The Role of Instructional Design in the Delivery of Early Science Instruction Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Steven A. Maddox, Jenna A. Gersib, Anna-Maria Fall, Maria A. Longhi, William J. Therrien, Greg Roberts, Jason B. Phelps, Shadi Ghafghazi, Christian T. Doabler
A critical tenet of education research is establishing what works. Another is exploring theorized mechanisms of change to help ascertain why academic programs work, for whom, and under which conditions. In other words, unpacking the black boxes of academic programs. This study explored the quality of teachers’ facilitation of (a) scientific investigations and (b) science discourse during and after
Using Asynchronous Training and Emailed Performance Feedback to Change a Teaching Behavior of Preservice Teachers Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Kelly O. Byrd, R. Allan Allday, Rachel R. Henderson, Zachary Francis
The current study used a multiple probe design to determine the effects of an intervention package (asynchronous training plus emailed specific performance feedback) on the rate of opportunities to respond (OTR) of three preservice elementary teachers providing small group mathematics instruction. The study utilized Swivl to record and upload lessons, which were viewed and coded to determine the rate
Comparing Computer-Based Single-Phrase and Multiphrase Interventions on Generalized Reading in Postsecondary Students With Disability Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Chelsea S. Wilson, Christopher H. Skinner, Chelsea Price, Addie Welch, Hannah Collins, Keri Keller, Merilee McCurdy
Adapted alternating treatment designs were used to evaluate and compare two computer-based phrase-reading interventions in four postsecondary students with an intellectual or developmental disability. Each intervention targeted eight unknown words from each student’s elective college class. For each word, interventions included three stimulus-response–stimulus-response learning trials, which prompted
The Efficacy of a Content Area Reading Comprehension Intervention for Students With Disabilities Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Sharon Vaughn, Jeanne Wanzek, Leticia R. Martinez, Eleanor M. Hancock, Anna-Mari Fall, S. Blair Payne, Sally K. Fluhler
This pilot study investigated the efficacy of the Promoting Adolescent Comprehension Through Text (PACT) intervention, a social studies content knowledge and reading comprehension set of practices implemented with social studies classes including students with disabilities. Social studies general education teachers were provided with professional development on the PACT and differentiation practices
Using Point-of-View Video Self-Prompting to Teach Algebra to Secondary Students With High-Incidence Disabilities Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Tom J. Clees, Elias Clinton
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of point-of-view video self-prompting (VSP), with narration, delivered via an iPad, in teaching four secondary students with high-incidence disabilities to solve algebraic equations requiring the use of the distributive property. Participants were taught to independently use an iPad to self-deliver video prompts of each of 30 steps required to solve the
Special Educators’ Experiences Navigating Tensions When Serving Students Labeled With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Elizabeth Bettini, Kathryn M. Meyer, Margaret O’Brien, Margaret Carroll, Hannah Morris Mathews
Special educators often work in school contexts that are not oriented toward their students’ strengths and needs, resulting in tension–misalignment between their responsibility to students and their schools’ resources and expectations. Using grounded theory, we explored five teachers’ experiences of tension when serving students labeled with emotional/behavioral disorders in self-contained classes
The Development of a Coaching Model: Challenges and Implications for Intervention Research Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Jade Wexler, Alexandra Shelton, Elizabeth Swanson, S. Blair Payne, Robin Sayers, Tara Johnston, Erin K. Hogan, Kristabel Stark
Instructional coaching is one way to support teachers’ implementation of evidence-based practices, but gaps exist in knowledge about effective coaching interventions to support teacher learning at the secondary level. In this article, we first introduce an adaptive intervention model (AIM) for coaching, AIM Coaching, a coaching model designed for middle school instructional leaders to use to support
“Comfortability Comes From Seeing People Like You in Positions of Power”: Experiences of Special Education Teachers of Color Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-21 Naima Bhana-Lopez, Jordan M. Lukins, Mary Rose Sallese, Elyse Calhoun
Recruiting and retaining special education teachers, particularly those from historically underrepresented communities, is essential for addressing the ongoing lack of representation in the field and the issues related to the disproportionate representation of students. This qualitative study builds on Scott and Alexander’s prior research investigating motivating factors for pre-service and in-service
