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Turán theorems for even cycles in random hypergraph J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 Jiaxi Nie
Let be a family of -uniform hypergraphs. The random Turán number is the maximum number of edges in an -free subgraph of , where is the Erdős-Rényi random -graph with parameter . Let denote the -uniform linear cycle of length . For , Mubayi and Yepremyan showed that . This upper bound is not tight when . In this paper, we close the gap for . More precisely, we show that when . Similar results have recently
The maximum number of copies of an even cycle in a planar graph J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-02-22 Zequn Lv, Ervin Győri, Zhen He, Nika Salia, Casey Tompkins, Xiutao Zhu
How connectivity affects the extremal number of trees J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 Suyun Jiang, Hong Liu, Nika Salia
The Erdős-Sós conjecture states that the maximum number of edges in an -vertex graph without a given -vertex tree is at most . Despite significant interest, the conjecture remains unsolved. Recently, Caro, Patkós, and Tuza considered this problem for host graphs that are connected. Settling a problem posed by them, for a -vertex tree , we construct -vertex connected graphs that are -free with at least
The minimum degree removal lemma thresholds J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 Lior Gishboliner, Zhihan Jin, Benny Sudakov
The graph removal lemma is a fundamental result in extremal graph theory which says that for every fixed graph H and ε>0, if an n-vertex graph G contains εn2 edge-disjoint copies of H then G contains δnv(H) copies of H for some δ=δ(ε,H)>0. The current proofs of the removal lemma give only very weak bounds on δ(ε,H), and it is also known that δ(ε,H) is not polynomial in ε unless H is bipartite. Recently
A solution to the 1-2-3 conjecture J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 Ralph Keusch
We show that for every graph without isolated edge, the edges can be assigned weights from {1,2,3} so that no two neighbors receive the same sum of incident edge weights. This solves a conjecture of Karoński, Łuczak, and Thomason from 2004.
The core conjecture of Hilton and Zhao J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 Yan Cao, Guantao Chen, Guangming Jing, Songling Shan
A simple graph G with maximum degree Δ is overfull if |E(G)|>Δ⌊|V(G)|/2⌋. The core of G, denoted GΔ, is the subgraph of G induced by its vertices of degree Δ. Clearly, the chromatic index of G equals Δ+1 if G is overfull. Conversely, Hilton and Zhao in 1996 conjectured that if G is a simple connected graph with Δ≥3 and Δ(GΔ)≤2, then χ′(G)=Δ+1 implies that G is overfull or G=P⁎, where P⁎ is obtained
On orders of automorphisms of vertex-transitive graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 Primož Potočnik, Micael Toledo, Gabriel Verret
In this paper we investigate orders, longest cycles and the number of cycles of automorphisms of finite vertex-transitive graphs. In particular, we show that the order of every automorphism of a connected vertex-transitive graph with n vertices and of valence d, d≤4, is at most cdn where c3=1 and c4=9. Whether such a constant cd exists for valencies larger than 4 remains an unanswered question. Further
Extended commonality of paths and cycles via Schur convexity J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 Jang Soo Kim, Joonkyung Lee
A graph H is common if the number of monochromatic copies of H in a 2-edge-colouring of the complete graph Kn is asymptotically minimised by the random colouring, or equivalently, tH(W)+tH(1−W)≥21−e(H) holds for every graphon W:[0,1]2→[0,1], where tH(.) denotes the homomorphism density of the graph H. Paths and cycles being common is one of the earliest cornerstones in extremal graph theory, due to
