On the integrability of extended test body dynamics around black holes Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-06 Paul Ramond
In general relativity, the motion of an extended test body is influenced by its proper rotation, or spin. We present a covariant and physically self-consistent Hamiltonian framework to study this motion, up to quadratic order in the body’s spin, including a spin-induced quadrupole, and in an arbitrary background spacetime. The choice of spin supplementary condition and degeneracies associated with
Fractional entropy of the Brown–Kuchař dust in fractional anti-de Sitter quantum gravity Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-06 P F da Silva Júnior, S Jalalzadeh and H Moradpour
This study derives the mass spectrum and entropy of the Brown–Kuchař dust in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime using the fractional Wheeler–DeWitt (WDW) equation. The generalized fractional WDW equation is formulated using a fractional quantization map, demonstrating a correlation between the fractal mass dimension of the Brown–Kuchař dust and Lévy’s fractional parameter α of the Riesz fractional quantum
Extracting gravitational wave signals from LISA data in the presence of artifacts Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-06 Eleonora Castelli, Quentin Baghi, John G Baker, Jacob Slutsky, Jérôme Bobin, Nikolaos Karnesis, Antoine Petiteau, Orion Sauter, Peter Wass and William J Weber
The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission is being developed by ESA with NASA participation. As it has recently passed the Mission Adoption milestone, models of the instruments and noise performance are becoming more detailed, and likewise prototype data analyses must as well. Assumptions such as Gaussianity, stationarity, and data continuity are unrealistic, and must be replaced with physically
Negative radiation pressure scheme for simultaneous suppression of arduous back-action evasion and shot noise in gravitational wave detectors Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-06 Souvik Agasti, Abhishek Shukla and Milos Nesladek
Aiming at applications for gravitational wave (GW) detection, in particular at the reduction of quantum back action noise, we propose a novel scheme how to obtain back action evading measurements performed on an opto-mechanical cavity, by introducing a negative radiation pressure coupling between the cavity field and the end mirror. The scheme consists of introducing a double cavity with end mirrors
Black holes in the expanding Universe Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-05 Nikodem Popławski
The McVittie metric does not describe a physical black hole in an expanding Universe because the curvature scalar and pressure at its event horizon are infinite. We show that extending this metric to an inhomogeneous scale factor, which depends on both the time and radial coordinate, removes those infinities by imposing at the horizon the constancy of the Hubble parameter and a particular constraint
Abundant water from primordial supernovae at cosmic dawn Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 D. J. Whalen, M. A. Latif, C. Jessop
Gravitational radiation reaction for compact binary systems at the fourth-and-a-half post-Newtonian order Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Luc Blanchet, Guillaume Faye and David Trestini
We compute the gravitational radiation–reaction (RR) force on a compact binary source at the fourth-and-a-half post-Newtonian (4.5PN) order of general relativity, i.e. 2PN order beyond the leading 2.5PN radiation reaction. The calculation is valid for general orbits in a general frame, but in a particular coordinate system which is an extension of the Burke–Thorne coordinate system at the lowest order
Accuracy and stability study of two-way time transfer in Cis-lunar space Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Tong Liu, Cheng-Gang Qin, Jing-Hui Pu, Yong-Zhang Yang and Wen-Bin Wang
The realization of clock synchronization and syntonization via inter-satellite link is of vital importance for navigation, space-based Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) experiments and precision tests of fundamental physics. We study the accuracy and stability of time and frequency transfer via inter-satellite link in Cis-lunar space. A relativistic time transfer model using microwave dual one-way
Study of the ΩcccΩccc and ΩbbbΩbbb dibaryons in a constituent quark model Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Pablo Martín-Higueras, David R. Entem, Pablo G. Ortega, Jorge Segovia, Francisco Fernández
Dibaryons are the simplest system in which the baryon-baryon interaction, and hence the underlying quark-quark interaction, can be studied in a clear way. Although the only dibaryon known today is the deuteron (and possibly the d*), fully heavy dibaryons are good candidates for bound states because in such systems the kinetic energy is small and the high symmetry of the wave function favors binding
Semiclassical backreaction: A qualitative assessment Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Fabio van Dissel, George Zahariade
The backreaction of quantum degrees of freedom on classical backgrounds is a poorly understood topic in theoretical physics. Most often it is treated within the semiclassical approximation with the help of various prescriptions accounting for the effect of quantum excitations on the dynamics of the background. We focus on two popular ones: (i) the mean-field approximation whereby quantum degrees of
