A major change for ESP for nursing: Pivoting towards discourse through a new course design with communicative engagement as a focal concept Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Qing Huang
This article describes how a new, discourse-focused course on English for nursing purposes (ENP) was developed from scratch to fill a critical needs gap: competence in what this article calls ‘nurse–patient communicative engagement’. A needs analysis conducted for this study revealed a gap between how experienced nurses and nursing students viewed engagement. This is a key concept that the present
Assessing accent anxiety: A measure of foreign English speakers’ concerns about their accents Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Qingyao Xue, Kimberly Noels
Additional language speakers (ALSs) often experience anxiety due to challenges posed by their nonstandard pronunciation. Building on these insights, this paper introduces an instrument, the Accent Anxiety Scale (AAS), specifically designed to assess three sources of anxiety that are experienced by ALSs, including (a) apprehension about negative evaluations from other individuals due to their distinctive
Cross-language interactions of phonetic and phonological processes Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Andries W. Coetzee, Nicholas Henriksen, Lorenzo García-Amaya
This paper explores how long-term bilingualism affects the production of intervocalic plosive consonants (/p t k b d ɡ/) in the speech of Afrikaans–Spanish bilinguals from Patagonia, Argentina. We performed sociolinguistic interviews with three speaker groups: L1-Afrikaans/L2-Spanish bilinguals (14 speakers, interviewed separately in Spanish and Afrikaans), L1-Spanish comparison speakers from Patagonia
A critical review of English medium instruction (EMI) teacher development in higher education: From 2018 to 2022 Lang. Teach. (IF 4.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Kailun Wang, Rui Yuan, Peter I. De Costa
The past few years have witnessed an emergent growth of both academic and practical works on English medium instruction (EMI) teachers' professional development. This paper presents a critical analysis of 30 empirical studies on EMI teacher development in a wide range of higher educational settings from 2018 to 2022. Through a systematic process of paper selection and review, we have identified three
What Proactive Language Learning Theory Is and Is Not: A Response to Atkinson's Commentary Lang. Learn. (IF 3.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 Mostafa Papi, Phil Hiver
Practitioners respond to Kathleen Graves’ ‘Mind the gap: A tale of two curriculum fallacies’ Lang. Teach. (IF 4.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Emily Yuko Cousins, Peter Brereton
As Kathleen Graves argues in her 2023 article, the belief that students learn best when teachers deliver a curriculum exactly as written is a common fallacy, based on an underlying assumption that ‘the institutional curriculum is the most important determinant of what happens in the classroom’ (p. 200). Graves stresses that, in reality, the institutional curriculum itself does not guarantee effective
The timing of corrective feedback in second language learning Lang. Teach. (IF 4.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Shaofeng Li, Ling Ou, Icy Lee
The timing of corrective feedback (CF), alternatively called feedback timing, refers to the choice of a timepoint for providing corrections on second language (L2) errors or making comments on the appropriacy of L2 learners' verbal or nonverbal behaviors. A typical distinction related to the notion of feedback timing is between immediate and delayed feedback, but what constitutes immediate or delayed
The effects of bilingual proficiency on the acceptability of motion encoding strategies Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Jean Costa-Silva, Shulin Zhang, Vera Lee-Schoenfeld
When describing motion events, English encodes Manner of motion in the verb and Path of motion in a satellite (s-framing). Brazilian Portuguese (BP), however, encodes Path in the verb and elaborates Manner adverbially (v-framing). This study investigates at what stages of L2 proficiency L2BP and English learners’ acceptability ratings converge with those of L1 speakers when rating sentences with Manner
The performance of L2 French children on the LITMUS-QU Nonword repetition task during their first year of exposure: impact of age, vocabulary size, verbal-short term memory and phonological awareness Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Letícia Almeida, Christophe Coupé
In this study, we describe the performance of 62 newly immigrated children to France at a nonword repetition task (LITMUS-QU-NWR-FR) designed to evaluate bilingual children’s syllable structure. Children were between 6;0 and 9;1 and had diverse language backgrounds. They participated in our study during their first year of exposure to French. The majority of our children exhibited a good performance
Towards exploratory talk in secondary-school CLIL: An empirical study of the cognitive discourse function ‘explore’ Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Pilar Gerns, Louisa Mortimore
