little to no research has examined the mental health consequences of TNB youth of having parents and caregivers conceptualize their
Parent-Adolescent Discrepancies in Perceiving Parental Psychological Control and Autonomy Support Predict Adolescents’ Psychological Adjustment: Does Adolescent Gender Make a Difference? J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Jiayin Zheng, Bin-Bin Chen
Few studies simultaneously examined how parent-adolescent discrepancies in reporting psychological control and autonomy support predicted adolescents’ adjustment and the moderation by adolescent gender remains unknown. This longitudinal study addressed these gaps using a Chinese sample of 310 adolescents (158 girls; Mage = 13.34, SD = 0.36) and their parents. Adolescents reported depression and resilience
Parents’ and Peers’ Messages about Race: Associations with White Emerging Adults’ Responses to Feedback about Implicit Bias J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Joo Young Yang, Kristina L. McDonald
Although much research has focused on parents’ role in racial and ethnic socialization, the influence of peers on how youth perceive race in society remains underexplored despite peers’ significant impact on youth identity and social-cognitive development. This study examined how peer and parental messages about race compare in shaping young adults’ responses to prejudice feedback. Participants were
The Relationship Between Co-rumination and Depressive Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Kaixi Dong, Huizi Qi, Guozhen Zhao
Numerous studies have explored the link between co-rumination and depressive symptoms, but a consensus remains elusive. This study proposes a dual-pathway model to explain this relationship through a “positive path” (adaptive response) and a “negative path” (distress response). It also conducts a meta-analysis to evaluate the exact association between co-rumination and depressive symptoms in children
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Parenting, and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms in Mexican-Origin Families: Moderating Role of Discrimination J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Yayu Du, Wen Wen, Shanting Chen, Su Yeong Kim
Mexican-origin populations tend to reside in disadvantaged neighborhoods, increasing adolescents’ vulnerability to internalizing symptoms. While prior research highlights neighborhood disadvantage’s impact on adolescents, few studies explore its effects on both perceived parenting (maternal and paternal) and internalizing symptoms and the underlying mechanism (i.e., subjective neighborhood violence)
Academic Achievement, Externalizing Problems, and Close Friends in Middle School: Testing a Developmental Cascade Model Leading to Educational Attainment in the Late Twenties J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Marie-Hélène Véronneau, Frank Vitaro, François Poulin, Thao Ha, Olga Kornienko
Because educational attainment is associated with well-being in the long term, it is important to understand the developmental processes that enhance academic outcomes during adolescence. Also, although the importance of friends is well documented in adolescence, little is known about how close friends’ characteristics work together with youth’s own characteristics to shape adolescents’ educational
Linking Adherence to Effectiveness in Family-Based Adolescent ADHD Academic Training and Medication Decision-Making Protocols. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Samuel Meisel,Nicole Porter,Molly Bobek,Craig E Henderson,Aaron Hogue
OBJECTIVE Changing Academic Support in the Home for Adolescents with ADHD (CASH-AA) and Medication Integration Protocol (MIP) are two family-based behavioral protocols designed to promote family solutions to academic problems and medication decision-making. Building on a randomized control trial examining these protocols, the current study examined how protocol dose, an indicator of treatment adherence
Effectiveness of Poverty Reduction Programs on Psychological Development of Children and Adolescents at Risk of Poverty: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Chunkai Li, Shuo Xu, Xiaochun Cheng
Considering the potential detrimental impact of poverty on psychological development and the resulting harmful cycles, implementing poverty alleviation interventions is necessary for children and adolescents. Although several meta-analyses have demonstrated the effectiveness of monetary poverty reduction programs, there remains a significant gap in understanding how multidimensional poverty reduction
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Whole-school Interventions Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Risk Behaviours in Adolescence J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Roshini Balasooriya Lekamge, Ria Jain, Jenny Sheen, Pravik Solanki, Yida Zhou, Lorena Romero, Margaret M. Barry, Leo Chen, Md Nazmul Karim, Dragan Ilic
Adolescence is a vulnerable period for the onset of mental disorders and risk behaviours. Based on the Health-Promoting Schools Framework, whole-school interventions offer a promising strategy in this developmentally-sensitive cohort, through championing a systems-based approach to promotion and prevention that involves the key stakeholders in an adolescent’s life. The evidence-base surrounding the
