Quantum Origin of Limit Cycles, Fixed Points, and Critical Slowing Down Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Shovan Dutta, Shu Zhang, Masudul Haque
Among the most iconic features of classical dissipative dynamics are persistent limit-cycle oscillations and critical slowing down at the onset of such oscillations, where the system relaxes purely algebraically in time. On the other hand, quantum systems subject to generic Markovian dissipation decohere exponentially in time, approaching a unique steady state. Here we show how coherent limit-cycle
Bounds on Heavy Axions with an X-Ray Free Electron Laser Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Jack W. D. Halliday, Giacomo Marocco, Konstantin A. Beyer, Charles Heaton, Motoaki Nakatsutsumi, Thomas R. Preston, Charles D. Arrowsmith, Carsten Baehtz, Sebastian Goede, Oliver Humphries, Alejandro Laso Garcia, Richard Plackett, Pontus Svensson, Georgios Vacalis, Justin Wark, Daniel Wood, Ulf Zastrau, Robert Bingham, Ian Shipsey, Subir Sarkar, Gianluca Gregori
We present new exclusion bounds obtained at the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser facility (EuXFEL) on axionlike particles in the mass range 10−3eV≲ma≲104eV. Our experiment exploits the Primakoff effect via which photons can, in the presence of a strong external electric field, decay into axions, which then convert back into photons after passing through an opaque wall. While similar searches have
Optical Superlattice for Engineering Hubbard Couplings in Quantum Simulation Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Thomas Chalopin, Petar Bojović, Dominik Bourgund, Si Wang, Titus Franz, Immanuel Bloch, Timon Hilker
Quantum simulations of Hubbard models with ultracold atoms rely on the exceptional control of coherent motion provided by optical lattices. Here we demonstrate enhanced tunability using an optical superlattice in a fermionic quantum gas microscope, evidenced by long-lived coherent double-well oscillations, next-nearest-neighbor quantum walks in a staggered configuration, and correlated quantum walks
Monopole-Fermion Scattering and the Solution to the Semiton–Unitarity Puzzle Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Vazha Loladze, Takemichi Okui
We study Polchinski’s “fermion-rotor system” as an accurate description of charged Weyl fermions scattering on a magnetic monopole core in the limit of zero gauge coupling. Traditionally it was thought such scattering could lead to fractional particle numbers (“semitons”). By direct calculations we show those semitonic processes are in fact free propagation, facilitated by composite fermion-rotor operators
Fock-Space Delocalization and the Emergence of the Porter-Thomas Distribution from Dual-Unitary Dynamics Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Pieter W. Claeys, Giuseppe De Tomasi
The chaotic dynamics of quantum many-body systems are expected to quickly randomize any structured initial state, delocalizing it in the Fock space. In this Letter, we study the spreading of an initial product state in Hilbert space under dual-unitary dynamics, captured by the inverse participation ratios and the distribution of overlaps (bit-string probabilities). We consider the self-dual kicked
Flavor Hierarchy of Jet Energy Correlators inside the Quark-Gluon Plasma Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Wen-Jing Xing, Shanshan Cao, Guang-You Qin, Xin-Nian Wang
Heavy flavor jets provide ideal tools to probe the mass effect on jet substructure in both vacuum and quark-gluon plasma. An energy-energy correlator (EEC) is an excellent jet substructure observable owning to its strong sensitivity to jet physics at different scales. We perform a complete realistic simulation on medium modification of heavy and light flavor jet EECs in heavy-ion collisions. A clear
Current-Induced Sliding Motion in a Helimagnet MnAu2 Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Yuta Kimoto, Hidetoshi Masuda, Takeshi Seki, Yoichi Nii, Jun-ichiro Ohe, Yusuke Nambu, Yoshinori Onose
We found signatures of current-induced sliding motion in helimagnetic MnAu2 thin films. An abrupt change in differential resistivity occurred at a threshold bias current in the helimagnetic state, whereas it was absent in the induced ferromagnetic state. Broadband voltage noise also emerged above the threshold current in the helimagnetic state. Based on the similarity to canonical charge and spin density
Dynamical Landauer Principle: Quantifying Information Transmission by Thermodynamics Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Chung-Yun Hsieh