Self-Regulation and High School Graduation for Youth With and Without Disabilities in Foster Care Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 Wendy Cavendish, Kele Stewart, Nastasia Schreiner, Deborah Perez
High school graduation rates for youth in foster care are disproportionally low. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between self-regulation and high school graduation trajectory for foster youth with and without disabilities. Approximately 54% of the 37 youth in this study were on-track for on time high school graduation, although youth with disabilities were significantly less
Racial and Gender Bias in School Psychologists’ Special Education Classification Considerations Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-11-22 Megan E. Golson, Jac’lyn Bera, Jiwon Kim, Shayna Williams, Maryellen Brunson McClain, Sarah E. Schwartz, Bryn Harris, Amanda L. Sullivan
For minoritized groups that disproportionately face insufficient access to clinical services, schools are often the most accessible means for formal evaluation and intervention for a range of disabilities. However, the long history of racial and gender disproportionality in special education necessitates a greater understanding of factors contributing to inaccurate identification. The current study
Life After High School: The Employment Experiences of Autistic Young Adults Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 Bonnie R. Kraemer, Lindsay F. Rentschler, Brianne Tomaszewski, Nancy McIntyre, Leann Dawalt, Kara A. Hume
The present study examined the employment landscape for 129 autistic young adults. Data were collected over multiple waves including high school and early adulthood. Parents participated in interviews and responded to questions regarding young adult employment outcomes, on-the-job supports, job match, and overall job satisfaction. The predictive relationship between in-school variables and employment
Implications of What Works Clearinghouse Guidelines on Single-Case Design: An Investigation of Empty Training Phases Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-10-30 Derek B. Rodgers, Seth A. King
The What Works Clearinghouse quality standards provide guidance regarding studies capable of supporting evidence-based practices. Standards concerning single-case designs have been extensively revised to accommodate new evaluation methods, such as the design comparable effect size. These designs often omit data in which children and other participants receive training. Recently, the What Works Clearinghouse
Grade Retention: The Role of Speech and Language Disorders, Race and Ethnicity, Sex, Socioeconomic Status, Special Education, and Bilingualism Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-09-28 Ai Leen Choo, Caleb J. King, Brian Barger
The odds of grade retention for children with speech or language disorders were assessed using data from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), a nationally representative and cross-sectional survey of U.S. children from 2016 to 2021. Various demographic, social, and education variables were also examined to confirm prior findings with a large national cohort. Results indicate higher odds
Do I Belong Yet? The Relationship Between Special Education, In-School Suspension, Belonging, and Engagement Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 Mary C. Cunningham, Logan McDermott, Rebecca A. Cruz
Students receiving special education services are disproportionately subjected to exclusionary discipline compared to their nondisabled peers. They also report feeling less connected and engaged at school, which is associated with exclusionary discipline experiences. Using data from the High School Longitudinal Study (2009), we examined the relationship between special education, in-school suspension
Participation in Social and Leisure Activities After High School for Autistic Young Adults Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-09-14 Jessica R. Steinbrenner, Samuel L. Odom, Laura J. Hall, Bonnie Kraemer
The transition out of high school brings a myriad of changes including shifts in contexts that impact social and community participation. Previous research indicates that this transition results in disparate social and communication outcomes for autistic young adults compared to their peers. This study includes 170 young adults with autism who participated in follow-up data collection after graduating
Interests, Plans, and Hopes for Life After High School From Autistic Young Adults’ Perspectives Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 Laura J. Hall, Christopher Brum, Jessica R. Steinbrenner, Kara Hume, Gretchen Grundon, Hannah Spitzer
Obtaining the perspectives of autistic young adults is critical for planning educational and service delivery systems focused on the preparation for a high life quality after high school. The perspective and voice of autistic young adults who participated in the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism (CSESA) multi-site follow-up study conducted across three states (North Carolina, Wisconsin
Effectively Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students With Special Educational Needs in Inclusive, Intermediate and Special Classroom Settings: A Scoping Review Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-30 Jolien Delafontaine, Laura Fluyt, Koen Aesaert, Sara Nijs
