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(Re)greening transition of academic green spaces as a response to social and environmental challenges: The role of bottom-up initiatives Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Jarosław Działek, Ewa Jarecka-Bidzińska, Anna Staniewska, Fanny Téoule
While university campuses provide a substantial and diverse array of green areas, their development usually contributes to the adverse effects of urbanisation on ecosystems. However, academic green spaces may contribute to socio-ecological transitions, and higher education institutions can use their educational and scientific potential to implement sustainable development strategies. Our study explores
Unraveling the relationships between urban park characteristics and visit durations: A longitudinal smartphone behavior survey in Austin Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-26 Ruqing Zhao, Yang Song, Shuying Guo, Zipeng Guo, Xiwei Shen
Park visit duration is a critical yet often overlooked metric for assessing the effectiveness of park characteristics and their ability to foster user engagement and health benefits. Our study delved into the relationship between park characteristics and visit durations across different park types by utilizing longitudinal smartphone data in Austin, USA. We aggregated user behavior data on visit durations
Advancing tree detection in forest environments: A deep learning object detector approach with UAV LiDAR data Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-26 Sina Jarahizadeh, Bahram Salehi
The initial phase in determining tree parameters within urban and forest environments is Individual Tree Detection (ITD), which includes tree count, spatial distribution, height, volume, crown dimensions, and species identification. This process holds significance in applications like urban forest inventory, planning, and tree carbon accounting. Traditional airborne and spaceborne remote sensing data
Urban greenery mapping using object-based classification and multi-sensor data fusion in Google Earth Engine Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 Marco Vizzari, Francesco Antonielli, Livia Bonciarelli, David Grohmann, Maria Elena Menconi
This study presents a novel object-based classification approach using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, explicitly designed for urban tree areas. By integrating high-resolution orthophotos, LiDAR, PlanetScope, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-1 data, we aimed to enhance classification accuracy through comprehensive multi-sensor data fusion. The object-based approach included SNIC (Simple Non-Iterative
Deciphering popular routes in urban parks: The impact of environmental factors on the amount, intensity and diversity of physical activity Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Jie Li, Haoran Ma, Mei-Po Kwan, Shaojie Zhang
Urban parks play a crucial role in human health and well-being, such as promoting physical activity (PA). However, past studies on park-based PA often overlooked other PA characteristics beyond the amount of PA. To bridge this gap, we explored what environmental factors are significantly associated with PA amount, intensity, and diversity, utilizing PA trajectory data collected from the Keep application
Biodiversity-friendly practices to support urban nature across ecosystem levels in green areas at different scales Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Paolo Biella, Luciano Bani, Enrico Caprio, Francesca Cochis, Olivia Dondina, Valentina Fiorilli, Andrea Genre, Rodolfo Gentili, Valerio Orioli, Rosa Ranalli, Pietro Tirozzi, Massimo Labra
Biodiversity is pivotal for delivering ecosystem services to the human society, but lack of nesting, shortages of trophic resources and disharmonic biological communities are common problems in urban areas. In this review, we aimed to understand how to transform urban green areas into biodiversity-friendly spaces. We surveyed studies by targeting several trophic levels: from plants and their soil symbionts
Differing seasonal trends in water use and water status between park and street trees Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Kaisa Rissanen, Gauthier Lapa, Daniel Houle, Daniel Kneeshaw, Alain Paquette
Understanding the drivers of variation in water use of urban trees is essential to estimate and predict tree survival, health, and provision of ecosystem services now and in the near future characterised by more frequent droughts. Urban tree water status and water use vary within the urban mosaic of diverse microclimates and growth conditions, distinguished for example by the proportion of impervious
How objective and subjective greenspace, combined with air and noise pollution, impacts mental health through the mediation of physical activity Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Zhenchuan Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, Dong Liu, Jianwei Huang
