Berry phase effects on the transverse conductivity of Fermi surfaces and their detection via spin qubit noise magnetometry Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Mark Morgenthaler, Inti Sodemann Villadiego
The quasistatic transverse conductivity of clean Fermi liquids at long wavelengths displays a remarkably universal behavior: it is determined solely by the radius of curvature of the Fermi surface and does not depend on details such as the quasiparticle mass or their interactions. Here we demonstrate that Berry phases do not alter such universality by directly computing the transverse conductivity
Theory of terahertz-driven magnetic switching in rare-earth orthoferrites: The case of TmFeO3 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 N. R. Vovk, E. V. Ezerskaya, R. V. Mikhaylovskiy
We report a theoretical formalism that describes a dynamic magnetic response of rare-earth orthoferrites, particularly those with non-Kramers rare-earth () ions, when driven by strong terahertz fields. We derive a total thermodynamic potential for the exchange coupled -Fe system by constructing an effective Hamiltonian and employing a mean-field theory approximation. We investigate static properties
Unoccupied electronic states of Fe3O4 (100): An angle-resolved inverse-photoemission study Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Jan Bieling, Markus Donath
We present an experimental study that offers first insights into the unoccupied electronic states of a pristine (2×2)R45∘ reconstructed Fe3O4(100) surface. We initially demonstrate the successful sample preparation by analyzing the surface periodicity and chemical composition by low-energy electron diffraction and Auger electron spectroscopy, respectively. Using angle-resolved inverse photoemission
Adiabatic transformations in dissipative and non-Hermitian phase transitions Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Pavel Orlov, Georgy V. Shlyapnikov, Denis V. Kurlov
The quantum geometric tensor has established itself as a general framework for the analysis and detection of equilibrium phase transitions in isolated quantum systems. We propose a generalization of the quantum geometric tensor, which offers a universal approach to studying phase transitions in non-Hermitian quantum systems. Our generalization is based on the concept of the generator of adiabatic transformations
Transverse voltage in anisotropic hydrodynamic conductors Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Kaize Wang, Chunyu Guo, Philip J. W. Moll, Tobias Holder
Weak momentum dissipation in ultraclean metals gives rise to novel non-Ohmic current flow, including ballistic and hydrodynamic regimes. Recently, hydrodynamic flow has attracted intense interest because it presents a valuable window into the electronic correlations and the longest lived collective modes of quantum materials. However, diagnosing viscous flow is difficult as the macroscopic observables
Diffusion in liquid metals is directed by competing collective modes Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Franz Demmel, Noel Jakse
The self-diffusion process in a dense liquid is influenced by collective particle movements. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations for liquid aluminium and rubidium evidence a crossover in the diffusion coefficient at about 1.4 times the melting temperature Tm, indicating a profound change in the diffusion mechanism. The corresponding velocity autocorrelation functions demonstrate a decrease of
Kohn-Sham-Proca equations for ultrafast exciton dynamics Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 J. K. Dewhurst, D. Gill, S. Shallcross, S. Sharma
A longstanding problem in time-dependent density functional theory has been the absence of a functional able to capture excitonic physics under laser pump conditions. Here we introduce a scheme of coupled Kohn-Sham and Proca equations in a pump-probe setup that we show (i) produces linear-response excitonic effects in the weak pump regime in excellent agreement with experiment, but also (ii) captures
Kohlrausch regime of slow relaxation and its phenomenology in isolated quantum many-body systems with strong disorder Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Asmi Haldar
The Kohlrausch(-Williams-Watts) law of stretched exponential relaxation has been observed for over a century and a half in diverse complex classical systems. Here we show that this law describes relaxation quite generically in closed (executing Schrödinger dynamics), interacting disordered many-body systems, using interaction range and disorder strength as primary tuning parameters. This we observe