Exploratory talk is increasingly recognized in formal education for its role in enhancing students’ critical thinking and literacy skills, which are crucial for quality education both within and beyond school contexts. However, research shows that students often lack opportunities for inquiry-based learning and rarely receive explicit guidance on using language for reasoning, particularly in second
A study of the effect of multimodal input on vocabulary acquisition: Evidence from online Chinese language learners Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Binyu Xing, Haiwei Zhang
In response to the growing prevalence of online second language learning and the burgeoning field of international Chinese language education, this study examines the impact of multimodal inputs (MMI) on vocabulary acquisition within online environments among learners of Chinese as a second language (CSL). A teaching intervention was conducted with 90 Mongolian CSL learners, who were grouped into audiovisual
Why classroom climate matters: Exploring Japanese university students’ motivational regulation within a classroom ecology Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Yoshiyuki Nakata, Xuesong (Andy) Gao
This article reports on a study that explored Japanese university students’ evolving motivational regulation by mapping its changes over one year of their studies in a collaborative project-based learning environment. An autonomy-supportive collaborative intervention was delivered to the 19 participants with varying or no experience of communicative language teaching and study abroad. Our cluster-based
Moving beyond native-speakerism through identity-based teacher education: The roles of positioning and agency Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Zehui Yang, Karen Forbes
In the field of English language teaching, the deeply entrenched dichotomy between ‘native English-speaking teachers’ (NESTs) and ‘non-native English-speaking teachers’ (NNESTs) has forcibly positioned NNESTs as linguistically and pedagogically inferior to their native counterparts. The prevalence of native-speaker ideologies marginalizes NNESTs in professional settings and impedes their agency enactment
Content knowledge attainment in English medium instruction: Does academic English literacy matter? Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Ikuya Aizawa, Heath Rose, Gene Thompson, Jim McKinley
This study investigates the relationship between students’ English language proficiency, their reported levels of academic English literacy, prior content knowledge and their attainment of content knowledge in English medium instruction (EMI). The study also examines students’ perceptions of difficulties with academic English literacy at different levels of English language proficiency. Pre-course
Generalizing linguistic patterns through data-driven learning: A study of the dative alternation in Japanese learners of English Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Ryosuke Nakahara, Masatoshi Sugiura
This study examines whether learners exposed to specific example sentences through data-driven learning (DDL) can not only identify generalized linguistic patterns but also apply the patterns to other expressions, thereby demonstrating that DDL is a learning method based on a usage-based model. Forty-three Japanese learners of English participated in DDL activities to study the use of six verbs from
The incorporation of languaging tasks into pragmatics training for L2 teachers: The case of a Spanish graduate teaching assistant Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Li Yang
To enhance the visibility of pragmatics in second language (L2) teacher education, this study observed the development of a Spanish-speaking graduate teaching assistant (GTA) regarding his pragmatic knowledge and reflections on potential application during a 12-week pragmatics seminar at a US public university. The Spanish GTA taught the language as the teacher of record while participating in the
I can’t kill them, but I can throw them over the bridge: Does the emotionality of moral questions influence bilinguals’ moral judgements? Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Andreas Kyriakou, Irini Mavrou
Previous research suggests that emotion words elicit lower emotional reactivity in languages acquired later in life (LX), prompting bilinguals to make less emotional decisions when responding to emotionally charged moral dilemmas in the LX compared to their first language (L1). This study investigated the influence of word emotionality on bilinguals’ moral judgements by manipulating the degree of emotiveness
Predicting vocabulary knowledge in adult L2 learners: The role of word-level variables across educational backgrounds Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Marieke Vanbuel
This study examines how word characteristics like frequency, concreteness, part of speech and length predict Dutch vocabulary knowledge in 763 adult migrant L2 learners who vary widely in their educational levels in their L1, from minimal to extensive formal education. While the impact of these features on vocabulary learning is well-documented among tertiary-educated adult and adolescent L2 learners