Energy transfer and information transmission are two fundamental aspects of nature. They are seemingly unrelated, while recent findings suggest that a deep connection between them is to be discovered. This amounts to asking: Can we phrase the processes of transmitting classical bits equivalently as specific energy-transmitting tasks, thereby uncovering foundational links between them? We answer this
Effects of Neutron-Antineutron Transitions in Neutron Stars Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Itzhak Goldman, Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Shmuel Nussinov, Robert Shrock
We analyze effects of neutron-antineutron transitions in neutron stars, specifically on (i) cooling, (ii) rotation rate, and (iii) for binary pulsars, the increase in the orbital period. We show that these effects are negligibly small. Published by the American Physical Society 2025
All Next-to-Next-to-Extremal One-Loop Correlators of AdS Supergluons and Supergravitons Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Zhongjie Huang, Bo Wang, Ellis Ye Yuan
We bootstrap all of the next-to-next-to-extremal one-loop four-point correlators of supergravitons and supergluons in AdS5 using a differential representation, and obtain closed formulas that are valid in both position space and Mellin space simultaneously. Published by the American Physical Society 2025
Emergent Metric-Like States of Active Particles with Metric-Free Polar Alignment Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Yinong Zhao, Cristián Huepe, Pawel Romanczuk
We study a model of self-propelled particles interacting with their k nearest neighbors through polar alignment. By exploring its phase space as a function of two nondimensional parameters (alignment strength g and Péclet number Pe), we identify two distinct order-disorder transitions. One occurs at a low critical g value independent of Pe, has no significant density-order coupling, and is consistent
Defining the Type IIB Matrix Model without Breaking Lorentz Symmetry Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Yuhma Asano, Jun Nishimura, Worapat Piensuk, Naoyuki Yamamori
The type IIB matrix model is a promising nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory, which may elucidate the emergence of (3+1)-dimensional space-time. However, the partition function is divergent due to the Lorentz symmetry, which is represented by a noncompact group. This divergence has been regularized conventionally by introducing some infrared cutoff, which breaks the Lorentz symmetry.
Probing Gluonic Saturation in Deeply Virtual Meson Production beyond Leading Power Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Renaud Boussarie, Michael Fucilla, Lech Szymanowski, Samuel Wallon
Exclusive diffractive meson production represents a golden channel for investigating gluonic saturation inside nucleons and nuclei. In this Letter, we settle a systematic framework to deal with beyond leading power corrections at small x, including the saturation regime, and obtain the γ*→M(ρ,ϕ,ω) impact factor with both incoming photon and outgoing meson carrying arbitrary polarizations. This is of
Early Universe Hypercharge Breaking and Neutrino Mass Generation Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 S. López-Zurdo, A. Lozano-Onrubia, L. Merlo, J. M. No
We show that the conditions allowing for a spontaneous breaking of the U(1)Y hypercharge gauge symmetry of the standard model (SM) in the early Universe are generically present in extensions of the SM addressing the generation of light neutrino masses via radiative contributions. In such scenarios, the breaking of (hyper)charge at high temperatures yields new possibilities for explaining the observed
Anisotropic Skyrmion and Multi- q Spin Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3 Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 M. Gomilšek, T. J. Hicken, M. N. Wilson, K. J. A. Franke, B. M. Huddart, A. Štefančič, S. J. R. Holt, G. Balakrishnan, D. A. Mayoh, M. T. Birch, S. H. Moody, H. Luetkens, Z. Guguchia, M. T. F. Telling, P. J. Baker, S. J. Clark, T. Lancaster
Skyrmions are particlelike vortices of magnetization with nontrivial topology, which are usually stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) in noncentrosymmetric bulk materials. Exceptions are centrosymmetric Gd- and Eu-based skyrmion-lattice (SL) hosts with zero DMI, where both the SL stabilization mechanisms and magnetic ground states remain controversial. We address these here by investigating
Macroscopic Stochastic Model for Economic Cycle Dynamics Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Sören Nagel, Jobst Heitzig, Eckehard Schöll
