Increasing Prosocial Employment Skills for Adolescents With Emotional and/or Behavioral Disorders: A Systematic Review and Quality Review Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Heather M. Dulas, Lisa Bowman-Perrott, Trudy E. Georgio, Claudia M. Dunn, Yi-Fan Li
In this systematic review, we examined interventions for increasing prosocial employment skills for adolescents with emotional and/or behavioral disorders (EBDs). Many studies have focused on social skills related to employment for individuals with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders. However, there is a paucity of research on employment skills for individuals with EBD. A synthesis
Addressing Literacy Skills of Adolescent Girls in a Juvenile Justice Facility: Using the Self-Regulated Strategy Development Instructional Approach to Improve Written Summaries Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Allyson Pitzel, Sara Sanders, Lauren Hart Rollins, Olivia R. Hester, Aimee J. Hackney, Kristine Jolivette
Developing the ability to summarize written text is a critical literacy skill set for adolescent students with disabilities. Using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design, four female students at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders in a juvenile justice facility were taught the TRAP+IDEAS mnemonic using the self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) instructional approach to improve written
A Reanalysis: SRSS-IE Internalizing Cut Scores to Support Data-Informed Decision-Making Efforts in Elementary Schools Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 Kathleen Lynne Lane, Katie Scarlett Lane Pelton, Nathan Allen Lane, Mark Matthew Buckman, Wendy Peia Oakes, Kandace Fleming, Rebecca E. Swinburne Romine, Emily D. Cantwell
We report findings of this replication study, examining the internalizing subscale (SRSS-I4) of the revised version of the Student Risk Screening Scale for Internalizing and Externalizing behavior (SRSS-IE 9) and the internalizing subscale of the Teacher Report Form (TRF). Using the sample from 13 elementary schools across three states with 195 K–5 students, we replicated the initial data analytic
Improving Persuasive Writing Outcomes With Technology for Students in an Alternative Special Education Program Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-16 Reagan L. Mergen, Anya S. Evmenova, Kelley S. Regan, Boris Gafurov, Amy Hutchison
A study using a multiple-baseline across participants design was conducted in an alternative education setting to examine the functional relation between students’ use of a technology-based graphic organizer (TBGO) with embedded self-regulated learning strategies on the quantity and quality of their persuasive essay writing. Three third- to fifth-grade students with writing difficulties and complex
An Analysis of SRSS-IE Externalizing Cut Scores to Facilitate Data-Informed Decision-Making in K–12 Schools Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-02 Kathleen Lynne Lane, Nathan Allen Lane, Mark Matthew Buckman, Katie Scarlett Lane Pelton, Kandace Fleming, Rebecca E. Swinburne Romine
We report the results of a convergent validity study examining the externalizing subscale (SRSS-E5, five items) of the adapted Student Risk Screening Scale for Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE 9) with the externalizing subscale of the Teacher Report Form (TRF) with two samples of K–12 students. Results of logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic curves analyzed with a sample
Disability Status and Early Suicide Risk Among Children With and Without a History of Suspensions/Expulsions Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 Danielle R. Harrell, Ambra L. Green, Janine Shuman, Aundraea Brown
Suicidal behaviors are relatively common among children, yet literature concerning the associated risks remains limited. Using a cumulative risk model, this study examined the effects of disability status, suspensions/expulsions, school disconnectedness, and negative peer relationships on suicidal behaviors. Data used were from The Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study, which yielded an analytic
Kuwaiti Teachers’ Classroom Behavior Management Practices, Experiences, and Beliefs Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-26 Khaled Alkherainej, Christopher Pinkney
Recent statistics suggest that student externalizing behaviors are increasing in Western and Asian countries; however, there is a paucity of research on teachers’ perspectives of these behaviors in Middle Eastern countries. A mixed-methods research design was used to investigate Kuwaiti public elementary and middle school teachers’ perceptions of their classroom behavior management (CBM) experiences
Long-Term Trends in Socially Maladjusted Behavior of Students With and Without Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A 22-Year Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-08-29 Matthew C. Lambert, Antonis Katsiyannis, John W. Maag, W. Alex Mason, Michael H. Epstein
