Examining the relationships among preservice physical education teachers’ beliefs, emotions, and professional identity Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Youngjoon Kim, Kelly L. Simonton, Kevin Mercier, Karen Lux Gaudreault, Kevin Andrew Richards
Teacher identities, shaped within teacher education programs, are linked to professional commitment, career longevity, teaching effectiveness, and student learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among teacher beliefs, emotions during student teaching, and professional identity in physical education (PE) preservice teachers (PSTs). The PE PSTs ( N = 268), who were in the
Exploring the factors that influence the delivery of physical education in alternative provision schools in England Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Thomas Quarmby, Anthony J Maher, Oliver Hooper, Vicci Wells, Lucy Slavin
There is currently no literature that considers the practicalities of delivering physical education (PE) in alternative provision schools, nor the challenges that this might entail. As such, this paper offers a unique contribution to knowledge by highlighting the key factors that influence the delivery of PE within alternative provision schools in England from the perspectives of practitioners (i.e
Looking forwards and backwards: The continuing influence of COVID-19 on the practices of physical education teachers Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Vaughan Cruickshank, Casey Mainsbridge, John Williams, Michael Dunning, Kevin Andrew Richards
This study examined how physical education (PE) teachers in one Australian state approached and implemented their practice following the COVID-19 pandemic. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 14 primary and high school PE specialist teachers who participated in our previous COVID-19-focused studies to understand the changes that occurred in their practice over time. Analysing teachers’
Muslim students’ experiences of physical education: A scoping review Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 Annette Stride, Jonathan Allen
This scoping review brings together, for the first time, research spanning five decades focusing on Muslim students’ experiences of physical education (PE). In taking stock of this work, it advances knowledge by mapping how understandings of the relationship between religion and PE have developed, whilst identifying new avenues of inquiry. Therefore, this scoping review is a useful resource for pedagogues
Exploring the enacted content of the Practising Model: A Bildung theoretical perspective Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Robin Lindgren Fjellner, Håkan Larsson, Dean Barker
Various attempts have been made to emphasise the educational purpose of physical education (PE). Ennis (2011 ) has noted that understandings of content shift depending on curriculum. The aim of the paper is to explore what the enacted content becomes when the Practising Model is implemented in PE. Four PE teachers, in two Swedish secondary schools, enacted the Practising Model with five classes for
“We have limited time, so it's a zero-sum game”: Influence of secondary organizational socialization on the forms of physical education teacher education provided by European, Asian, and North American-based mid-career faculty members Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Seungsoo Baek, Matthew D. Curtner-Smith
The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of secondary organizational socialization on six mid-career faculty members’ provision of physical education teacher education (PETE). The specific research questions we sought to answer were: (a) what forms of PETE did mid-career faculty members provide for their preservice teachers? and (b) what factors aided or undermined mid-career faculty
Meaningful physical education: Towards an embodied pedagogy Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 Esben Stilund Volshøj, Kenneth Aggerholm, Stephanie Beni, Kasper Lasthein Madsen
International research on students’ meaningful experiences in physical education (PE) has led to the proposal of the Meaningful PE approach, aiming to guide pedagogical principles to support students’ meaningful experiences in PE. The approach currently includes democratic and reflective pedagogical principles. With this paper, we aim to contribute to the Meaningful PE approach by emphasizing the need
Pre-service teachers’ experiences of an activist approach in a health and physical education teacher education context Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 Carla Luguetti, Fabiana Turelli, Danielle Speranza, Julie Wachter, Loretta Konjarski
In the past four decades, health and physical education teacher education (HPETE) research has grown, emphasising social justice and activist approaches as a way to challenge the status quo of systems of oppression, including capitalism, imperialism, patriarchy, racism, LGBTQI+ phobia, and ableism. Despite a wealth of research on social justice and activist approaches in HPETE, there is a notable gap
What is the meaning of PE? Exploring the influence of an educational curriculum approach on students’ participation and non-participation in physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 Mette Munk, Sine Agergaard
There is evidence that the longstanding multi-activity sport-based approach to physical education (PE) limits the opportunities for students to participate in and learn from PE. Furthermore, studies of educational approaches to PE have identified a willingness to re-orientate and re-structure PE by exploring diverse ways of learning in, through and about movement. This study endeavours to advance this
How is observed (de)motivating teaching associated with student motivation and device-based physical activity during physical education? Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 Nele Van Doren, Sofie Compernolle, Arne Bouten, Leen Haerens, Laura Hesters, Taren Sanders, Maarten Slembrouck, Katrien De Cocker