We present a stochastic dynamic model which can explain economic cycles. We show that the macroscopic description yields a complex dynamical landscape consisting of multiple stable fixed points, each corresponding to a split of the population into a large low and a small high income group. The stochastic fluctuations induce switching between the resulting metastable states and excitation oscillations
Ultraviolet-Complete Local Field Theory of Persistent Symmetry Breaking in 2+1 Dimensions Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 Bilal Hawashin, Junchen Rong, Michael M. Scherer
Spontaneous symmetry breaking can persist at all temperatures in certain biconical O(N)×Z2 vector models when the underlying field theories are ultraviolet complete. So far, the existence of such theories has been established in fractional dimensions for local but nonunitary models or in 2+1 dimensions but for nonlocal models. Here, we study local models at zero and finite temperature directly in 2+1
Multiparticle Flux-Tube S-matrix Bootstrap Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Andrea Guerrieri, Alexandre Homrich, Pedro Vieira
We introduce the notion of jets, states of collinear flux-tube excitations. We argue for the analyticity, crossing, and unitarity of the multiparticle scattering of these jets and, through the S-matrix bootstrap, place bounds on a set of finite-energy multiparticle sum rules. Such bounds define a matrioska with a smaller and smaller allowed regions as we impose more constraints. The Yang-Mills flux
Symmetric Mass Generation with Four SU(2) Doublet Fermions Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-24 Nouman Butt, Simon Catterall, Anna Hasenfratz
We study a single exactly massless staggered fermion in the fundamental representation of an SU(2) gauge group. We utilize an nHYP-smeared fermion action supplemented with additional heavy Pauli-Villars fields that serve to decrease lattice artifacts. The phase diagram exhibits a clear two-phase structure with a conformal phase at weak coupling and a novel new phase, the symmetric mass generation (SMG)
Atomic Description of the Reciprocal Action between Supercoils and Melting Bubbles on Linear DNA Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-24 Matthew Burman, Agnes Noy
Although the mechanical response of DNA to physiological torsion and tension is well characterized, the detailed structures are not yet known. By using molecular dynamics simulations on linear DNA with 300 base-pairs, we provide, for the first time, the conformational phase diagram at atomic resolution. Our simulations also reveal the dynamics and diffusion of supercoils. We observe a new state in
Hidden Zeros Are Equivalent to Enhanced Ultraviolet Scaling, and Lead to Unique Amplitudes in Tr(ϕ3) Theory Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-24 Laurentiu Rodina
We investigate the hidden amplitude zeros which describe a nontrivial vanishing of scattering amplitudes on special external kinematics. We first prove that every type of hidden zero is equivalent to what we call a “subset” enhanced scaling under Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten shifts for any rational function built from planar Lorentz invariants Xij=(pi+pi+1+⋯+pj−1)2. This directly applies to Tr(ϕ3), nonlinear
Exogenous–Endogenous Surfactant Interaction Yields Heterogeneous Spreading in Complex Branching Networks Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Richard Mcnair, Fernando Temprano-Coleto, François J. Peaudecerf, Frédéric Gibou, Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz, Oliver E. Jensen, Julien R. Landel
Experiments have shown that surfactant introduced to a liquid-filled maze can find the solution path. We reveal how the maze-solving dynamics arise from interactions between the added surfactant and endogenous surfactant present at the liquid surface. We simulate the dynamics using a nonlinear model solved with a discrete mimetic scheme on a graph. Endogenous surfactant transforms local spreading into
Ultralight Dark Matter Search with Space-Time Separated Atomic Clocks and Cavities Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Melina Filzinger, Ashlee R. Caddell, Dhruv Jani, Martin Steinel, Leonardo Giani, Nils Huntemann, Benjamin M. Roberts
We devise and demonstrate a method to search for nongravitational couplings of ultralight dark matter to standard model particles using space-time separated atomic clocks and cavity-stabilized lasers. By making use of space-time separated sensors, which probe different values of an oscillating dark matter field, we can search for couplings that cancel in typical local experiments. This provides sensitivity
Pellet Rocket Effect in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Nico J. Guth, Oskar Vallhagen, Per Helander, Istvan Pusztai, Sarah L. Newton, Tünde Fülöp