The "magic" of looking at that score: A multilevel investigation of therapist review of client symptom measures and client clinical outcome. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Xu Li,Jalen J Carney,Tony Rousmaniere,Ben Fineman,Alexandre Vaz
Randomized controlled trials have shown that using client feedback obtained from routine outcome monitoring can lead to better clinical outcomes in psychotherapy. However, existing randomized controlled trial studies did not address the between-person and within-person effects of routine outcome monitoring simultaneously. To fill this critical gap, this study conducted a multilevel analysis to explore
Model minority stereotype stress and depressive symptoms among Asian American science, technology, engineering, and mathematics students: The mediating role of rumination. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Han Na Suh
The model minority stereotype (MMS) is deeply embedded within the society of the United States, including in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This has resulted in the neglect of STEM Asian American students' psychological needs by researchers and service providers while simultaneously pressuring the students to pursue unattainable goals. The aim of the present study
Longitudinal Relationships Across Bullying Victimization, Friendship and Social Support, and Internalizing Symptoms in Early-to-Middle Adolescence: A Developmental Cascades Investigation J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Qiqi Cheng, Kathryn Mills-Webb, Jose Marquez, Neil Humphrey
Current understanding of the longitudinal relationships between different aspects of peer relationships and mental health problems in early- to mid-adolescence is limited. In particular, the role played by gender in these developmental cascades processes is unclear, little is known about within-person effects between bullying victimization and internalizing symptoms, and the theorized benefits of friendship
Relational Victimization, Coping Styles and Depressive Symptoms: A Test of Bidirectional Associations in Adolescence J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Mengyao Wang, Hao Zheng, Lili Song, Minghui Wang, Yueyue Zhou, Zhengkui Liu
Although evidence from previous studies suggests that adolescents with negative coping styles who experienced victimization are more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms, these associations have not yet been disentangled to separate between-person differences from within-person effects. To investigate the within-person bidirectional relationships among relational victimization, coping styles and depressive
A preliminary examination of interpersonal factors and psychological pain as predictors of suicidal behaviors in multiethnoracial college students: When does being ethnoracially diverse contribute to greater suicide risk? Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Edward C Chang,Chanel Meyers,Elizabeth L Jeglic,Jameson K Hirsch
This study sought to extend past research on suicide risk factors in White students and explore whether such risk factors were comparably relevant in an underrepresented group of multiethnoracial students. Specifically, interpersonal factors (viz., burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness) and psychological pain (or "psychache") were examined in predicting suicidal behaviors. Results from conducting
The Role of Friendship in Mediating and Moderating the Relationship Between Exposure to Gendered Racism and Mental Health among Young Women of Color J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Xiangyu Tao, Celia B. Fisher
Young women of color frequently face discrimination, reflecting the intersecting societal influences of sexism and racism. Although friendships play a significant role in women’s lives, there is a lack of research on the role of friendships in navigating exposure to gendered racial discrimination (in-person and social media) and associated mental health. This study investigated the extent to which
Being Popular and Being Liked: Goals, Behaviors, and Norm Salience J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-28 Martin H. Jones, Tanja Špes, Yu-Yu Hsiao, Rene Markovič, Katja Košir
Youth’s social status (popularity and likability) relates with social status goals as well as bullying and prosocial behaviors within the context of classroom norms for bullying and prosocial behaviors, but less clear is how each of these factors interrelates with each other. The current study empirically analyses the concurrent relationships among social status goals, bullying and prosocial behaviors
Mental Health Disparities Between Both-, Other- and Same-Sex Attracted Adolescents: The Role of Bullying Victimization, Gender and Age J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Vera H. Cup, Henny M. W. Bos, Gonneke W. J. M. Stevens, Margreet E. de Looze