Fermions hard scattering from superstrings Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Lucas Martin, Martin Parlanti, Martin Schvellinger
We study high-energy scattering at fixed angle in the planar limit of non-Abelian gauge field theories from type IIB superstring theory scattering amplitudes. First, we consider four-glueball scattering described in terms of the four-dilaton string theory scattering amplitude. We explicitly calculate some angular integrals of four scalar spherical harmonics on the five sphere leading to selection rules
Laser induced Compton scattering to dark photon or axionlike particle Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Kai Ma, Tong Li
The laser of an intense electromagnetic field provides an important tool to study the strong-field particle physics. The nonlinear Compton scattering was observed in the collision of an ultrarelativistic electron beam with a laser pulse in the 1990s. The precision measurement of the nonlinear Compton scattering shines the light on the studies of strong-field quantum electrodynamics (QED) and nonlinear
Quasinormal mode spectrum of rotating black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton theory Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Jose Luis Blázquez-Salcedo, Fech Scen Khoo, Burkhard Kleihaus, Jutta Kunz
Quasinormal modes are excited during the ringdown phase of black holes after merger. Determination of quasinormal modes of rapidly rotating black holes in alternative theories of gravity has remained a challenge for a long time. Here we discuss in detail our recently developed method to extract the quasinormal modes for rapidly rotating black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton theory. We first
Weyl double copy in type D spacetime in four and five dimensions Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-04 Weicheng Zhao, Pu-Jian Mao, Jun-Bao Wu
In this paper, we present a second realization of the Weyl double copy (WDC) in four-dimensional algebraic type D spacetime. We show that any type D vacuum solution admits an algebraically general Maxwell scalar on the curved background that squares to give the Weyl scalar. The WDC relation defines a scalar field that satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation sourced by the Weyl scalar on the curved background
Kerr metric from two commuting complex structures Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Kirill Krasnov and Adam Shaw
The main aim of this paper is to simplify and popularise the construction from the 2013 paper by Apostolov, Calderbank and Gauduchon, which (among other things) derives the Plebański–Demiański family of solutions of GR using ideas of complex geometry. The starting point of this construction is the observation that the Euclidean versions of these metrics should have two different commuting complex structures
Effect of gravitational waves on Yang-Mills condensates Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Narasimha Reddy Gosala and Arundhati Dasgupta
In this article, we investigate the interactions of a Yang-Mills (YM) wave fluctuation of a classical isotropic, homogeneous YM condensate, which models gluon plasma, with a gravitational wave (GW). We re-analyse the study of fluctuations of the gluon plasma using vector decomposition of the gauge field into scalar, longitudinal, and transverse modes. We find that there is an energy transfer between
Resonant behavior and stability of a linear three-mirror cavity Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Paul Stevens, Vincent Loriette, Manuel Andia, François Glotin, Angélique Lartaux-Vollard, Nicolas Leroy and Aymeric van de Walle
The implementation of Fabry–Perot cavities in gravitational-wave detectors has been pivotal to improving their sensitivity, allowing the observation of an increasing number of cosmological events with higher signal-to-noise ratio. Notably, Fabry–Perot cavities play a key role in the frequency-dependent squeezing technique, which provides a reduction of quantum noise over the whole observation frequency
Finite temperature fermionic charge and current densities in conical space with a circular edge Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 A. A. Saharian, V. F. Manukyan, T. A. Petrosyan
We study the finite temperature and edge induced effects on the charge and current densities for a massive spinor field localized on a 2D conical space threaded by a magnetic flux. The field operator is constrained on a circular boundary, concentric with the cone apex, by the bag boundary condition and by the condition with the opposite sign in front of the term containing the normal to the edge. In
Revisiting the relationship of black-hole kicks and multipole asymmetries Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Jannik Mielke, Shrobana Ghosh, Angela Borchers, Frank Ohme
Precession in black-hole binaries is caused by a misalignment between the total spin and the orbital angular momentum. The gravitational-wave emission of such systems is anisotropic, which leads to an asymmetry in the ±m multipoles when decomposed into a spherical harmonic basis. This asymmetric emission can impart a kick to the merger remnant black hole as a consequence of linear momentum conservation
Gravity from entropy Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Ginestra Bianconi