Excluded minors for the Klein bottle II. Cascades J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-12 Bojan Mohar, Petr Škoda
Graphs that are critical (minimal excluded minors) for embeddability in surfaces are studied. In Part I, it was shown that graphs that are critical for embeddings into surfaces of Euler genus k or for embeddings into nonorientable surface of genus k are built from 3-connected components, called hoppers and cascades. In Part II, all cascades for Euler genus 2 are classified. As a consequence, the complete
A critical probability for biclique partition of Gn,p J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-12 Tom Bohman, Jakob Hofstad
The biclique partition number of a graph G=(V,E), denoted bp(G), is the minimum number of pairwise edge disjoint complete bipartite subgraphs of G so that each edge of G belongs to exactly one of them. It is easy to see that bp(G)≤n−α(G), where α(G) is the maximum size of an independent set of G. Erdős conjectured in the 80's that for almost every graph G equality holds; i.e., if G=Gn,1/2 then bp(G)=n−α(G)
Count and cofactor matroids of highly connected graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-05 Dániel Garamvölgyi, Tibor Jordán, Csaba Király
We consider two types of matroids defined on the edge set of a graph G: count matroids Mk,ℓ(G), in which independence is defined by a sparsity count involving the parameters k and ℓ, and the C21-cofactor matroid C(G), in which independence is defined by linear independence in the cofactor matrix of G. We show, for each pair (k,ℓ), that if G is sufficiently highly connected, then G−e has maximum rank
Sparse graphs without long induced paths J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-05 Oscar Defrain, Jean-Florent Raymond
Graphs of bounded degeneracy are known to contain induced paths of order Ω(loglogn) when they contain a path of order n, as proved by Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez (2012). In 2016 Esperet, Lemoine, and Maffray conjectured that this bound could be improved to Ω((logn)c) for some constant c>0 depending on the degeneracy. We disprove this conjecture by constructing, for arbitrarily large values of
Turán graphs with bounded matching number J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-12-15 Noga Alon, Péter Frankl
We determine the maximum possible number of edges of a graph with n vertices, matching number at most s and clique number at most k for all admissible values of the parameters.
On a problem of El-Zahar and Erdős J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-12-11 Tung Nguyen, Alex Scott, Paul Seymour
Two subgraphs A,B of a graph G are anticomplete if they are vertex-disjoint and there are no edges joining them. Is it true that if G is a graph with bounded clique number, and sufficiently large chromatic number, then it has two anticomplete subgraphs, both with large chromatic number? This is a question raised by El-Zahar and Erdős in 1986, and remains open. If so, then at least there should be two
Graph partitions under average degree constraint J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-12-05 Yan Wang, Hehui Wu
In this paper, we prove that every graph with average degree at least s+t+2 has a vertex partition into two parts, such that one part has average degree at least s, and the other part has average degree at least t. This solves a conjecture of Csóka, Lo, Norin, Wu and Yepremyan.
Dimension is polynomial in height for posets with planar cover graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 Jakub Kozik, Piotr Micek, William T. Trotter
We show that height h posets that have planar cover graphs have dimension O(h6). Previously, the best upper bound was 2O(h3). Planarity plays a key role in our arguments, since there are posets such that (1) dimension is exponential in height and (2) the cover graph excludes K5 as a minor.
