Wave function renormalization in asymptotically safe quantum gravity Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Hikaru Kawai, Nobuyoshi Ohta
We discuss the effect of wave function renormalization (WFR) in asymptotically safe gravity. We show that there are two WFR-invariant quantities, and the renormalization (RG) equations may be written entirely in terms of these quantities. The same set of RG equations can be obtained whether we fix the vacuum energy or Newton coupling along the RG trajectory. The flow of the Newton constant and the
Inhomogeneous energy injection in the 21-cm power spectrum: Sensitivity to dark matter decay Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Yitian Sun, Joshua W. Foster, Hongwan Liu, Julian B. Muñoz, Tracy R. Slatyer
The 21-cm signal provides a novel avenue to measure the thermal state of the Universe during cosmic dawn and reionization (redshifts z∼5–30), and thus to probe energy injection from decaying or annihilating dark matter (DM). These DM processes are inherently inhomogeneous: both decay and annihilation are density-dependent, and furthermore, the fraction of injected energy that is deposited at each point
Theoretical bounds on dark Higgs mass in a self-interacting dark matter model with U(1)′ Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Song Li, Jin Min Yang, Mengchao Zhang, Rui Zhu
Motivated by the null results of current dark matter searches and the small-scale problems, we study a dark sector charged by a spontaneous broken gauge U(1)′. To explore the parameter space of this model, in addition to the consideration of the small-scale data, we also consider the theoretical bounds on the dark Higgs mass, with the upper bound coming from the tree-level perturbative unitarity and
Asymptotically conformal color-flavor-locked quark matter within a nonlocal chiral quark model Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Oleksii Ivanytskyi
We propose a three-flavor nonlocal Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model of quark matter with the scalar attractive, vector repulsive and diquark pairing interaction channels. The model is treated within the separable approximation to obtain the equation of state of cold quark matter. The analysis of the high density asymptotics of the model allows us to conclude about its qualitative agreement with the perturbative
From strange-quark tagging to fragmentation tagging with machine learning Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Yevgeny Kats, Edo Ofir
We apply advanced machine learning techniques to two challenging jet classification problems at the LHC. The first is strange-quark tagging, in particular distinguishing strange-quark jets from down-quark jets. The second, which we term fragmentation tagging, involves identifying the fragmentation channel of a quark. We exemplify the latter by training neural networks to differentiate between bottom
Implications of latest NICER data for the neutron star equation of state Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Len Brandes, Wolfram Weise
As an update to our previously performed Bayesian inference analyses of the neutron star matter equation-of-state and related quantities, the additional impact of the recently published NICER data of PSR J0437-4751 is examined. Including the mass and radius distributions of this pulsar in our database results in modest shifts from previously inferred median posterior values of radii R and central densities
Probing celestial energy and charge correlations through real-time quantum simulations: Insights from the Schwinger model Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 João Barata, Swagato Mukherjee
Motivated by recent developments in the application of light-ray operators (LROs) in high energy physics, we propose a new strategy to study correlation functions of LROs through real-time quantum simulations. We argue that quantum simulators provide an ideal laboratory to explore the properties LROs in lower-dimensional quantum field theories. This is exemplified in the 1+1-d Schwinger model, employing
Testing Bell inequalities and probing quantum entanglement at CEPC Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Youpeng Wu, Ruobing Jiang, Alim Ruzi, Yong Ban, Xueqing Yan, Qiang Li
We study quantum entanglement and test violation of Bell-type inequality at the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), which is one of the most attractive future collides. It is a promising particle collider designed to search new physics, make Standard Model (SM) precision measurements, and serving as a Higgs factory. Our study is based on a fast simulation of the Z boson pair production from
Probing axionlike particles through the gamma-ray production from cosmic-ray scattering in the Milky Way dark matter halo Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Victor P. Goncalves, Emmanuel Moulin, Igor Reis, Aion Viana