Effective teaching plays a vital role in promoting student learning across various domains, including reading comprehension which is an indispensable skill for all learners but difficult to master for most. Recent studies have shown that the effectiveness of teaching is context-specific, influenced by both student characteristics and the classroom setting. These variations in effectiveness underscore
Service Delivery Models and Outcomes for Students With Disabilities Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-28 Lindsey Kaler, Jessica Markham, Nathan D. Jones
In this systematic literature review, we examine the corpus of empirical studies in education that use administrative data (i.e., population-level data) to describe and estimate the impacts of service delivery models for specially designed instruction on outcomes for students identified with special education needs. We focus on studies that use quantitative data analysis—either descriptive or causal—to
Examining the Supply of New Special Educators: Variations by Institutional Characteristics and For-Profit Status Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-27 Tuan D. Nguyen, Elizabeth Bettini, Allison F. Gilmour, Christopher Redding
U.S. schools have long experienced shortages of special education teachers (SETs), challenging the nation’s capacity to ensure qualified SETs for students eligible for special education services. Addressing SET shortages requires preparation programs supply sufficient numbers of new SETs to meet demand, yet prior research provides few insights into trends in the supply of new SETs. Thus, we examined
Measuring Elementary Student Reading Gain in the Context of School-Implemented Multitiered Systems of Support Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-27 Stephanie Al Otaiba, Wilhelmina van Dijk, Jennifer Stewart, Ashley A. Edwards, Dayna Russell Freudenthal, Jill Allor, Christopher Schatschneider, Paul Yovanoff
There is limited research with mixed results about student reading gains in Grades 1 to 5 within typical school-implemented Response to Intervention (RTI). As part of a larger study, we used school-administered screening data on a widely used computer-adaptive test (Measures of Academic Progress) to describe reading gains across one academic year. We observed relatively faster growth in the first grade
A Systematic Review of Mathematics Vocabulary Interventions for Students With or At-Risk for Mathematics Difficulty Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 Elizabeth A. Stevens, Emily Tanner, Megan H. Mowbray
This systematic review synthesizes the effects of mathematics vocabulary interventions on the mathematics outcomes of students with mathematics difficulty (MD) in Grades K through 12. We evaluated methodological rigor using three indicators: research design, implementation fidelity, and instruction in the counterfactual. Six peer-reviewed studies and three unpublished dissertations between 1990 and
The Elusive Meaning of Inclusive Education in Five Countries—and the United States Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 Douglas Fuchs
In this commentary, I reflect on the papers in this special issue that describe inclusion in five countries. More specifically, I highlight several themes among the authors’ descriptions of both progress and challenges as their respective countries try to provide students with disabilities a stronger, more inclusive educational experience. I compare and contrast this effort to efforts in the United
Inclusive Special Education: What Do We Mean and What Do We Want? Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 Christopher J. Lemons, Sharon Vaughn, Abdulaziz Alsolami
The United States will soon recognize the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975. Considering the past 50 years in special education, we organized this special issue of Remedial and Special Education focused on inclusive education of students with disabilities in international contexts. Just as a broad array of educators in the US have grappled with
Leveraging Large Administrative Data for Special Education Policy Analysis: Recent Contributions and Future Directions Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 Allison F. Gilmour, Leanna Stiefel
The purpose of this special issue is to explain the advantages of using administrative data generated by states and school districts for research in special education, illustrate their use in special education policy studies, and encourage more such analyses. In this introduction to the special issue, we define and distinguish large administrative data sets, discuss types of special education policy
A Comparison of Measurement of Stability and Predictors of Special Education Burnout and Work Engagement Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 Lisa Ruble, Christopher J. Cormier, John McGrew, David M. Dueber
Special education teacher (SET) stress and burnout is a significant problem. A total of 490 special education teachers were surveyed across the United States. The purpose of this study was to (a) assess and compare three measures of burnout/work engagement, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) and (b) examine change