Research shows that both-sex attracted adults have poorer mental health than other- and same-sex attracted adults, but evidence regarding whether similar disparities exist among adolescents remains limited. To investigate this, the current study examines differences in life satisfaction and emotional problems between both-, other- and same-sex attracted adolescents. It also studies whether bullying
Relationship with Adults in Organized Sports and Non-Sports Activities and Links with Psychological Adjustment in Adolescence: A 6-Year Longitudinal Study J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Charles-Étienne White-Gosselin, François Poulin, Anne-Sophie Denault
Relationships with adults in organized activities play a crucial role in the positive outcomes associated with these experiences, yet little is known about how these relationships evolve throughout adolescence or how they are differentially associated with mental health. Important distinctions could also be made regarding activity types. The sample consisted of 292 participants (58% female; M age =
Positive Body Image in Adolescence: Longitudinal Associations With Identity and Eating Disorder Symptoms J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-21 Ata Uyar, Lore Vankerckhoven, Laurence Claes, Chelly Maes, Koen Luyckx
Developmental research has mostly focused on negative body image, somewhat neglecting the role positive body image plays in adolescent development. To fill this gap, the present longitudinal study investigated the directionality of effects among positive body image, identity, and eating disorder symptoms across one year. Two waves of data were collected from a sample of 915 high school students in
What Makes for a Vitalizing Day in Adolescence? Antecedents and Outcomes of Daily Need Crafting J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 Daphne van den Bogaard, Bart Soenens, Katrijn Brenning, Maarten Vansteenkiste
Psychological need crafting denotes individuals’ pro-active attempts to fulfill their psychological need for autonomy, relatedness, and competence. Although previous research has shown that need crafting contributes to adolescents’ mental health, little is known about the factors involved in adolescents’ daily efforts to engage in need crafting. This study considers psychological energy as both an
PTSD symptom networks during treatment among residents in domestic violence shelters. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 Nuha Alshabani,James K Haws,Caron Zlotnick,Dawn M Johnson
Little is known about how the interrelationships among posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms change throughout the treatment. We examined changes in PTSD symptoms among women who experienced intimate partner violence and received one of two evidence-based interventions. We conducted a secondary analysis of a completed randomized, double-blind clinical trial, which demonstrated efficacy in reducing
Using latent transition analysis to explore changes in decent work across time. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 Junsang Park,Haram J Kim,Ryan D Duffy
This study explored longitudinal trajectories of decent work profiles guided by core propositions from psychology of working theory. Data were collected from 419 working adults in the United States at three time points over a 6-month period. We examined decent work trajectories using latent transition analysis considering two key covariates (work volition and career adaptability) and while accounting
The Role of Parental Reflective Functioning in Associations between Daily Autonomy-Relevant Parenting, Parenting Stress, and Early and Middle Adolescents’ Day-to-Day Difficulties J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Simon Fiore, Elien Mabbe, Patrick Luyten, Nicole Vliegen, Bart Soenens
Autonomy-supportive parenting benefits adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment, but daily fluctuations in adolescent difficulties and parenting stress can reduce autonomy support and lead to more controlling practices. However, currently it is not yet well understood why some parents seem better able to deal with the daily upheavals characteristic of adolescence, while other parents may resort to controlling
Within-Person Relationships Among Self-Compassion, Emotion Regulation Difficulties, and Anxiety Symptoms: Testing an Emotion Regulation Model of Self-Compassion J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 Wangjia Zhang, Xiaoyan Chen, Ya Zhu, Xuliang Shi
Anxiety symptoms is prevalent among college students and is associated with a range of detrimental consequences. Self-compassion and emotion regulation difficulties are important factors affecting anxiety symptoms, but their functional mechanism and longitudinal correlation are still unclear. This three-year longitudinal study (baseline: n = 5785, 48.2% of female, Mage = 18.63 years, SD = 0.88; T1
Compassion focused imagery reduces fears of compassion irrespective of attachment. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Deanna Varley,Chase S Sherwell,James N Kirby
The present study evaluated the efficacy of a brief compassion-focused imagery intervention for reducing fears of compassion. This study also examined whether individual differences in attachment would influence treatment effectiveness. We randomly assigned a nonclinical sample of 125 community-dwelling adults to a control group or an intervention group. Those in the intervention group completed a
