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Enhancing radiological risk evaluation through AI and HotSpot code integration: A Comparative study of LOCA and SGTR Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Merouane Najar, Najeeb N.M. Maglas, He Wang, Zhao Qiang, Mohsen M.M. Ali
This study assesses and compares the radiological risks posed by two nuclear accident scenarios: Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) and Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR). Using consistent environmental parameters and atmospheric conditions with radionuclide concentration levels specific to each scenario, the study evaluates radionuclide deposition rates and the Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)
End-to-End patient-specific VMAT quality assurance for common Head-and-Neck cancers using RANDO anthropomorphic phantom with OSLD Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Youssef Adib, Abdelhak Bouyhamarane, Moulay Ali Youssoufi, Lalla Btissam Drissi, Mohammed Reda Mesradi, Salwa Boutayeb, Mustapha Driouch, Adeb A.S.A. Almaamari, Hanan El Kacemi, Tayeb Kebdani, Khalid Hassouni
Patient-Specific Quality Assurance is usually performed using phantoms made of homogeneous materials with regular shapes and small sizes, which does not simulate real world considerations. This work aims to establish and implement an efficient end-to-end quality assurance protocol for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy treatment plans for Head-and-Neck (H&N) cancers using adult RANDO anthropomorphic
Application of electron beam treatment for degradation of pollutants in real textile wastewater Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Smita Deogaonkar-Baride, Sirisha Majji, Mitesh Koli, P. Saroj, Asavari Dhavale
Textile wastewater contains numerous nondegradable contaminants such as dyes, pigments, detergents, and other auxiliaries, which make the conventional Effluent treatment plant (ETP) processes (viz coagulation-flocculation followed by biodegradation process) ineffective. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are one of the alternatives by which non-degradable contaminants or pollutants can be converted
Determination of self-attenuation correction factors for [formula omitted] NaI(Tl) detector by using Monte Carlo Code FLUKA Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Hakan Çetinkaya
NaI(Tl) gamma spectroscopy systems are widely used to determine the radioactivity level of the environmental samples. It is important to calculate the correct activity of environmental samples with respect to the calibration source. An activity correction is required when the density or absorption coefficient of the calibration source and the environmental sample is different; this is called the self-attenuation
A two-dimensional correlation spectroscopic study to probe the sensitivity of functional groups of “Helixone” membranes to thermal, and irradiation treatments Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-26 Abdul Ghaffar Al Lafi, Hiba Dada, Mohammed Amer Moughrabia
The development of the state of the art hemodialysis membranes requires advanced material characterization to understand membranes functions and ageing mechanisms. Two-dimensional correlation (2D-COS) combined with Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies were utilized to probe the changes occurring on thermal, γ-rays and ultra-violet irradiation of polysulfone (PSF)/poly vinyl pyrrolidone
Heterogeneity in dose distribution in Yttrium-90 and Holmium-166 microspheres radioembolization of hepatic tumors Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-26 L.P. Da Silva, E. De Paiva, H. Trombini
Nuclear medicine therapies face challenges in dosimetric control related to the patient’s anatomy, metabolism, and limitations in dose estimation methods. These challenges are amplified by the introduction of new radiopharmaceuticals and technologies, particularly in the field of theranostics. In this work, the spatial dosimetric heterogeneity generated by microspheres used in radioembolization was
Improving optical, structural, mechanical and radiation shielding properties for B2O3–Er2O3 glasses: BaO and PbO2 effects Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 M.I. Sayyed, Awatif Alshamari, M.H.A. Mhareb
This investigation explored the effects of substituting B2O3 with BaO and PbO2 on the optical, mechanical, and radiation attenuation characteristics of a quaternary glass system comprising BaO, PbO2, Er2O3, and B2O3. The codes used for the glasses are Ba20Er2, Ba22Er2, Ba24Er2, and Ba26Er2, corresponding to the BaO and PbO2 contents. The absorption spectra was used to determine the optical features
Feasibility study for establishing a linear and wide range neutron dosimetry field based on MNSR neutron radiography beamline Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 Afrouz Asgari, Seyed Abolfazl Hosseini, Mohammad Hosein Choopan Dastjerdi, Javad Mokhtari
This study investigated the possibility of establishing a linear neutron dosimetry field by using reactor power changes at the Isfahan miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR). In this way, the linear response of the instrument indicating the reactor power has been assessed using reactor power changes. The linear response of the instrument indicating the reactor power, i.e., the fission chamber (FC)
Fano test, clinical proton beams and nuclear reactions Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 J.A. de la Torre, A.M. Lallena, M. Anguiano
: A Fano test is implemented to prove the feasibility of the Monte Carlo simulation codes penh, fluka and topas for proton transport and, in particular, for the calculation of perturbation factors in ionization chambers used in proton-therapy. Optimal simulation parameters have been determined for penh and revised for topas and fluka.