Global mental health is facing challenges. Environmental factors, such as enhanced greenspace and reduced air and noise pollution, alongside physical activity, are assumed to be significant promoters of mental health. However, previous studies have not thoroughly investigated the combined effects of greenspace, air pollution, noise pollution, and physical activity regarding their impact on mental health
Optimizing cooling efficiency of urban greenspaces across local climate zones in Wuhan, China Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Meng Cai, Miao Li, Huimin Liu
In the context of rapid urbanization and global warming, the strategic design and allocation of urban greenspaces are crucial for enhancing cooling efficiency and optimizing land use. However, current studies often lack specific guidance on tailoring urban greenspace to different built environmental contexts and vegetation types. This study addresses this gap by examining the cooling efficiency and
Role of the plant nurseries in spread of invasive alien plant species in Pakistan’s subtropical region; A threat for urban greening Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Maria Shah, Shujaul Mulk Khan, Fazal Manan, Jawad Hussain, Zohaib U. Din, Imranullah Shah, Muhammad Arshad, Israr Ahmad
The plant nurseries, horticulture, and plant trade are the some of the main reasons for spreading invasive alien plant species (IAPS). The current study evaluated the role of plant nurseries in the introduction and spread of IAPS in urban areas. A total of 50 plant nurseries in the the selected Subtropical regions of Pakistan were assessed for the IAPS. Field surveys were conducted, and IAPS data were
Assessing connectivity contributions of urban green spaces for avian species conservation: Insights of a surrogate approach in Nanjing Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Zhou Shen, Haiwei Yin, Jie Su, Hui Sun, Zhenyu Gai, Hongqing Liu
Urbanization fragments habitats and isolates species, leading to significant biodiversity declines. While urban green spaces (UGS) play a crucial role in conservation, the assessment of their contributions to habitat connectivity has been limited, hindering effective urban biodiversity planning strategies. Within the urban core of Nanjing, we classified nine distinct UGS types to assess their roles
Morphological influence of sub-scale urban vegetation structures on canopy ventilation and scalar transport based on empirical mode decomposition Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Shiyun Liu, Chun-Ho Liu
Vegetation in urban is commonly adopted as shelter from traffic pollutants and soil erosions, however has an uncertain positive or negative effect on various sub-scale structures. Besides, strengthening the introduction of fresh air through the canopy into the pedestrian level requires more aerodynamic mechanisms after the single vegetation element with sub-scale structures. This paper quantifies the
Green space at school and attention in primary school children in Belgium: A stratified matched case-control study Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Raf Aerts, Hans Van Calster, Melike Ozen, Rafiqa Benchrih, Sophie Heyman, Edith Swerts, Arlien Wuyts, Liesa Lammens, Els Lommelen, Michael Leone, Saskia Wanner, Harmony Brulein, Antoine Groslambert, Linda Vanmeersche, Marie Legein, Wenke Smets, Irina Spacova, Eva M. De Clercq, Sarah Lebeer, Anna Leonard, Sophie O. Vanwambeke, Hans Keune
Green spaces help to adapt urban environments to warming and other global change challenges. At school, green playgrounds help to incorporate natural elements into the daily lives of children, potentially improving well-being and academic performance. This study analyzed relationships between green space within and around the school, the landscape context, and well-being and sustained attention in
Perceptions of ecosystem services and disservices in urban greenspaces: Insights from a shrinking city Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Sonja A. Wilhelm Stanis, Emily Piontek, Shuangyu Xu
Urban greenspaces contribute to the social and ecological functioning of cities through ecosystem services (ES) but are also associated with ecosystem disservices (EDS), such as allergens and nuisance animals. Although shrinking cities are a growing global phenomenon, limited research has examined residents’ perceptions of ES and EDS in these contexts, despite this understanding being crucial for transforming
Collaborative approaches to urban tree biosecurity: Stakeholder’s perceptions, actions and social networks Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Alessandro Paletto, Carlotta Sergiacomi, Mariella Marzano, Mersudin Avdibegović, Marta Bełka, Kathrin Blumenstein, Helena Bragança, Manuela R. Branco, Daiva Burokienė, Julio Javier Diez Casero, Ilija D. Đorđević, Zuzana Dobšinská, Brynja Hrafnkelsdóttir, Magdalena Kacprzyk, Yasin Korkmaz, Martina Kičić, Liina Jürisoo, Kahraman İpekdal, Zuzana Jánošíková, Zane Lībiete, Diana Marčiulynienė, Dinka Matošević