Although the construct of social maladjustment has been used for the last six decades, relatively little research has addressed secular trends in socially maladjusted behaviors over time, and even fewer studies have addressed trends for students identified with emotional disturbance (ED). The purpose of this study was to use two nationally representative cross-sectional cohorts, one sampled in 1998
Academic and Behavioral Strategies in Inclusive Settings for Students With EBD: A Meta Analysis Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 Denise A. Soares, Judith R. Harrison, Corey Peltier, Kathryn Press
More students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) than ever before spend most of their time in general education. To increase their academic and behavioral success, students with EBD need access to empirically supported interventions and services. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate strategy effectiveness for students with EBD in K–12 inclusive settings
A Synthesis of Academic Interventions for High School Students With Behavioral and Learning Difficulties Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 S. Blair Payne, Na Young Yoon
Many students who experience behavioral difficulties (BD) also experience learning difficulties (LD) in school; however, little research exists on how to support the academic achievement of students with co-occurring BD/LD. Even less research exists for students who experience these co-occurring difficulties at the high school or secondary level. The goal of this synthesis was to explore the effects
A Review of Measurement Characteristics Within Single-Case Designs in Special Education Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 Olivia Enders, Seth A. King, Brendon Nylen, Lanqi Wang, Oluwatosin Opeoluwa
Single-case designs substantiate the effectiveness of interventions for people with disabilities and other populations through the repeated measurement of behavior over time. Consequently, employing accurate and reliable systems of measurement is critical to the validity of single-case designs. Much of the data in single-case research are collected through systematic direct observation. Direct observation
Comparison of the What Works Clearinghouse Standards for Single-Case Research: Applications for Systematic Reviews Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 Catharine Lory, Emily Gregori
Systematic reviews of single-case experimental research (SCER) in special education often use the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Standards to assess the methodological rigor of studies within a given literature base. While significant changes were made between the two most recent versions of the WWC standards, no research to date has evaluated the extent to which these standards would result in different
Teacher Experiences of Restraint Events and School District Policies on the Use of Restraint with Children With Disabilities Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-03-20 Allie M. Cramer, Lucy Barnard-Brak, Laci Watkins, Megan P. Fedewa
Physical restraint is an emergency procedure restricting the movement of an individual and is used in events where students pose an imminent threat of physical harm to themselves or others. Students with disabilities are subjected to these procedures seven times more than typically developing students. Over the past decade, there has been substantial policy reform on the use of restraint; however,
Paraprofessionals’ Implementation of Constant Time Delay Procedures With Elementary Students With High-Intensity Behavioral Support Needs Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 Allison M. Kroesch, Sarah Southall, Nancy Welsh-Young, Katherine N. Peeples
Paraprofessionals play a significant role in the education system. However, they often need more training on specific instructional strategies to use with the students they work with. In this study, we trained two paraprofessionals working in a self-contained elementary classroom for students with high-intensity behavioral support needs. Each paraprofessional used constant time delay to support students’
Knowledge, Application, and Self-Efficacy in Implementing Behavior Management Strategies: A Brief Report on Preliminary Findings From Secondary Data Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 Stacy N. McGuire, Yan Xia, Hedda Meadan
Students with mental health needs, behavioral support needs, and/or emotional disturbance can engage in internalizing behaviors, externalizing behaviors, or both. Preservice and induction phase elementary general education teachers are reported to have limited education in providing evidence-based behavior management strategies, especially for students who engage in internalizing and/or externalizing
Evaluating the Clinical Utility of the MAYSI-2 Among African American Male Juvenile Offenders Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-02-10 Brittany LaBelle, Joseph Calvin Gagnon, Diana Joyce-Beaulieu, Jodi Lane, Nicholas Gage, John Kranzler, David E. Houchins, Holly B. Lane, Erica D. McCray, Richard G. Lambert, Shelbretta Ball
This study examined the clinical utility of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument-Second Version (MAYSI-2) among African American (AA) incarcerated youth and used White incarcerated youth as a comparison group. Data were analyzed for 314 incarcerated youth (193 AA offenders and 121 White offenders) of ages 13–17 years that were adjudicated delinquent from a Southeastern United States medium