Vibrational spectroscopy of Breast Tumor Phantoms: A novel approach to radiation dose estimation Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Arslan Ahmad, Sahar Khalid, Muhammad Yousaf, Maria Atiq, Mahr un Nisa, Naima Amin
This study aims to develop a simulated breast tumor model with the main objective of analyzing and designing treatment dosage delivery inside the malignant tissue and its nearby areas. Vibrational spectroscopy was employed to provide assistance in this measurement.
New Measurements of Photoneutron Spectra investigating specific signatures of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 C. Besnard-Vauterin, B. Rapp, V. Blideanu
We report new measurements on photoneutron spectra from graphite, glucose, and melamine, revealing distinct signatures corresponding to carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen individual elements. Using a 23-MV electron linear accelerator (LINAC) and EJ-309 liquid scintillators with advanced pulse shape discrimination and pile-up rejection algorithms, we successfully detected fast neutrons from photo-nuclear
Computational neutron emission spectrometry and radiation assessment in VVER-1200 reactor nuclear fuel Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Sergey V. Bedenko, Gennady N. Vlaskin, Sergey D. Polozkov, Ahmed H. Ali, Alexey A. Orlov, Hector Rene Vega-Carrillo
To ensure long-term and trouble-free operation, the reactor fuel is modified by introducing various homogeneous and heterogeneous additives. This modified fuels exhibit satisfactory performances under irradiation at elevated temperatures and burnup levels. However, the challenges related to radiation safety during the handling of fresh and spent nuclear fuel remain unresolved. In this study, neutron
Enhancing austenitic stainless-steel alloys for fast breeder reactor fuel cladding: A comparative study Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Sara E. Saleh, M.K. Elfawkhry, Heba A. Saudi, Hosam M. Gomaa, S.M. El-Minyawi, M.M. Eissa
In the present study, a series of austenitic stainless-steel alloys were developed for use as fuel cladding in fast breeder reactors. Standard austenitic stainless steel AISI316L was prepared and studied as a reference sample. Either intermetallic phases or secondary carbides were suggested to enhance the characteristic properties of austenitic stainless steel. Therefore, two samples were prepared
Effect of Bi2O3 on the optical and radiation shielding properties of borotellurite glasses irradiate at 59 keV photon energy Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 N.H. Alias, M.H.M. Zaid, K.A. Matori, Y.W. Fen, S.N. Nazrin, N. Effendy
The optical and radiation shielding properties of the newly formulated bismuth borotellurite, [Bi2O3]x[(TeO2)70(B2O3)30]100-x glass system with x = 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mol% irradiated at 59 keV photon energy have been investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis confirm the amorphous structure of the glasses. The density of the glass sample increase from 3.962 to 6.400 g/cm3 with the increase of Bi2O3
Closed-loop method for accurate measurement of Rn-220 exhalation rate from soil surfaces Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Xianfa Mao, Zhongkai Fan, Shuaibin Liu, Ruomei Xie, Shuai Yuan, Huiying Li, Jiale Sun, Jiulin Wu, Haibo Yi, Zhipeng Liu, Xinyue Yang, Shicheng Luo, Chenxi Zu, Feng Xiao, Hongbo Xu, Hongzhi Yuan, Yanliang Tan
Rn-220 is an important isotope of radon. The relatively short half-life of Rn-220 presents a significant challenge in accurately determining its exhalation rate. As the risk of exposure to Rn-220 continues to rise, the accurate measurement of Rn-220 and its exhalation rate has become a significant challenge in the field of radiation protection. Traditional model only considers the change of Rn-220
Comparative surface dosimetry in breast cancer in 3DCRT radiotherapy: TLD measurements and TPS evaluation across techniques Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Saeid Afereydoon, Mohammad Javad Enferadi-Aliabad, Mahdie Gholizadeh, Yasaman Rezaei, Mohammad Ali Broomand, Reza Daneshfar, Abolfazl Nickfarjam
Breast cancer remains a leading global health issue for women, External Beam Radiotherapy is commonly used post-surgery but often causes acute skin reactions. Accurate calculating superficial doses remains difficult despite Treatment planning system (TPS) advancements, due to particle equilibrium complexities and near-surface modeling limitations. skin dose measurement is critical for effective treatment
Radiation-induced degradation of di-butyl phthalate plasticizer in aqueous solution: Performance, pathways and toxicity assessment Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Qin Wen, Jianlong Wang