Full minimal coupling Maxwell-TDDFT: An ab initio framework for light-matter interaction beyond the dipole approximation Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Franco P. Bonafé, Esra Ilke Albar, Sebastian T. Ohlmann, Valeriia P. Kosheleva, Carlos M. Bustamante, Francesco Troisi, Angel Rubio, Heiko Appel
We report an , nonrelativistic QED method that couples light and matter self-consistently beyond the electric dipole approximation and without multipolar truncations. This method is based on an extension of the Maxwell-Pauli-Kohn-Sham approach to a full minimal coupling Hamiltonian, where the space- and time-dependent vector potential is coupled to the matter system, and its back reaction to the radiated
Impact of time-retarded noise on dynamical decoupling schemes for qubits Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Kiyoto Nakamura, Joachim Ankerhold
One of the simplest and least resource-intensive methods to suppress decoherence for qubit operations, namely, dynamical decoupling (DD), is investigated for a broad range of realistic noise sources with time-retarded feedback. By way of example, the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence is analyzed in a numerically rigorous manner accounting also for correlations between qubits and environments. Since
Microscopic mechanism of displacive excitation of coherent phonons in a bulk Rashba semiconductor Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 P. Fischer, J. Bär, M. Cimander, L. Feuerer, V. Wiechert, O. Tereshchenko, D. Bossini
Changing the macroscopic properties of quantum materials by optically activating collective lattice excitations has recently become a major trend in solid state physics. One of the most commonly employed light-matter interaction routes is the displacive mechanism. However, the fundamental contribution to this process remains elusive, as the effects of free-carrier density modification and raised effective
Optical manifestations and bounds of topological Euler class Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Wojciech J. Jankowski, Arthur S. Morris, Adrien Bouhon, F. Nur Ünal, Robert-Jan Slager
We analyze quantum-geometric bounds on optical weights in topological phases with pairs of bands hosting nontrivial Euler class, a multigap invariant characterizing non-Abelian band topology. We show how the bounds constrain the combined optical weights of the Euler bands at different dopings and further restrict the size of the adjacent band gaps. In this process, we also consider the associated interband
Quadratic optical response to a magnetic field in the layered magnet CrSBr Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Marie-Christin Heißenbüttel, Pierre-Maurice Piel, Julian Klein, Thorsten Deilmann, Ursula Wurstbauer, Michael Rohlfing
The optical properties of layered materials are dominated by intralayer excitons; especially for layered antiferromagnets the layer-to-layer charge hopping, and therefore interlayer excitons, are spin forbidden. An external magnetic field, however, can continuously drive the magnetic order towards layer-to-layer ferromagnetic, which opens spin-allowed charge-transfer channels between the layers. Here
Single-particle spectral function of fractional quantum anomalous Hall states Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Fabian Pichler, Wilhelm Kadow, Clemens Kuhlenkamp, Michael Knap
Fractional quantum Hall states are the most prominent example of states with topological order, hosting excitations with fractionalized charge. Recent experiments in twisted MoTe2 and graphene-based heterostructures provided evidence of fractional quantum anomalous Hall (FQAH) states, which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry and persist even without an external magnetic field. Understanding
Quantum friction near the instability threshold Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Daigo Oue, Boris Shapiro, Mário G. Silveirinha
In this work, we develop an analytical framework to understand quantum friction across distinct stability regimes, providing approximate expressions for frictional forces both in the deep stable regime and near the critical threshold of instability. Our primary finding is analytical proof that, near the instability threshold, the quantum friction force diverges logarithmically. This result, verified
Variational neural and tensor network approximations of thermal states Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Sirui Lu, Giacomo Giudice, J. Ignacio Cirac