Axionlike particles (ALPs) are promising candidates to comprise all the dark matter in the Universe. We investigate the ALP couplings to photons and electrons via astrophysical measurements through the search for very-high-energy gamma rays arising from high-energy cosmic-ray scattering off ALP populating the halo of the Milky Way. We show that gamma-ray signals from ALP couplings to photons and electrons
Holographic complexity in string and M theory Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Andrew R. Frey
Thus far, the literature regarding holographic complexity almost entirely focuses on the context of (d+1)-dimensional anti–de Sitter spacetime rather than the full higher-dimensional gauge/gravity duality in string or M theory. We provide a framework to study holographic complexity in the full duality, explaining the relation of complexity functionals in the higher-dimensional theory to those in anti–de
Bridging hadronic and vacuum structure by heavy quarkonia Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Nicholas Miesch, Edward Shuryak, Ismail Zahed
We discuss the central and, mostly, spin-dependent potentials in heavy quarkonia b¯b,c¯c, with two goals in mind. The first is phenomenological: using the splitting between the 1S and 2S pairs, as well as the 1P and 2P quartet masses, we obtain pertinent matrix elements of all these potentials. The second is theoretical: using standard wave functions, we compute these matrix elements, quantifying the
Fluxification and scalarization of the conifold black holes Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Alex Buchel
We study thermal states of the strongly coupled Klebanov-Witten N=1 superconformal gauge theory with R-symmetry chemical potential. The theory has two distinct dimension Δ=3 chiral primary operators that develop a condensate at the same critical value of the chemical potential. One instability is associated with the spontaneous (the appearance of the 3-form flux) of the holographic dual black hole
Kontsevich-Segal criterion in the no-boundary state constrains anisotropy Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Thomas Hertog, Oliver Janssen, Joel Karlsson
We show that the Kontsevich-Segal-Witten (KSW) criterion applied to the no-boundary state constrains anisotropic deformations of de Sitter space. We consider squashed S3 and S1×S2 boundaries and find that, in both models, the KSW criterion excludes a significant range of homogeneous but anisotropic configurations. For squashed S3 boundaries, the excluded range includes all surface geometries with negative
Bose-Einstein condensation in a rigidly rotating relativistic boson gas Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 E. Siri, N. Sadooghi
We study the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of a free Bose gas under rigid rotation. The aim is to explore the impact of rotation on the thermodynamic quantities associated with BEC, including the Bose-Einstein (BE) transition temperature and condensate fraction. We begin by introducing the rotation in the Lagrangian density of free charged Klein-Gordon fields and determine the corresponding grand
Measurements of dust reveal the magnetic field in a protoplanetary disk Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-05
Observationally derived magnetic field strength and 3D components in the HD 142527 disk Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Satoshi Ohashi, Takayuki Muto, Yusuke Tsukamoto, Akimasa Kataoka, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Munetake Momose, Misato Fukagawa, Nami Sakai
A connection between proto-neutron-star Tayler–Spruit dynamos and low-field magnetars Nat. Astron. (IF 12.9) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Andrei Igoshev, Paul Barrère, Raphaël Raynaud, Jérome Guilet, Toby Wood, Rainer Hollerbach
Quantum state tomography on closed timelike curves using weak measurements Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Lachlan G Bishop, Fabio Costa and Timothy C Ralph
Any given prescription of quantum time travel necessarily endows a Hilbert space to the chronology-violating (CV) system on the closed timelike curve (CTC). However, under the two foremost models, Deutsch’s prescription (D-CTCs) and postselected teleportation (P-CTCs), the CV system is treated very differently: D-CTCs assign a definite form to the state on this system, while P-CTCs do not. To further
Fluctuations and correlations in causal set theory Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Heidar Moradi, Yasaman K Yazdi and Miguel Zilhão