Previous Self-Determination Theory (SDT) research has highlighted the impact of physical education (PE) teachers’ (de)motivating styles on students’ motivation, in-class moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and sedentary behaviour. However, most studies relied on questionnaires to assess PE teachers’ (de)motivating styles, and the few that used observations focused primarily on one specific
Understandings and enactments of social justice pedagogies in Swedish physical education and health practice Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-18 Göran Gerdin, Katarina Schenker, Susanne Linnér
Research continues to show that school physical education and health (PEH) is complicit in the reproduction of inequities related to, for instance, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion and social class. In this paper, we present findings from a participatory action research (PAR) project with 11 PEH teachers at two upper-secondary schools in Sweden, aimed at enhancing understandings and enactments
Development and maturation of school principals’ viewpoint of physical education's value to the academic mission Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-16 Ben D. Kern, Laura Palmer
School principals are responsible for leadership toward meeting an academic mission predicated on student achievement in core subjects. Socialization experiences of principals relative to physical education (PE) may impact their perception of PE's academic value. Our purpose was to investigate the development and maturation of school principals’ perspective of the value of PE to their school’s academic
Preservice physical education teachers’ perceptions of initial teacher education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-16 Catarina Amorim, Elsa Ribeiro-Silva
The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice physical education teachers’ perceptions of initial teacher education and its impact on their professional lives and teachers’ identities at the end of their school placement. It was also the aim of this study to identify school placement contributing factors and key actors in the formation of professional identities. The sample was composed of
The process(es) of learning about teaching using models-based practice: Pre-service teachers’ experiences Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-08 Mats Hordvik, Tim Fletcher, Anders Lund Haugen, Lasse Møller, Berit Engebretsen
This research takes on the recommendation to continue examining the use of models-based practice (MbP) in diverse contexts by considering pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) experiences of learning to teach using MbP in a physical education teacher education (PETE) program in Norway. Guided by the theory of a pedagogy of teacher education ( Loughran, 2006 ), this research was driven by the question: “What
Teaching with the test: Using fitness tests to teach paradoxically in physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-07 Mikael Quennerstedt, Dean Barker, Anna Johansson, Peter Korp
In many countries, fitness testing is used in physical education (PE). Advocates of fitness testing maintain that testing promotes physical activity and has long-term health benefits. Other scholars question using fitness tests for children in educational contexts and describe them as demotivating, embarrassing, and humiliating. The purpose of the study is to contribute to this educational dilemma
The acute effect of heart rate monitor projection on exercise effort in school students Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-07 Rebecca Cunningham-Rose, Nick Garrett, Chris Lonsdale, Nigel Harris
Heart rate (HR) monitoring during exercise represents a potentially useful strategy for teachers delivering physical education lessons. This study examined how projecting HR monitor data onto a screen acutely affected school students’ exercise intensity during a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session. Twenty students (12.3 ± 0.9 years, male = 8, female = 12) from one primary school volunteered
Ability in physical education – No, I can’t discuss it! Insights from lower secondary physical education teachers in Western Australia Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-25 Jeffrey Giles, Dawn Penney, Justen O’Connor
Ability has been positioned as a crucial concept in the construction of a subject that is inclusive of and meaningful for all students. Almost two decades since Evans ( 2004 ) called on the field to re-engage in discourse concerning ability, how ability is conceptualised by physical education (PE) teachers remains relatively unexplored. Furthermore, relatively little is known about how understandings
Beginning teachers’ descriptions of ball games as pedagogic practice in Swedish physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Jan Mustell
Teaching approaches in ball games in school physical education (PE) have traditionally focused on technical proficiency. Technical approaches have been criticised for being teacher-centred, exclusive, and lacking meaning. Game-based approaches (GBAs) have been presented as an alternative way to teach ball games. Employing GBAs is, however, not without challenges. Scholars have pointed to teachers’
Narrative pedagogy in sport, PETE, and physical education: A scoping review Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Marta Oliver-Álvarez, Víctor Pérez-Samaniego, Carmen Peiró-Velert, Javier Monforte
This article conceptualises narrative pedagogy and surveys the literature investigating its use in sport, physical education teacher education and physical education. A scoping review informed by Arksey and O’Malley’s (2005) five-stage framework resulted in the consideration of 13 relevant studies. The following questions were explored: Who conducted these studies? Where and when were these conducted