The Relation Between Classroom Adversity and Students’ Problem Behavior as a Function of Teachers’ Emotional Support Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 Kristen L. Granger, Jason C. Chow, Leigh McLean, Natalie Vallarta, Emma Dear, Kevin S. Sutherland
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between teachers’ reports of classroom adversity, a measure of classroom hardship, and student problem behavior in a sample of students with or at risk of emotional/behavioral disorders. We also examined the extent to which this relation varied as a function of multiple domains of classroom quality. A series of multiple regression models, adjusting
A Research-Based Literacy Instruction MTSS for Juvenile Correctional Facilities Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 David E. Houchins, Richard G. Lambert, Christopher Henrich, Joseph Calvin Gagnon
A major challenge for juvenile correctional facilities (JCF) is providing literacy instruction to a transitory student population with a wide range of literacy abilities. The purpose of this study was to identify unique literacy profiles of students in long-term JCF taking into consideration their reading abilities, language abilities, intelligence quotient (IQ), disability classification, age, and
High-Probability Request Sequence to Increase Compliance of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-Analysis Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 Kubra Sayar, Emrah Gulboy, Serife Yucesoy-Ozkan, Muhammet Sait Baran
Non-compliance is a challenge for practitioners serving children with and without disabilities. Many interventions have been developed to increase compliance. High-probability request sequences (HPRS), an antecedent-based intervention that is based on behavioral momentum theory, is one way to increase compliant behavior. HPRS includes the presentation of two-to-five easy or known tasks with a high
Empowering Teachers With Low-Intensity Interventions: Using the Caught Being Good Game to Promote Positive Behavior Among Students With ADHD Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 Keetam D. F. Alkahtani
Students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may engage in disruptive classroom behaviors. The Caught Being Good Game (CBGG) has been identified as an intervention for managing class-wide behaviors. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effect of the CBGG in increasing class-wide academically engaged behavior (AEB) and decreasing disruptive behaviors (DB) among target
Perspectives of Behavior Analysts and Mental Health Specialists on Collaborating to Support Students with Intensive Intervention Needs Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-01-27 Marney S. Pollack, Blair P. Lloyd, Gabrielle E. Crowell, Matthew A. Santini, Elizabeth E. Biggs
Interdisciplinary collaboration is critical to address the multiple and varied needs of students with social/emotional and behavioral (SEB) challenges. Yet little is known about the nature of collaboration between two specialist groups who commonly support them: behavior analysts and mental health specialists. Considering expectations for collaboration, and the potential challenges unique to this partnership
Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) in High School: Results From a Small Randomized Controlled Trial Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 K. Brigid Flannery, Mimi McGrath Kato, Angus Kittelman, Nadia Katul Sampson, Kent McIntosh
The purpose of this study was to provide initial evidence of the effectiveness of Check-In/Check-Out-High School (CICO-HS) on high school student outcomes. Check-In/Check-Out-High School is a version of CICO, an established Tier 2 intervention designed to improve student academic and social behavior, adapted to increase effectiveness and feasibility in high schools. Key adaptations in CICO-HS include
Additional Evidence of Predictive Validity of SRSS-IE Scores With Elementary Students Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 Kathleen Lynne Lane, Wendy Peia Oakes, Mark Matthew Buckman, Nathan Allen Lane, Katie Scarlett Lane, Kandace Fleming, Rebecca E. Swinburne Romine, Rebecca L. Sherod, Chi-Ning Chang, Emily Dawn Cantwell
In this article, we examined predictive validity of the newly defined Student Risk Screening Scale—Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE 9, with nine items) when used by teachers for the first time, with a sample of 24,535 elementary students from 74 schools in four geographic regions. Results indicated fall externalizing and internalizing latent factors as well as subscale scores (SRSS-E5 and SRSS-I4
Exploring Extracurricular Activity Participation, School Engagement, and Social Competence for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2023-05-06 Sean T. Wachsmuth, Timothy J. Lewis, Nicholas A. Gage
A large body of research has reported a positive relation between participation in extracurricular activities (ECAs) and improved academic performance, social competence, and school engagement. Thi...