We introduce a variational Monte Carlo algorithm for approximating finite-temperature quantum many-body systems, based on the minimization of a modified free energy. This approach directly approximates the state at a fixed temperature, allowing for systematic improvement of the expressiveness without accumulating errors from iterative imaginary-time evolution. We employ a variety of trial states—both
Atom-wise formulation of the many-body dispersion problem for linear-scaling van der Waals corrections Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Heikki Muhli, Tapio Ala-Nissila, Miguel A. Caro
A common approach to modeling dispersion interactions and overcoming the inaccurate description of long-range correlation effects in electronic structure calculations is the use of pairwise-additive potentials, as in the Tkatchenko-Scheffler [] method. In previous work [H. Muhli , ], we have shown how these are amenable to highly efficient atomistic simulation by machine learning their local parametrization
Saturable absorption in highly excited laser-irradiated silicon and its suppression at the surface Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Shunsuke Yamada, Tomohito Otobe
Nonlinear electronic excitation in laser-irradiated silicon at finite electron temperatures is numerically investigated by first-principles calculations based on the time-dependent density functional theory. In bulk silicon at finite temperatures under near-infrared laser irradiation, we found that the absorbed energy is saturated when using a certain laser intensity even with a few-cycle pulse. Although
Electric field driven domain wall dynamics in BaTiO3 nanoparticles Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Jialun Liu, David Yang, Ana F. Suzana, Steven J. Leake, Ian K. Robinson
We report a detailed investigation into the response of single BaTiO3 (BTO) nanocrystals under applied electric fields (E-field) using Bragg coherent diffraction imaging. Our study reveals pronounced domain wall migration and expansion of a sample measure under applied electric field. The changes are most prominent at the surface of the nanocrystal, where the lack of external strain allows greater
Origin of the anomalous Hall effect in Cr-doped RuO2 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Andriy Smolyanyuk, Libor Šmejkal, Igor I. Mazin
RuO2 is one of the most highlighted candidates for altermagnetism. However, the most recent muon spin spectroscopy and neutron studies demonstrated the absence of magnetic order in this system. The electronic structure of RuO2 hints at a possibility of realizing a magnetically ordered state upon hole doping, and such a possibility was explored experimentally in Cr-doped RuO2, where it was suggested
Effective time-dependent temperature for fermionic master equations beyond the Markov and the secular approximations Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Lukas Litzba, Eric Kleinherbers, Jürgen König, Ralf Schützhold, Nikodem Szpak
We consider a fermionic quantum system exchanging particles with an environment at a fixed temperature and study its reduced evolution by means of a Redfield-I equation with time-dependent (non-Markovian) coefficients. We find that the description can be efficiently reduced to a standard-form Redfield-II equation, however, with a obeying a universal law. At early times, after the system and environment
Determination of the London penetration depth with the tunnel diode oscillator technique Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 G. P. Mikitik
Using a distribution of the Meissner currents over the surface of an infinitely long superconducting slab with a rectangular cross section, the magnetic moment of the slab is calculated, taking into account corrections associated with a small but finite value of the London penetration depth λ. Since these corrections determine the shift of the resonant frequency in the tunnel-diode oscillator technique
Emergent topology in many-body dissipative quantum matter Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Antonio M. García-García, Lucas Sá, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, Can Yin
The identification, description, and classification of topological features is an engine of discovery and innovation in several fields of physics. This research encompasses a broad variety of systems, from the integer and fractional Chern insulators in condensed matter, to protected states in complex photonic lattices in optics, and the structure of the QCD vacuum. Here, we introduce another playground