Towards precarity? The occupational situation of physical education teachers in Poland Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-26 Natalia Organista, Zuzanna Mazur, Tim Fletcher
Many studies indicate that the teaching profession is influenced by social, cultural, economic, and political forces. In this article, we used Standing's theory of precarity to explore economic, social, and political challenges experienced by Polish physical education (PE) teachers. The purpose of this research was to explore the working conditions and perceptions of the profession among Polish upper-secondary
Psychological needs satisfaction in physical education predicts a positive development of motivation in early adolescence: A latent growth modeling study Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 Sanga Yun, Timo Jaakkola, Mikko Huhtiniemi, Arto Gråstén, Junhyuk Park, Sami Yli-Piipari
Self-determination theory (SDT) is a compelling framework for understanding the psychological environment and explaining human motivation. This is especially crucial in school physical education (PE), given that the psychological environment within PE has been demonstrated to be closely related to the formation of physical activity motivation and behaviors. Advancing current knowledge and implementing
Meritocracy and material consequences at the intersection of race, class, and disability for pre-service PE teachers Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 Cory Dixon, Mara Simon, Korey Boyd
Disproportionate rates of poverty among Black and Latine populations in the United States exemplify material consequences and ideological meritocracies of systemic racism. While education is often touted as a way to escape poverty, legacies of racism, classism, and ableism embedded within higher education and physical education teacher education (PETE) confront Black and Latine undergraduates directly
Re-imagining performance spaces and locations in ecological dynamics: Implications for pedagogical practices in physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 Martyn Rothwell, Øyvind Bjerke, Ben William Strafford, Tim Robinson, Craig Haslingden, Martina Navarro, Keith Davids
Many places and locations for physical education, and the associated pedagogies, limit the enrichment of the individual–environment system. Strengthening this relationship can provide children and youth with greater functionality to navigate a diverse range of environments more effectively, leading to a positive relationship with sport and physical activity across the lifespan. The purpose of this
“I want kids to have the same feeling as I do towards physical activity”: Acculturation of British preservice physical education teachers Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 Matthew D Curtner-Smith, Andrew Theodoulides, Anne Chappell, Elizabeth Harris, Gary D Kinchin
The purpose of this study was to describe the acculturation of six British physical education (PE) preservice teachers (PSTs). The research questions we sought to answer were: (a) What were the PSTs’ values, beliefs, and perspectives regarding PE? and (b) What factors shaped the PSTs’ values, beliefs, and perspectives during their acculturation? We collected data with three types of formal interviewing
The continuity of PE-as-sport: Exploring secondary school students' accounts of the meaning and purpose of physical education in England Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 Matthew Berkshire, James Mason, Jack Hardwicke
Physical education (PE) has long been contested as various discourses compete and conflict on what the subject is and what its purpose ought to be. Within these discussions, less attention has been placed on student accounts of the purpose of compulsory secondary school PE in England, and on the meanings constructed based on experiences of the subject. Therefore, this study sought to build on and extend
Teachers learning to use student voice in primary physical education – ready, steady, go! Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-25 Déirdre Ní Chróinín, Melissa Parker, Maura Coulter, Tony Sweeney
Primary physical education lags behind student voice developments in research and practice internationally ( Gillett-Swan and Baroutsis, 2023 ) and in post-primary physical education ( Howley and O'Sullivan, 2021 ; Iannucci and Parker, 2022a ). Furthermore, evidence is lacking on how to guide primary teachers learning to implement student voice pedagogies in physical education successfully. This research
“We can do this”: Physical educators’ role breadth self-efficacy to be involved with CSPAPs from an occupational socialization perspective Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 Christopher B. Merica, Cate A. Egan, Collin A. Webster, Ben Kern, Karie Orendorff, Kelly Simonton
In the United States, the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) is a whole-of-school framework to ensure youth meet physical activity guidelines. Physical education teachers (PETs) are poised to be CSPAP leaders, but implementation is low. PETs’ involvement with CSPAPs may be better understood through the lens of their role breadth self-efficacy, which captures how professionals feel
Creative dance – practising and improving … what? A study in physical education teacher education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 Håkan Larsson, Dean Barker, Jan-Eric Ekberg, Christopher Engdahl, Anders Frisk, Gunn Nyberg
Creative dance, that is to say, movements, with or without music, which allow participants to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings, are sometimes accompanied by a ‘there is no right or wrong way to move’ rhetoric. This may reinforce the impression among physical education teacher education (PETE) students, who often have limited experience of (creative) dance, that there is nothing to practise in