In past decades, urban tree biosecurity has taken on growing importance worldwide. Stakeholders play a key role in countering the spread of invasive alien pests and pathogens that affect the health of urban green infrastructures. The aim of this study was to increase the understanding of the role of stakeholders’ perceptions, priorities and networks in the implementation of actions to guarantee a coherent
The ideal dispersion range of park cooling island in summer time Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Youpei Hu, Qiang Sun, Tong Wu, Yanyi Zhu
The park cooling island (PCI) spreads to the downwind direction of the green park under the dominant wind, bringing a cooling effect to the downwind urban area. This phenomenon offers potential to alleviate urban heat during hot summers. In this study, Nanjing is selected as the case city to investigate the PCI phenomenon and its appropriate dispersion range. First, we proposed a new hypothesis on
Urban-rural shifts in elemental composition in leaves and topsoil of street trees in a subtropical city of China Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-15 Tao He, Enzai Du, Xueyi Yang, Yuying Guo, Nan Xia, Wim de Vries
Street trees provide essential ecosystem services and are subject to large inputs of anthropogenic-sourced elements and frequent management operations. However, a systematic understanding of the elemental composition in street tree leaves and topsoil is still lacking. Based on a field survey across urban-rural gradients in a subtropical city (Chengdu) of China, we explored the spatial patterns of ten
Legacies of past housing discrimination in the present-day urban forest of a moderate-sized US city Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Allison Malatesta, Betsy Henry, Jeffrey D. Corbin
Street trees are known to provide a variety of services to the public. Understanding the makeup of the street tree community, and therefore the extent of those services, requires a consideration of past policies that contributed to the patterns we see today. Inequities in environmental conditions in US cities, including access to street trees, has been shown to be a product of race-based federal policies
Impact of urban green spaces and maintenance regimes on flora and fauna diversity Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Yun Hye Hwang, Chun Liang Tan, Yijun Lu
Urban Green Spaces (UGS) are an important source of food and shelter for urban fauna. This study aims to explore the relationship between maintenance intensity and biodiversity in UGSs found in Singapore. A total of seven parks and six streetscapes were surveyed for their flora and fauna composition. Results showed a high variety of vegetation types in the surveyed UGSs. The diversity of aculeate hymenopterans
Exploring the interactive effects of greenspace morphology and air pollutant on tuberculosis treatment outcomes: A comparative analysis between urban and rural areas in China Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Fangyu Zhou, Bo Xie, Kui Liu, Bin Chen
Tuberculosis (TB), particularly pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), remains a major public health issue in China. It ranks as the second-leading cause of infectious disease mortality in China. Previous studies have documented the impacts of particulate matter with diameters ≤ 2.5 µm (PM2.5) and greenspace on TB outcomes independently. However, the interaction effects between greenspace morphology and PM2
Changes in use of natural outdoor environments and health of women in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-11 Valeria-Carolin Cuenca, Helen V.S. Cole, Margarita Triguero-Mas
Natural outdoor environments (NOE) provide health benefits; meanwhile, gentrification and touristification can be detrimental to health equity by modifying who benefits from NOE. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated gender-based health inequities and changed the use of NOE, while it also affected the course of neighborhood gentrification and touristification. We carried out a cross-sectional study
Urban coastal parks: What does the public want and what are the effects of priming and socio-demographic background? Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 S. Song, J.Y.J.E. Goo, L.S.M. Ying, P.A. Todd
Coastal cities tend to lose natural shorelines to urbanization, but coastal parks can provide some habitat protection. This study measured the socio-demographic profiles of coastal park users (CPUs) at four coastal parks in Singapore and their preferences for different park amenities (nature-, leisure-, and sports-related). Additionally, we examined how priming (a 52-word paragraph on coastal habitat