Dual-continual examination and differential prediction of well-being and distress in LGBTQIA+ populations. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Jan Schürmann-Vengels,Jan Pirke,Stefan J Troche,Stephanie L Budge,Christoph Flückiger,Ulrike Willutzki
Although studies on the dual-continua model have demonstrated that distress and well-being are two separate but interrelated factors of mental health, only limited research exists regarding these concepts for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual+ (LGBTQIA+) individuals. The present study aimed to investigate the factor structure of mental health in the LGBTQIA+ community. The
Effects of Patient Gender on Clinicians' Diagnostic Assessment of Youth Disruptive Mood and Behavior. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 Shannon Shaughnessy,Jared W Keeley,Michael C Roberts,Jeffrey D Burke,Geoffrey M Reed,Spencer C Evans
OBJECTIVE Youth disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs) have a male preponderance, but the extent to which gender biases in clinical assessment influence this imbalance remains unclear. The present study investigates whether a child patient's gender affects clinicians' diagnostic decision-making regarding Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Dissocial Disorder (CDD), and Intermittent Explosive
Parenting Challenges Among Families Experiencing Homelessness with Children with and without Externalizing Behavior Problems. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Paulo A Graziano,Melissa L Hernandez,Anthony S Dick,Emily Arcia,Shana K Cox,Muriel Ayala,Nicole A Carnero,Noelle L O'Mara,Sundari Foundation
OBJECTIVE To examine differences in parenting factors among caregivers with children with and without externalizing behavior problems (EBP) in a community homeless shelter sample versus a stable housing sample. METHOD Nine hundred and fourteen children (ages = 2.01-7.49 years, SD = 1.45 years, 40.8% female, 54.3% Black, 46.7% Hispanic) were recruited from a service-driven research project in a shelter
Developmental Relations Between Peer Victimization, Emotional Symptoms, and Disability/Chronic Condition in Adolescence: Are Within- or Between-Person Factors Driving Development? J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-04 Russell Turner, Ylva Bjereld, Lilly Augustine
Although there is a link between peer victimization, emotional symptoms, and disability or chronic condition in adolescence, less is known about the role of stable, individual differences compared to developmental processes. The current study addressed this gap by examining developmental relations between peer victimization, emotional symptoms, and disability or chronic condition. Three waves of self-report
Psychopathological Symptoms and Resilience Processes among Korean Adolescents in the Context of Neighborhood Disadvantage J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 Seo Woo Lee, Tae Kyoung Lee, Kandauda A. S. Wickrama, Catherine Walker O’Neal
Research has shown that positive family and individual contexts can prevent adolescents from developing internalizing and externalizing symptoms. However, less is known about the various ways resilience occurs longitudinally, considering compensatory (i.e., additive) effects and protective (i.e., moderation) effects of contextual (external) resources and individual (internal) assets. Further, few studies
Does Context Matter? Daily Diary Study Exploring the Effects of Stressor Intensity and Perceived Controllability on the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Affect in Adolescents J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 Jolien Braet, Brenda Volkaert, Caroline Braet, Laura Wante
Theoretical accounts emphasize the importance of context sensitivity in emotion regulation, yet research often neglects this. This study explored how adolescents’ use of three emotion regulation strategies—cognitive reappraisal, distraction, and rumination—interacted with stressor intensity and perceived controllability to influence daily emotions. A total of 249 adolescents participated in a daily
Online Self-Presentation, Self-Concept Clarity, and Depressive Symptoms: A Within-Person Examination J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 Tracy K. Wong, Chloe A. Hamza
Although social media provides a crucial platform for self-development in emerging adulthood, the link between online self-presentation and mental health outcomes remains unclear. Thus, the associations among real self, ideal self, different types of false self-presentations, and depressive symptoms were examined over time (T1–T3) in the present study, along with the mediating role of self-concept
Are psychotherapists' first clinical impressions fundamentally biased? An experimental approach. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2024-11-25 Christoph Flückiger,Caroline Kolle,Jan Schürmann-Vengels,Ralf Rummer,Mathias Allemand