Pellets of frozen material traveling into a magnetically confined fusion plasma are accelerated by the so-called pellet rocket effect. The nonuniform plasma heats the pellet ablation cloud asymmetrically, producing pressure-driven, rocketlike propulsion of the pellet. We present a semianalytical model of this process by perturbing a spherically symmetric ablation model. Predicted pellet accelerations
Revisiting the Helium Isotope-Shift Puzzle with Improved Uncertainties from Nuclear Structure Corrections Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Simone Salvatore Li Muli, Thomas R. Richardson, Sonia Bacca
Measurements of the difference between the squared charge radii of the helion (He3 nucleus) and the α particle (He4 nucleus) have been characterized by longstanding tensions recently spotlighted in the 3.6σ discrepancy of the extractions from ordinary atoms versus those from muonic atoms [Karsten Schuhmann , ]. Here, we present a novel analysis of uncertainties in nuclear structure corrections that
Complete Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to ZZ Production in Gluon Fusion Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Bakul Agarwal, Stephen Jones, Matthias Kerner, Andreas von Manteuffel
We calculate the complete next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections to loop-induced gg→ZZ production including full top-quark mass effects. The two-loop virtual corrections are obtained by combining analytic results for the massless, Higgs-mediated, and one-loop factorizable contributions with numerically computed amplitudes containing the top-quark mass. We show that the choice of subtraction scheme
Optimal Reconstruction of the Hellings and Downs Correlation Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Bruce Allen, Joseph D. Romano
Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) detect gravitational waves (GWs) via the correlations they create in the arrival times of pulses from different pulsars. The mean correlation, a function of the angle between the directions to two pulsars, was predicted in 1983 by Hellings and Downs (HD). Observation of this angular pattern is crucial evidence that GWs are present, so PTAs “reconstruct the HD curve” by estimating
Dynamical Theory of Angle-Resolved Electron Energy Loss and Gain Spectroscopies of Phonons and Magnons in Transmission Electron Microscopy Including Multiple Scattering Effects Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 José Ángel Castellanos-Reyes, Paul M. Zeiger, Ján Rusz
We present a method for computing angle-resolved electron energy loss and gain spectroscopies for phonon and magnon excitations in transmission electron microscopy. Fractional scattering intensities are derived from the temperature-dependent time autocorrelation of the auxiliary electron beam wave function. This method captures both single and multiple scattering processes, as well as dynamical diffraction
Nonmonotonic Constitutive Curves and Shear Banding in Dry and Wet Granular Flows Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Christopher Ness, Suzanne M. Fielding
We use particle simulations to map comprehensively the shear rheology of dry and wet granular matter comprising particles of finite stiffness, in both fixed pressure and fixed volume protocols. At fixed pressure we find nonmonotonic constitutive curves that are shear thinning, whereas at fixed volume we find nonmonotonic constitutive curves that are shear thickening. We show that the presence of one
Dynamics of Microscale and Nanoscale Systems in the Weak-Memory Regime Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Kay Brandner
Memory effects are ubiquitous in small-scale systems. They emerge from interactions between accessible and inaccessible degrees of freedom and give rise to evolution equations that are nonlocal in time. If the characteristic timescales of accessible and inaccessible degrees of freedom are sharply separated, locality can be restored through the standard Markov approximation. Here, we show that this
Fundamental Limit on the Power of Entanglement Assistance in Quantum Communication Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Lasse H. Wolff, Paula Belzig, Matthias Christandl, Bergfinnur Durhuus, Marco Tomamichel
The optimal rate of reliable communication over a quantum channel can be enhanced by preshared entanglement. Whereas the enhancement may be unbounded in infinite-dimensional settings even when the input power is constrained, a long-standing conjecture asserts that the ratio between the entanglement-assisted and unassisted classical capacities is bounded in finite-dimensional settings [Bennett , ].