Gravity is derived from an entropic action coupling matter fields with geometry. The fundamental idea is to relate the metric of Lorentzian spacetime to a quantum operator, playing the role of an and to describe the matter fields topologically, according to a Dirac-Kähler formalism, as the direct sum of a 0-form, a 1-form and a 2-form. While the geometry of spacetime is defined by its metric, the matter
Vertex operators for the kinematic algebra of Yang-Mills theory Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Roberto Bonezzi, Christoph Chiaffrino, Olaf Hohm
The kinematic algebra of Yang-Mills theory can be understood in the framework of homotopy algebras: the L∞ algebra of Yang-Mills theory is the tensor product of the color Lie algebra and a kinematic space that carries a C∞ algebra. There are also hidden structures that generalize Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras, which explain color-kinematics duality and the double copy but are only partially understood
Instability of nonlinear scalar field on strongly charged asymptotically AdS black hole background Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Filip Ficek, Maciej Maliborski
The conformally invariant scalar equation permits the Robin boundary condition at infinity of asymptotically AdS spacetimes. We show how the dynamics of a conformal cubic scalar field on the Reissner-Nordström-anti-de Sitter background depend on the black hole size, charge, and choice of the boundary condition. We study the whole range of admissible charges, including the extremal case. In particular
Exclusive quarkonium photoproduction: Predictions with the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation including the full impact-parameter dependence Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 J. Cepila, J. G. Contreras, M. Vaculciak
The ongoing Run 3 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is substantially increasing the luminosity delivered to the experiments during Run 1 and Run 2. The advent of the high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC (Run 4 to 6), as well as the improvements to all detectors, will allow for the collection of an unprecedented amount of data in the next decade. This opens the possibility of performing measurements
Truncating Dyson-Schwinger equations based on a Lefschetz thimble decomposition and Borel resummation Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Feiyu Peng, Hongfei Shu
We study the zero-dimensional prototype of the path integrals in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, with the action S(ϕ)=σ2ϕ2+λ4ϕ4. Using the Lefschetz thimble decomposition and the saddle point expansion, we derive multiple asymptotic formal series of the correlation function associated with the perturbative and nonperturbative saddle points. Furthermore, we reconstruct the exact correlation
Stability and topological nature of charged Gauss-Bonnet AdS black holes in five dimensions Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Imtak Jeon, Bum-Hoon Lee, Wonwoo Lee, Madhu Mishra
We investigate the thermodynamics of Reissner-Nordström Gauss-Bonnet (RN-GB) black holes in anti–de Sitter (AdS) space with three horizon geometries (k=+1,0,−1) within the grand canonical ensemble. Using the recently developed topological approach to black hole thermodynamics, inspired by Duan’s ϕ-mapping theory, we analyze the black holes by treating both critical points in the phase diagram and black
Entanglement asymmetry in the Hayden-Preskill protocol Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Hui-Huang Chen, Zi-Jun Tang
In this paper, we consider the time evolution of entanglement asymmetry of the black hole radiation in the Hayden-Preskill thought experiment. We assume the black hole is initially in a mixed state since it is entangled with the early radiation. Alice throws a diary maximally entangled with a reference system into the black hole. After the black hole has absorbed the diary, Bob tries to recover the
General relativistic center-of-mass coordinates for composite quantum particles Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Gregor Janson, Richard Lopp
Recent proposals suggested quantum clock interferometry for tests of the Einstein equivalence principle. However, atom interferometric models often include relativistic effects only in an fashion. Here, instead, we start from the multiparticle nature of quantum-delocalizable atoms in curved spacetime and generalize the special-relativistic center of mass (c.m.) and relative coordinates that have previously
Quantum nature of gravity in a Bose-Einstein condensate Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Soham Sen, Sunandan Gangopadhyay
The effect of noise induced by gravitons on a Bose-Einstein condensate has been explored in Sen and Gangopadhyay [Probing the quantum nature of gravity using a Bose-Einstein condensate, ]. In the previous paper, we investigated the effects of graviton while detecting a gravitational wave using a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this work, we shall explicitly calculate the decoherence due to the noise of
Effect of an asymmetric nuclear medium on the valence quark structure of the kaons Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Dhananjay Singh, Satyajit Puhan, Navpreet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur, Arvind Kumar, Suneel Dutt, Harleen Dahiya