Di-butyl phthalate (DBP), a widely used plasticizer, is ubiquitous in aquatic environments due to the widespread application of plastics. Moreover, DBP is refractory and difficult to remove in biological wastewater treatment process. In this study, radiation-induced degradation of DBP was investigated. The results showed that when the initial DBP concentration was 5–15 mg/L, the DBP degradation efficiency
Polymer-based shielding with micro- and nanoparticles: An investigation to reduce photon and photoneutron contamination in a LINAC treatment room Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 M. Dejangah, H. Sadeghi, N. Vosoughi, E. Asadi Amirabadi
The presence of photons and neutrons in the Linear Accelerator (LINAC) treatment room poses significant risks to both patients and staff. As a result, optimizing shielding materials to reduce photoneutron contamination has become a vital area of research. This study investigates the effectiveness of composite materials incorporating micro- and nanosized particles for shielding against photons and neutrons
Investigating the effect of magnetite ore and concrete curing time on the mechanical, environmental, and radiation characteristics of radiation shielding concrete (RSC) Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Ehsan Taghizadeh Tousi, Ehsan Bahrami Jovein, Hamid Reza Sadeghi, Abolfazl Afshari
This study aims to evaluate the effect of replacing magnetite with the main components of concrete (coarse- and fine-aggregates and cement) and the effect of concrete curing time on concrete's mechanical, environmental, and radiation protection properties. The research results showed that increasing the curing time improves concrete's compressive strength and mechanical performance. Replacing 20% of
Monte Carlo study of reduction of inherent Pb-210 decay chain emissions from shielding in whole body counters Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Bruno Melo Mendes, Luiz Cláudio Meira-Belo, Guilherme Cavalcante de Albuquerque Souza, Tarcisio Passos Ribeiro de Campos
In vivo monitoring systems require shielding that significantly reduces the contributions of environmental background radiation. Lead is a material extensively used in shielding against ionizing radiation. However, contamination with Pb-210 and radioactive elements from its decay chain may make using this material for shielding in vivo systems unfeasible. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the contribution
Non-invasive estimation of absorbed ionizing radiation dose in mice using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and aquaphotomics Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Jelena Muncan, Masaru Yamaguchi, Ikuo Kashiwakura, Roumiana Tsenkova
Accurate measurement of ionizing radiation exposure, whether therapeutic or accidental, is of utmost importance in various scenarios. This paper presents a study that addresses this critical need by utilizing near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and aquaphotomics to estimate radiation dose exposure in mouse models subjected to X-ray irradiation. The analysis of NIR spectra acquired from the mouse abdomen
A novel analytic procedure for accurate patient surface dose measurement during computed tomography examination: Systematic uncertainty correction related to incident X-ray direction Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Sota Goto, Tatsuya Maeda, Kazuki Takegami, Rina Nishigami, Daiki Kobayashi, Takashi Asahara, Natsumi Kimoto, Yuki Kanazawa, Kazuta Yamashita, Kosaku Higashino, Takeshi Konishi, Motochika Maki, Hiroaki Hayashi
For exposure dose management during computed tomography (CT) examinations, measured data of individual patients can provide valuable information. However, it is challenging to measure doses accurately using a dosimeter because the incident direction of X-rays differs in each scan, and therefore the measured dose values show large deviations. This study aimed to develop a methodology to determine surface
Raman measurements on gamma irradiated chestnut fruits Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Amilcar L. Antonio, Sandra Cabo Verde, M. Fatima Cerqueira
Irradiation for food preservation is on use in several countries for different types of foods: fish, meat, vegetables, etc., with its application accepted and regulated by national and international food safety agencies. In this work an irradiation preservation process was applied on chestnut fruits, studying its impact on fruit characteristics. Here, we applied Raman scattering measurements on two
S values for a monkey computational model in diagnostic nuclear medicine procedures Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Daniel D. Lee, Jae Won Jung
In the field of nuclear medicine, monkeys have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of how radioactive materials behave within a living organism. However, dosimetric data, including S values, for various source and target regions in monkey's anatomy and radionuclides remain limited. The current study is aimed to develop a library of S values by utilizing a computational monkey model in