Symmetry Breaking in the Superionic Phase of Silver Iodide Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Amir Hajibabaei, William J. Baldwin, Gábor Csányi, Stephen J. Cox
In the superionic phase of silver iodide, we observe a distorted tetragonal structure characterized by symmetry breaking in the cation distribution. This phase competes with the well known bcc phase with a symmetric cation distribution, at an energetic cost of only a few meV/atom. The small energy difference suggests that these competing structures may both be thermally accessible near the superionic
Optical Imaging of Laser-Driven Fast Electron Weibel-like Filamentation in Overcritical Density Plasma Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 N. P. Dover, O. Tresca, N. Cook, O. C. Ettlinger, R. J. Kingham, C. Maharjan, M. N. Polyanskiy, P. Shkolnikov, I. Pogorelsky, Z. Najmudin
We report on the measurement of filamented transport of laser-generated fast electron beams in near-critical density plasma. A relativistic intensity long-wave-infrared laser irradiated a hydrodynamically shaped helium gas flow at an electron density ne≃1025m−3, generating a large flux of fast electrons that propagated beyond the critical surface. The beam-to-background electron density ratio was sufficiently
In+115−Yb+172 Coulomb Crystal Clock with 2.5×10−18 Systematic Uncertainty Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 H. N. Hausser, J. Keller, T. Nordmann, N. M. Bhatt, J. Kiethe, H. Liu, I. M. Richter, M. von Boehn, J. Rahm, S. Weyers, E. Benkler, B. Lipphardt, S. Dörscher, K. Stahl, J. Klose, C. Lisdat, M. Filzinger, N. Huntemann, E. Peik, T. E. Mehlstäubler
We present a scalable mixed-species Coulomb crystal clock based on the S01↔P30 transition in In+115. Yb+172 ions are cotrapped and used for sympathetic cooling. Reproducible interrogation conditions for mixed-species Coulomb crystals are ensured by a conditional preparation sequence with permutation control. We demonstrate clock operation with a 1In+−3Yb+ crystal, achieving a relative systematic uncertainty
Non-Markovian Feedback for Optimized Quantum Error Correction Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Matteo Puviani, Sangkha Borah, Remmy Zen, Jan Olle, Florian Marquardt
Bosonic codes allow the encoding of a logical qubit in a single component device, utilizing the infinitely large Hilbert space of a harmonic oscillator. In particular, the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code has recently been demonstrated to be correctable well beyond the break-even point of the best passive encoding in the same system. Current approaches to quantum error correction (QEC) for this system
Coherence of an Electronic Two-Level System under Continuous Charge Sensing by a Quantum Dot Detector Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Subhomoy Haldar, Morten Munk, Harald Havir, Waqar Khan, Sebastian Lehmann, Claes Thelander, Kimberly A. Dick, Peter Samuelsson, Patrick P. Potts, Ville F. Maisi
We investigate experimentally the quantum coherence of an electronic two-level system in a double quantum dot under continuous charge detection. The charge state of the two-level system is monitored by a capacitively coupled single quantum dot detector that imposes a backaction effect on the system. The measured backaction is well described by an additional decoherence rate, approximately linearly
Distinguishing Dirac from Majorana Heavy Neutrino at Future Lepton Colliders Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Qing-Hong Cao, Kun Cheng, Yandong Liu
We propose to identify whether a sterile neutrino is Dirac-type or Majorana-type by counting the peak of the rapidity distribution at lepton colliders. Our method requires only one charged-lepton tagging, and the nature of sterile neutrinos can be pinned down once they are confirmed. Published by the American Physical Society 2025
Quantized Axial Charge of Staggered Fermions and the Chiral Anomaly Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Arkya Chatterjee, Salvatore D. Pace, Shu-Heng Shao
In the 1+1D ultralocal lattice Hamiltonian for staggered fermions with a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, there are two conserved, integer-valued charges that flow in the continuum limit to the vector and axial charges of a massless Dirac fermion with a perturbative anomaly. Each of the two lattice charges generates an ordinary U(1) global symmetry that acts locally on operators and can be gauged
Beyond the Quantum Cramér-Rao Bound Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 J. R. Hervas, A. Z. Goldberg, A. S. Sanz, Z. Hradil, J. Řeháček, L. L. Sánchez-Soto