We study the statistical fluctuations (such as the variance) of causal set quantities, with particular focus on the causal set action. To facilitate calculating such fluctuations, we develop tools to account for correlations between causal intervals with different cardinalities. We present a convenient decomposition of the fluctuations of the causal set action into contributions that depend on different
Optimal new physics estimation in the presence of standard model backgrounds Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Subhaditya Bhattacharya, Sahabub Jahedi, Jayita Lahiri, Jose Wudka
In this work, we develop a numerical technique for the optimal estimation of the new physics (NP) couplings applicable to any collider process without any simplifying assumptions. This approach also provides a way to measure the quality of the NP estimates derived using standard χ2 analysis, and can be used to gauge the advantages of various modalities of collider design. We illustrate the techniques
Trimeson state B¯B¯*B¯* Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Cheng-Rong Deng, Chun-Sheng An
We systematically explore the trimeson states B¯B¯*B¯* with various isospin-spin configurations in the quark model by solving exactly the six-body Schrödinger equations with the Gaussian expansion method. The configuration [[B¯B¯*]01B¯*]120 is not only approximately 10.2 MeV lower than the threshold of its constituent particles but also about 0.2 MeV below that of the compact tetraquark state [B¯B¯*]01
Enhancing events in neutrino telescopes through deep-learning-driven superresolution Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Felix J. Yu, Nicholas Kamp, Carlos A. Argüelles
Recent discoveries by neutrino telescopes, such as the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, relied extensively on machine learning (ML) tools to infer physical quantities from the raw photon hits detected. Neutrino telescope reconstruction algorithms are limited by the sparse sampling of photons by the optical modules due to the relatively large spacing (10–100 m) between them. In this Letter, we propose
Study of B→ρη , ρη′ decays in the modified perturbative QCD approach Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Yun-Han Gui, Mao-Zhi Yang
We study the decay processes of B→ρη, ρη′ in the perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) approach with a few improvements incorporated in it, where the contributions with large momentum transfer are calculated perturbatively, and the contributions with lower energy scale are treated by introducing soft transition form factors. In addition, color-octet contributions are introduced which are essentially
Probing hidden topology with quantum detectors Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Dyuman Bhattacharya, Jorma Louko, Robert B. Mann
We consider the transition rate of a static Unruh-DeWitt detector in two (2+1)-dimensional black hole spacetimes that are isometric to the static Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole outside the horizon but have no asymptotically locally anti–de Sitter exterior behind the horizon. The spacetimes are the RP2 geon, with spatial topology RP2\{point at infinity}, and the Swedish geon of Åminneborg .,
Deconfinement and chiral restoration phase transition under rotation from holography in an anisotropic gravitational background Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Yidian Chen, Xun Chen, Danning Li, Mei Huang
We investigate the effects of rotation on deconfinement and chiral phase transitions in the framework of the dynamical holographic QCD model. Instead of transforming to the rotating system by Lorentz boost, we construct an anisotropic gravitational background by incorporating the rotating boundary current. We first investigate the pure gluon system under rotation to extract deconfinement phase transition
Gribov copies in the quark propagator Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Gerhard Kalusche, Dale Lawlor, Jon-Ivar Skullerud
We study the impact of Gribov copies on the quark propagator in lattice 2-color quantum chromodynamics (QCD). We find that the Gribov noise is comparable to the gauge noise for smaller volumes but becomes less significant for larger spatial volumes. The Gribov noise in the quark propagator is found to be comparable to, but smaller than in the gluon propagator on the same ensembles. No correlation is
Charges in general relativity and black hole thermodynamics Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 M. Golshani, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, V. Taghiloo, M. H. Vahidinia
We shed a new light on the long-standing problem of covariant charges in diffeomorphism invariant theories such as general relativity by noting the other important feature of the theory, the background independence. To this end, we develop covariant phase space formalism in which we allow for the boundaries of spacetime to have arbitrary fluctuations. Within this formalism we show noncovariance of