A Monte Carlo simulation of Gamma ART-6000 devices to investigate beam characteristics in a homogeneous environment using Geant4 simulation toolkits Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Bui Tien Hung, Tran Thuy Duong, Bui Ngoc Ha, Ho Quang Tuan
This study focused on modeling a rotational radiosurgery system, specifically the Gamma ART-6000, utilizing Geant4 simulation. The simulation process involved calculating the dose distribution within a water phantom with an 8 cm radius, aimed at investigating beam characteristics for validating simulation geometry. The evaluation of radiosurgery dosimetry parameters, such as dose profiles, field size
The Evolution of radiation dose management in CT: Moving Beyond physical shielding Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Haila Nasser A. Aloud, Salman Albeshan
This literature review explores the evolving role of shielding in computed tomography (CT) imaging, with a focus on its impact on patient radiation dose. Traditionally, physical shielding methods, such as bismuth and lead shields were used to protect radiosensitive organs from ionizing radiation. However, recent technological advancements, such as automatic exposure control (AEC) and tube current modulation
Photon effective dose prediction using XGBoost: A machine learning approach for radiological protection Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Ali.A.A. Alghamdi, Abdulwahab Z. Aljassir, Rayan O. Almuaybid, Saif K. Alkhulaiwi, Faisal A. Alnajim, Rami I. Alshehri, Andy Ma, D.A. Bradley
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) developed dose conversion coefficients (DCC) using effective dose calculated for anthropomorphic phantoms based on human organs physical characteristics. Advances in computational technology and Monte Carlo codes have refined these models. Machine Learning (ML), increasingly applied in radiation physics, shows promise for enhancing dose
Interplay of irradiation stress and phase stabilizer in determining the direction of martensitic transformation in SS316 Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Sarita Ahlawat, Nandini Garg, K.K. Pandey, Velaga Srihari, Debdulal Kabiraj, Manju Bala, Sonu Hooda, Niharendu Choudhury, Aniruddha Biswas
It is expected that radiation damage in austenitic stainless steels caused by Au and Ag ions will result in a forward martensitic transformation (MT), which should be proportional to the induced radiation stresses and hence the fluence. However, contrary to this intuitive understanding, we find that up to a critical fluence, instead of showing a forward MT, cold-worked SS316 shows restoration of austenite
Long term in-vivo dosimetry result for bilateral oppose extended source to surface distance (SSD) total body irradiation Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Biplab Sarkar, Anirudh Pradhan
To report the results of in-vivo dose measurement using optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters (OSLDs) for bilateral opposed extended source-to-surface distance (SSD) total body irradiation (TBI).
Free volume impact on ionic conductivity of PVdF/GO/PVP solid polymer electrolytes via positron annihilation approach Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Mesut Yılmazoğlu, Hikmet Okkay, Ufuk Abaci, Emre Tekay, Ozan Coban, Sümeyye Veziroğlu, Ayse Yumak Yahsi, Cumali Tav, Ugur Yahsi
This study reports the effects of free volume (FV) profiles on the ionic conductivities of PVdF/GO/PVP ternary polymer electrolytes using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS). The electrolytes were characterized by various tests such as FTIR, XRD, TGA-DTG, SEM, contact angle and DMA. FV profiles were evaluated by o-Ps lifetime (τ₃), intensity (I3) and FV fractions (fυ). PVdF exhibits
Comparative analysis of proton depth dose distribution in the Snyder head phantom: FLUKA vs GEANT4 physics models Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Mustafa Mohammad Rafiei, Alessandro Bartoloni, Sara Parsaei, Lidia Strigari
Today, estimating ionizing radiation doses through simulations using Monte Carlo codes is essential in many fields, particularly space radiobiology. Simulations are engaging because they are risk-free and significantly more cost-effective than experimental methods. Consequently, various codes have been developed to transport a broad spectrum of charged and uncharged particles across an extensive energy
Direct creation of the relative stopping power maps from MRI images using a cycleGAN deep-learning network for proton therapy Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Hamid Omidi, Reza Faghihi, Mohammadreza Parishan, Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi
In MRI-based proton therapy, obtaining relative stopping power (RSP) maps from MRI involves converting MRI to CT, which introduces errors and uncertainties.