Global approaches for ecological restoration in urban environments: A PRISMA review Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Isabella Aparecida Fonseca Bertoleti, Maurício Lamano Ferreira, Eduardo Pereira Cabral Gomes, Elaine Aparecida Rodrigues, Catarina Carvalho Nievola
Since the Industrial Revolution, global urbanization has expanded rapidly, leading to serious implications for human well-being and biodiversity. The rapid construction of cities has resulted in significant habitat loss, especially in the context of anticipated climate changes. Identifying trends in forest restoration in urban areas can contribute to implementing adaptive and mitigating measures that
Quantifying the drivers of tree mortality: A case study from urban recreational boreal forest Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Johanna Jääskeläinen, Samuli Junttila, Hannah O’Sullivan, Yan Cheng, Stéphanie Horion, Mikko Vastaranta
Increased tree mortality rates have been observed worldwide in connection to climate warming-related processes, such as drought, heat, fire, and insect pest outbreaks. An understanding of the drivers of tree mortality during the Anthropocene is urgently needed to estimate forest vulnerability in a warmer climate. In this study, we assessed the drivers of tree mortality in an urban recreational boreal
Invasive pests and pathogens as potential drivers of urban forest distributional inequalities and inequities Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Alexander J.F. Martin, Tenley M. Conway
Environmental injustices are influenced by socio-political and environmental legacies. Urban forest inequalities and inequities are often attributed to drivers like systemic racism and segregation. However, in recent decades, invasive pests and pathogens have substantially changed urban forests. It is not known how these invasive pests and pathogens act as a driver of urban forest inequalities and
Providing sufficient water for urban trees with limited root space during drought: Modeling of irrigation scenarios in a temperate climate Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 Lea Rosenberger, Jorge Leandro, Brigitte Helmreich
In dense urban areas, trees are often planted in small root spaces. This results in an insufficient water supply in droughts, affecting the trees' vitality and evapotranspiration performance. However, water availability can be improved by irrigation. The study investigated whether weekly manual or daily irrigation through a rainwater harvesting system (RHS) fed by connected impermeable surfaces is
Tree-cover dynamics in a rapidly urbanising tropical mega-city – Are trees of greater biodiversity and ecosystem service value less likely to be lost? Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Phakhawat Thaweepworadej, Karl L. Evans
Urban trees are crucial for biodiversity and providing ecosystem services. It is unclear if sites where trees support more biodiversity and have greater contributions to ecosystem service provision have greater rates of tree loss, or are better protected. We assess this in an expanding tropical mega-city (Bangkok, Thailand), using data from 150 1-km2 cells, selected across the urbanisation gradient
Characteristics and influencing factors of taxonomic and functional diversity of butterflies in urban green spaces Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Haicong Zeng, Hui Liu, Jianan Wang, Yan Zhu, Haixun Wang, Zirui Zhu, Cheng Wang, Zhenkai Sun
Against the backdrop of urbanization posing a significant threat to global biodiversity, the biodiversity of urban green spaces and its influencing factors have become a hot topic in biodiversity conservation. However, most studies have focused on taxonomic diversity, neglecting functional and trait diversity. This study investigated the relationship between butterfly communities and urban green space
Effects of forest bathing and the influence of exposure levels on cognitive health in the elderly: Evidence from a suburban forest recreation area Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Jittakon Ramanpong, Chen Tsao, Jie Yin, Chih-Da Wu, Yu-Chih Huang, Chia-Pin Yu
Using nature for cognitive enhancement has great potential. The potential effects of engagement with nature on cognitive aging have been receiving attention, particularly due to the challenges posed by an aging society. Forest bathing involves structured therapeutic recreational activities that could improve cognitive performance within a forest environment. However, the frequency, intensity, and duration
Assessing the cooling potential of green and blue infrastructure from twelve US cities with contrasting climate conditions Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Alba Marquez-Torres, Sudeshna Kumar, Celina Aznarez, G. Darrel Jenerette