Relationship between bilingual experiences and social biases: the moderating role of motivation to respond without prejudice Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Sofía Castro, Patrycja Kałamała, Marcin Bukowski, Zofia Wodniecka
Previous studies have reported fewer social biases in bilinguals compared to monolinguals. However, it is unclear whether the expression of social biases varies across the bilingualism spectrum. This article investigates the connections between different dimensions of bilingual experience and the expression of explicit bias. We analyzed the responses of 389 bilinguals to a battery of questionnaires
Second language embodiment of action verbs: the impact of bilingual experience as a multidimensional spectrum Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Xiaojun Lu, Jing Yang
Embodiment theories postulate that language processing inherently engages the sensorimotor system. This study explores the embodiment of action verbs in the second language (L2) and the effects of various L2 experiences (L2 age of acquisition, exposure, dominance, and proficiency) on L2 embodiment. Sixty-one Chinese–English bilinguals participated in two experiments judging semantic relatedness: Experiment
Two decades later: letter transpositions within and across morpheme boundaries in L1 and L2 speakers Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Hasibe Kahraman, Bilal Kırkıcı, Elisabeth Beyersmann
This study examined the influence of letter transpositions on morphological facilitation in L1 English and L1 Chinese-L2 English speakers. Morphological priming effects were investigated by comparing morphologically complex primes that either contained transposed-letters (TL) within the stem or across the morpheme boundary, relative to a substituted-letter (SL) control. Within two masked primed lexical
Is structural priming a possible mechanism of language change in heritage language grammars? Some evidence from accusative clitic doubling in Spanish Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Irati Hurtado, Silvina Montrul
The language of heritage speakers is characterized by variability and structural innovations compared to the baseline grammar of first-generation immigrants. Although many factors contribute to these differences, this study considers structural priming with structures that do not exist in the majority language as a potential mechanism for language change. The linguistic focus is accusative clitic doubling
Effects of interlocutors’ linguistic competence on L2 speakers’ lexical alignment Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Huiyang Shen, Min Wang
This study investigated how interlocutors’ linguistic competence affected L2 speakers’ lexical alignment and how the interlocutor effect was modulated by speakers’ proficiency. Chinese English as a Foreign Language speakers performed an online text-based picture-naming and -matching task with interlocutors of different perceived linguistic competences: an L1 interlocutor, an L2 interlocutor of higher
Voice processing ability predicts second-language phoneme learning in early bilingual adults Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Gaël Cordero, Jazmin R. Paredes-Paredes, Manuel Perea, Nuria Sebastian-Galles, Begoña Díaz
Individuals differ greatly in their ability to learn the sounds of second languages, even when learning starts early in life. Recent research has suggested that the ability to identify the idiosyncratic acoustic variations introduced into the speech stream by the speaker might be relevant for second-language (L2) phoneme learning. However, only a positive correlation between voice recognition and phoneme
The effect of the global language context on bilingual language control during L1 reading Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Olga Parshina, Anna Smirnova, Sofya Goldina, Emily Bainbridge
The proactive gain control hypothesis suggests that the global language context regulates lexical access to the bilinguals’ languages during reading. Specifically, with increasing exposure to non-target language cues, bilinguals adjust the lexical activation to allow non-target language access from the earliest word recognition stages. Using the invisible boundary paradigm, we examined the flow of
‘No in English I don’t do that’: exploring Gambian migrants’ linguistic cooperation in Italy Appl. Linguist. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Marco Santello
This study explores the experience of linguistic cooperation of migrants, focussing on their varying degrees of reliance on others for communication. It adopts an approach that draws theoretically on innovations in the understanding of competence beyond the cognitive-structuralist paradigm and more broadly on the importance of cooperation in the social sphere. Based on the lived experience of Gambian
The influence of cross-speaker code-switching and language ability on inhibitory control in bilingual children Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Emily Hansen, Caitlyn Slawny, Margarita Kaushanskaya