Hitting all maximum stable sets in P5-free graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 Sepehr Hajebi, Yanjia Li, Sophie Spirkl
We prove that every P5-free graph of bounded clique number contains a small hitting set of all its maximum stable sets (where Pt denotes the t-vertex path, and for graphs G,H, we say G is H-free if no induced subgraph of G is isomorphic to H). More generally, let us say a class C of graphs is η-bounded if there exists a function h:N→N such that η(G)≤h(ω(G)) for every graph G∈C, where η(G) denotes smallest
Edge-colouring graphs with local list sizes J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-22 Marthe Bonamy, Michelle Delcourt, Richard Lang, Luke Postle
The famous List Colouring Conjecture from the 1970s states that for every graph G the chromatic index of G is equal to its list chromatic index. In 1996 in a seminal paper, Kahn proved that the List Colouring Conjecture holds asymptotically. Our main result is a local generalization of Kahn's theorem. More precisely, we show that, for a graph G with sufficiently large maximum degree Δ and minimum degree
Dirac-type conditions for spanning bounded-degree hypertrees J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-22 Matías Pavez-Signé, Nicolás Sanhueza-Matamala, Maya Stein
We prove that for fixed k, every k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices and of minimum codegree at least n/2+o(n) contains every spanning tight k-tree of bounded vertex degree as a subgraph. This generalises a well-known result of Komlós, Sárközy and Szemerédi for graphs. Our result is asymptotically sharp. We also prove an extension of our result to hypergraphs that satisfy some weak quasirandomness conditions
Tight bounds for divisible subdivisions J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-16 Shagnik Das, Nemanja Draganić, Raphael Steiner
Alon and Krivelevich proved that for every n-vertex subcubic graph H and every integer q≥2 there exists a (smallest) integer f=f(H,q) such that every Kf-minor contains a subdivision of H in which the length of every subdivision-path is divisible by q. Improving their superexponential bound, we show that f(H,q)≤212qn+8n+14q, which is optimal up to a constant multiplicative factor.
Generalized cut trees for edge-connectivity J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 On-Hei Solomon Lo, Jens M. Schmidt
We present three cut trees of graphs, each of them giving insights into the edge-connectivity structure. All three cut trees have in common that they are defined with respect to a given binary symmetric relation R on the vertex set of the graph, which generalizes Gomory-Hu trees. Applying these cut trees, we prove the following: • A pair of vertices {v,w} of a graph G is pendant if λ(v,w)=min{d(v)
Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces VI. 3-colorability of quadrangulations J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-18 Zdeněk Dvořák, Daniel Král', Robin Thomas
We give a linear-time algorithm to decide 3-colorability (and find a 3-coloring, if it exists) of quadrangulations of a fixed surface. The algorithm also allows to prescribe the coloring for a bounded number of vertices.
Maximal matroids in weak order posets J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-17 Bill Jackson, Shin-ichi Tanigawa
Let X be a family of subsets of a finite set E. A matroid on E is called an X-matroid if each set in X is a circuit. We develop techniques for determining when there exists a unique maximal X-matroid in the weak order poset of all X-matroids on E and formulate a conjecture which would characterise the rank function of this unique maximal matroid when it exists. The conjecture suggests a new type of
Polynomial bounds for chromatic number. V. Excluding a tree of radius two and a complete multipartite graph J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-08 Alex Scott, Paul Seymour
The Gyárfás-Sumner conjecture says that for every forest H and every integer k, if G is H-free and does not contain a clique on k vertices then it has bounded chromatic number. (A graph is H-free if it does not contain an induced copy of H.) Kierstead and Penrice proved it for trees of radius at most two, but otherwise the conjecture is known only for a few simple types of forest. More is known if
Treewidth versus clique number. II. Tree-independence number J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-09 Clément Dallard, Martin Milanič, Kenny Štorgel
In 2020, we initiated a systematic study of graph classes in which the treewidth can only be large due to the presence of a large clique, which we call (tw,ω)-bounded. The family of (tw,ω)-bounded graph classes provides a unifying framework for a variety of very different families of graph classes, including graph classes of bounded treewidth, graph classes of bounded independence number, intersection
Induced subgraphs and tree decompositions VII. Basic obstructions in H-free graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 Tara Abrishami, Bogdan Alecu, Maria Chudnovsky, Sepehr Hajebi, Sophie Spirkl
We say a class C of graphs is clean if for every positive integer t there exists a positive integer w(t) such that every graph in C with treewidth more than w(t) contains an induced subgraph isomorphic to one of the following: the complete graph Kt, the complete bipartite graph Kt,t, a subdivision of the (t×t)-wall or the line graph of a subdivision of the (t×t)-wall. In this paper, we adapt a method
The immersion-minimal infinitely edge-connected graph J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-11-08 Paul Knappe, Jan Kurkofka
We show that there is a unique immersion-minimal infinitely edge-connected graph: every such graph contains the halved Farey graph, which is itself infinitely edge-connected, as an immersion minor. By contrast, any minimal list of infinitely edge-connected graphs represented in all such graphs as topological minors must be uncountable.