Rapid urbanization, coupled with climate change, has intensified the need for effective urban heat mitigation strategies. Urban green and blue infrastructure (UGBI), including green spaces and water bodies, plays a key role in mitigating the urban heat island effect and promoting urban resilience. This study analyzed 4617 urban green spaces (UGS) across twelve U.S. cities, representing a range of Köppen
Advancing urban forest and ecosystem service assessment through the integration of remote sensing and i-Tree Eco: A systematic review Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 Gunjan Sharma, Justin Morgenroth, Daniel R. Richards, Ning Ye
Urban forests support the health and well-being of billions of people living in cities globally. To better manage urban forests, it is crucial to assess their ecosystem services. This systematic review analyzes two established urban forest assessment approaches—i-Tree Eco and remote sensing—which have developed independently but hold significant potential for integration. The review, comprising the
Assessing the vulnerability of urban tree species to climate change: The case study of Lisbon gardens Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Ana Raquel Cunha, Ana Luísa Soares, Sílvia Catarino, Maria Cristina Duarte, Maria M. Romeiras
To mitigate the effects of climate change on urban green spaces, adaptive strategies are required, particularly regarding tree species. Lisbon is a most vulnerable city to extreme climate events and the performance and management of the numerous and diverse trees found in its gardens and parks are of much concern. We evaluated the vulnerability of such trees to predicted future Lisbon climates using
Analyzing inequities in vegetation cooling services along the urban-rural gradient using the LAI-integrated InVEST urban cooling model Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-31 Hailian Lan, Yanting Zhang, Yinan Yang, Xian Zhao, Tao Yu, Xiangyun Li, Benyao Wang, Yujing Xie
In recent years, the urban heat island (UHI) effect and frequent heatwaves have become escalating threats to metropolises. Vegetation's cooling services and their equitable access have gained attention for mitigating extreme heat and promoting environmental justice. However, the characteristics of vegetation cooling services along the urban-rural gradient and among different population groups require
Exploring the influence of the private park on spatial equity in urban parks: A case study in Seoul, South Korea Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Jungseok Seo, Jeongseob Kim
This research explores the spatial inequities in urban park availability and accessibility in Seoul, South Korea, with a particular focus on the role of private parks within apartment complexes. Urban parks are essential for public health, recreation, and biodiversity, yet rapid urbanization has often led to a reduced supply of public urban parks. This study investigates how private parks can complement
How can science solve forest management problems in urban forests? A case study of Bratislava Forest District Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Zuzana Dobšinská, Jaroslav Šálka, Ján Matúš Urbančík, Róbert Sedmák, Ján Bahýľ, Juraj Čerňava, Rudolf Kropil
Forestry is a field where scientific knowledge is needed to address diverse demands that the society positions towards forests. Forest management in urban forests is subject to public attention because of the growing pressure for recreation. Ecosystem provision requires the involvement of various stakeholders to ensure the acceptance of decisions. Finding a balance between forest management for timber
How well does the 3–30–300 rule mitigate urban flooding? Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-28 Gianni Vesuviano, Alice Fitch, Danial Owen, David Fletcher, Laurence Jones
The 3–30–300 rule is a new guideline for urban forestry and urban greening, which is rapidly gaining interest among city planners, international organizations and NGOs. However, the ecosystem service benefits of this new guideline have not been quantified and there has been no research to date on how implementing the 3–30–300 rule may mitigate urban flooding. In this study, we use a gridded implementation
Urban greenery distribution and its heat mitigation effect on outdoor jogging activities Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-27 Xinyue Gu, Zhongyu Lai, Lei Zhu, Xintao Liu
As the threat of urban heat island effect on human health continues to escalate, discussions on how to use landscape vegetation to mitigate high temperatures and improve outdoor thermal comfort have become important research topics. Although existing studies have explored the relationship between urban greenery and outdoor jogging activities, they are still understudied regarding the nonlinear effect