Shock-driven amorphization and melting in Fe2O3 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Céline Crépisson, Alexis Amouretti, Marion Harmand, Chrystèle Sanloup, Patrick Heighway, Sam Azadi, David McGonegle, Thomas Campbell, Juan Pintor, David Alexander Chin, Ethan Smith, Linda Hansen, Alessandro Forte, Thomas Gawne, Hae Ja Lee, Bob Nagler, YuanFeng Shi, Guillaume Fiquet, François Guyot, Mikako Makita, Alessandra Benuzzi-Mounaix, Tommaso Vinci, Kohei Miyanishi, Norimasa Ozaki, Tatiana Pikuz
We present measurements on Fe2O3 amorphization and melt under laser-driven shock compression up to 209(10) GPa via time-resolved x-ray diffraction. At 122(3) GPa, a diffuse signal is observed indicating the presence of a noncrystalline phase. Structure factors have been extracted up to 182(6) GPa showing the presence of two well-defined peaks. A rapid change in the intensity ratio of the two peaks
Origin of the non-Fermi-liquid behavior in CeRh2As2 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 P. Khanenko, D. Hafner, K. Semeniuk, J. Banda, T. Lühmann, F. Bärtl, T. Kotte, J. Wosnitza, G. Zwicknagl, C. Geibel, J. F. Landaeta, S. Khim, E. Hassinger, M. Brando
Unconventional superconductivity in heavy-fermion systems appears often near magnetic quantum critical points (QCPs). This seems to be the case also for CeRh2As2 (Tc ≈0.31 K). CeRh2As2 shows two superconducting (SC) phases, SC1 and SC2, for a magnetic field along the c axis of the tetragonal unit cell, but only the SC1 phase is observed for a field along the basal plane. Furthermore, another ordered
Impact of the hole gas on optically detected magnetic resonance in (Cd,Mn)Te -based quantum wells Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 A. Łopion, A. Bogucki, M. Raczyński, Z. Śnioch, K. E. Połczyńska, W. Pacuski, T. Kazimierczuk, A. Golnik, P. Kossacki
Optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) is a useful technique for studying interactions between local spins (magnetic ions) and the carrier gas. We present an ODMR study of a single (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells (QWs) with the hole gas. We observe different characteristics of the ODMR signals obtained simultaneously using the optical signals of the neutral and positively charged exciton. From
Fermi-liquid behavior of nonaltermagnetic RuO2 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 Maxim Wenzel, Ece Uykur, Sahana Rößler, Marcus Schmidt, Oleg Janson, Achyut Tiwari, Martin Dressel, Alexander A. Tsirlin
The presence of magnetism in potentially altermagnetic RuO2 has been a subject of intense debate. Using broadband infrared spectroscopy combined with density-functional band-structure calculations, we show that the optical conductivity of RuO2, the bulk probe of its electronic structure, is best described by a nonmagnetic model. The sharp Pauli edge demonstrates the presence of a Dirac nodal line lying
Percolation renormalization group analysis of confinement in Z2 lattice gauge theories Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Gesa Dünnweber, Simon M. Linsel, Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt
The analytical study of confinement in lattice gauge theories (LGTs) remains a difficult task to this day. Taking a geometric perspective on confinement, we develop a real-space renormalization group (RG) formalism for Z2 LGTs using percolation probability as a confinement order parameter. The RG flow we analyze is constituted by both the percolation probability and the coupling parameters. We consider
Evolution of nodal line induced out-of-plane anomalous Hall effect in Co3Sn2S2 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Bin He, Tianye Yu, Yu Pan, Congcong Le, Dong Chen, Yan Sun, Claudia Felser
Weyl semimetals have attracted considerable research interest over the past decade, with a number of intriguing transport phenomena reported. Magnetic Weyl semimetals, which break time reversal symmetry, have been predicted and recently discovered. Co3Sn2S2 is a magnetic Weyl semimetal that exhibit a giant anomalous Hall effect (AHE) when the magnetic moments are aligned along the c axis. In this paper
Chemical and structural disorder in the kagome spin S=12 systems ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2 and YCu3(OH)6Br2[Brx(OH)1−x] Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Reinhard K. Kremer, Sebastian Bette, Jürgen Nuss, Pascal Puphal
By single crystal diffraction we characterize the chemostructural disorder introduced by Zn-Cu site mixing in the kagome spin S=12 systems herbertsmithite ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2 and YCu3(OH)6Br2[Brx(OH)1−x]. For an untwinned single crystal of herbertsmithite of composition Zn0.95(1)Cu2.99(3)O5.9(1)H5.8(1)Cl2 we find substitution by Cu of the Zn atoms in the layers separating the kagome layers as well as substantial