Exploring Differences in Spanish- and English-Speaking Parents’ Experiences With Individualized Education Program Meetings Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 Jessica Mercado-Anazagasty, Anacary Ramirez, Laura A. Alba, Austin H. Johnson
This study aimed to explore the experiences of parents ( N = 177; Spanish-speaking and English-speaking parents) of children with disabilities navigating the special education process. This descriptive study collected quantitative and qualitative data through an electronic survey. Results describe Spanish- and English-speaking parent’s experience during Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings
Understanding Appropriate and Applicable Sex Education Instruction for People With Intellectual Disability Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 Melissa Stoffers, Sarah Curtiss
Although individuals with intellectual disability need sex education, little is known about the instructional practices of sex educators. To fill this gap and explore how instruction is appropriate and applicable to individuals with intellectual disability, we interviewed 58 sex educators about their instruction. Using thematic analysis, we identified four themes: (a) Deciding how to individualize:
Leveraging Administrative Data to Study the Special Education Teacher Workforce Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 Allison F. Gilmour, Li Feng, Roddy Theobald
Special educator shortages have threatened the provision of services to students with disabilities since the passage of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act in 1975, since reauthorized as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. We conducted a systematic review of studies that used administrative data to study the special educator workforce. We identified 12 studies addressing policies
The Barriers Encountered and Facilitators Desired: A Systematic Review of What Latino/x Families Experience Within Special Education Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 Alyssa Barrera-Lansford, Neyda J. Sánchez
Latino/x families experience barriers when navigating and accessing special education (SPED) services. Previous research has identified some of these barriers that Latino/x families encounter and facilitators to provide support for a positive SPED experience (Rios & Burke, 2020). The purpose of this study is to continue the investigation of the barriers Latino/x families face when navigating and accessing
School Choice and Students With Disabilities: Evidence From Administrative Data Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 Josefina Senese, Marcus A. Winters
School choice has emerged as an alternative to traditional public education, allowing families to select schools outside their neighborhood. While extensive research has examined its impact on students overall, there is a need to focus on its specific effects on students with disabilities. This article addresses this gap by reviewing 39 quantitative studies analyzing this issue using administrative
Inclusive Education for Students With Special Education Needs in Norway Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 Kari-Anne B. Næss, Silje Hokstad, Bjarte Reidar Furnes, Elisabeth Hesjedal, Jørn Østvik
This narrative review aims to present and discuss the Norwegian school system as a context for inclusive education. Despite its clear political intentions, Norway lacks a common definition of inclusion and has limited insight into the quality of inclusive practices that are commonly implemented for students with special education needs (SEN) and the results of such practices. This study reveals that
Perceived Stress, Executive Function, and Stress Regulation: Implications for Middle Schoolers’ Emotional and Behavioral Well-being Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 Michelle M. Cumming, Yuxi Qiu, Rachel Oblath, Stacy L. Frazier, Cristina Criado, Sharde Theodore, Gabriel Placido
Middle schoolers with or at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) typically have a trajectory of difficult outcomes (e.g., school dropout, incarceration). Growing evidence suggests that the continuum of behavioral competence to challenges is closely linked to students’ neurocognitive executive function (EF) capacities, perceived stress (e.g., peers, school), and ability to navigate stressful
Invoking the Divine on the Path to Inclusive Education: India’s Contextual Realities Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 Lakshmi Balasubramanian, Ipshita Banerjee
Understanding inclusive education challenges in India involves acknowledging the complex linguistic, cultural, religious, and caste-based diversity affecting marginalized groups. Ambiguity surrounds implementing the inclusion concept, necessitating critical evaluation and adaptation to align with India’s unique dynamics. Despite increased enrollment (61%), concerns persist about omitting some children
A Fourth Generation of Inclusive Education: A Commentary Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 Michael L. Wehmeyer
Special education as an organized, legislatively mandated entity is roughly 50 years old in many parts of the world. Most schools around the world continue to struggle to provide inclusive education for students with disabilities, sharing common barriers and experiencing their own unique barriers. This commentary discusses international initiatives that have focused on inclusive education and proposes