The role of asymmetric nuclear medium on the properties of kaon is investigated at zero and finite temperature employing a hybrid approach integrating the light cone quark model and the chiral SU(3) quark mean field model. The in-medium quark masses are calculated within the chiral SU(3) quark mean field model and are used as inputs to study the medium modifications in the kaon properties. In particular
NUT-Bolt saddle points and Stokes phenomena in the no-boundary wave function Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Jean-Luc Lehners
In this paper, we revisit and extend the analysis of the no-boundary wave function for the minisuperspace model in which the universe is described by a biaxial Bianchi IX metric. As matter content, we simply assume a positive cosmological constant. We find that two Stokes phenomena occur, at large squashing parameters of the spatial section of the Universe. These Stokes phenomena eliminate potentially
Tree- and one-loop-level double copy for the (anti)self-dual sectors of Yang-Mills and gravity theories Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Daniel Herrera Correa, Cristhiam Lopez-Arcos, Alexander Quintero Vélez
By employing the perturbiner method, we study the tree- and one-loop-level amplitudes in (anti)self-dual Yang-Mills, focusing on color-kinematics duality and double copy features; they arise naturally even in the fully off-shell case. In particular, we calculate the respective the Kawai-Lewellen-Tye relations for tree-level Berends-Giele currents and color-kinematics master numerators at one loop,
QCD factorization with multihadron fragmentation functions Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 T. C. Rogers, M. Radici, A. Courtoy, T. Rainaldi
Important aspects of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) factorization theorems are the properties of the objects involved that can be identified as universal. One example is that the definitions of parton densities and fragmentation functions for different types of hadrons differ only in the identity of the nonperturbative states that form the matrix elements, but are otherwise the same. This leads to independence
Massive particle surfaces, partial umbilicity, and circular orbits Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Boris Bermúdez-Cárdenas, Oscar Lasso Andino
The generalization of photon spheres by considering the trajectories of massive particles leads to the definition of massive particle surfaces (MPS). These surfaces, built with the trajectories of massive particles, have a partial umbilicity property. Using the geodesic and Gaussian curvature of the Jacobi metric (a Riemannian metric), we derive a general condition for the existence of a massive particle
Black hole explosions as probes of new physics Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Kevin Federico, Stefano Profumo
The final stage of black hole evaporation is a potent probe of physics beyond the Standard Model: Hawking-Bekenstein radiation may be affected by quantum gravity “memory burden effects,” or by the presence of “dark,” beyond-the-Standard-Model degrees of freedom in ways that are testable with high-energy gamma-ray observations. We argue that information on either scenario can best be inferred from measurements
Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, random disks of constant curvature, self-overlapping curves, and Liouville CFT1 Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Frank Ferrari
We propose a microscopic definition of finite cutoff JT quantum gravity on the disk, both in the discretized and in the continuum points of view. The discretized formulation involves a new model of so-called self-overlapping random polygons. The measure is not uniform, implying that the degrees of freedom are not in one-to-one correspondence with the shape of the boundary. The continuum formulation
Quantifying quantumness in (A)dS spacetimes with Unruh-DeWitt detector Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Li-Juan Li, Xue-Ke Song, Liu Ye, Dong Wang
Probing quantumness in curved spacetime is regarded as one of the fundamental and important topics in the framework of relativistic quantum information. In this work, we focus on the theoretical feasibility of probing quantum properties in de Sitter (dS) and anti–de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes via detectors. By employing the Unruh-DeWitt detector coupled with a massless scalar field, which is treated as
Constraining twin stars with cold neutron star cooling data Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-03-03 Melissa Mendes, Jan-Erik Christian, Farrukh J. Fattoyev, Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
We investigate the influence of a phase transition from hadronic matter to a deconfined quark phase inside a neutron star on its cooling behavior including the appearance of twin star solutions in the mass-radius diagram. We find that while the inferred neutrino luminosity of cold transiently accreting star in MXB 1659-29 is reproduced in all of the constructed twin star models, the luminosity of a
Artificial intelligence compels the astronomy community to rethink research identity and redefine excellence Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Yuan-Sen Ting
The adage that ideas are cheap in astronomy, with execution being paramount, may already be obsolete. The impact of large language models (LLMs) on research looms on the horizon, compelling the astronomy community to reevaluate the very metrics of merit, the definition of research identity and methodology, and the foundations of education.
