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Sense of Futility as Subject of Disciplinary Action: Do Students With Negative Attitudes Toward the Educational System Get Disciplined More Often?
Behavioral Disorders ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-26 , DOI: 10.1177/0198742920961354
Emma Degroote 1 , Mieke Van Houtte 1

School discipline research has demonstrated that the labeling of student behaviors as requiring disciplinary action is a selective process in which school staff take into account other factors than the characteristics of the behaviors. We argue that school staff react in a disciplinary way to students with negative attitudes toward the educational system. Concretely, we examined if feelings of futility caused students to suffer disciplinary consequences more often. Multilevel analysis was carried out on data of 2,358 students in 28 Ghentian (Belgium) schools that participated in the International Study of City Youth (ISCY). Results indicate that school staff do not react to students’ sense of futility directly by means of disciplinary actions, however, they impose disciplinary actions following disruptive behaviors on students displaying higher feelings of futility more often.