The role of marginalisation and role stressors in physical education teachers’ perceived mattering Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 Derya Sakallı, Ender Şenel
Previous research has revealed that physical education (PE) teachers and their subject are often perceived as undervalued. However, examining the contributing factors and relationships to improve this situation is critical. This study focused on the associations among PE teachers’ perceptions of marginalisation, perceived mattering, and role stress factors. We recruited 208 PE teachers from various
Despite good intentions: The elusiveness of social justice in health and physical education curricula across different contexts Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 Göran Gerdin, Katarina Lundin, Rod Philpot, Ellen Berg, Amanda Mooney, Ansie Kitching, Laura Alfrey, Katarina Schenker, Susanne Linnér
This paper draws on critical discourse analysis to examine how health and physical education (HPE) curricula from Sweden, Norway, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand may influence possibilities for the enactment of social justice in schools. The findings highlight the presence of social justice intentions across the five curricula as related to embodied movement experiences, social cohesion, and
What factors are associated with physical education teachers’ (de)motivating teaching style? A circumplex approach Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 Javier García-Cazorla, Luis García-González, Rafael Burgueño, Sergio Diloy-Peña, Ángel Abós
Building upon the circumplex approach to (de)motivating styles defined by self-determination theory, this research aimed: (a) to analyse the extent to which physical education (PE) teachers’ (de)motivating teaching approaches differ across gender, school level, and years of teaching experience, and (b) to test paths from PE teachers’ need-based experiences to their (de)motivating teaching approaches
Fitting in or standing out? The organisational socialisation of early career physical education specialism graduates through a micropolitical lens Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 Cillian Brennan, Richard Bowles, Elaine Murtagh
The recent emergence of primary school generalist teachers with physical education (PE) expertise has addressed calls for some form of specialisation in primary PE provision in Ireland ( Marron et al., 2018 ). It was hoped that these teachers could advance the quality of PE taught within schools, through their own teaching and by supporting colleagues ( Ní Chróinín, 2018 ). Despite PE specialism graduates
All the better for it: Exploring one teacher-researcher's evolving efforts to promote meaningful physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 Donal Howley, Ben Dyson, Seunghyun Baek
Drawing on social constructivist learning theory and a conceptual framework for meaningful physical education (MPE), the purpose of this self-study was to present and explore how one teacher-researcher (TR) evolved their approach to implementing pedagogy promoting MPE in an alternative secondary/high school education setting. Utilizing self-study, data were collected before, during, and after twenty
Swimming competence of 9–10-year-old Norwegian primary school children: A cross-sectional study of physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 Jon Sundan, Monika Haga, Håvard Lorås
Swimming is a profound source of joy in life. The impact of swimming competence extends beyond leisure, encompassing aquatic skills crucial for the prevention of drowning incidents. The World Health Organization (WHO) strongly advocates for the proactive initiative of teaching basic swimming and water safety skills to school-aged children, which is recognized as a direct and effective measure in mitigating
The effect of game-based approaches on decision-making, knowledge, and motor skill: A systematic review and a multilevel meta-analysis Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 Mika Manninen, Eric Magrum, Sara Campbell, Sarahjane Belton
This study aimed to compare the effect between game-based approaches (GBAs) and traditional skill approaches on decision-making, knowledge and motor skill in physical education students and athletes. A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies available before October 2023 was conducted. The initial search yielded 8431 articles, with 28 articles ( n = 1600) meeting the inclusion criteria
Beginning, rise, fall, and comeback: Exploring the journey of a physical education teacher community in South Korea Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 Yongjin Lee, Wonhee Lee, Hyungsik Min, Youngjoon Kim
Physical education teacher communities have been studied and implemented as a successful approach to teacher professional development. Despite a wealth of literature, less is known about three aspects: sustained nature of a community over time, power relations among community members, and a comprehensive case study. This study aimed to address these gaps in the literature by investigating the journey
Developing adaptive teaching competence in preservice physical education teachers Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 Kyuil Cho, Emi Tsuda, Phillip Ward
This study examined how preservice teachers (PSTs) develop adaptive competence in teaching peers in an introductory physical education pedagogy course underpinned by a pedagogical cycle designed to promote adaptive teaching competence. Two guiding research questions were: (a) what was the total number of adaptations that PSTs made in their peer teaching? and (b) what were the total numbers of missed
Associations between physical educators’ appearance and sex and high school pupils’ cognitive performance and perceptions of teacher characteristics Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 YuChun Chen, Brian Myers