U.S. Middle and High School Teacher Attributions of Externalizing Student Behavior Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2023-03-31 Margaret Carroll, Katie Baulier, Caitlin Cooper, Elizabeth Bettini, Jennifer Greif Green
Teachers’ attributions of student behavior are associated with the decisions they make about how to respond to behavior problems and support their students. This exploratory study investigates teac...
Expelled Students in Need of Special Education Services Using Bayes’ Theorem: Implications for the Social Maladjustment Clause? Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2023-03-31 Lucy Barnard-Brak, Tara Stevens, Alison Kearley
The purpose of the current study was to determine the probability that a student with a disability not being served by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) would be expelled. Expulsio...
A Meta-Analysis of Behavior Interventions for Students With Emotional-Behavioral Disorders in Self-Contained Settings Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2023-03-20 Jenna A. Gersib, Sarah Mason
Students with emotional-behavioral disorders (EBDs) often learn in alternative classroom settings to provide more intensive instruction that meets their educational needs. Although research has dem...
Addressing the Catch-22 of Using Mixed Methods in Behavior Disorders Intervention Research Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2023-03-19 John H. Hitchcock, David Houchins, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
Limited Emotional/Behavioral Disorder (EBD) focused intervention mixed methods research (MMR) has been published, particularly in top-tier EBD journals (i.e., Behavior Disorders and Journal of Emot...
Use of Mixed Methods in Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Intervention Research Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2023-03-14 Maureen Conroy, David Houchins, John Hitchcock, Jeffrey Anderson
Increasingly, mixed methods research (MMR) is used in special education, although the extent to which MMR is used in intervention research in the field of emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD) remai...
A Framework for Approaching Mixed Methods Intervention Research to Address the Emotional and Behavioral Health Needs of Children Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-11-05 David E. Houchins, John H. Hitchcock, Maureen A. Conroy
The use of singular methodologies has dominated emotional and behavioral disorder (EBD) intervention research, and by extension, the field has not deployed mixed-methods research (MMR). The purpose...
Lifting the Voices of Black Students Labeled With Emotional Disturbance: Calling All Special Education Researchers Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-10-15 Justin D. Garwood, Kelly M. Carrero
Ill-defined behaviors related to emotional disturbance (ED) classification and a lack of cultural competence have contributed to the over-representation of Black children in special education. Seve...
Analysis of Classroom Discipline-Related Content in Elementary Education Journals Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-09-29 Elizabeth L. Hardman, Stephen W. Smith
For most elementary teachers, maintaining classroom discipline is a daily concern, one that can be rewarding and at the same time a source of frustration. The inclusion of students with emotional o...
Professional Learning and Development for Special Educators Serving Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Self-Contained Settings Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-07-25 Shanna E. Hirsch, Catherine A. Griffith, Jason C. Chow, Alexis Walker, Sharon M. Walters
The primary aim of professional learning and development (PLD) is to create a meaningful experience to build educator knowledge and practice that can positively affect student behavior. Yet few stu...
Building Site–Level Capacity for Functional Assessment-Based Interventions: Outcomes of a Professional Learning Series Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-06-08 Eric Alan Common, Kathleen Lynne Lane, Wendy Peia Oakes, Liane E. Schellman, Karrie Shogren, Kathryn A. Germer, Ashley E. Quell, Nathan Allen Lane
In this replication and extension study, we examined the effects of educators’ participation in practice-based professional learning (PBPL) to design, implement, and evaluate functional assessment-...