Finite-size topological phases from semimetals Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-24 Adipta Pal, Ashley M. Cook
Topological semimetals are some of the topological phases of matter most intensely studied experimentally. The Weyl semimetal phase, in particular, has garnered tremendous, sustained interest given fascinating signatures such as the Fermi arc surface states and the chiral anomaly, as well as the minimal requirements to protect this three-dimensional (3D) topological phase. Here, we show that thin films
Noncollinear phase of the antiferromagnetic sawtooth chain Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-24 Roman Rausch, Christoph Karrasch
The antiferromagnetic sawtooth chain is a prototypical example of a frustrated spin system with vertex-sharing triangles, giving rise to complex quantum states. Depending on the interaction parameters, this system has three phases, of which the gapless noncollinear phase (for strongly coupled basal spins and loosely attached apical spins) has received little theoretical attention so far. In this work
Electric field induced second-order anomalous Hall transport in unconventional Rashba systems Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Ankita Bhattacharya, Annica M. Black-Schaffer
Nonlinear responses in transport experiments may unveil information and generate new phenomena in materials that are not accessible at linear order due to symmetry constraints. While the linear anomalous Hall response strictly requires the absence of time-reversal symmetry, the second-order, thus nonlinear, Hall response needs broken inversion symmetry. Recently, much effort has been made to obtain
Cavity-enhanced charge-driven feedback loop in single quantum dot photocurrent spectroscopy Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 M. Hohn, M. Schmidt, S. Höfling, S. Reitzenstein
This study investigates a charge-driven feedback loop on single quantum dots (QDs) embedded in micropillar cavities under electrical readout. The coupled quantum–dot–microcavity system demonstrates a significant reduction in hysteresis under temperature sweep when the QD is in resonance with the cavity mode. To describe the experimental results, we develop a feedback model for the photocurrent response
Direct free energy calculation from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of warm dense matter Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Tobias Dornheim, Zhandos A. Moldabekov, Sebastian Schwalbe, Jan Vorberger
We carry out highly accurate path integral Monte Carlo simulations to directly estimate the free energy of various warm dense matter systems including the uniform electron gas and hydrogen without any nodal restrictions or other approximations. Since our approach is based on an effective ensemble in a bosonic configuration space, it does not increase the computational complexity beyond the usual fermion
Effects of a magnetic cobalt STM tip on the electronic, magnetic, and spin-dependent transport properties of cobalt phthalocyanine junctions on a Co(111) substrate Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Ali Jaafar, Tarek Khalil
The effect of a magnetic scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tip on electronic, magnetic, and electronic transport properties through the molecular junction STM-tip-Co/CoPc/Co(111) was investigated by mean of electronic structure calculations. The spin transition was studied by varying the distance (passing from the tunneling regime to the contact regime) between the tip and the CoPc molecule in both
Krylov complexity and chaos in deformed Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Shira Chapman, Saskia Demulder, Damián A. Galante, Sameer U. Sheorey, Osher Shoval
Krylov complexity has recently been proposed as a quantum probe of chaos. The Krylov exponent characterizing the exponential growth of Krylov complexity is conjectured to upper-bound the Lyapunov exponent. We compute the Krylov and the Lyapunov exponents in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and in some of its deformations. We do this analysis both at infinite and finite temperatures, in models where the
Phase transitions in H2−HD−D2 mixtures up to 350 GPa Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Haian Xu, Wan Xu, Pu Wang, Lin Liu, Xiao-Di Liu, Eugene Gregoryanz
Utilizing the high-pressure low-temperature Raman and optical transmission/absorption spectroscopies, we have mapped out the phase diagram of H2-HD-D2 alloy with the initial H:D concentration 50:50 up to 350 GPa between 10 and 300 K. We followed the phase lines between all known solid phases [I, II, III, IV, and IV′ (IV+V)] of pure H2 and D2 constraining their locations in the wide space. We trace