Prior work has yielded mixed findings regarding the relationship between language control and domain-general inhibitory control. Here, we tested the possibility that omnibus language ability would moderate the relationship between language control and inhibitory control in bilingual children. We tested 43 Spanish-English bilingual children (ages 4–5.92 years; 25 females). Children engaged in play-based
Modulating motion event categorization through brief training: Meaning-focused versus form-focused instructional conditions Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Yuyan Xue, John N. Williams
There is evidence that learning a second language (L2) can shift cognition toward that predicted for the L2 and that this effect might vary with L2 proficiency, age of acquisition, length of immersion, etc. Here we explore the previously neglected variable of language instructional conditions. Participants categorized motion events in a triads-matching task after being trained on two novel linguistic
Why are some articles highly cited in applied linguistics? A bibliometric study Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Sai Zhang, Vahid Aryadoust
This study investigated factors influencing the citations of highly cited applied linguistics research over two decades. With a pool of 302 of the top 1% most cited articles in the field, we identified 11 extrinsic factors that were independent of scientific merit but could significantly predict citation counts, including journal-related, author-related, and article-related features. Specifically,
Diving Deep Into the Relationship Between Speech Fluency and Second Language Proficiency: A Meta‐Analysis Lang. Learn. (IF 3.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Xun Yan, Yuyun Lei, Yulin Pan
Abundant research has indicated fluency features as meaningful predictors of second language proficiency. However, the extent to which different fluency dimensions and features can predict proficiency remains underexplored. This meta‐analysis employed a multilevel modeling approach to synthesize fluency–proficiency relationships from 71 empirical studies from 1959–2023. Additionally, we examined several
Incidental Nonspeech Auditory Learning Scaffolds Phonetic, Category, and Word Learning in a Foreign Language Classroom Lang. Learn. (IF 3.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-11 Seth Wiener, Timothy K. Murphy, Lori L. Holt
There is considerable lab‐based evidence for successful incidental learning, in which a learner's attention is directed away from the to‐be‐learned stimulus and towards another stimulus. In this study, we extend incidental learning research into the language learning classroom. Three groups of adult second language (L2) learners (N = 52) engaged in structured classroom Mandarin learning took part in
Meaning‐Inferencing Versus Meaning‐Given Procedures: The Case of Idioms Lang. Learn. (IF 3.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Frank Boers, Xi Yu, Xiaofei Wang
Inferring the meaning of words and then verifying one's interpretations is widely believed to create relatively strong memories of the items. According to the available research, it is when the inferences are accurate that the learning outcomes are the most promising. The present study extends this inquiry to idioms. Fifty‐six ESL learners were presented with 21 English idioms (e.g., toe the line)
Optimizing distributed practice online Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-08 John Rogers, Tatsuya Nakata, Ming Ming Chiu
This study conceptually replicates Cepeda, Coburn, Rohrer, Wixted, Mozer, & Pashler’s (2009, Experiment 1) study on the effects of distributed practice on second language (L2) vocabulary learning to examine its generalizability to a new context and population sample. The secondary focus of the paper is to examine the challenges and affordances of online data collection and participant recruitment sites
To disclose or not to disclose: Exploring the risk of being transparent about GenAI use in second language writing Appl. Linguist. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2025-01-08 Xiao Tan, Chaoran Wang, Wei Xu
With the increasingly popular use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools in writing, a common policy regarding GenAI use requires students to self-disclose such use in writing. However, many students, especially second language (L2) writers, are concerned that disclosing GenAI use might negatively impact how teachers evaluate their work. This study, therefore, intends to investigate the
The graded effects of bilingualism and language ability on children’s cross-situational word learning Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-08 Kimberly Crespo, Margarita Kaushanskaya
The present study examined whether length of bilingual experience and language ability contributed to cross-situational word learning (XSWL) in Spanish-English bilingual school-aged children. We contrasted performance in a high variability condition, where children were exposed to multiple speakers and exemplars simultaneously, to performance in a condition where children were exposed to no variability