Final state radiation from high and ultrahigh energy neutrino interactions Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Ryan Plestid, Bei Zhou
Charged leptons produced by high-energy and ultrahigh-energy neutrinos have a substantial probability of emitting prompt internal bremsstrahlung νℓ+N→ℓ+X+γ. This can have important consequences for neutrino detection. We discuss observable consequences at high- and ultrahigh-energy neutrino telescopes and the Large Hadron Collider’s (LHC’s) Forward Physics Facility. Logarithmic enhancements can be
Timelike supersymmetric solutions of D=3 , N=4 supergravity Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Nihat Sadik Deger, Ceren Ayse Deral
We study timelike supersymmetric solutions of a D=3, N=4 gauged supergravity using the Killing spinor bilinears method and prove that AdS3 is the only solution within this class. We then consider the ungauged version of this model. It is found that for this type of solution, the ungauged theory effectively truncates to a supergravity coupled to a sigma model with a two-dimensional hyperbolic target
Revisiting series expansions of neutrino oscillation and decay probabilities in matter Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Jesper Grönroos, Tommy Ohlsson, Sampsa Vihonen
We present analytic expressions for three-flavor neutrino oscillations in presence of invisible neutrino decay and matter effects. Using the well-known Cayley-Hamilton formalism, the leading-order terms are derived for oscillation probabilities in all major channels assuming the neutrino mass eigenstate ν3 to decay. Our work extends and complements previous studies utilizing the Cayley-Hamilton theorem
Vacuum transitions with the Gauss-Bonnet term in D dimensions Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Yang Liu
In our previous paper [; ], we proposed a probabilistic argument to explain the reason why the cosmological constant is very small in 4D. We can ask a question: if the behavior of tunneling exponent B can be generalized to D-dimension. Moreover, in higher dimensional theory motivated by string theory the Gauss-Bonnet term plays an important role. Therefore, in this paper, we generalize our result in
Confronting the dark matter capture rate with a continuous gravitational wave probe of local neutron stars Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Pooja Bhattacharjee, Amit Dutta Banik
Continuous gravitational waves (CGWs) from various astrophysical sources are one of the many future probes of upcoming gravitational wave (GW) search missions. Neutron stars (NSs) with deformity are one of the leading sources of CGW emissions. In this work, for the first time, a novel attempt to estimate the dark matter (DM) capture rate is performed using CGW as the probe to the local NS population
Semifinite von Neumann algebras in gauge theory and gravity Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Shadi Ali Ahmad, Marc S. Klinger, Simon Lin
von Neumann algebras have been playing an increasingly important role in the context of gauge theories and gravity. The crossed product presents a natural method for implementing constraints through the commutation theorem, rendering it a useful tool for constructing gauge-invariant algebras. The crossed product of a Type III algebra with its modular automorphism group is semifinite, which means that
TeV scale leptogenesis with a triplet fermion in connection to the muon g−2 Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Simran Arora, Devabrat Mahanta, B. C. Chauhan
We propose an extension of the minimal scotogenic model with a triplet fermion and a singlet scalar. An imposed Z4×Z2 symmetry allows only diagonal Yukawa couplings among different generations of standard model (SM) leptons and right-handed singlet neutrinos. The Yukawa coupling of the triplet fermion with the inert doublet positively contributes to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. The imposed Z4×Z2
6D large charge and 2D Virasoro blocks Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Jonathan J. Heckman, Adar Sharon, Masataka Watanabe
We compute observables in the interacting rank-one 6D N=(2,0) superconformal field theory (SCFT) at large R-charge. We focus on correlators involving Φn, namely symmetric products of the bottom component of the supermultiplet containing the stress tensor. By using the moduli space effective action and methods from the large-charge expansion, we compute the operator product expansion coefficients ⟨ΦnΦmΦn+m⟩
Ultraheavy multiscattering dark matter: DUNE, CYGNUS, other kilotonne detectors, and tidal streams Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Harsh Aggarwal, Nirmal Raj