Fabrication of Kevlar based shielding material for attenuation of ionizing radiations Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Shubham Ghag, Shivanand Bhushan, Sibi Oommen, Suhas Yeshwant Nayak, J.P. Jaideep, S.V. Suryanarayana, P.M. Prajapati, Sachin Shet, Subbaiah Kv, Paresh Prajapati
The aim of this study is to fabricate a flexible, lightweight and less toxic alternative to pure lead for shielding against ionizing radiation. Composite material based on room temperature vulcanizing silicone rubber with different weight percentages of tungsten carbide, bismuth oxide and a smaller percentage of lead enrichment with Aramid fibre were fabricated. The mechanical parameters like tensile
Research on thermal neutron shielding effect of serpentine concrete (SC) Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Yucheng Zhou, Xiaoming Chen, Yijian Zhan, Zhiyao Xue, Jifeng Hu, Xiaohe Wang, Mintao Zhu, Deliang Li
Fourth-generation advanced reactor systems have extremely high safety and antinuclear radiation diffusion requirements. The material design of nuclear radiation shielding concrete in reactor construction is important. In this work, the thermal neutron shielding performance of serpentine concrete (SC) is examined for a thermal neutron reactor—the molten salt reactor project. The effects of thermal neutrons
Chemical and thermal stability of thermoplastics in fast and mixed irradiation extremes Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Andrea Labouriau, Loren Espada-Castillo, John R. Stockdale, Adam Pacheco, Shelbie A. Legett, Steve Simmonds, Clinton Shonrock, Santosh Adhikari
This study examines the stability of thermoplastics when submitted to high neutron and electron beam fluxes. Two thermoplastics were investigated, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) containing up to 40 wt % isotopically enriched boron-10, and 3D printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) containing 60 wt % tungsten. FT-IR of exposed borated-UHMWPE showed small changes to its chemical
A method to obtain optimal relative electron densities of metallic samples for a density scaling-based commercial photon dose calculation algorithm Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Chang-Shiun Lin, Yi-Chun Tsai, Chun-Wei Wang, Liang-Hsin Chen, Hsiang-Chin Lu, Tsung-Yu Lin, Chia-Jung Wu, Li-Chien Wei, Hsiang-Kung Liang, Sung-Hsin Kuo
Attention-Unet based gamma-ray full spectrum qualitative and quantitative analysis method Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Shu-Xin Zeng, Rui Shi, Guang Yang, Xiong Zeng, Zhou Wang, Xian-Guo Tuo
Rapid full-spectrum analysis of gamma-ray spectra is crucial for public radiation safety. Existing analytical algorithms face challenges in low-count, low-resolution, and overlapping gamma spectra. To address these issues, an improved Attention-Unet neural network method for full-spectrum gamma-ray analysis is proposed, aiming to establish a mapping relationship between the gamma-ray spectra and incident
The influence of gamma radiation on the mechanical performance, anisotropy, and oil resistance of NBR and HNBR composites reinforced with silica and lignin fillers Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 E.S. Fathy, Heba A. Raslan, H. Radi, Magdy A. Ali, Khaled F. El-Nemr
In the present work, at room temperature via a mechanical rotary mill, various composites based on Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) and Hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) have been prepared. As a comparative behavior in both types of rubber, different types of composites were fabricated based on different ratios of silica (S) and lignin (L). After that, all composites were subjected
Computation of electron interaction with halide precursors Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Meenu Pandey, Bobby Antony
The understanding of electron interaction with molecular targets in deposition techniques such as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PA-CVD) and focused electron beam-induced deposition (FEBID) is important for advancement in these fields. So, in this research work, we have computed the integral scattering cross section due to electron collision for a few important molecular targets such as
Optical properties and γ-ray attenuation capacity of cadmium boro-phosphate glasses doped with Nd3+ ions Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Norah A.M. Alsaif, Hanan Al-Ghamdi, Nada Alfryyan, F.F. Alharbi, R.A. Elsad, Y.S. Rammah, A.S. Abouhaswa
In the present work, the role Nd2O3/B2O3 substitution on the physical, optical properties, and γ-ray attenuation competence of Nd2O3-doped cadmium boro-phosphate glasses was investigated. For this purpose, four glasses with chemical formula (25-z)B2O3-zNd2O3–5Na2O–40P2O5–30CdO samples, where z is equal to 0.0 (Nd-1), 0.5 (Nd-2), 1.0 (Nd-3), and 1.5 (Nd-4) mol% were synthesized using the melt quenching