The quantum Cramér-Rao bound (QCRB) stands as a cornerstone of quantum metrology. Yet, akin to its classical counterpart, it provides only local information and overlooks higher-order details. We leverage the theory of higher-order asymptotics to circumvent these issues, providing corrections to the performance of estimators beyond the QCRB. While the QCRB often yields a whole family of optimal states
High-Temperature QCD Static Potential beyond Leading Order Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-08 Margaret E. Carrington, Cristina Manuel, Joan Soto
We calculate the leading and next-to-leading corrections to the real-time QCD static potential in a high-temperature medium in the region where bound states transit from narrow resonances to wide ones. We find sizable contributions to both the real and the imaginary part of the potential. The calculation involves both loop diagrams calculated in the hard thermal loop effective theory and power corrections
Star Cluster Population of High Mass Black Hole Mergers in Gravitational Wave Data Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Fabio Antonini, Isobel M. Romero-Shaw, Thomas Callister
Stellar evolution theories predict a gap in the black hole birth mass spectrum as the result of pair instability processes in the cores of massive stars. This gap, however, is not seen in the binary black hole masses inferred from gravitational wave data. One explanation is that black holes form dynamically in dense star clusters where smaller black holes merge to form more massive black holes, populating
Correlations Enable Lossless Ergotropy Transport Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Rick P. A. Simon, Janet Anders, Karen V. Hovhannisyan
“A battery powers a device” can be read as “work stored in the battery is being transported to the device.” In quantum batteries, the total amount of stored work can be measured by ergotropy, which is the maximal work extractable by unitary operations. Transporting ergotropy is fundamentally different from transporting energy, and here we find that ergotropy can be even when the transmission channel
Model-Independent Tests of the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Contribution to the Muon g−2 Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Luca Di Luzio, Alexander Keshavarzi, Antonio Masiero, Paride Paradisi
The hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contributions to the muon g−2 are the crucial quantity to resolve whether new physics is present or not in the comparison between the standard model (SM) prediction and experimental measurements at Fermilab. They are commonly and historically determined via dispersion relations using a vast catalogue of experimentally measured, low-energy e+e−→hadrons cross section
Emergent Rate-Based Dynamics in Duplicate-Free Populations of Spiking Neurons Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Valentin Schmutz, Johanni Brea, Wulfram Gerstner
Can spiking neural networks (SNNs) approximate the dynamics of recurrent neural networks? Arguments in classical mean-field theory based on laws of large numbers provide a positive answer when each neuron in the network has many “duplicates”, i.e., other neurons with almost perfectly correlated inputs. Using a disordered network model that guarantees the absence of duplicates, we show that duplicate-free
Traveling Strings of Active Dipolar Colloids Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Xichen Chao, Katherine Skipper, C. Patrick Royall, Silke Henkes, Tanniemola B. Liverpool
We study an intriguing new type of self-assembled active colloidal polymer system in 3D. It is obtained from a suspension of Janus particles in an electric field that induces parallel dipoles in the particles as well as self-propulsion in the plane perpendicular to the field. At low volume fractions, in experiment, the particles self-assemble into 3D columns that are self-propelled in 2D. Explicit
Quantum Zeno Engines and Heat Pumps Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Giovanni Barontini
We study the implementation of quantum engines and quantum heat pumps where the quantum adiabatic transformations are replaced by quantum Zeno strokes. During these strokes, frequent measurements are selectively performed on the external state of the system avoiding transition between different levels. This effectively delivers almost ideal isentropic transformations. We concentrate on the characterization
Multitwist Trajectories and Decoupling Zeros in Conformal Field Theory Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Alexandre Homrich, David Simmons-Duffin, Pedro Vieira