In direct searches of dark matter, multiscatter signatures are now being sought to probe scattering cross sections that are large enough to make the detector optically thick to incident particles. We provide some significant updates to the multiscatter program. Using considerations of energy deposition, we derive the reaches in cross section and mass of various proposed large-volume detectors: a kilotonne
Consequences of multiple axions in theories with dark Yang-Mills groups Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Manuel Ettengruber, Emmanouil Koutsangelas
General consistency requirements of quantum gravity suggest the existence of one axion per Yang-Mills group (YM) [a gauged special unitary group SU(n)]. In this work we take this requirement seriously and consider theories with dark Yang-Mills sectors and investigate general phenomenological implications of these axions. We carry out computations for two simple models, namely a pure Yang-Mills sector
Equivalence theorem at work: Manifestly gauge-invariant Abelian Higgs model physics Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Bram Boeykens, David Dudal, Thomas Oosthuyse
We reconsider the equivalence theorem from an algebraic viewpoint, using an extended Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tuytin symmetry. This version of the equivalence theorem is then used to reexpress the Abelian Higgs model action, originally written in terms of undesirable gauge variant field excitations, in terms of gauge-invariant, physical variables, corresponding to the Fröhlich-Morchio-Strocchi composite
The Once and Future Gas: Methane's Multifunctional Roles in Earth's Evolution and Potential as a Biosignature Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. (IF 11.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Jennifer B. Glass, Sarah M. Hörst
Methane (CH4) is a simple molecule that, due to its radiative forcing, wields an outsized impact on planetary heat balance. Methane is formed by diverse abiotic pathways across a range of pressures and temperatures. Biological methanogenesis for anaerobic respiration uses a terminal nickel-containing enzyme and is limited to the archaeal domain of life. Methane can also be produced in aerobic microbes
Hilbert space of quantum field theory in de Sitter spacetime Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Joao Penedones, Kamran Salehi Vaziri, Zimo Sun
We study the decomposition of the Hilbert space of quantum field theory in (d+1)-dimensional de Sitter spacetime into unitary irreducible representations (UIRs) of its isometry group SO(1,d+1). First, we consider multiparticle states in free theories starting from the tensor product of single-particle UIRs. Second, we study conformal multiplets of a bulk conformal field theory with symmetry group SO(2
Vortical effects and the critical end point in the linear sigma model coupled to quark Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 L. A. Hernández, R. Zamora
In this paper, we study the effects of vorticity on the QCD phase transition using the linear sigma model coupled to quarks. By going beyond the mean-field approximation and incorporating screening effects via ring diagrams, we explore the chiral symmetry restoration in extreme conditions, such as high temperatures, high densities, and large angular velocities. Our analysis reveals how the critical
Microscopic entropy of static black holes in 3D Lovelock gravities Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Gökhan Alkaç, Luis Guajardo, Hikmet Özşahin
We give a microscopic derivation of the semiclassical entropy of static black holes in 3D Lovelock gravities, which are certain 3D Horndeski theories that were recently discovered from higher-dimensional Lovelock gravities via various methods and admit black hole solutions analogous to higher-dimensional ones. Assuming the ground state is described by the soliton obtained from the black hole solution
Symmetry restoration and vacuum decay from accretion around black holes Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 James Marsden, Josu C. Aurrekoetxea, Katy Clough, Pedro G. Ferreira
Vacuum decay and symmetry breaking play an important role in the fundamental structure of the matter and the evolution of the Universe. In this work we study how the purely classical effect of accretion of fundamental fields onto black holes can lead to shells of symmetry restoration in the midst of a symmetry broken phase. We also show how it can catalyze vacuum decay, forming a bubble that expands
Pair production with capture by energetic cosmic ray nuclei in a photon background Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 AmirFarzan Esmaeili, Arman Esmaili, Pasquale Dario Serpico