Induced subgraphs and tree decompositions II. Toward walls and their line graphs in graphs of bounded degree J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-30 Tara Abrishami, Maria Chudnovsky, Cemil Dibek, Sepehr Hajebi, Paweł Rzążewski, Sophie Spirkl, Kristina Vušković
This paper is motivated by the following question: what are the unavoidable induced subgraphs of graphs with large treewidth? Aboulker et al. made a conjecture which answers this question in graphs of bounded maximum degree, asserting that for all k and Δ, every graph with maximum degree at most Δ and sufficiently large treewidth contains either a subdivision of the (k×k)-wall or the line graph of
On a recolouring version of Hadwiger's conjecture J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-30 Marthe Bonamy, Marc Heinrich, Clément Legrand-Duchesne, Jonathan Narboni
We prove that for any ε>0, for any large enough t, there is a graph that admits no Kt-minor but admits a (32−ε)t-colouring that is “frozen” with respect to Kempe changes, i.e. any two colour classes induce a connected component. This disproves three conjectures of Las Vergnas and Meyniel from 1981.
Quantum isomorphism of graphs from association schemes J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-20 Ada Chan, William J. Martin
We show that any two Hadamard graphs on the same number of vertices are quantum isomorphic. This follows from a more general recipe for showing quantum isomorphism of graphs arising from certain association schemes. The main result is built from three tools. A remarkable recent result [20] of Mančinska and Roberson shows that graphs G and H are quantum isomorphic if and only if, for any planar graph
Excluded minors for the Klein bottle I. Low connectivity case J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-20 Bojan Mohar, Petr Škoda
Graphs that are critical (minimal excluded minors) for embeddability in surfaces are studied. In Part I we consider the structure of graphs with a 2-vertex-cut that are critical with respect to the Euler genus. A general theorem describing the building blocks is presented. These constituents, called hoppers and cascades, are classified for the case when Euler genus is small. As a consequence, the complete
Induced paths in graphs without anticomplete cycles J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-20 Tung Nguyen, Alex Scott, Paul Seymour
Let us say a graph is Os-free, where s≥1 is an integer, if there do not exist s cycles of the graph that are pairwise vertex-disjoint and have no edges joining them. The structure of such graphs, even when s=2, is not well understood. For instance, until now we did not know how to test whether a graph is O2-free in polynomial time; and there was an open conjecture, due to Ngoc Khang Le, that O2-free
Well-quasi-ordering Friedman ideals of finite trees proof of Robertson's magic-tree conjecture J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-11 Nathan Bowler, Yared Nigussie
Applying a recent extension (2015) of a structure theorem of Robertson, Seymour and Thomas from 1993, in this paper we establish Robertson's magic-tree conjecture from 1997.