Family–School Relationships and Exclusionary Discipline of Students With and Without Disabilities Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 Zhe Gigi An, Hyunwoo Yang
Using data extracted from the Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey of the 2019 National Household Education Surveys Program, this study used a series of linear probability models to examine the association between family–school relationships and exclusionary discipline. The sample included 15,360 U.S. families of K–12 non-homeschooled and non-virtual school students. Results suggest that
Intensification of a Reading Comprehension Intervention Using Student Data: A Pilot Study Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 Marissa J. Filderman, Alicia A. Stewart, Allie M. Cramer, Sarah S. Hughes-Berheim, Elizabeth Swanson
Many students in the upper elementary grades and beyond uniquely struggle with reading comprehension, necessitating explicit instruction and remediation in this area. This study used data-based decision-making (DBDM), a research-based systematic approach to student data collection and analysis, to intensify the evidence-based Strategies for Reading Information and Vocabulary Effectively (STRIVE) reading
Same as It Ever Was: An Updated Review of Replication Studies in Special Education Journals Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 Bryan G. Cook, William J. Therrien, Danielle A. Waterfield, Suzanne McClain, Jesse I. Fleming, Hannah Robinson, Latesha Watson, Joseph Boyle
Despite the importance of replication studies, previous reviews showed that they comprised less than 1% of publications in special education journals. This review conceptually replicates Lemons and colleagues’ previous review to provide updated rates of replication studies in special education journals. We identified 78 studies published in 44 special education journals between 2015 and 2022 that used
Managing Student Behavior in Middle School Special Education Classrooms: A Single-Subject Study of CW-FIT Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 Kelsey A. Johnson, Paul Caldarella, Howard P. Wills, Blake D. Hansen, Erika J. Richards
Teachers have the responsibility of managing student classroom behavior. The positive effects of evidence-based classroom management methods, like Class-Wide Function-related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT), have been demonstrated in a variety of settings; however, research on the efficacy of CW-FIT in special education classrooms is scarce. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness
Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Determination and Economic Hardship Constructs Among Adolescents With and Without Disabilities Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 Allison R. Lombardi, Graham G. Rifenbark, Karrie A. Shogren, Ashley Taconet, Tyler A. Hicks
In this registered report, we examined interrelationships between established constructs of self-determination and economic hardship using data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012 (NLTS2012). We tested the hypothesized factor structure of selected NLTS2012 items assessing constructs associated with self-determination (i.e., autonomy, psychological empowerment, and self-realization)
Does Special Education Work? A Systematic Literature Review of Evidence From Administrative Data Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 Kaitlyn G. O’Hagan, Leanna Stiefel
Research increasingly seeks to answer the question: does special education work? This is different than asking if specific interventions have positive effects and instead aims to identify system-wide impacts. We systematically review published quantitative research on the impact of receiving special education services on student outcomes using large administrative data, as well as review the methodology
The Dynamic Relationship Between Students’ Talk About Their Learning and Teachers’ Reading Instruction Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 Amber Benedict, Alexandra Lauterbach, Mary Brownell, Yujeong Park, Germaine Koziarski
Historically, in educational research, student learning is frequently represented as quantitative data that demonstrates academic achievement. However, examining student learning by quantitative measures alone means that we do not fully understand the dynamic relationship between the instructional practices of teachers and how students learn. In this study, grounded theory methods were used to explore
Inclusive Education in South Korea Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 Uijung Kim, Aehwa Kim, Byeongryong Kim, Jieun Baek
Over the past few decades, inclusive education in South Korea has continued to grow both in quantity and quality. The purpose of this article is twofold: (a) to report on the legal basis and the current status of inclusive education in South Korea and (b) to synthesize policy tasks and prominent outcomes related to inclusive education in South Korea. The major findings are as follows. First, according
Current Issues and Future Directions of Inclusive Education in Japan Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 Akiko Kaizu, Munehisa Tamaki