We investigate the ionization state of very energetic cosmic ray nuclei in photon fields, such as the cosmic microwave background in extragalactic propagation and the environment surrounding the acceleration site in astrophysical sources. We focus on the process of pair production with electron capture (PPC), where the interaction of a single photon with a nucleus produces an e± pair (similar to Bethe-Heitler
Holographic Schwinger effect in flavor-dependent systems Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Sheng Lin, Xuan Liu, Xun Chen, Gen-Fa Zhang, Jing Zhou
The holographic Schwinger effect is investigated in systems with Nf=0, Nf=2, and Nf=2+1 using the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton (EMD) model, incorporating equation of state and baryon number susceptibility information from lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD). It is found that the critical electric field is smallest for Nf=0, indicating that the Schwinger effect is more likely to occur than in systems with
Direct CP violation in the B¯s→K+K−K+K− decay process induced by interferences of the intermediate vector particles Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Chang-Chang Zhang, Gang Lü
We investigate CP violation in the decay process B¯s→VV→K+K−K+K− within the framework of perturbative quantum chromodynamics, where V represents vector mesons ϕ, ρ, and ω. We analyze the mixing mechanism among ϕ−ρ0−ω and provide amplitudes for these decay processes. Moreover, we explore CP violation in the four-body decay process of B¯s0→K+K−K+K− involving intermediate vector mesons and their mixing
Gaussian orbital perturbation theory in Schwarzschild space-time in terms of elliptic functions Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Oleksii Yanchyshen and Claus Lämmerzahl
General relativistic Gauss equations for osculating elements for bound orbits under the influence of a perturbing force in an underlying Schwarzschild space-time have been derived in terms of Weierstrass elliptic functions. Thereby, the perturbation forces are restricted to act within the orbital plane only. These equations are analytically solved in linear approximation for several different perturbations
Revisiting gravitational angular momentum and mass dipole losses in the eikonal framework Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Carlo Heissenberg and Rodolfo Russo
We review the description of classical gravitational scatterings of two compact objects by means of the eikonal framework. This encodes via scattering amplitudes both the motion of the bodies and the gravitational-wave signals that such systems produce. As an application, we combine the next-to-leading post-Minkowskian waveform derived in the post-Newtonian PN limit with the 4PM static loss due to
Gravity from Pre-geometry Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 A Addazi, S Capozziello, A Marcianò and G Meluccio
The gravitational interaction, as described by the Einstein–Cartan theory, is shown to emerge as the by-product of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of a gauge symmetry in a pre-geometric four-dimensional spacetime. Starting from a formulation la Yang–Mills on an or principal bundle and not accounting for a spacetime metric, the Einstein–Hilbert action is recovered after the identification of the effective
Measurements of Gravitational Attractions at small Accelerations Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 W Bartel, C W Elvers, L Jönsson, G Kempf, H Krause, B Loehr, E Lohrmann, H Meyer, P Steffen and E Wuensch
Gravitational interactions were studied by measuring the influence of small external field masses on a microwave resonator. It consisted of two spherical mirrors, which acted as independent pendulums individually suspended by strings. Two identical field masses were moved along the axis of the resonator symmetrically and periodically between a near and a far position. Their gravitational interaction
Euclidean actions and static black hole entropy in teleparallel theories Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Iberê Kuntz, Gregorio Paci and Omar Zanusso
It is well-known that the results by Bekenstein, Gibbons and Hawking on the thermodynamics of black holes can be reproduced quite simply in the Euclidean path integral approach to quantum gravity. The corresponding partition function is obtained semiclassically, ultimately requiring only the on-shell Einstein–Hilbert action with opportune asymptotic subtractions. We elaborate on the fact that the same
Pushing limits: probing new gravity using a satellite constellation Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Viktor T Toth
Building upon earlier work, we explore the limits of using a configuration of satellites to measure the trace of the gravitational gradient tensor using intersatellite laser ranging and timing observables without relying on high-precision external observables such as deep space radio navigation or astrometry with unrealistic accuracy. A refined model, calculated with extended numerical precision, confirms