Scientific writing in the age of AI Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 C. M. F. Mingarelli
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere — from billion-dollar investments in companies like Anthropic, to chatbot romances, and even conservationists using it to save the red squirrel. In science, its applications are undeniable, but what happens when we try to use AI to tackle the very technical art of scientific writing? My colleagues and I recently gathered at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical
Hey GPT, can you help me understand the Universe? Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Giacomo Beccari, Henri M. J. Boffin
An 85-s X-ray quasi-periodicity after a stellar tidal disruption by a candidate intermediate-mass black hole Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Wenjie Zhang, Xinwen Shu, Luming Sun, Rong-Feng Shen, Liming Dou, Ning Jiang, Tinggui Wang
The gauge theory of Weyl group and its interpretation as Weyl quadratic gravity Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Cezar Condeescu and Andrei Micu
In this paper we give an extensive description of Weyl quadratic gravity as the gauge theory of the Weyl group. The previously discovered (vectorial) torsion/non-metricity equivalence is shown to be built-in as it corresponds to a redefinition of the generators of the Weyl group. We present a generalisation of the torsion/non-metricity duality which includes, aside from the vector, also a traceless
Simple nonparametric reconstruction of parton distributions from limited Fourier information Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Hervé Dutrieux, Joseph Karpie, Kostas Orginos, Savvas Zafeiropoulos
Some calculations of parton distributions from first principles only give access to a limited range of Fourier modes of the function to reconstruct. We present a physically motivated procedure to regularize the inverse integral problem using a Gaussian process as a Bayesian prior. We propose to fix the hyperparameters of the prior in a meaningful physical fashion, offering a simple implementation,
Leptophilic axionlike particles at forward detectors Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Xu-Hui Jiang, Chih-Ting Lu
Leptophilic axionlike particles (ALPs) exhibit rich phenomenology, focusing exclusively on interactions between an ALP and Standard Model leptons. Through integration by parts, it is shown that both the three-point interaction, aℓ¯ℓ, and the four-point interaction, aℓ−νW+, play significant roles, making the flavor portal particularly compelling. For ALPs with masses ranging from O(1) MeV to O(1) GeV
Center vortices and the SU(3) conformal window Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Jackson A. Mickley, Derek B. Leinweber, Daniel Nogradi
A novel approach for estimating the lower end of the SU(3) conformal window is presented through the study of center vortex geometry and its dependence on the number of fermion flavors Nf. Values ranging from Nf=2–8 are utilized to infer an upper limit for vortex behavior in the low Nf phase, which may inform the transition to the conformal window. The simulations are performed at a single lattice
Living dangerously with decoupled first and second generation scalars: SUSY prospects at the LHC Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Kairui Zhang
The string landscape statistical draw to large scalar soft masses leads to a mixed quasidegeneracy/decoupling solution to the supersymmetry (SUSY) flavor and CP problems where first/second generation matter scalars lie in the 20–40 TeV range. With increasing first/second generation scalars, SUSY models actually become more natural due to two-loop renormalization group (RG) effects that suppress the
Bs0→μ+μ− in a flavor violating extension of MSSM Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Kai-Kai Meng, Hai-Bin Zhang, Jin-Lei Yang
B meson rare decays play a crucial role in exploring new physics beyond the standard model. In this study, we explore the rare decay process Bs0→μ+μ− in a flavor violating extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), namely, the μ-from-ν SSM (μνSSM). Combined with the decay B¯→Xsγ, the numerical results indicate that the μνSSM can successfully accommodate the experimental data for
Discrete dark matter with light Dirac neutrinos Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Debasish Borah, Pritam Das, Biswajit Karmakar, Satyabrata Mahapatra
We propose a new realization of light Dirac neutrino mass and dark matter (DM) within the framework of a non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetry based on A4 group. In addition to A4, we also consider a Z2 and an unbroken global lepton number symmetry U(1)L to keep unwanted terms away while guaranteeing the Dirac nature of light neutrinos. The field content, their transformations, and flavon vacuum alignments
Integrating physics inspired features with graph convolution Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 Rameswar Sahu
With the advent of advanced machine learning techniques, boosted object tagging has witnessed significant progress. In this article, we take this field further by introducing novel architectural modifications compatible with a wide array of GNN architectures. Our approach advocates for integrating capsule layers, replacing the conventional decoding blocks in standard GNNs. These capsules are a group
Implication of the Weizsacker-Williams approximation for the dark matter mediator production Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-28 I. V. Voronchikhin, D. V. Kirpichnikov