Fifty years ago, the Rosenhan experiment was one of the most impactful psychological studies across decades. One of the main claims of the experiment was that clinicians could be negatively biased in their first clinical impressions, which would negatively impact further clinical decisions. We conducted two experiments (N = 56 and 64) in which psychotherapists were asked to give their first clinical
Emotion-focused treatment for self-criticism in a nonclinical population: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2024-11-25 Carlos López-Cavada,Rafael Jódar,Ladislav Timulak,Sergi Corbella
Self-criticism is a transdiagnostic phenomenon associated with different psychopathological manifestations in clinical and nonclinical samples. This fact has led to an increase in research on its measurement and treatment. This study seeks to examine the effects of emotion-focused therapy on self-criticism in a nonclinical population through pretreatment, posttreatment, and follow-up questionnaires
Negative Urgency and Lack of Perseverance Predict Suicidal Ideation and Attempts Among Young Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 Ben Scheve,Zhuoran Xiang,Brendan Lam,Naomi Sadeh,Arielle Baskin-Sommers
OBJECTIVE Impulsivity has been recognized as an important factor in suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs). However, previous research linking impulsivity to STBs has largely relied on cross-sectional designs, considered only a subset of impulsivity measures, and typically focused on middle-to-older adolescents. Here, we explored multiple measures of impulsivity and assessed their predictive relation
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Programming for Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical and Implementation Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 Maya Boustani,Erica Mazzone,James Hodgins,Leslie Rith-Najarian
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to provide an updated examination of the adolescent Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) literature and synthesize study findings across treatment settings (e.g. inpatient, outpatient, school), and treatment levels (e.g. clinical intervention, targeted, universal prevention). We also provide meta-analytic findings of the impact of
Celebrating Our Silver Anniversary: A Past Presidents' Panel. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 Mary A Fristad,Joan R Asarnow,Yo Jackson,Steven S Lee,Elizabeth McCauley
Leaders in the History of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Past Presidents Series: Milton Shore (1974-1975). Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 Matthew Hagler
Leaders in the History of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Past Presidents Series: Sebastiano Santostefano (1966-67). Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 Joseph S DeLuca
Adolescent Client and Clinician Predictors of Measurement-Based Care Fidelity in Community Mental Health Settings. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-11-12 Grace S Woodard,Elizabeth Lane,Jill Ehrenreich-May,Golda S Ginsburg,Amanda Jensen-Doss
OBJECTIVE Regularly administering outcome measures, measurement-based care (MBC), informs clinical decision-making and improves youth mental health. Understanding predictors of high-fidelity MBC delivery helps ensure all youth can benefit from this evidence-based practice. Research on client and clinician predictors of MBC fidelity has mixed findings. METHOD Participants included 53 clinicians and
The role of deliberation in intuitive decision-making in sports International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IF 6.4) Pub Date : 2024-11-03 Oliver Seidel-Marzi, A. Mark Williams, Rouwen Cañal-Bruland
In sports, athletes are frequently challenged to make decisions under time constraints. The ability of skilled athletes to make successful and seemingly effortless decisions in these situations is ...
Evidence-Base Update of Psychosocial and Combination Treatments for Child and Adolescent Depression. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 V Robin Weersing,Pauline Goger,Karen T G Schwartz,Selena A Baca,Felix Angulo,Merissa Kado-Walton
OBJECTIVE This evidence-based update (EBU) builds on three previous reviews (1998, 2008, 2017) sponsored by the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology with the aim of evaluating the empirical support for psychosocial interventions for depression in youth. METHOD In the current review period (2014-2022), 25 randomized controlled trials (RCT) were identified: four in children and 21 in adolescents
The Impact of Media Violence, Narcissism and Sex on Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Adolescents: A One-Year Follow-Up Study J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-11-02 Sophie L. Kjærvik, Nicholas D. Thomson, Kostas A. Fanti
The coach-athlete relationship within a cross-boundary team of experts: a conceptual analysis International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IF 6.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-30 Sophia Jowett
The coach-athlete relationship phenomenon two and a half decades ago was thought of as an uncharted territory, though today the coach-athlete relationship has a body of knowledge that grows by the ...