Primordial gravitational wave backgrounds from phase transitions with next generation ground based detectors Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Chiara Caprini, Oriol Pujolàs, Hippolyte Quelquejay-Leclere, Fabrizio Rompineve and Danièle A Steer
Third generation ground-based gravitational wave (GW) detectors, such as Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer, will operate in the Hz frequency band, with a boost in sensitivity providing an unprecedented reach into primordial cosmology. Working concurrently with pulsar timing arrays in the nHz band, and LISA in the mHz band, these 3G detectors will be powerful probes of beyond the standard model
Test particles in Kaluza–Klein models Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 João Baptista
Geodesics in general relativity describe the behaviour of test particles in a gravitational field. In 5D Kaluza–Klein, geodesics reproduce the Lorentz force motion of particles in an electromagnetic field. This paper studies geodesic motion on a higher-dimensional with background metrics encoding general 4D gauge fields and Higgs-like scalars. It shows that the classical mass and charge of a test particle
A physically modelled selection function for compact binary mergers in the LIGO-Virgo O3 run and beyond Classical Quant. Grav. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Ana Lorenzo-Medina and Thomas Dent
Despite the observation of nearly 100 compact binary coalescence (CBC) events up to the end of the Advanced gravitational-wave (GW) detectors’ third observing run (O3), there remain fundamental open questions regarding their astrophysical formation mechanisms and environments. Population analysis should yield insights into these questions, but requires careful control of uncertainties and biases. GW
Consistent electroweak phenomenology of a nearly degenerate Z′ boson Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Prisco Lo Chiatto, Felix Yu
Extracting constraints on the kinetic mixing of a new U(1)′ gauge boson hiding under the Standard Model Z boson resonance requires the formalism of non-Hermitian two-point correlation functions at 1-loop order. We derive self-consistent collider constraints on Z′ bosons with kinetic mixing in a narrow mass window around the Z boson, considering both model-independent and model-dependent bounds. Our
2D Ising critical couplings from quantum gravity Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Etera R. Livine, Valentin Bonzom
Using an exact holographic duality formula between the inhomogeneous 2D Ising model and 3D quantum gravity, we provide a formula for “real” zeros of the 2D Ising partition function on finite trivalent graphs in terms of the geometry of a 2D triangulation embedded in the three-dimensional Euclidean space. The complex phase of those zeros is given by the dihedral angles of the triangulation, which reflect
Binding of the three-hadron DD*K system from the lattice effective field theory Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Zhenyu Zhang, Xin-Yue Hu, Guangzhao He, Jun Liu, Jia-Ai Shi, Bing-Nan Lu, Qian Wang
We employ the nuclear lattice effective field theory (NLEFT), an efficient tool for nuclear calculations, to solve the asymmetric multihadron systems. We take the DD*K three-body system as an illustration to demonstrate the capability of the method. Here the two-body chiral interactions between D, D*, and K are regulated with a soft lattice regulator and calibrated with the binding energies of the
Implication of a negative effective range on the DD¯* interaction and the nature of X(3872) Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Yi-Bo Shen, Ming-Zhu Liu, Zhi-Wei Liu, Li-Sheng Geng
A recent analysis of the LHCb data [Esposito , ] obtained a sizable negative effective range for the X(3872). This has attracted intensive discussions on whether X(3872) can be deemed as a DD¯* molecular state. This work explicitly demonstrates that the negative effective range of the X(3872) does not contradict the molecular picture, adopting an effective field theory formulation of the DD¯* interaction
Appraising constrained second-order power corrections in HQET with Λb→Λclν Phys. Rev. D (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Florian U. Bernlochner, Michele Papucci, Dean J. Robinson
We derive the Λb→Λc form factors for the Standard Model and beyond at second order in heavy quark effective theory, applying the recently proposed residual chiral expansion to reduce the set of unknown subsubleading hadronic functions to a single, highly constrained function, that is fully determined by hadron mass parameters at zero recoil. We fit a form factor parametrization based on these results