Is more always better? Evaluating accessibility to parks and forests in 33 European cities using sustainable modes of transportation Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Marcin Wozniak, Adam Radzimski, Sandra Wajchman-Świtalska
Enhancing quality of life in contemporary cities hinges on convenient access to parks and forests, offering avenues for physical activity and social engagement, as well as benefits for mental health and opportunities for educational pursuits. This comprehensive study delves into the accessibility to parks and forests across 33 major European cities, employing an interdisciplinary framework drawing
Enhancing the carbon sequestration potential of urban green space: A water–energy–carbon fluxes perspective Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Yilun Qu, Yan Shi, Xu Wu, Minghui Zhu, Pengfei Zhu, Xiao Zhang, Shuangying Le, Yuan Ren, Jianyun Pan, Yixiang Wang
Regulating carbon emissions during landscape maintenance is crucial for increasing net carbon sequestration in urban green spaces. This research focuses on balancing water and energy resource conservation with increasing carbon sequestration. We introduced an integrated water–energy–carbon (WEC) fluxes framework to evaluate the net carbon sequestration of green spaces and a water–energy–carbon sustainability
Human activities affecting the species richness of urban spontaneous herbs under a three-scale factor framework Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-25 Juanjuan Zhao, Zepeng Bai, Bo Jiang, Haidong Yu, Chundi Chen, Xiancui Dai, Qi Li, Chenchen Song, Nan Jiang
Spontaneous herbs provide natural solutions for the sustainable development of urban environments. However, a wide range of species losses have occurred because of the lack of knowledge regarding the impacts of human activities. The results from field investigation and analyses based on the three-scale factor framework were as follows: 1) At the district scale, the top four contributing factors were
A general allometric model for urban vines to estimate above-ground biomass Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-25 Qiuyu Tao, Han Sun, Dayong Fan, Xiangping Wang
Vines play an important role in urban vertical greening, while there is no practical method to estimate above-ground biomass of urban vines. Allometric equation is an effective approach for non-destructive estimation of biomass. However, due to lacking mechanical support tissue, vines may have distinctive allometric laws which existing allometric equations derived from self-supporting plants may not
Best practices for designing resilient urban ecosystems through native species restoration Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-25 Aaron N. Sexton, Kane A. Lawhorn
Urban ecosystems provide a range of services that will become increasingly important in the coming decades as urban populations grow and urban areas intensify. Restoration and maintenance of these ecosystems is vital to the promotion of biodiversity conservation, human-nature interactions, and buffering against the effects of climate change. It is therefore crucial we design these urban ecosystems
Potential of hyperspectral LiDAR in individual tree segmentation: A comparative study with multispectral LiDAR Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Ao Wang, Shuo Shi, Jian Yang, Bowei Zhou, Yi Luo, Xingtao Tang, Jie Du, Sifu Bi, Fangfang Qu, Chengyu Gong, Wei Gong
Individual tree extraction is the basis of obtaining structural parameters of individual tree which will helpful for the inventory, management and protection of urban forest. Single wavelength Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) has been widely applied for individual tree segmentation to obtain accurate structural parameters of trees, and it is difficult to segment individual tree of clumped trees
Lawn management promoting tall herbs, flowering species and urban park attributes enhance insect biodiversity in urban green areas Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-22 Paolo Biella, Sara Borghesan, Beatrice Colombo, Andrea Galimberti, Lorenzo Guzzetti, Davide Maggioni, Emiliano Pioltelli, Fausto Ramazzotti, Rosa Ranalli, Nicola Tommasi, Massimo Labra
Urban expansion transforms the availability and structure of habitats, shaping urban natural elements. This triggered a worldwide effort to reduce urbanization impact on biodiversity, mostly with biodiversity-friendly and less formal management in urban green areas. In this context, we evaluated the effect of lawn management promoting tall herbs on insects in urban parks. Moreover, we also tested the
The influence of greening management and landscape patterns on plant diversity in urban green spaces in Danzhou, China Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-22 Mei-Hui Zhu, Qian Li, Jia-Li Yuan, Josep Padullés Cubino, Joel B. Johnson, Jian-Peng Cui, Mir Muhammad Nizamani, Zhi-Xin Zhu, Hua-Feng Wang