Effect of alkyl substituent on radiolytic transformations of alkyl salicylates Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 S.I. Vlasov, A.V. Ponomarev
Alkyl salicylates are capable of selectively extracting lithium from solutions of various origins. This paper examines the radiation resistance of alkyl salicylates. The initial yield of radiolytic degradation of methyl salicylate (MS) and 2-ethylhexyl salicylate (EHS) is 100 and 166 nmol J−1, while the total yield of products is 105 and 236 nmol J−1, respectively. Radiolysis of MS produces predominantly
Gamma, charged particle and neutron shielding properties of polyethylene based thermoplastic compounds doped with titanate and zirconate additives Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Oguz A. Kurucu, Demet Yılmaz, Sedanur Kalecik, Yusuf Z. Menceloglu
Knowing how efficient radiation shielding materials are being essential for a variety of uses, including nuclear power plants and medical imaging. This study examined the gamma and neutron shielding capabilities of thermoplastic polymers based on polyethylene and doped with titanate and zirconate additions. Over an energy range of 53.16–383.85 keV, experimental measurements were made of the compound's
Structural, morphological and electrochemical characteristics of gamma irradiated silver metaphosphate AgPO3 glasses Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-12 Adel A. Shaheen, D.A. Abdulmalik, Mufeed Maghrabi, Ahmad I. Ayesh, J. Al-Jundi
Silver metaphosphate AgPO3 glass samples were prepared using the melt quenching route. The prepared samples were exposed to a total gamma irradiation dose of 0–100kGy in steps of 20 kGy. The work aims to investigate the influence of gamma irradiation on the structure, morphology, and electric/dielectric properties of AgPO3 glass samples. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that the samples have some degree
Effect of irradiation on ethylene propylene diene monomer doped with different concentrations of wheat husk fiber Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-11 Hamdy F.M. Mohamed, Howayda G. Taha, Esam E. Abdel-Hady, Mohamed H.M. Hassanien, Wael M. Mohammed
The free volume of ethylene-propylene-diene monomer (EPDM) rubber reinforced with wheat husk fibers (WHFs) was investigated using positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) spectroscopy. The impact of the reinforced WHF concentrations in the range of 0–50 phr on the free volume structure of EPDM/WHF composites is quantified, along with the effect of γ-irradiation doses from 0 to 300 kGy. The swelling coefficient
Polymineral identification and thermoluminescence of peppermint tea bags Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-11 J. Roman-Lopez, E. Cruz-Zaragoza, I.B. Lozano, J.A.I. Diaz-Gongora
The thermoluminescence (TL) properties of polyminerals separated from commercial peppermint tea bags and exposed to beta dose were analysed because of their potential application in dosimetry. The chemical composition of peppermint polyminerals was analysed by Electron Probe Microanalysis and X-Ray Diffraction. The polyminerals are composed of quartz, plagioclase, and pyroxene minerals. A well-defined
Enhancement of structural, morphological, thermal, optical and mechanical characteristics of PVA/PEO blends based on acetate fillers and infrared laser irradiation Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Mohamed H. Abdel-Kader, Tariq S. Alharby, Saleh N. Alamri
Current research work aims to investigate the effect of inorganic acetate salts of Co (cobalt) and Cu (copper) on the physical properties of (polyvinyl alcohol) PVA/PEO (polyethylene oxide) blends. Undoped (heat and laser treated) and composite (PVA/PEO doped acetate/laser treated) were prepared by the solution casting technique. Structure, surface morphology and tomography, optical, thermal and mechanical
Structural and mechanical properties of UV-C irradiated polytetrafluoroethylene films Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Mahdi Mansour, Mohamed Trari
In this contribution, we investigate the structural and mechanical properties of PTFE films subjected to different exposure times under UV-C rays ranging from 100 to 500 h. The Raman analyses indicate that the UV-C irradiation of PTFE for 100 and 200 h produces structural disorder with a lattice distortion detected particularly after an exposure time of 100 h, which primarily arises from the polymer
Characterization of physical, mechanical and dosimetric properties of radiotherapy bolus made from silicone rubber and epoxy resin Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Herty Afrina Sianturi, Martha Rianna, Azhari, Junedi Ginting, Renisa Gunar AP Marbun, Andika Restu Pradana, Montesqieu Silalahi, Hendra Tampubolon, Perdana Manik, Timbang Pangaribuan
In this study, boluses were made of silicone rubber with various additions of 16%, 17%, 18% and 19% epoxy. The sample preparation process was carried out by mixing silicone rubber and epoxy, then adding catalyst and stirring until homogeneous and then pouring it into an acrylic mold with a size (11 x 11 x 1.5) cm3. The characterization results showed that the addition of 16% epoxy resulted in a density