A Randomized Control Trial on the Effects of MoBeGo, a Self-Monitoring App for Challenging Behavior Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-05-10 Allison Bruhn, Joseph Wehby, Lesa Hoffman, Sara Estrapala, Ashley Rila, Eleanor Hancock, Alyssa Van Camp, Amanda Sheaffer, Bailey Copeland
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of MoBeGo, a mobile self-monitoring app, on the initial and sustained academic engagement and disruptive behavior of third- to eighth-grade stud...
General Educators’ Perceptions of Social Inclusion of Elementary Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-02-28 Stacy N. McGuire, Hedda Meadan
Students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) exhibit challenging behaviors and social skills delays that can interfere with their ability to build relationships. Intervening early (e.g., ...
The Super Clean-Up Game: Increasing Productivity and Prosocial Engagement Among Youth at a Residential Summer Camp Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-02-15 Zoe Maya Miller, Bradley S. Bloomfield, Gemima Fauvel, Eileen Crehan
The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a behavior intervention typically used in traditional classroom settings. This study tested the effectiveness of the Super Clean-Up Game, a modified version of the G...
The Utility of Latent Class Analysis to Understand Heterogeneity in Youth Coping Strategies: A Methodological Introduction Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-01-22 Karen Nylund-Gibson, Adam C. Garber, Jay Singh, Melissa R. Witkow, Adrienne Nishina, Amy Bellmore
Latent class analysis (LCA) is a useful statistical approach for understanding heterogeneity in a population. This article provides a pedagogical introduction to LCA modeling and provides an exampl...
Do Teachers’ Perceptions of High Cultural Responsiveness Predict Better Behavioral Outcomes for Students? Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-01-19 Lindsay M. Fallon, Margarida B. Veiga, Annisha Susilo, Stephen P. Kilgus
Teachers’ perceptions of high cultural responsiveness in the classroom may be related to positive behavioral outcomes (e.g., higher academic engagement, lower social risk), but little research has ...
Meeting the Needs of Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders During the COVID-19 School Closures Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2022-01-13 Allison Bruhn, Youn-Jeng Choi, Sara McDaniel, Hannah Morris Mathews, Shanna Eisner Hirsch
The COVID-19 global pandemic left many educators making an emergency transition to remote instruction when schools were initially closed. Although this transition was likely difficult for most stud...
Comparison of Educationally Labeled and Nonlabeled Adolescents With Emotional and Behavioral Needs Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-12-06 Allyse A. Hetrick, Lee Kern, Bridget V. Dever
Epidemiologic research suggests a gap between prevalence estimates of students with emotional or behavioral problems and the actual number of students identified under the federal category of emotional disturbance (ED). To better understand issues related to the identification gap, we investigated the academic and behavioral functioning, school-based services, frequency of discipline incidents, and
The Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Emotional and Behavioral Health’s Position Statement on Solitary Confinement Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-12-06 Joseph Calvin Gagnon, Lee Kern, Sarup R. Mathur
This document, from the Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Emotional and Behavioral Health (DEBH), provides clear and compelling support for the abolishment of solitary confinement with ...