On the automorphism groups of rank-4 primitive coherent configurations J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-11 Bohdan Kivva
The minimal degree of a permutation group G is the minimum number of points not fixed by non-identity elements of G. Lower bounds on the minimal degree have strong structural consequences on G. Babai conjectured that if a primitive coherent configuration with n vertices is not a Cameron scheme, then its automorphism group has minimal degree ≥cn for some constant c>0. In 2014, Babai proved the desired
Excluding a planar matching minor in bipartite graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-04 Archontia C. Giannopoulou, Stephan Kreutzer, Sebastian Wiederrecht
The notion of matching minors is a specialisation of minors fit for the study of graphs with perfect matchings. Matching minors have been used to give a structural description of bipartite graphs on which the number of perfect matchings can be computed efficiently, based on a result of Little, by McCuaig et al. in 1999. In this paper we generalise basic ideas from the graph minor series by Robertson
Hamilton cycles in dense regular digraphs and oriented graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-10-04 Allan Lo, Viresh Patel, Mehmet Akif Yıldız
We prove that for every ε>0 there exists n0=n0(ε) such that every regular oriented graph on n>n0 vertices and degree at least (1/4+ε)n has a Hamilton cycle. This establishes an approximate version of a conjecture of Jackson from 1981. We also establish a result related to a conjecture of Kühn and Osthus about the Hamiltonicity of regular directed graphs with suitable degree and connectivity conditions
Minimal asymmetric hypergraphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-09-21 Yiting Jiang, Jaroslav Nešetřil
In this paper, we prove that for any k≥3, there exist infinitely many minimal asymmetric k-uniform hypergraphs. This is in a striking contrast to k=2, where it has been proved recently that there are exactly 18 minimal asymmetric graphs. We also determine, for every k≥1, the minimum size of an asymmetric k-uniform hypergraph.
Disjointness graphs of short polygonal chains J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-09-18 János Pach, Gábor Tardos, Géza Tóth
The disjointness graph of a set system is a graph whose vertices are the sets, two being connected by an edge if and only if they are disjoint. It is known that the disjointness graph G of any system of segments in the plane is χ-bounded, that is, its chromatic number χ(G) is upper bounded by a function of its clique number ω(G). Here we show that this statement does not remain true for systems of
Intersecting families of sets are typically trivial J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-09-20 József Balogh, Ramon I. Garcia, Lina Li, Adam Zsolt Wagner
A family of subsets of [n] is intersecting if every pair of its sets intersects. Determining the structure of large intersecting families is a central problem in extremal combinatorics. Frankl–Kupavskii and Balogh–Das–Liu–Sharifzadeh–Tran showed that for n≥2k+cklnk, almost all k-uniform intersecting families are stars. Improving their result, we show that the same conclusion holds for n≥2k+100lnk
Bipartite graphs with no K6 minor J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-09-20 Maria Chudnovsky, Alex Scott, Paul Seymour, Sophie Spirkl
A theorem of Mader shows that every graph with average degree at least eight has a K6 minor, and this is false if we replace eight by any smaller constant. Replacing average degree by minimum degree seems to make little difference: we do not know whether all graphs with minimum degree at least seven have K6 minors, but minimum degree six is certainly not enough. For every ε>0 there are arbitrarily
Strengthening Hadwiger's conjecture for 4- and 5-chromatic graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-09-12 Anders Martinsson, Raphael Steiner
Hadwiger's famous coloring conjecture states that every t-chromatic graph contains a Kt-minor. Holroyd [11] conjectured the following strengthening of Hadwiger's conjecture: If G is a t-chromatic graph and S⊆V(G) takes all colors in every t-coloring of G, then G contains a Kt-minor rooted at S. We prove this conjecture in the first open case of t=4. Notably, our result also directly implies a stronger
Entanglements J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-09-13 Johannes Carmesin, Jan Kurkofka