Embarrassment in English language classrooms Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Gholam Hassan Khajavy, Dávid Smid, Sarah Mercer, Carlos Murillo-Miranda
This study is designed to understand embarrassment in the second/foreign language (L2) context. Following a mixed-method design, in Phase 1, a sample of 141 tertiary-level Austrian English language learners were asked to write a narrative about their experiences of embarrassment in their language learning histories. Analyzing the narratives showed that L2 embarrassment is a multidimensional construct
Tapping into teacher feedback in digital storytelling: Learning outcomes, emotions, and perceptions Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Cynthia Ayu Purnomo, Hsieh-Jun Chen
With the existing research gap regarding the validation of the effects of teacher feedback, the relatively limited exploration of the correlation between teacher feedback and speaking performance, and the inadequate examination of emotions, this study endeavored to investigate the efficacy of teacher feedback in digital storytelling among learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). Emphasis is
The perceived usefulness of pedagogical genres in EMI settings: A learner-informed comparative analysis of Engineering and Economics courses Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Nuria Edo-Marzá
English is increasingly reinforcing its worldwide well-established position as facilitator of cross-cultural communication. This status has enhanced the use of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in European universities. As a result, a deeper understanding of all the elements participating and converging in the teaching–learning process (T-L) in EMI settings seems necessary and beneficial in
Dialect‐Specific Modes Influence Second Language Production: Evidence From Bidialectal Shanghai–Mandarin Chinese Learners of English Within the Second Language Linguistic Perception Model Lang. Learn. (IF 3.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Xiaoluan Liu, Lan Bai, Paola Escudero
The present study investigates the impact of bidialectalism on L2 production, focusing on the role of dialect modes. Shanghai–Mandarin Chinese bidialectal speakers were recruited to produce second language (L2) English vowels under the influence of either Shanghai or Mandarin Chinese mode. Results showed that in the Shanghai mode, participants’ English vowel production closely resembled that of native
Contextual learning and retention of phrasal verbs Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Mojtaba Tadayonifar, Irina Elgort, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia
A common way of acquiring multiword expressions is through language input, such as during reading and listening. However, this type of learning is slow. Identifying approaches that optimize learning from input, therefore, is an important language-learning endeavor. In the present study, 85 learners of English as a foreign language read short texts with 42 figurative English phrasal verbs, repeated
Different variables hold varying significance from childhood to adolescence Stud. Second Lang. Acquis. (IF 4.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Maki Kubota, Yuka Goto, Satsuki Kurokawa, Yuko Matsuoka, Masashi Otani, Jason Rothman
The current study examined the comprehension and production of classifiers, case marking, and morphological passive structures among 414 child Japanese heritage speakers (mean age = 10.01 years; range = 4.02 – 18.18). Focusing on individual differences, we extracted latent experiential factors via the Q-BEx questionnaire (De Cat, Kašćelan, Prévost, Serratrice, Tuller, Unsworth, & The Q.-Be Consortium
Decolonizing language learning in digital environments through the voices of plurilingual learners in the Global South Appl. Linguist. (IF 3.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Angelica Galante, Enrica Piccardo, Faith Marcel, Lana F Zeaiter, John Wayne N dela Cruz, Aisha Barise
Digital pedagogies of empowerment are needed to shift discourses on marginalization, facilitate additional language learning, and sustain multilingualism. Grounded in plurilingualism and decoloniality as theoretical frameworks, this transformative mixed methods study explored the affordances of PluriDigit, a plurilingual, decolonial, and digital approach to language learning. This study was conducted
Exploratory practice puzzling as praxis-oriented pronunciation teacher learning in Australian adult migrant EAL education Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Skye Playsted, Damon P. Thomas, Jane Wilkinson
In Australia, the teaching of pronunciation is embedded in the curriculum of a national adult migrant English program offering English as an additional language (EAL) tuition to newly arrived migrants. Students in the program who have had limited opportunities to develop print literacy in English or their first languages are offered tuition in pre-level EAL classes. Teachers of these students lack