The importance of physical educators obtaining a discipline-specific appearance as role models is documented in the literature. Previous research has examined the influence of physical education teachers’ body fatness, (dis)ability, and age on pupils’ learning and perceptions of the teachers. To expand the research line, this study focused on teachers’ formal/informal appearance and their sex. Four
Exploring teacher educator pedagogical decision-making about a combined pedagogy of social justice and meaningful physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 Déirdre Ní Chróinín, Cassandra Iannucci, Carla Luguetti, Declan Hamblin
Teacher educators shape curriculum in the pedagogical decisions they make ( Lunenberg et al., 2007 ). Yet, evidence is lacking about how physical education (PE) teacher educators make decisions about what to include in their teacher education pedagogies. Four teacher educators in four different PE teacher education (PETE) programmes collaborated to examine their decision-making as they explored ideas
The purpose of primary physical education: The views of teacher educators Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 Mike Jess, Melissa Parker, Nicola Carse, Andrew Douglass, Jeanne Keay, Lucio Martinez Alvarez, Alison Murray, Julie Pearson, Vicky Randall, Tony Sweeney
This paper reports on the first phase of a longitudinal project investigating the perceived purposes that different stakeholders have for primary physical education (PE). In the study, the views of 19 teacher educators from seven countries across Europe were sought. While teacher educators may have some influence across the layers of an education system, little is known about this stakeholder group
Formative assessment in physical education: teachers’ experiences when designing and implementing formative assessment activities Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 Menno Slingerland, Gwen Weeldenburg, Lars Borghouts
Formative assessment (FA) is an effective educational approach for optimising student learning and is considered as a promising avenue for assessment within physical education (PE). Nevertheless, implementing FA is a complex and demanding task for in-service PE teachers who often lack formal training on this topic. To better support PE teachers in implementing FA into their practice, we need better
Children's motivation for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity during the Daily Mile: A theory of planned behaviour perspective Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 Phillip M. Gray, Andrew L. Evans
Sustained motivation for Daily Mile participation at higher physical activity intensities may contribute to the attainment of children's daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) targets and long-term health benefits. However, individual variability exists in the amount of MVPA accumulated by children during the Daily Mile. The current study explored children's motivation for participating
A scoping review of feedback in physical education: Conceptualisations and the role of teachers and students Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 Paul Treschman, Michalis Stylianou, Cam Brooks
Given the important role of feedback in student learning, this scoping review investigated how feedback has been conceptualised and examined, and how the teacher and student have been positioned in feedback processes in physical education (PE) research. Following recommended processes for conducting a scoping review, 110 papers were included, and data were extracted and synthesised to address the aim
Students’ perceptions of physical education teachers’ (de)motivating styles via the circumplex approach: Differences by gender, grade level, experiences, intention to be active, and learning Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 Sergio Diloy-Peña, Ángel Abós, Javier Sevil-Serrano, Javier García-Cazorla, Luis García-González
Grounded in self-determination theory, an integrative and fine-grained circumplex model, based on teachers’ autonomy support, structure, control, and chaos, has been proposed. The present study aimed to examine possible differences in students’ perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers’ motivating and demotivating styles and the eight different approaches, respectively, regarding students’ socio-demographic
Relationships between pre-service teachers’ self-reported physical activity and their perceptions of physical education in early childhood teacher education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 Anne Soini, Anthony Watt, Arja Sääkslahti
This study aimed to explore the relationships between Finnish early childhood pre-service teachers’ ( N = 274; aged 20–49; 92% female) self-reported physical activity (PA) and perceptions of their own enjoyment of schooltime physical education (PE), self-evaluation of the content of their current PE studies, perceived importance of PE, and perceived competencies in PE. The one-way analysis of variance
Finding the place of content and language integrated learning in physical education within the models-based practice framework Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-05-10 Celina Salvador-Garcia, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll, David Hortigüela-Alcalá
Although the educational intentions of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) seem to be perspicuous, how to put them into practice in different subjects is not so clear-cut. In addition, ...
The association of children's motivation and physical activity levels with flipped learning during physical education lessons Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-05-08 Pak Kwan Yip, Lee Cheng, Peggy Cheung
Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach that directs instruction from a group to an individual learning space. This approach can stimulate students’ motivation, promote adequate physical activit...