A Positive Version of the Good Behavior Game in a Self-Contained Classroom for EBD: Effects on Individual Student Behavior Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-11-28 Tara C. Moore, Jason R. Gordon, Angela Williams, Jessica F. Eshbaugh
A within-participant withdrawal design was used to examine the effects of a positive version of the Good Behavior Game (GBG) for three students in an elementary special education classroom for students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD). Results indicated immediate improvements in disruptive behavior and academic engagement for all three students when the GBG was implemented which was generally
Services for Juveniles With Emotional Disturbances in Secure-Care Settings: An Exploratory Analysis of Racial Disparities and Recidivism Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-11-08 Natasha M. Strassfeld, Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng
This study examines associations between recidivism rates and groups/programs for legally mandated education, behavioral, and mental health services that court-ordered juvenile youth (“juveniles”) with identified Emotional Disturbance or related conditions receive in secure-care juvenile facilities. Using statewide agency data in Minnesota, this exploratory analysis investigates whether there are racial/ethnic
An Initial Study of the Emotional and Behavioral Characteristics of Black Students School Identified as Emotionally Disturbed Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-10-26 Matthew C. Lambert, Antonis Katsiyannis, Michael H. Epstein, Douglas Cullinan
For years, the research and policy focus on Black students with emotional disturbance (ED) has been on racial disproportionality. The disproportionality issue has sparked professional debate and raised major questions about racial bias, cultural fairness, appropriateness of assessment instruments, the adequacy of special education programs, poverty, exposure to risk factors, and research approaches
Instructional Level and Engagement in Students With Behavioral Disorders Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-10-08 Chelsea E. Carr, John Umbreit, Rebecca Hartzell
This study examined the effects of adjusting the difficulty level of instructional materials on the time on-task and comprehension of four students with emotional and behavioral disorders. All participants previously exhibited low rates of on-task behavior during reading assignments. Students were presented with reading materials at their instructional, frustration, and independent levels to assess
CCBD’s Position on Eliminating the Use of Seclusion in Educational Settings Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-08-20 Jennifer Freeman, Reece Peterson, Lee Kern, Sarup R. Mathur, Brian Barber, Mara Power, Madison Perea
This document provides recommendations of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) regarding the use of seclusion in schools. It updates the CCBD’s position on this topic first published in 2009 and includes (a) key definitions, (b) a summary of problems with the use of seclusion, (c) strategies to eliminate the use of seclusion, (d) a summary of law and policy related to seclusion
Profiles of Emotional Disturbance Across the Five Characteristics of the Federal Definition Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-08-16 Matthew C. Lambert, Antonis Katsiyannis, Michael H. Epstein, Douglas Cullinan, Erkko Sointu
Ensuring the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to students qualified for services under the disability category of emotional disturbance (ED) has been both challenging and controversial. Examining this population in light of the five characteristics listed in the federal definition may provide useful insights to address needs and improve outcomes. The purpose of this study was
Correction notice to Effects of PECS on the Emergence of Vocal Mands and the Reduction of Aggressive Behavior Across Settings for a Child with Autism Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-07-28
Hu, X., & Lee, G. (2019). Effects of PECS on the emergence of vocal mands and the reduction of aggressive behavior across settings for a child with autism. Behavioral Disorders, 44(4), 215-226. DOI: 10.1177/0198742918806925
Empowering School Staff to Implement Effective School Mental Health Services Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 Lee Kern, Mark D. Weist, Sarup R. Mathur, Brian R. Barber
In this article, we follow up on recommendations from the Council for Children With Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) for providing school mental health (SMH) services by offering additional implementation suggestions for teachers and school staff. We highlight the need for and urgency of SMH services, particularly during and after the pandemic, and also consider broad issues that interfere with the success
A Survey of Educators Serving Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders During the Covid-19 Pandemic Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-05-28 Shanna E. Hirsch, Allison L. Bruhn, Sara McDaniel, Hannah M. Mathews
In this descriptive study, we analyzed survey data regarding communication, instruction, and assessment strategies school personnel in K-12 settings reported using during the COVID-19 pandemic for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Results indicate, whether instructional continuity was mandated or not, support personnel serving students with EBD reported using a variety of communication