Monte Carlo simulation of spin correlations in organic semiconductors with an arbitrary relation between hopping rates and spin dynamics Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 I. V. Tolkachev, Y. M. Beltukov, A. V. Shumilin
We present a kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithm designed to study spin correlation phenomena in organic semiconductors including the effect of a magnetic field on electroluminescence and organic magnetoresistance. It allows for an arbitrary relation between hopping rates and spin-precession frequencies, and it incorporates an intermediate averaging procedure to model the spin relaxation within a single
Hydrogen and deuterium tunneling in niobium Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Abdulaziz Abogoda, W. A. Shelton, I. Vekhter, J. A. Sauls
We use density functional methods to identify the atomic configurations of H and D atoms trapped by O impurities embedded in bulk Nb. The O atoms are located at the octahedral position in the Nb body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice, and H (D) atoms tunnel between two degenerate tetrahedral sites separated by a mirror plane. Using nudged elastic band (NEB) methods, we calculate the double-well potential
Low-temperature state in strontium titanate microcrystals using in situ multireflection Bragg coherent x-ray diffraction imaging Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 David Yang, Ana F. Suzana, Longlong Wu, Sung Soo Ha, Sungwook Choi, Hieu Minh Ngo, Muhammad Mahmood Nawaz, Hyunjung Kim, Jialun Liu, Daniel Treuherz, Nan Zhang, Zheyi An, Gareth Nisbet, Daniel G. Porter, Ian K. Robinson
Strontium titanate is a classic quantum paraelectric oxide material that has been widely studied in bulk and thin films. It exhibits a well-known cubic-to-tetragonal antiferrodistortive phase transition at 105 K, characterized by the rotation of oxygen octahedra. A possible second phase transition at lower temperature is suppressed by quantum fluctuations, preventing the onset of ferroelectric order
Efficient post-selection in light cone correlations of monitored quantum circuits Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Jimin Li, Robert L. Jack, Bruno Bertini, Juan P. Garrahan
We consider how to target evolution conditioned on atypical measurement outcomes in monitored quantum circuits, i.e., the post-selection problem. We show that for a simple class of measurement schemes, post-selected light cone dynamical correlation functions can be obtained efficiently from the averaged correlations of a different unitary circuit. This connects rare measurement outcomes in one circuit
Thermal transport properties of magnons on the α−T3 lattice Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Luqman Saleem, Hasan M. Abdullah, Udo Schwingenschlögl, Aurélien Manchon
We theoretically investigate magnons on the α−T3 lattice. Atomistic spin dynamics simulations show that next-nearest neighbor hopping and easy-axis anisotropy stabilize ferromagnetic order in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We identify one topologically trivial magnon insulator phase and three magnon Chern insulator phases. The topologically trivial magnon insulator phase exhibits
Topological orders beyond topological quantum field theories Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 P. Vojta, G. Ortiz, Z. Nussinov
Systems displaying topological quantum order feature robust characteristics that are very attractive to quantum computing schemes. Topological quantum field theories have proven to be powerful in capturing the quintessential attributes of systems displaying topological order including, in particular, their anyon excitations. Here, we investigate systems that lie outside this common purview, and present
Electronic structure and properties of trapped holes in crystalline and amorphous Ga2O3 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Chaiyawat Kaewmeechai, Jack Strand, Alexander Shluger
Structure and electronic properties of self-trapped holes were studied in both crystalline and amorphous Ga2O3 using density functional theory (DFT) and the nonlocal PBE0-TC-LRC density functional. Amorphous (a) Ga2O3 structures were generated using classical molecular dynamics and the melt-quench technique and further optimized using DFT. They exhibit an average density of 4.84g/cm3 and band gap around