Robertson and Seymour constructed for every graph G a tree-decomposition that efficiently distinguishes all the tangles in G. While all previous constructions of these decompositions are either iterative in nature or not canonical, we give an explicit one-step construction that is canonical. The key ingredient is an axiomatisation of ‘local properties’ of tangles. Generalisations to locally finite
Excluded minors are almost fragile II: Essential elements J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 Nick Brettell, James Oxley, Charles Semple, Geoff Whittle
Let M be an excluded minor for the class of P-representable matroids for some partial field P, let N be a 3-connected strong P-stabilizer that is non-binary, and suppose M has a pair of elements {a,b} such that M﹨a,b is 3-connected with an N-minor. Suppose also that |E(M)|≥|E(N)|+11 and M﹨a,b is not N-fragile. In the prequel to this paper, we proved that M﹨a,b is at most five elements away from an
Determining triangulations and quadrangulations by boundary distances J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-08-31 John Haslegrave
We show that if all internal vertices of a disc triangulation have degree at least 6, then the full structure can be determined from the pairwise graph distances between boundary vertices. A similar result holds for disc quadrangulations with all internal vertices having degree at least 4. This confirms a conjecture of Itai Benjamini. Both degree bounds are best possible, and correspond to local non-positive
Strengthening Rödl's theorem J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-08-31 Maria Chudnovsky, Alex Scott, Paul Seymour, Sophie Spirkl
What can be said about the structure of graphs that do not contain an induced copy of some graph H? Rödl showed in the 1980s that every H-free graph has large parts that are very sparse or very dense. More precisely, let us say that a graph F on n vertices is ε-restricted if either F or its complement has maximum degree at most εn. Rödl proved that for every graph H, and every ε>0, every H-free graph
The excluded minors for 2- and 3-regular matroids J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-08-29 Nick Brettell, James Oxley, Charles Semple, Geoff Whittle
The class of 2-regular matroids is a natural generalisation of regular and near-regular matroids. We prove an excluded-minor characterisation for the class of 2-regular matroids. The class of 3-regular matroids coincides with the class of matroids representable over the Hydra-5 partial field, and the 3-connected matroids in the class with a U2,5- or U3,5-minor are precisely those with six inequivalent
A proof of the tree alternative conjecture under the topological minor relation J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-08-29 Jorge Bruno, Paul J. Szeptycki
In 2006 Bonato and Tardif posed the Tree Alternative Conjecture (TAC): the equivalence class of a tree under the embeddability relation is, up to isomorphism, either trivial or infinite. In 2022 Abdi, et al. provided a rigorous exposition of a counter-example to TAC developed by Tetano in his 2008 PhD thesis. In this paper we provide a positive answer to TAC for a weaker type of graph relation: the
K4-intersecting families of graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-08-21 Aaron Berger, Yufei Zhao
Ellis, Filmus, and Friedgut proved an old conjecture of Simonovits and Sós showing that any triangle-intersecting family of graphs on n vertices has size at most 2(n2)−3, with equality for the family of graphs containing some fixed triangle. They conjectured that their results extend to cross-intersecting families, as well to Kt-intersecting families. We prove these conjectures for t∈{3,4}, showing
Co-degree threshold for rainbow perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-08-11 Hongliang Lu, Yan Wang, Xingxing Yu
Let k and n be two integers, with k≥3, n≡0(modk), and n sufficiently large. We determine the (k−1)-degree threshold for the existence of a rainbow perfect matchings in n-vertex k-uniform hypergraph. This implies the result of Rödl, Ruciński, and Szemerédi on the (k−1)-degree threshold for the existence of perfect matchings in n-vertex k-uniform hypergraphs. In our proof, we identify the extremal configurations
Two-arc-transitive bicirculants J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-07-26 Wei Jin
In this paper, we determine the class of finite 2-arc-transitive bicirculants. We show that a connected 2-arc-transitive bicirculant is one of the following graphs: C2n where n⩾2, K2n where n⩾2, Kn,n where n⩾3, Kn,n−nK2 where n⩾4, B(PG(d−1,q)) and B′(PG(d−1,q)) where d≥3 and q is a prime power, X1(4,q) where q≡3(mod4) is a prime power, Kq+12d where q is an odd prime power and d≥2 dividing q−1, ATQ(1+q