Conformal Regge theory predicts the existence of analytically continued conformal field theory data for complex spin. How could this work when there are so many more operators with large spin compared to small spin? Using planar N=4 SYM as a test ground, we find a simple physical picture. Operators do organize themselves into analytic families but the continuation of the higher families have zeros
New Standard for the Logarithmic Accuracy of Parton Showers Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Melissa van Beekveld, Mrinal Dasgupta, Basem Kamal El-Menoufi, Silvia Ferrario Ravasio, Keith Hamilton, Jack Helliwell, Alexander Karlberg, Pier Francesco Monni, Gavin P. Salam, Ludovic Scyboz, Alba Soto-Ontoso, Gregory Soyez
We report on a major milestone in the construction of logarithmically accurate final-state parton showers, achieving next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy for the wide class of observables known as event shapes. The key to this advance lies in the identification of the relation between critical NNLL analytic resummation ingredients and their parton-shower counterparts. Our analytic discussion
Stability and Mobility of Disconnections in Solute Atmospheres: Insights from Interfacial Defect Diagrams Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Chongze Hu, Douglas L. Medlin, Rémi Dingreville
This Letter explores the stability of disconnections (step-dislocation defects) at grain boundaries in binary alloys. We introduce interfacial defect diagrams, derived from atomistic simulations and segregation theory, to predict the stability of disconnections in the temperature-solute concentration phase space and relate it to governing segregation mechanisms. These diagrams reveal multiple stability
Revising the Full One-Loop Gauge Prefactor in Electroweak Vacuum Stability Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Pietro Baratella, Miha Nemevšek, Yutaro Shoji, Katarina Trailović, Lorenzo Ubaldi
We revisit the decay rate of the electroweak vacuum in the standard model with the full one-loop prefactor. We focus on the gauge degrees of freedom and derive the degeneracy factors appearing in the functional determinant using group theoretical arguments. Our treatment shows that the transverse modes were previously overcounted, so we revise the calculation of that part of the prefactor. The new
Magnetic X-Ray Imaging Using a Single Polarization and Multimodal Ptychography Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Marisel Di Pietro Martínez, Alexis Wartelle, Nicolas Mille, Stefan Stanescu, Rachid Belkhou, Farid Fettar, Vincent Favre-Nicolin, Guillaume Beutier
Polarized x-rays allow for imaging birefringent or dichroic properties of materials with nanometric resolution. To disentangle these properties from the electronic density, either a polarization analyzer or several measurements with different polarizations (typically two or more) are needed. Here we demonstrate that ptychography can disentangle these from a single polarization measurement by using
Single-Beam Grating-Chip 3D and 1D Optical Lattices Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Alan Bregazzi, James P. McGilligan, Paul F. Griffin, Erling Riis, Aidan S. Arnold
Ultracold atoms are crucial for unlocking truly precise and accurate quantum metrology and provide an essential platform for quantum computing, communication, and memories. One of the largest ongoing challenges is the miniaturization of these quantum devices. Here, we show that the typically macroscopic optical lattice architecture at the heart of many ultraprecise quantum technologies can be realized
Unified Variational Approach Description of Ground-State Phases of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Conor Smith,Yixiao Chen,Ryan Levy,Yubo Yang,Miguel A Morales,Shiwei Zhang
The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is a fundamental model, which is drawing increasing interest because of recent advances in experimental and theoretical studies of 2D materials. Current understanding of the ground state of the 2DEG relies on quantum Monte Carlo calculations, based on variational comparisons of different Ansätze for different phases. We use a single variational ansatz, a general
Simultaneous Unbinned Differential Cross-Section Measurement of Twenty-Four Z+jets Kinematic Observables with the ATLAS Detector. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 G Aad,E Aakvaag,B Abbott,S Abdelhameed,K Abeling,N J Abicht,S H Abidi,M Aboelela,A Aboulhorma,H Abramowicz,H Abreu,Y Abulaiti,B S Acharya,A Ackermann,C Adam Bourdarios,L Adamczyk,S V Addepalli,M J Addison,J Adelman,A Adiguzel,T Adye,A A Affolder,Y Afik,M N Agaras,J Agarwala,A Aggarwal,C Agheorghiesei,F Ahmadov,W S Ahmed,S Ahuja,X Ai,G Aielli,A Aikot,M Ait Tamlihat,B Aitbenchikh,M Akbiyik,T P A Åkesson