Monte-Carlo simulation for the optimization of a fan-beam X-ray backscatter system for the identification of human remains Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Sunghoon Choi, Sora Park, Jun-Tae Kang, Ji-Hwan Yeon, Jin-Woo Jeong
This study presents a comprehensive simulation and optimization of a ground-penetrating X-ray (GPX) backscatter system using the Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission (GATE)-based Monte-Carlo method. Our research focuses on enhancing fan-beam-based GPX inspection systems for the detection of buried objects, particularly in the context of recovering Korean War fallen soldiers' remains. We employed
Size specific dose estimates for adult patients in CT of the Kidney, Ureters, and Bladder (KUB) based on effective diameter and water equivalent diameter Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-08 Khaled Alenazi, Haitham Alahmad, Salman Albeshan, Meshari Almeshari, Ahmad Abanomy
CT KUB (kidneys, ureters, bladder) is the gold standard for evaluating urinary disorders. Known for its diagnostic accuracy, CT KUB is crucial for detecting renal stones. However, high radiation doses require accurate dose estimation methods to ensure safety and effectiveness in clinical practice. This study evaluates and studies the correlation in size-specific dose estimates (SSDE) for CT KUB based
Gamma radiation-induced modifications in structural, optical, and electrical characteristics of p-NiO/n-Si heterojunction diodes Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Ramazan Lok, Muhsin U. Doğan, Senol Kaya, Ugur Soykan, Cabir Terzioğlu
This study examines the effects of Co-60 gamma irradiation on the structural, chemical, optical, and electrical properties of p-NiO/n-Si heterojunction diodes. Various characterization techniques such as X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, UV–Vis reflectance measurements, and electrical current-voltage (I–V) analysis were used to evaluate the changes caused by radiation
Determination of [formula omitted] source air kerma rate constant Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Ngoc-Thiem LE, Tien-Hung Dinh, Minh-Cong Nguyen, Ngoc-Quynh Nguyen, Tuan-Anh Le, Van-Loat Bui, Thi-Dung Nguyen, Ngoc-Anh Nguyen, Hoai-Nam Tran, Thi-Minh-Thu Hoang, Thu-Trang Ngo, Thi-May Nguyen, Thi-Luyen Pham, Thi-My-Duyen Nguyen, Thi-Nga Dao, Lam-Oanh Nguyen
Air kerma rate constant (Γδ) of a Cs137 source was evaluated in two different manners: (a) by calculation based on fluence-to-kerma conversion coefficient and (b) by measurements by different ionization chambers. Comparison between Γδ values of the Cs137 source, obtained from these two methods, shows the consistence within 0.5%. The combined standard uncertainties of these Γδ values (uΓδ) were also
Exploring the gamma-ray shielding performance of boron-rich high entropy alloys Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-04 Hatice Yilmaz Alan, Omer Guler, Ayberk Yilmaz, Lidya Amon Susam, Esra Kavaz, Gokhan Kilic, Erkan Ilik, Sener Oktik, Baki Akkus, Ghada ALMisned, H.O. Tekin
High entropy alloys (HEAs) are innovative materials combining multiple principal elements, known for their exceptional properties and wide-ranging applications. This study assesses the gamma-ray shielding capacity of twelve boron-based HEAs through advanced computational methods. Key parameters in terms of understanding the material's ability to reduce radiation intensity, specifically half-value layer
Graft copolymerization of HEMA on LLDPE films activated by low-energy electrons Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-04 Yue Qi, Marco Drache, Uwe Gohs, Maik Gude, Kathrin Harre, Oliver Höfft, Xiuqin Zhang
Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) grafted linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) films were prepared via pre-treatment method. The non-polar LLDPE films were activated by low-energy electron beam (EB) treatment in vacuum and air at room temperature. The influence of the atmosphere during the EB activation of LLDPE films at fixed dose rate and dose per pass on the grafting process at room temperature
A comparative study on the radiological properties of PEEK and titanium alloy implant materials with extended HU CT imaging Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Suvankar Das, Thepuzhoyi Medeo, Pranav Sharad Sapkal, Hema Anukula, Paul Ravindran B
This study compares the radiological properties of Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) and titanium Alloy (Ti6Al4V) implant materials in reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. It focuses on attenuation, scatter in water, dose build-up, and dose near heterogeneity, measured and calculated with the Treatment Planning System using 12-bit and extended HU CT images.
