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Promise of Future Searches for Cosmic Topology
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.171501
Yashar Akrami , Stefano Anselmi , Craig J. Copi , Johannes R. Eskilt , Andrew H. Jaffe , Arthur Kosowsky , Pip Petersen , Glenn D. Starkman , Kevin González-Quesada , Özenç Güngör , Deyan P. Mihaylov , Samanta Saha , Andrius Tamosiunas , Quinn Taylor , Valeri Vardanyan ,

The shortest distance around the Universe through us is unlikely to be much larger than the horizon diameter if microwave background anomalies are due to cosmic topology. We show that observational constraints from the lack of matched temperature circles in the microwave background leave many possibilities for such topologies. We evaluate the detectability of microwave background multipole correlations for sample cases. Searches for topology signatures in observational data over the large space of possible topologies pose a formidable computational challenge.