Learners’ behavioral engagement and performance on linguistically difficult L2 reading tasks: The effects of effort feedback, self-efficacy, and attributions Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Joseph S. Yamazaki, Phil Hiver
In many compulsory second language (L2) classrooms, learners routinely encounter linguistically difficult L2 reading tasks. However, it is unclear (1) how learners behaviorally engage and perform on such tasks, (2) what motivational characteristics predict their reactions, and (3) whether maladaptive learner reactions can be ameliorated. This study examined the role of two motivational constructs (attributions
Exposure or age? The effect of additional CLIL instruction on young learners’ grammatical complexity while performing an oral task Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Raúl Azpilicueta-Martínez
The purported foreign language gains of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) over traditional EFL (English as a foreign language) programs with young learners are still unclear. Specifically, little is known about how CLIL time and timing impact grammatical complexity. Additionally, mediating factors such as socioeconomic status (SES) and extramural exposure have been rarely controlled in
A Q method study on Turkish EFL learners’ perspectives on the use of AI tools for writing: Benefits, concerns, and ethics Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Ayşe Yılmaz Virlan, Burak Tomak
With the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) tools available to anybody with internet access, English language learners are increasingly turning to these resources to improve their writing skills. By examining their utilization of AI tools to improve their writing proficiency, this research examines the perspectives of Turkish English language learners enrolled in a preparatory program at a state
Inhibitory control facilitates learning new knowledge based on existing knowledge in cross-linguistic word contexts Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-27 Zilan Zou, Baoguo Chen
In cross-linguistic word learning, learning new knowledge based on existing knowledge is a common and lifelong process. This study investigated whether inhibitory control would be conducive to this process. We asked Chinese-English bilinguals to learn new meanings for familiar English ambiguous words within two consecutive days, manipulating semantic relatedness and word frequency to create four categories:
Understanding student engagement with teacher feedback in Chinese-to-English consecutive interpreting courses Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Bin Gao, Jiashun Fan
While research on student engagement with oral and written corrective feedback (CF) in second language acquisition (SLA) is well established, the study of such engagement within the context of interpreting, which requires bilingual conversion, is not as developed. Building on Ellis’ tripartite conceptualization of student engagement – comprising affective, cognitive, and behavioral responses – this
Acquiring the structure of a writing system is important in learning to read: a test of the character-word dual-focus approach in learning Chinese as a second language Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Lin Chen, Yi Xu, Charles Perfetti
An important question in literacy education is whether reading instruction should focus on whole words or subword constituents. We tested whether this question captures something general across writing systems by examining the functionalities of words and characters in learning Chinese. We introduce a character-word dual-focus instructional approach based on the Character-Word Dual Function model and
V2 is not difficult to all learners in all contexts: a cross-sectional study of L2 Danish Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Katrine Falcon Søby, Line Burholt Kristensen
In a cross-sectional study of L2 Danish, we examined the production of correct verb-second (V2) word order. We tested the effect of (1) the learners’ language background, (2) test level and (3) the length of the sentence constituents. The texts were written by 217 students (3 test levels (A2-B1), 52 different L1s). Interrogative clauses had high accuracy, but 25% of the 491 declarative sentences with
The “code-switching issue”: transition from (socio)linguistic to cognitive research Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Gülay Cedden, Patric Meyer, Basak Özkara, Christiane von Stutterheim
This review investigates the complex dynamics of code-switching (CS), the spontaneous alternation between languages within a conversation, particularly its implications for cognitive processes like executive functions (EFs). Analysing post-2015 studies, it critically assesses 23 experiments. Through stringent criteria and comprehensive search strategies, the review identifies factors influencing CS
Different bilingual experiences predict different executive functions: Evidence from mouse-tracking Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Aslı Yurtsever, Kaiah N. Sotebeer, John G. Grundy