Appearance-Related Victimization and Pubertal Asynchrony: Identifying Sex-Specific Vulnerabilities J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 Jasmine C. Bigelow, Natasha Chaku
Scoping review of literature and systematic search of web-based resources: parasport classification instructions, experiences, and outcomes International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IF 6.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-23 Janet A. Lawson, Amy E. Latimer-Cheung
While classification is essential to parasport, members of the Paralympic Movement commonly report having limited access to information on the topic. Despite increased academic interest in recent y...
Performance support team effectiveness in elite sport: a narrative review International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IF 6.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-21 Perry Stewart, David Fletcher, Rachel Arnold, Desmond McEwan
In pursuit of competitive advantage, elite sport organizations are increasingly relying on the support of diverse sport medicine and sport science staff, who are collectively referred to as the per...
Trauma-informed acceptance and commitment therapy with peer coaching for college students: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology (IF 3.8) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 Alex A Ajayi,Jacob Schachter,Noah Goblirsch,Rui Zhou
The current pilot randomized controlled trial evaluated the acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of a mental health promotion intervention for college students based on trauma-focused acceptance and commitment therapy (Harris, 2021). This hybrid intervention combined web-based modules with peer coaching in a research lab setting. Seventy-eight students were randomized to either the
Lore Vankerckhoven Receives Emerging Scholar Best Article Award, 2024. J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 Roger J R Levesque
Prospective Relations Between Inferential Styles and Depressive Symptoms Among Children of Mothers with Major Depression Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-18 Pooja Shankar, Brandon E. Gibb
Current models of depression risk in children include both family history and cognitive models of risk; however, these models are rarely integrated. This study aimed to address this gap by examinin...
Application of Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) in assessing the relationship between affect and movement behaviors among people with mood disorders: a scoping review International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IF 6.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-20 Yiling Tang, Jiali He, Madelaine Gierc, Geralyn R. Ruissen, Guy Faulkner
Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) enables the generation of intensive longitudinal data to examine dynamic relationships between variables. This study aims to describe the use of EMA in assessi...
An Examination of Episodic Future Thinking and Episodic Memory Among Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Adolescents Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-16 Christine B. Cha, Rachel J. Nam, Kerri-Anne Bell, Pauline Goger, Neha Parvez, Olivia H. Pollak, Donald J. Robinaugh, Drishti Sanghvi, Daniel L. Schacter
Suicidal individuals experience ambivalent states where they simultaneously consider death and the continuation of their lives. But we have little understanding of how suicidal individuals, particu...
He Said, She Said: a Dyadic Perspective on Adolescent Conflict Management and Dating Violence J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-14 Andréanne Fortin, Alison Paradis, Martine Hébert
Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Disruptive Behaviors in Children: Update Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-15 Jennifer W. Kaminski, Angelika H. Claussen, Rebekah S. Sims, Sivapriya Bhupalam
We reviewed the available evidence on psychosocial treatments for disruptive behaviors in children, as an update to Kaminski and Claussen (2017), focusing on children up to age 12 years. Search str...
How do athletes perform well under pressure? A meta-study International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IF 6.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-14 Jacob R. Hufton, Stewart A. Vella, Scott G. Goddard, Matthew J. Schweickle
Many studies have explored athlete performance under pressure, with recent emphases on choking prevention and definitions of clutch performance. Whilst these two areas may benefit sport performance...
An Investigation of the Longitudinal Bidirectional Associations Between Interactive Versus Passive Social Media Behaviors and Youth Internalizing Difficulties. A Within-Person Approach J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-12 Maria Tibbs, Sonya Deschênes, Peter van der Velden, Amanda Fitzgerald
Generational Shifts in Adolescent Mental Health: A Longitudinal Time-Lag Study J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-12 Meghan E. Borg, Taylor Heffer, Teena Willoughby
Identifying Culturally Relevant School Support Profiles and Links to Academic Functioning in Adolescents J. Youth. Adolescence (IF 3.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Maciel M. Hernández, Olga Kornienko, Jennifer M. Figueroa, Marita Coker, Karenina Paredes, Caroline Toth, Julia P. Carrillo, Adam A. Rogers, Thao Ha