Teacher Praise and Reprimand: Examining the Generalizability and Dependability of Observational Estimates Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 Margaret T. Floress, Amy M. Briesch, Lyndsay N. Jenkins, Kaylee A. Hampton
This study examined the generalizability and dependability of observational estimates of middle and high school teachers’ use of praise and reprimand. Frequency of behavior-specific praise, general praise, and total reprimand were collected across 67, 20-min observations that took place during class-wide instruction in general education classrooms. Generalizability theory was used to determine the
Factor Structure of the Scales for Assessing Emotional Disturbance : 3 Rating Scale for Students Identified With Emotional Disturbance Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-05-08 Matthew C. Lambert, Douglas Cullinan, Michael H. Epstein, Jodie Martin
This study examined the internal structure of the Scales for Assessing Emotional Disturbance-3 Rating Scale (RS), a teacher-completed RS developed to measure emotional disturbance (ED). As defined in U.S. law and regulations, ED involves five characteristics or patterns of behavioral and emotional maladaptation. RS data obtained on a sample of students with ED were used to examine validity evidence
A Preliminary Study of BEST in CLASS–Elementary on Teacher Self-Efficacy, Burnout, and Attributions Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 Shannon Nemer McCullough, Kristen L. Granger, Kevin S. Sutherland, Maureen A. Conroy, Toshna Pandey
Student problem behaviors in early elementary school have been associated with increased teacher burnout, negative emotions, and stress, along with negative student outcomes, including increased risk of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBDs). This study examined the impact of BEST in CLASS–Elementary (BEST in CLASS-E), a teacher-delivered Tier 2 intervention, on teacher self-efficacy, burnout, and
Evaluating School-Level Student Outcomes of a Systematic Tier 2 Framework Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 Sara C. McDaniel, Daniel Cohen, Allison L. Bruhn
Targeted Tier 2 interventions are critical to supporting students with challenging behavior and decreasing the resources associated with highly individualized and intense interventions. This study extends findings from recent single-case design studies and case example applications of the Tier 2 Identification and Intervention framework with the first large-scale evaluation of school-level outcomes
Introduction to the Special Series on Behavioral Disorders and Juvenile Justice: Facilitating Effective Reentry Into School and Community Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 Heather Griller Clark, Sarup R. Mathur
This introduction to the special series on facilitating effective reentry into school and community for youth from the juvenile justice (JJ) system highlights several important issues for educators and others serving youth with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). The articles within this special series focus on key factors in programming and professional development that promote reentry success
Are Breaks Better? A Comparison of Breaks Are Better to Check-In Check-Out Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 Caitlyn E. Majeika, Joseph H. Wehby, Eleanor M. Hancock
Identification and validation of effective Tier 2 interventions that address a wide range of student-level factors is critical to the sustainability of positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS). Within the context of check-in check-out (CICO), function of behavior affects outcomes for many students, especially for those who engage in problem behavior to escape from tasks. Therefore, more
Brief Report: Ordinate Scaling and Axis Proportions of Single-Case Graphs in Two Prominent EBD Journals From 2010 to 2019 Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 Corey Peltier, John W. McKenna, Tracy E. Sinclair, Justin Garwood, Kimberly J. Vannest
Single-case experimental designs (SCEDs) are frequently used to evaluate whether a functional relation exists between interventions and student outcomes. A critical factor in decision making is the evaluation of graphical data, typically displayed in time-series graphs. Distortion in the graphical display of data can lead to invalid decisions on whether a functional relation exists, as well as overestimating
Corrigendum to Predictive Role of Classroom Management in Literacy Development in Preschool Children at-risk for EBD Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2021-01-06
Chow, J. C., Granger, K. L., Broda, M. D., & Peterson, N. (2020). Predictive Role of Classroom Management in Literacy Development in Preschool Children at-risk for EBD. Behavioral Disorders. DOI: 10.1177/0198742920972322
Moving Toward Implementation of Universal Mental Health Screening by Examining Attitudes Toward School-Based Practices Behav. Disord. (IF 2.1) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 Stephanie A. Moore, Erin Dowdy, Tameisha Hinton, Christine DiStefano, Fred W. Greer
Universal mental health screening is a proactive approach to identify students who may benefit from prevention or early intervention services. Despite known benefits, few schools are engaging in screening efforts and it is critical to examine factors that may impede or enhance implementation. Following implementation of a universal screening program across five preschools and elementary schools, this