Magnetic properties of a staggered S=1 chain with an alternating single-ion anisotropy direction Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 S. Vaidya, S. P. M. Curley, P. Manuel, J. Ross Stewart, M. Duc Le, C. Balz, T. Shiroka, S. J. Blundell, K. A. Wheeler, I. Calderon-Lin, Z. E. Manson, J. L. Manson, J. Singleton, T. Lancaster, R. D. Johnson, P. A. Goddard
Materials composed of spin-1 antiferromagnetic (AFM) chains are known to adopt complex ground states that are sensitive to the single-ion-anisotropy (SIA) energy (D), and intrachain (J0) and interchain (J1,2′) exchange energy scales. While theoretical and experimental studies have extended this model to include various other energy scales, the effect of the lack of a common SIA axis is not well explored
Magnetic order and long-range interactions in mesoscopic Ising chains Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Christina Vantaraki, Matías P. Grassi, Kristina Ignatova, Michael Foerster, Unnar B. Arnalds, Daniel Primetzhofer, Vassilios Kapaklis
We investigate the design of magnetic ordering in one-dimensional mesoscopic magnetic Ising chains by modulating long-range interactions. These interactions are affected by geometrical modifications to the chain, which adjust the energy hierarchy and the resulting magnetic ground states. Consequently, the magnetic ordering can be tuned between antiferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dimer phases. These
Autonomous demon exploiting heat and information at the trajectory level Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Juliette Monsel, Matteo Acciai, Rafael Sánchez, Janine Splettstoesser
We propose an electronic bipartite system consisting of a working substance, in which a refrigeration process is implemented, and of a nonthermal resource region, containing a combination of different thermal baths. In the working substance, heat is extracted from the coldest of two electronic reservoirs (refrigeration) via heat transport and particle transport through a quantum dot. This quantum dot
Krylov complexity and Trotter transitions in unitary circuit dynamics Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Philippe Suchsland, Roderich Moessner, Pieter W. Claeys
We investigate many-body dynamics where the evolution is governed by unitary circuits through the lens of “Krylov complexity,” a recently proposed measure of complexity and quantum chaos. We extend the formalism of Krylov complexity to unitary circuit dynamics and focus on Floquet circuits arising as the Trotter decomposition of Hamiltonian dynamics. For short Trotter steps the results from Hamiltonian
Optical conductivity of the topologically nontrivial MXenes Mo2HfC2O2 and W2HfC2O2 : First-principles calculation and effective model analysis Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Tetsuro Habe
The optical conductivity and the relevant electronic excitation processes are investigated in topologically nontrivial MXenes Mo2HfC2O2 and W2HfC2O2 utilizing first-principles calculation and effective model analysis. The numerical calculation based on the first-principles band structure reveals the presence of several characteristic features in the spectrum of optical conductivity as a function of
Influence of hydrogen on the electronic structure in the transition metallic glass V80Zr20 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Johan Bylin, Rebecka Lindblad, Lennart Spode, Ralph H. Scheicher, Gunnar K. Pálsson
We investigate the influence of hydrogen on the electronic structure of a binary transition metallic glass of V80Zr20. We examine the hybridization between the hydrogen and metal atoms with the aid of hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Combined with density functional theory, we are able to show and predict the formation of s−d hybridized energy states. With optical transmission and resistivity
Berry curvature and shift vector effects at high-order wave mixing in biased bilayer graphene Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 H. K. Avetissian, H. H. Matevosyan, G. F. Mkrtchian
In this paper, we present a microscopic quantum theory that elucidates the nonlinear and nonperturbative optical response of biased bilayer graphene subjected to bichromatic strong laser fields. This response is analyzed using a four-band Hamiltonian derived from calculations. For the laser-stimulated dynamics, we employ structure gauge-invariant evolutionary equations to accurately describe the evolution
Neural-network-supported basis optimizer for the configuration interaction problem in quantum many-body clusters: Feasibility study and numerical proof Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Pavlo Bilous, Louis Thirion, Henri Menke, Maurits W. Haverkort, Adriana Pálffy, Philipp Hansmann