There is evidence to suggest that the effects of bilingualism on executive functions (EFs) need to be examined along a continuum rather than a dichotomy. The present study addressed this need by examining the influence of different bilingual experiences on executive functioning using a Flanker and Stroop mouse-tracking task that taps into more dynamic cognitive processes than typical behavioral paradigms
Language exposure and use in study abroad versus migration contexts: modelling activity and learner profiles with ESM data Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Henriette Arndt, Jonas Granfeldt, Marianne Gullberg
Language exposure and use (LEU) are widely viewed as key factors in multilingual development, and research highlights the importance of considering not just the frequency and quantity of LEU, but also contextual factors such as when and where a language is used, with whom and why. In this study, we illustrate the complexity of LEU in two contexts (study abroad and migration) by applying sequential
Changes in the home language environments of US Spanish–English bilinguals between the ages of 4 and 12 Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Nahar Albudoor, Jissel B. Anaya, Elizabeth D. Peña, Lisa M. Bedore
This study longitudinally modeled home language exposure patterns of US Spanish–English bilingual children between the ages of 4 and 12. Participants were 280 Spanish–English bilinguals (95% Hispanic, 52% female) who were followed for up to 5 years using a cross-sequential longitudinal design. Multilevel linear regression models were used to estimate language exposure trajectories across four home
Ready, steady, switch! Limited evidence for the role of executive functions in bilingual language control in children Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Elisabet García González, Jussi Jylkkä, Minna Lehtonen
We investigated the extent to which executive functions (EFs) are recruited in language switching in children in a cued picture-naming (CN) task. We expected to find associations between CN and EF tasks measuring inhibitory control and shifting. Another goal was to compare parent-reported children’s everyday language control ability at home with their switching ability in the CN task and EF performance
Beyond pleasantries: University teachers’ responses to students’ favor-asking in asynchronous online communication Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Mostafa Morady Moghaddam, Neil Murray
This study investigates the intricate dynamics of student–faculty interactions in asynchronous online communication, focusing in particular on professors’ responses to non-native English-speaking students’ (NNSs’) favor-asking during online exchanges. Through qualitative analysis of email exchanges, this research examines how students articulate their concerns and requests for grade reassessment, and
Investigating EFL teachers’ use of generative AI to develop reading materials: A practice and perception study Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Jieting Jerry Xin
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools have shown great potential for assisting teachers in their teaching routines. However, there is an urgent need for more empirical research to investigate the implementation and effectiveness of these tools. This study aimed to explore how teachers in an English as a foreign language (EFL) context perceived and used a generative AI-based tool, ChatPDF, to
Creating and evaluating corpus-informed word lists for adolescent, beginner-to-low-intermediate learners of French, German, and Spanish Lang. Teach. Res. (IF 3.3) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Natalie Finlayson, Emma Marsden, Rachel Hawkes
This study explores some of the implications of policy changes relating to the composition and use of word lists for French, German, and Spanish as foreign languages in secondary schools in England. Against the backdrop of literature relating to word list creation and use, we review requirements for the vocabulary content of high-stakes examinations in these languages under current and new policy,
A personal bookshelf of foreign language aptitude publications Lang. Teach. (IF 4.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Peter Skehan
Like many in the profession, from the United Kingdom certainly, the teaching of English was a second, or more accurately, third career for me. After periods as a clinical psychologist and primary school teacher, the lure of travel took me to France. The need to earn money, the discovery that the choices about how to do this were limited, led to a move into teaching English as a Foreign Language. And
Self-regulated learning strategies in L1 and L2 reading Biling. Lang. Cognit. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Marta Reyes, M. Julia Morales, M. Teresa Bajo
English as a second language (L2) has become the medium of instruction in numerous contexts even though many people may have difficulties to read and study in L2. According to the self-regulated framework, metacognitive strategies are essential to achieve successful learning, but they are resource-consuming and their use might be compromised in demanding contexts such as learning in L2. In Experiment