Inclusive education in Japan was developed on the foundation of special needs education (SNE), which began in the early 2000s. There are various arguments as to whether the current multi-track system of SNE extending from segregated special needs schools to general education classrooms will lead to inclusive education, which is the goal of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The Educational Journey of Students With Disabilities in Saudi Arabia: From Isolation to Inclusive Education Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 Abdulaziz Alsolami
In recent years, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has put considerable effort toward improving justice and equity for people with disabilities in education. One of the three main dimensions of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 program is to support all citizens, especially those with disabilities. However, more efforts are still needed to achieve meaningful inclusive education. This analysis sheds light on the
Outcome-Reporting Bias in Special Education Intervention Research Using Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Group Designs: A Conceptual Replication Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 Elizabeth Talbott, Daniel M. Maggin, Meveryn Chua, Lauren Ashley, Xiaohong Chen, Philippa A. Chin, Mary Kate Curry
We conducted a conceptual replication of Pigott et al.’s study of outcome-reporting bias, wherein they compared intervention outcomes reported in unpublished education dissertations with corresponding published versions. For our replication, we identified a sample of 40 special education dissertations with matched journal publications and found that statistically significant intervention outcomes from
Special Education Researchers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Reported Use of Open Practices Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 Jesse I. Fleming, Sarah Emily Wilson, Daniel Espinas, Wilhelmina van Dijk, Bryan G. Cook
Despite calls for open science reforms in special education research, little is known about the perceptions or practices of special education researchers regarding open science. In this study, we modified the Open Science Survey to conduct a preliminary examination of the knowledge, attitudes, perceived norms, and behavioral intent of 155 special education researchers for three open practices: preregistering
Principals’ Conceptions of Their Roles Supporting Self-Contained Programs for Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 Elizabeth Bettini, Michelle M. Cumming, Alexandra A. Lauterbach, Hannah Morris Mathews
Special educators serving students with emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD) depend on their principals’ support, yet prior research has not explored principals’ roles in supporting these programs. Using constructivist grounded theory methods, we analyzed interviews with five elementary school principals about their roles in supporting self-contained programs for students with EBD. Principals held
Integrating Community Cultural Wealth Into Postsecondary Transition for Students With Disabilities Receiving English Learner Services Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 Lindsay Romano, Audrey Trainor, Gracy Sarkissian, Lynn Newman
Understanding how capital influences postsecondary transition for students receiving special education and English learner (EL) services can inform culturally sustaining planning practices and improve postsecondary outcomes. Recognizing how students and families utilize community cultural wealth capital in the transition process can support efforts to thwart deficit-based practices and replace them
Understanding the Perceptions of School Engagement of Parents of Students With Autism Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 Samantha E. Goldman, Maria P. Mello
Family–school engagement is integral to the success of students with autism. However, limited research has examined the conceptualization of family–school engagement from the perspective of parents of children with autism. With this in mind, we conducted focus groups with 22 parents of school-age children (ages 3–21) with autism. Using qualitative analysis, the authors identified seven types of engagement
Comparison of Using Modified and Nonmodified Books on Comprehension of Students With Extensive Support Needs Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 Samantha Gross Toews, Kathleen N. Zimmerman, Jennifer A. Kurth, Nicole Crump
Modified books are frequently used as comprehension supports for students with extensive support needs (ESN), despite limited evaluations of their creation process or impact on comprehension. This study evaluates the impact of individualized book and comprehension question modifications made through a systematic decision-making process on student comprehension during nonfiction shared book reading
The Effects of Paraeducator-Implemented Interventions on Student Literacy Skill Acquisition: A Review Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 Guy Martin, Christopher J. Lemons, Yasmina E. Haddad