Synthesis of irradiation-modified triphenylphosphine resins and study of the extraordinary enrichment behaviour of rhenium at low concentrations against a high uranium background Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Haonan Li, Yuxin Liao, Yuanzhe Jia, Wei Zhao, Yonghuan Huang, Rong Hua, Xuebin Su
In order to recover the trace rhenium resources in the background environment of high uranium leach solution, we synthesized a resin suitable for the efficient adsorption of rhenium in a low concentration environment by using electron-accelerator irradiation grafting technology and high-density solidification of triphenylphosphine on the surface of styrene chlorine sphere skeleton, which can circumvent
Research on the Standard Single Element Response Spectrum (SSERS) method for bulk samples determination with PGAA technology Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Daqian Hei, Enkang Luo, Jiatong Li, Wenbao Jia, Can Cheng, Pingkun Cai, Lian Chen, Yajun Tang, Zhen Li
Prompt gamma ray activation analysis (PGAA) is a powerful non-destructive analytical method for bulk chemical composition. The prompt gamma ray spectra usually contain lots of peaks, and the measuring accuracy is often affected by the overlapping peaks and interference from neutron self-shielding effect, especially for filed application with a scintillator detector. Qualitative and quantitative analyses
Influence of gamma-ray irradiation on the structural, optical, and non-linear optical properties of N-phenyl anthranilic acid single crystal Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Vinod, Sachin Yadav, Kaphi, Kiran, Sanyam Jain, Aditya Yadav, Anuj Krishna, N. Vijayan, Govind Gupta, Geetanjali Sehgal
The impact of gamma radiation on N-phenyl anthranilic acid (NPAA) crystals is examined, with an emphasis on their structural and optical properties. NPAA crystals were synthesized and exposed to varying gamma radiation doses (0 kGy, 1 kGy, 5 kGy, 10 kGy, and 15 kGy). Structural and optical modifications induced by radiation were examined using advanced characterization techniques, including Powder
Mn concentration dependence on dosimetric properties of Mn-doped ZnAl2O4 transparent ceramics Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Satoshi Honjo, Kensei Ichiba, Yusuke Endo, Takumi Kato, Daisuke Nakauchi, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida
We synthesized the 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5% Mn-doped ZnAl2O4 transparent ceramics of a spinel structure by the spark plasma sintering method and evaluated their optical, scintillation, and dosimetric properties. The XRD patterns confirmed that ZnAl2O4 was successfully synthesized. Photoluminescence spectra showed a broad emission band due to the 3d-3d transitions of Mn2+ ions. In the thermally stimulated
Synthesis, physical, structure, mechanical and ionizing radiation shielding properties of some bismuth-based alloys: Comparative investigation Radiat. Phys. Chem. (IF 2.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Abdelmoneim Saleh, Nermin Ali Abdelhakim
Due to the harmful effects of X-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, and heavy charged ions (such as protons and alpha particles) caused by radiation exposure, scientific investigation is still needed to find and develop materials that can act as radiation shields. Four Bi-based alloys (Bi–10Zn, Bi–10Sn, Bi–10In and Bi–10Ag) have been prepared utilizing melt-spinning technique. These alloys were composed of