The factors influencing urban plant diversity in tropical cities remain underexplored. To address this gap, we conducted comprehensive field surveys and remote sensing analyses in Danzhou, Hainan Province, focusing specifically on urban functional units. Our study quantified the diversity of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, spontaneous species, and cultivated species, employing spatial autocorrelation
How do economic levels, urbanization, and infrastructure investments influence inequality in urban green space exposure? Insights from Japanese municipalities Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Jie Chen, Hongyu Li, Shixian Luo, Daer Su, Tongguang Zang, Takeshi Kinoshita, Linchuan Yang
Urban green spaces (UGS) are vital for urban sustainability, but unequal exposure to UGS can lead to serious health inequalities. The long-term drivers of inequalities in personal exposure to UGS and the underlying mechanisms remain insufficiently understood. This study measures trends in inequality in UGS exposure in 710 Japanese municipalities over a 20-year period (2000–2020). The direct and indirect
Perceptions of urban rewilding in a park with secondary succession vegetation growth on lake silt: Landscape preferences and perceived species richness Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 Shangchun Hu, Jiahui Liu, Jing Que, Xing Su, Baoqin Li, Cancan Quan
Urbanisation often distances people from nature, impacting health and well-being. Urban rewilding reintroduces wilderness into cities, supporting biodiversity and reconnecting people with nature. This study investigates public perception of biodiversity and aesthetic preferences in rewilded urban sites, using Jiangyangfan Ecological Park in Hangzhou, China, as a case study. The park includes rewilded
Stand structural characteristics determine ecosystems multifunctionality of urban forests in Changchun City, Northeast China Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 Jinsheng Yan, Juan Zhang, Qi Wang, Xingyuan He, Haifeng Zheng
Systems theory highlights that stand structural attributes influence overall functioning. However, the relationship between these attributes and ecosystem multifunctionality, particularly in urban forests, remains poorly understood. This study uses regression analysis and a random forest model to assess the effects of 19 indicators of stand structure characteristics on ecosystem multifunctionality
Integrate brownfield greening into urban planning: A review from the perspective of ecosystem services Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-14 Buke Chen, Shizuka Hashimoto
Brownfield greening (BG) is increasingly recognized as an important tool for improving the quality of life and urban sustainability in urban planning, yet our understanding of this topic remains limited. This paper aims to advance the state of knowledge of BG from the ecosystem services (ES) perspective and synthesize key findings to provide implications for integrating BG into urban planning. To achieve
“I came here and it flows”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of low-income residents’ experiences with allotment gardening Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Rhys Furlong, Caroline Harvey, Fiona Holland, Jenny Hallam
Accessing nature can significantly benefit mental and physical health. However, in England, individuals from low-income areas generally do not access nature to the same extent as those from affluent neighbourhoods due to a lack of private and public greenspace. In response, this research uses ethnography combined with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to explore the experiences of allotment
Biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emission profiles from native Atlantic Forest trees: Seasonal variation and atmospheric implications in southeastern Brazil Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Fernanda Anselmo-Moreira, Giselle da Silva Pedrosa, Igor Lima da Silva, Alex do Nascimento, Tailine Correa dos Santos, Eduardo Luís Martins Catharino, Eduardo Pereira Cabral Gomes, Agnès Borbon, Adalgiza Fornaro, Silvia Ribeiro de Souza
Plants produce diverse biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) that contribute to ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. To minimize the negative impacts of urban greening on air quality, selecting species with low BVOC emission and reduced potential for O3 and SOA formation is essential. We evaluated BVOC emissions from eight tree species in an urban Atlantic Forest in São Paulo
Public preferences for street tree characteristics: A best-worst scaling experiment Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 Claire Doll, Curtis Rollins, Katrin Rehdanz, Jürgen Meyerhoff, Michael Burton, David Pannell