The simplified connection between Standard Model (SM) particles and light dark matter (LDM) can be introduced via spin-0 and spin-1 lepton-specific mediators. Moreover, in a mediator mass range from sub-MeV to sub-GeV, fixed-target facilities such as NA64e, LDMX, NA64μ, and M3 can potentially probe such particles of the hidden sector via missing energy signatures that are described by the bremsstrahlunglike
Geometry of Carrollian stretched horizons Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Laurent Freidel and Puttarak Jai-akson
In this paper, we present a comprehensive toolbox for studying Carrollian stretched horizons, encompassing their geometry, dynamics, symplectic geometry, symmetries, and corresponding Noether charges. We introduce a precise definition of ruled stretched Carrollian structures (sCarrollian structures) on any surface, generalizing the conventional Carrollian structures of null surfaces, along with the
Globally hyperbolic evaporating black hole and the information loss issue Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Juan V O Pêgas, André G S Landulfo, George E A Matsas and Daniel A T Vanzella
We discuss the information loss issue for completely evaporating black holes in the context of a globally hyperbolic spacetime that maintains unchanged the entire semiclassical picture except for the ‘last evaporation breath,’ which pertains to full quantum gravity. Even though observers outside the black hole cannot access information that enters the horizon, there is no actual loss of information
The Causes and Consequences of Ordovician Cooling Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. (IF 11.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Kristin D. Bergmann, Francis A. Macdonald, Nicholas L. Swanson-Hysell
A long-term cooling trend through the Ordovician Period, from 487 to 443 Ma, is recorded by oxygen isotope data. Tropical ocean basins in the Early Ordovician were hot, which led to low oxygen concentrations in the surface ocean due to the temperature dependence of oxygen solubility. Elevated temperatures also increased metabolic demands such that hot shallow water environments had limited animal diversity
Two-pion exchange for coupled-channel scattering of two heavy mesons Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 J. T. Chacko, V. Baru, C. Hanhart, S. L. Krug
To improve the theoretical understanding of multiquark states like Zb(10610) and Zb(10650), we calculate the heavy-meson heavy-(anti)meson scattering potential up to next-to-leading order, O(Q2), within chiral effective field theory (χEFT) employing a power counting scheme that explicitly keeps track with the large momentum scale Q∼2μδ (where δ=mV−mP is the vector-pseudoscalar mass difference and μ
Fully charmed P-wave tetraquark resonant states in the quark model Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Wei-Lin Wu, Shi-Lin Zhu
We conduct the first comprehensive P-wave four-body dynamical calculations of the fully charmed tetraquark systems within the quark potential model. We apply the Gaussian expansion method to solve the four-body Schrödinger equation, incorporating both dimeson and diquark-antidiquark spatial configurations. The matrix elements of P-wave states are calculated analytically using the infinitesimally shifted
Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformations in quantum electrodynamics: For perturbation theory and dynamical mass generation Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Anam Ashraf, M. Jamil Aslam, Faisal Akram, Adnan Bashir
We carry out a comprehensive analysis of the Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformations for a charged fermion propagator at the two-loop level in quantum electrodynamics (QED). Starting with an arbitrary covariant gauge ξ and space-time dimension d, we provide its explicit expressions in three- and four-dimensional QED. We begin with the tree-level fermion propagator in the Landau gauge and gauge-transform
Pion nuclear fragmentation functions revisited Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Matias Doradau, Ramiro Tomas Martinez, Rodolfo Sassot, Marco Stratmann
We revisit the notion of nuclear parton-to-pion fragmentation functions at next-to-leading order accuracy as an effective description of hadroproduction in nuclear environments such as in semi-inclusive lepton-nucleus deep-inelastic scattering and in single inclusive proton-nucleus collisions. We assess their viability in the face of very precise data collected for the latter at the CERN-LHC over the
Panorama of new-physics explanations to the MiniBooNE excess Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Asli M. Abdullahi, Jaime Hoefken Zink, Matheus Hostert, Daniele Massaro, Silvia Pascoli
The MiniBooNE low-energy excess stands as an unexplained anomaly in short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. It has been shown that it can be explained in the context of dark sector models. Here, we provide an overview of the possible new-physics solutions based on electron, photon, and dilepton final states. We systematically discuss the various production mechanisms for dark particles in
Dielectric haloscopes as gravitational wave detectors Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-27 Valerie Domcke, Sebastian A. R. Ellis, Joachim Kopp
We argue that dielectric haloscopes like MADMAX, originally designed for detecting axion dark matter, are also very promising gravitational wave detectors. Operated in resonant mode at frequencies around O(10GHz), these detectors benefit from enhanced gravitational wave to photon conversion at the surfaces of a stack of thin dielectric disks. Since the gravitational wave is relativistic, there is an