The association of perceived mattering and emotions with physical educator teacher resilience Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-04-18 Kelly L. Simonton, Kevin Mercier, K. Andrew R. Richards, Karen L. Gaudreault
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among teachers’ perceived mattering, their identified emotional experiences while teaching, and their self-reported teacher resilience. Pe...
‘The teacher could correct me without being there’: Adapting distance education approaches to promote physical activity during lockdown Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-29 Thibaut Derigny, Christophe Schnitzler, Olivier Vors, Aurore Huchez, Tanguy Gerard, Séverine Mallet, Joseph Gandrieau, François Potdevin
Despite the impossibility of face-to-face teaching during the covid-19 pandemic lockdown, many physical education teachers used remote activity pedagogical monitoring (PM) to keep students engaged ...
Students’ need satisfaction and frustration profiles: Differences in outcomes in physical education and physical activity-related variables Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-28 Rafael Burgueño, Luis García-González, Ángel Abós, Javier Sevil-Serrano
Grounded in self-determination theory, the objectives of the present research were to identify latent profiles based on need-based experiences in physical education (PE), and to examine differences...
Adolescents’ enjoyment in face-to-face physical education during the COVID-19 pandemic Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-20 Carlos Mata, Marcos Onofre, João Costa, Diogo Monteiro, Diogo Teixeira, João Martins
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the routines of children and adolescents and on their level of involvement in physical activity (PA). The restrictive rules applied in this period affecte...
‘Now I think you have been bewitching and bewildering me’: The utilisation of Aporia in Game-Based Approaches as a means of deconstructing and reconstructing power relations Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-15 Ruan Jon Jones, Jonathon Thomas Mckeever, David Morley
Work considering the influence of power dynamics and potential confounders such as social status is beginning to receive more attention in physical education literature. While power dynamics deserv...
Why modify? Visually impaired students’ views on activity modifications in physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-15 Justin A. Haegele, Marina Salerno, Lindsey A. Nowland, Xihe Zhu, M. Ally Keene, Lindsay E. Ball
The purpose of this study was to explore the views of visually impaired youth about teacher-initiated activity modifications during integrated physical education. This experiential qualitative stud...
Perceived organizational support, marginalization, isolation, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction of PETE faculty members Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-12 Christopher J. Kinder, Kevin Andrew Richards, Alyssa M. Trad, Amelia Mays Woods, Kim C. Graber
Research has highlighted the role of workplace experiences in relation to outcomes, such as job satisfaction, among inservice physical education teachers. More recently, scholars have extended this...
Planning and assessment practices among Spanish physical education teachers according to experience and teaching level Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-12 María-Dolores González-Rivera, Antonio Campos-Izquierdo, Nathan D. Hall, Ana Isabel Villalba-Pérez
The intent of this study was to determine the prevalence of formal lesson plan development as well as examine assessment practices (i.e. frequency of assessment; types of assessment tools most comm...
‘Once upon a time’. Exploring the possibilities and limitations for inclusive PE through creative writing: A tale of exclusion, integration and inclusion Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-12 Daniel Martos-Garcia, Lorena Lozano-Sufrategui, Kevin J Drew
This article aims to show and make explicit the exclusion sometimes experienced by children with disabilities and obesity in physical activity (PA) and physical education (PE). Using empirical data...
Principals’ attitudes and intentions toward supporting adapted physical education Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-03 Scott WT McNamara, Terry L Rizzo
Public school administrators in the United States are required to supervise special education services, which include physical education and adapted physical education (APE). Although school admini...
Accelerometer-based physical activity in need satisfaction profiles of schoolchildren: A 3-year follow-up Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 Arto Gråstén, John K. C. Wang, Mikko Huhtiniemi, Timo Jaakkola
This study examined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) trends in physical education (PE) classes and beyond school hours in children's need satisfaction profiles over 3 years. Participan...
Teaching about planning in pre-service physical education teacher education: A collaborative self-study Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-02-21 Tim Fletcher, Alex Beckey
Learning how to develop lesson and unit plans is recognised as a priority for teacher education programmes; however, recent empirical research on planning is scarce, particularly in physical educat...
Online teaching and learning in physical education teacher education: A mixed studies review of literature Eur. Phys. Educ. Rev. (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-02-16 Elaine M Murtagh, Antonio Calderón, Dylan Scanlon, Ann MacPhail
Delivering physical education teacher education (PETE) programmes through online platforms has been proposed as an alternative (or complementary) to traditional in-person modes of learning. Focusin...