Z boson events at the Large Hadron Collider can be selected with high purity and are sensitive to a diverse range of QCD phenomena. As a result, these events are often used to probe the nature of the strong force, improve Monte Carlo event generators, and search for deviations from standard model predictions. All previous measurements of Z boson production characterize the event properties using a
Measurement of Λ_{b}^{0}, Λ_{c}^{+}, and Λ Decay Parameters Using Λ_{b}^{0}→Λ_{c}^{+}h^{-} Decays. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 R Aaij,A S W Abdelmotteleb,C Abellan Beteta,F Abudinén,T Ackernley,A A Adefisoye,B Adeva,M Adinolfi,P Adlarson,C Agapopoulou,C A Aidala,Z Ajaltouni,S Akar,K Akiba,P Albicocco,J Albrecht,F Alessio,M Alexander,Z Aliouche,P Alvarez Cartelle,R Amalric,S Amato,J L Amey,Y Amhis,L An,L Anderlini,M Andersson,A Andreianov,P Andreola,M Andreotti,D Andreou,A Anelli,D Ao,F Archilli,M Argenton,S Arguedas Cuendis
A comprehensive study of the angular distributions in the bottom-baryon decays Λ_{b}^{0}→Λ_{c}^{+}h^{-}(h=π,K), followed by Λ_{c}^{+}→Λh^{+} with Λ→pπ^{-} or Λ_{c}^{+}→pK_{S}^{0} decays, is performed using a data sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb^{-1} collected by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13 TeV. The decay parameters
Precise Measurement of the e^{+}e^{-}→D_{s}^{+}D_{s}^{-} Cross Section at Center-of-Mass Energies from Threshold to 4.95 GeV. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 M Ablikim,M N Achasov,P Adlarson,O Afedulidis,X C Ai,R Aliberti,A Amoroso,Q An,Y Bai,O Bakina,I Balossino,Y Ban,H-R Bao,V Batozskaya,K Begzsuren,N Berger,M Berlowski,M Bertani,D Bettoni,F Bianchi,E Bianco,A Bortone,I Boyko,R A Briere,A Brueggemann,H Cai,X Cai,A Calcaterra,G F Cao,N Cao,S A Cetin,J F Chang,G R Che,G Chelkov,C Chen,C H Chen,Chao Chen,G Chen,H S Chen,H Y Chen,M L Chen,S J Chen,S L Chen
Using the e^{+}e^{-} collision data collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider, at center-of-mass energies from the threshold to 4.95 GeV, we present precise measurements of the cross section for the process e^{+}e^{-}→D_{s}^{+}D_{s}^{-} using a single-tag method. The resulting cross section line shape exhibits several new structures, thereby offering an input for a future
Relativistic Quantum Fields Are Universal Entanglement Embezzlers. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Lauritz van Luijk,Alexander Stottmeister,Reinhard F Werner,Henrik Wilming
Embezzlement of entanglement refers to the counterintuitive possibility of extracting entangled quantum states from a reference state of an auxiliary system (the "embezzler") via local quantum operations while hardly perturbing the latter. We uncover a deep connection between the operational task of embezzling entanglement and the mathematical classification of von Neumann algebras. Our result implies
Temperature-Dependent Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Behaviors in Porous Materials. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Peiyuan Yan,Mohammad Sadegh Zamiri,Florea Marica,Benjamin Nicot,Derrick Green,Bruce J Balcom
We observe divergent temperature-dependent magnetic resonance relaxation behaviors across various brine-saturated porous materials. The paramagnetic and diamagnetic nature of the samples underlies these divergent behaviors. The temperature-dependent trends of the longitudinal T_{1} and transverse T_{2} relaxation times are systematically explained via distinct relaxation-diffusion regimes of Brownstein-Tarr
Gigahertz Surface Acoustic Wave Topological Rainbow in Nanoscale Phononic Crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Zi-Dong Zhang,Si-Yuan Yu,Ming-Hui Lu,Yan-Feng Chen
Precisely engineered gigahertz surface acoustic wave (SAW) trapping enables diverse and controllable interconnections with various quantum systems, which are crucial to unlocking the full potential of phonons. The topological rainbow based on synthetic dimension presents a promising avenue for facile and precise localization of SAWs. In this study, we successfully developed a monolithic gigahertz SAW
Evidence of Dirac Quantum Spin Liquid in YbZn_{2}GaO_{5}. Phys. Rev. Lett. (IF 8.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Rabindranath Bag,Sijie Xu,Nicholas E Sherman,Lalit Yadav,Alexander I Kolesnikov,Andrey A Podlesnyak,Eun Sang Choi,Ivan da Silva,Joel E Moore,Sara Haravifard
The emergence of a quantum spin liquid (QSL), a state of matter that can result when electron spins are highly correlated but do not become ordered, has been the subject of a considerable body of research in condensed matter physics [1,2]. Spin liquid states have been proposed as hosts for high-temperature superconductivity [3] and can host topological properties with potential applications in quantum