Linear cycles of consecutive lengths J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-07-04 Tao Jiang, Jie Ma, Liana Yepremyan
A well-known result of Verstraëte [23] shows that for each integer k≥2 every graph G with average degree at least 8k contains cycles of k consecutive even lengths, the shortest of which is of length at most twice the radius of G. We establish two extensions of Verstraëte's result for linear cycles in linear r-uniform hypergraphs. We show that for any fixed integers r≥3 and k≥2, there exist constants
On 2-cycles of graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-06-22 Sergey Norin, Robin Thomas, Hein van der Holst
Let G=(V,E) be a finite undirected graph. Orient the edges of G in an arbitrary way. A 2-cycle on G is a function d:E2→Z such for each edge e, d(e,⋅) and d(⋅,e) are circulations on G, and d(e,f)=0 whenever e and f have a common vertex. We show that each 2-cycle is a sum of three special types of 2-cycles: cycle-pair 2-cycles, Kuratowski 2-cycles, and quad 2-cycles. In the case that the graph is Kuratowski
Local Hadwiger's Conjecture J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-06-20 Benjamin Moore, Luke Postle, Lise Turner
We propose local versions of Hadwiger's Conjecture, where only balls of radius Ω(log(v(G))) around each vertex are required to be Kt-minor-free. We ask: if a graph is locally-Kt-minor-free, is it t-colourable? We show that the answer is yes when t≤5, even in the stronger setting of list-colouring, and we complement this result with a O(logv(G))-round distributed colouring algorithm in the LOCAL model
Octopuses in the Boolean cube: Families with pairwise small intersections, part I J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-06-08 Andrey Kupavskii, Fedor Noskov
Let F1,…,Fℓ be families of subsets of {1,…,n}. Suppose that for distinct k,k′ and arbitrary F1∈Fk,F2∈Fk′ we have |F1∩F2|⩽m. What is the maximal value of |F1|…|Fℓ|? In this work we find the asymptotic of this product as n tends to infinity for constant ℓ and m. This question is related to a conjecture of Bohn et al. that arose in the 2-level polytope theory and asked for the largest product of the number
The Ramsey number of a long even cycle versus a star J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-05-29 Peter Allen, Tomasz Łuczak, Joanna Polcyn, Yanbo Zhang
We find the exact value of the Ramsey number R(C2ℓ,K1,n), when ℓ and n=O(ℓ10/9) are large. Our result is closely related to the behaviour of Turán number ex(N,C2ℓ) for an even cycle whose length grows quickly with N.
One-to-one correspondence between interpretations of the Tutte polynomials J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-05-26 Martin Kochol
We study relation between two interpretations of the Tutte polynomial of a matroid perspective M1→M2 on a set E given with a linear ordering <. A well known interpretation uses internal and external activities on a family B(M1,M2) of the sets independent in M1 and spanning in M2. Recently we introduced another interpretation based on a family D(M1,M2;<) of “cyclic bases” of M1→M2 with respect to <
Orientations of golden-mean matroids J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-05-11 Jakayla Robbins, Daniel Slilaty
Bland and Las Vergnas proved that orientations of binary matroids are induced by totally unimodular representations. (A related result is due to Minty.) Lee and Scobee proved that orientations of ternary matroids are induced by dyadic representations. In this paper we prove that consistently ordered orientations of quaternary matroids are induced by golden-mean representations.
Polynomial χ-binding functions for t-broom-free graphs J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-05-11 Xiaonan Liu, Joshua Schroeder, Zhiyu Wang, Xingxing Yu
For any positive integer t, a t-broom is a graph obtained from K1,t+1 by subdividing an edge once. In this paper, we show that, for graphs G without induced t-brooms, we have χ(G)=o(ω(G)t+1), where χ(G) and ω(G) are the chromatic number and clique number of G, respectively. When t=2, this answers a question of Schiermeyer and Randerath. Moreover, for t=2, we strengthen the bound on χ(G) to 7ω(G)2,
On Andreae's ubiquity conjecture J. Comb. Theory B (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-05-05 Johannes Carmesin
A graph H is ubiquitous if every graph G that for every natural number n contains n vertex-disjoint H-minors contains infinitely many vertex-disjoint H-minors. Andreae conjectured that every locally finite graph is ubiquitous. We give a disconnected counterexample to this conjecture. It remains open whether every connected locally finite graph is ubiquitous.