Paraeducators are increasingly tasked with delivering early literacy instruction to students with disabilities in elementary schools. This review synthesized findings from 19 studies that examined paraeducator-implemented early literacy instruction and reported the included studies’ descriptive characteristics, methodological quality, and treatment outcomes. Studies were rated for methodological quality
Narrating Access and Agency: Students With Intellectual Disability Share Their Experiences With Higher Education Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 Phillandra S. Smith, Beth Myers
Growing numbers of students with intellectual disability (ID) have gained access to universities and colleges through the development of inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs. Despite having physical access to college and university campuses and even classroom spaces, navigating access to actual course content remains a challenge for many students and their instructors. Using semi-structured
Classroom Placements of Students With Disabilities in Public Day Schools in a Large School District Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 Karolyn J. Maurer, Alexandra Sturm, Connie Kasari
This study used longitudinal special education record data from a large urban school district to review classroom placements of students in Grades 5 to 9 educated in traditional public schools ( N = 21,314). Results indicated that half of the students were educated primarily in general education classrooms ( n = 10,658), 9% of students had a primary placement of a special education classroom ( n =
Training Preservice Teachers to Make Data-Based Decisions: A Comparison of Two Interventions Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-01-28 Meka N. McCammon, Katie Wolfe, Ruiqin Gao, Angela Starrett
Data-based decision-making, which involves evaluating students’ progress and making instructional decisions, is an integral competency for preservice teachers. Several studies have found that visual aids, such as decision-making models, may be an effective way to train preservice teachers to make instructional decisions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a decision-making
Expanding Science Learning for Students With Complex Support Needs: A Case Study Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-01-28 Carly A. Roberts, Elizabeth H. Saliba, Erin M. Stewart
There is an expanding body of research focused on exploring inclusive science learning for students with complex support needs. The aim of this qualitative case study was to explore how a research partnership focused on expanding inclusive science learning for students with complex support needs (CSN) could support the learning of a focal student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and his general
“Not Sure How to Approach Them the Right Way”: Nondisabled Students’ Perspectives on Friendship With Peers With I/DD Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-01-12 Zach Rossetti
Friendships are personally valuable and developmentally important relationships for all people, yet friendships between students with and without intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) remain infrequent, even in inclusive settings. Extant research indicates that opportunity barriers may play a more prominent role in friendship development than the social skills of students with I/DD
Perceptions of Local Special Education Administrators on Facilitating Career Development Services in Rural Districts Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 Michele A. Schutz
Local special education administrators (LSEAs) are integral in facilitating career development services for students with disabilities alongside their peers, particularly in rural school districts. This qualitative study explored the perceptions of 12 LSEAs regarding their contributions related to career development for students with disabilities in their rural districts and the factors they perceive
Family Involvement in Elementary Reading Intervention: Compensatory Relations to Dosage and Tutor-Level Heterogeneity Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 Garret J. Hall, David C. Parker, Peter M. Nelson, Sophia N. Putzeys
We used triannual reading curriculum-based measurement of oral reading fluency data from 11,834 students in Grades 2 and 3 enrolled in an evidence-based Tier 2 reading intervention program (Reading Corps) to investigate the extent to which family involvement in the intervention might buffer against a negative effect of lower intervention dosage. The relation between family involvement in Reading Corps
Type and Dosage of Performance Feedback Following COMPASS Consultation on Teacher and Student Outcomes Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2023-05-03 Lindsey N. Ogle, Lisa A. Ruble, Michael D. Toland, John H. McGrew
Little is known about differences in dosage or feedback that make teacher coaching effective in relation to teacher and student outcomes. This study builds upon previous research on the Collaborati...
The Impact of Professional Development on Data-Based Decision-Making for Students With Extensive Support Needs Rem. Spec. Educ. (IF 2.3) Pub Date : 2023-04-29 Lindsay Ruhter, Meagan Karvonen
There is evidence that data-based decision-making (DBDM) can improve outcomes for a wide range of students. However, less is known about how special education teachers are trained to use data to in...