A neural-network approach to optimize the selection of Slater determinants in configuration interaction calculations for condensed-matter quantum many-body systems is developed. We exemplify our algorithm on the discrete version of the single-impurity Anderson model with up to 299 bath sites. Employing a neural network classifier and active learning, our algorithm enhances computational efficiency
Enhancement of the anomalous Hall effect by tilt of the Zeeman field in the topologically nontrivial MXenes M2M′C2O2 Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Tetsuro Habe
In this paper, the anomalous Hall effect of topologically nontrivial MXenes, M2M′C2O2, and the electronic structure in the presence of the magnetic proximity effect are theoretically investigated. The theoretical analysis is performed in two different ways: an effective model and a multi-orbital tight-binding model generated from the first-principles band structure. These two theoretical methods provide
Ambipolar doping of a charge-transfer insulator in the Emery model Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 G. Sordi, G. L. Reaney, N. Kowalski, P. Sémon, A.-M. S. Tremblay
Understanding the similarities and differences between adding or removing electrons from a charge-transfer insulator may provide insights about the origin of the electron-hole asymmetry found in cuprates. Here we study with cellular dynamical mean-field theory the Emery model set in the charge-transfer insulator regime, and dope it with either electrons or holes. We consider the normal state only and
Plasmon-enhanced Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy for magnetic systems. II. Numerical simulations Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Yurii Demydenko, Taras Vasiliev, Khrystyna O. Levchenko, Andrii V. Chumak, Valeri Lozovski
Brillouin light scattering (BLS) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for detecting spin waves in magnetic thin films and nanostructures. Despite comprehensive access to spin-wave properties, BLS spectroscopy suffers from the limited wave number of detectable spin waves and the typically relatively low sensitivity. In this paper, we present the results of numerical simulations based on the recently developed
Two-scale effective model for defect-induced localization transitions in non-Hermitian systems Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 B. Davies, S. Barandun, E. O. Hiltunen, R. V. Craster, H. Ammari
We illuminate the fundamental mechanism responsible for the transition between the non-Hermitian skin effect and defect-induced localization in the bulk. We study a Hamiltonian with nonreciprocal couplings that exhibits the skin effect (the localization of all eigenvectors at one edge) and add an on-site defect in the center. Using a two-scale asymptotic method, we characterize the long-scale growth
Phase separation in the putative fractional quantum Hall A phases Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Steven H. Simon, Ajit C. Balram
We use several techniques to probe the wave functions proposed to describe the A phases by Das, Das, and Mandal [; ; ]. As opposed to representing fractional quantum Hall liquids, we find these wave functions to describe states that clearly display strong phase separation. In the process of exploring these wave functions, we have also constructed several methods for diagnosing phase separation and
Light-controlled terahertz plasmonic time-varying media: Momentum gaps, entangled plasmon pairs, and pulse-induced time reversal Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Egor I. Kiselev, Yiming Pan, Netanel H. Lindner
This Letter establishes a Floquet engineering framework in which coherent high frequency light with a time dependent amplitude can be used to parametrically excite and amplify THz plasmons, mirror plasmonic wave packets in time, and generate momentum-gapped plasmonic band structures, entangled plasmon pairs, and THz radiation in two dimensional Dirac systems. Our results show how low frequency plasmons
Exceptional Luttinger liquids from sublattice-dependent interaction Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Joachim Schwardt, Benjamin Michen, Carl Lehmann, Jan Carl Budich
We demonstrate how exceptional points (EPs) naturally occur in the Luttinger liquid (LL) theory describing the low-energy excitations of a microscopic lattice model with sublattice-dependent electron-electron interaction. Upon bosonization, this sublattice dependence directly translates to a nonstandard sine-Gordon-type term responsible for the non-Hermitian matrix structure of the single-particle