Because of the environmental and social benefits associated with urban greening, many cities around the world are implementing strategies to increase tree canopy cover, including along residential streets. However, procedures for developing and implementing these strategies do not always factor in public preferences, which can limit public acceptance. This paper explores public preferences for different
Does mycorrhizal colonization of biofilter plants improve their water uptake or drought resistance? Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-07 Kanglin Tian, Claire Farrell, Anna Lintern, Yussi M. Palacios, Christopher Szota, Brandon Winfrey
Stormwater biofilter systems can provide at-source pollutant removal and runoff reduction. However, vegetation in biofilters systems can be prone to drought stress, reducing plant health and survival in between rainfall events. Mycorrhizal colonization has been shown to improve nutrient removal in stormwater biofilter systems, but it is not yet known whether mycorrhizal colonization of biofilter plants
Development of an artificial intelligence model for CFD data augmentation and improvement of thermal environment in urban areas using nature-based solutions Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 Junghyeon Ahn, Jaekyoung Kim, Junsuk Kang
Heatwaves have a significant impact on urban areas, driving efforts to mitigate the urban heat island (UHI) effect through green infrastructure and sustainable planning. By integrating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with digital twin technology, this study evaluates the effectiveness of climate adaptation infrastructures in urban areas. However, applying digital twin technology for UHI analysis
Lawn management intensity leads to contrasting effects on belowground ecology and turfgrass aesthetic Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 Hayden W. Bock, Olivia B. Morse, Frank S. Rossi, Peter M. Groffman, Jed P. Sparks, Kyle G. Wickings
Home lawns are one of the most common urban land surfaces in the United States and provision many cultural and ecological benefits. Many of these benefits arise from turfgrass soils and their belowground ecosystems. As homeowner interest in managing lawns for diverse ecosystem services grows, it is important to understand how varying management practices affect these goals and how efforts to manage
Spatial and habitat determinants of small-mammal biodiversity in urban green areas: Lessons for nature-based solutions Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Olivia Dondina, Pietro Tirozzi, Andrea Viviano, Emiliano Mori, Valerio Orioli, Nicola Tommasi, Alessandro Tanzi, Lisa Bazzoli, Enrico Caprio, Corinna Patetta, Maria Chiara Pastore, Luciano Bani, Leonardo Ancillotto
In an increasingly anthropogenic world, urban green areas are critical for human well-being because of the ecosystem services they offer. However, the management of these areas often prioritizes economic, architectural, and esthetic needs over ecological functionality, undermining the benefits they ought to provide. Actions to restore the functional ecological processes of urban green areas have thus
Diverging values and development options for agroforestry in a metropolitan area of North Africa Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Mario Torralba, Emmeline Topp, Fouad Mounir, Laura Kmoch, Tobias Plieninger
The use of large green infrastructures in peri-urban areas, such as urban forests, has become one of the most relevant tools to mitigate some of the negative impacts of urbanization while providing multiple benefits to city dwellers. However, these peri-urban forests are often highly contested spaces. Agroforestry offers a promising solution to reconcile diverging interests in the peri-urban context
Assessing the performance of centralized blue-green infrastructure in dynamic stormwater storage and runoff assignment Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Wei Li, Xin Fu, Taolue Gao, Xinhao Wang
Centralized blue-green infrastructure (CBGI) offers significant advantages for climate change adaptation due to substantial water storage, flexible drainage areas, and various social-ecological benefits. However, the planning and managing CBGI’s dynamic storage and runoff assignment at a regional scale have not received adequate attentions. We propose to develop a scenario-based Stormwater Management
Urban weedy plantains (Plantago spp.) do not hyperaccumulate heavy metals nor shelter their soil microarthropod communities from these metals Urban Forestry Urban Green. (IF 6.0) Pub Date : 2024-12-04 Eric G. Yee, Katalin Szlavecz, Meghan L. Avolio
Heavy metal hyperaccumulation by plants is a powerful tool in phytoremediation, where plants store heavy metals in large amounts in their aboveground tissue. Plant species in the Plantago genus exhibit this phenomenon, and their commonness in metropolitan centers around the world make them strong candidates for use in cities. Additionally, alteration of soil conditions by these plants can have cascading