Mobilizing against Democratic Backsliding: What Motivates Protestors in Central and Eastern Europe? East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-05-24 Courtney Blackington, Antoaneta L. Dimitrova, Iulia Ionita, Milada Anna Vachudova
Several central and eastern European countries have experienced democratic erosion of different kinds. While the Czech Republic and Poland have faced democratic backsliding, for example, others, such as Bulgaria and Romania, are better characterized as struggling with democratic stagnation. Regardless of the type of democratic erosion, robust protest movements have challenged democratic erosion. What
Integration Maturity of Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine: Has DCFTA Helped Prepare Them for the EU Accession Process? East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 Kristian L. Nielsen, Dženita Šiljak
The aim of this article is to research the economic preparedness for EU integration—or “integration maturity”—of Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, the three countries that have signed Association Agreements with the European Union. A major part of these is the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements, which offer significant access to the EU single market and provide a pathway to deeper economic integration
Backsliding versus Backlash: Do Challenges to Democracy in East Central Europe Threaten LGBTQIAP Empowerment? East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 Conor O’Dwyer
If third-wave democratization propelled gains in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual, asexual, and pansexual (LGBTQIAP) empowerment globally, does the contemporary wave of democratic backsliding imperil those gains? To what extent does the potential threat from such institutional erosion depend on the presence of right-wing populists in government, i.e., backlash? Can both threats
Between Conflict and Cooperation: Electoral Strategies of Ethnic Parties East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-05-06 Peter Spáč, Jozef Zagrapan
The paper analyses the impact of local demography on the electoral strategies of ethnic political parties. We focus on Hungarian parties in Slovakia and their tactics of fielding candidates in the 2014 and 2018 mayoral elections in 4,461 municipalities with competitive elections. We find that local demography is an essential explanatory factor concerning the strategies of ethnic parties. Our results
The Political-Administrative Nexus in Sub-National Governance: Exploring the Lack of Independent Administration in Poland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 Witold Betkiewicz, Anna Radiukiewicz
The main problem addressed in the paper is the relation between politics and administration. The authors try to answer if independent administration exists at the sub-national level in Poland. In a more detailed manner, the question is whether an acceptance of independent administration has been fostered by the dispersion of political power and the experience of participation in important decision-making
Perpetrators and Victims Blurred in the Soundscape of Wartime Mass Rallies: The Third-Generation Perspective in Marcel Beyer’s The Karnau Tapes and Kateřina Tučková’s Gerta East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 Marcin Filipowicz
This article investigates the use of sound at mass rallies during World War II, a topic that has not been explored in depth. By using the concepts of sound memory and soundscape, the article examines how contemporary literature represents past war events, specifically focusing on how national groups and individuals are portrayed in relation to other people, places, events, and axiological systems.
How Do Bigger and Smaller Cities Manage Migration? Ukrainian War Refugees in Polish Cities East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 Agnieszka Bielewska, Ewa Ślęzak-Belowska, Olga Czeranowska
This paper presents a comparative study of cities’ migration policies. By comparing four bigger and four smaller Polish cities and their approaches towards Ukrainian war refugees, we show the differences in support offered by bigger and smaller towns. Polish cities wholeheartedly and spontaneously welcomed Ukrainians fleeing their country after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. While
From the Editors East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 James Krapfl, Lavinia Stan
Outcomes, Politicians, or the Institution Itself? Using a Czech Case to Explain Trust Formation in Different Political Institutions and the Implications for Voter Turnout East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 Jan Hruška, Stanislav Balík
Compared to the scholarship on general political trust, relatively little attention has been paid to institutional trust. Research on the subject tends to treat political institutions as single entities, ignoring the fact that different institutions can enjoy, in the long term, very different levels of trust. This paper builds on the assumption that institutional trust may be formed differently depending
Historical Legacies and Their Impact on Human Capital: Comparing Regions within Romania East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 Gabriel Bădescu, Daniela Angi, Jozsef Benedek, Sorana Constantinescu
This article asks if the measures of human capital, ethnic diversity, and gender equality from 1930 explain current levels of human capital in Romania, while also assessing the role of macro-regional differences in the manifestation of historical legacies. We focus on human capital, measured by educational attainment and by conscientiousness, a personality trait we estimate using a behavioral measure
Inherent Attitudes or Misplaced Policies? Explaining COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Romania East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 Tibor Toró, István Gergő Székely, Tamás Kiss, Réka Geambașu
hesitancy toward COVID-19 vaccines was not particularly high in Romania at the beginning of the vaccination campaign. Nevertheless, the country became one of the laggards in the European Union in terms of vaccination rates. We aim to provide an empirical explanation for this phenomenon based on a representative survey conducted in November–December 2021. We test the influence of various factors on
The Impact of War on Interethnic Godparenthood in Ukraine East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-02-14 Keith Doubt, Sophie Reutter
The study examines whether kumivstvo, godparenthood, with its, with its moral and spiritual cultural heritage in Ukrainian society, provides normative power from the bottom up rather than top down for maintaining solidarity in a polyethnic society in the face of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A mixed methodology is employed, carried out by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology. The
How Does the “Us” versus “Them” Polarization Work? Capturing Political Antagonism with the Political Antagonism Scale East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-01-11 Lenka Hrbková, Jakub Macek, Alena Macková
This article introduces and validates a Political Antagonism Scale (PAS) aimed at capturing politically motivated antagonism among people in survey research. Recent trends indicate a rise in politically motivated polarization across various countries. This polarization often transcends mere ideological distance, fostering an identity-based “Us” versus “Them” political perspective. Consequently, this
Influenced by Power or Reasons? The Role of Amicus Curiae Briefs in Constitutional Court Decision-Making East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 Tanya Bagashka, Samantha Chapa, Lydia Tiede
In what ways do amicus curiae or friend of the court briefs shape the decisions of constitutional courts outside of the United States? Using a unique data set of more than nine hundred briefs from ...
Underestimated Ally: Ukraine during the Polish–Soviet War of 1920 in Polish Underground Publications (1976–1989) East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 Vitalii Borymskyi
This article examines Polish underground publications (samizdat) interpreting Ukraine’s role in the Polish–Soviet war of 1920. The research analyzes a large number of underground journals, newspape...
Remembering on Command: Autobiographical Narratives of the Officers of the Polish Security Forces, 1944–1956 East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 Łukasz Bertram
The aim of this article is to analyse the archival collection of the memoirs of officers of the Polish security forces (Security Office and Citizens’ Militia) on their service in the Warsaw voivode...
“Forgotten Friend(s)”: Polish Literary Diplomacy in Slovenia East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 Boštjan Udovič, Janž Snoj, Tanja Žigon
The aim of this article is to study the translation of Polish literature into Slovene to shed light on Polish literary (and cultural) diplomacy in Slovenia. Being acquainted with the culture of ano...
Party Nomination Strategies in Flexible-List PR: Which Candidate Characteristics Lead to Realistic Positions? East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-04-20 Petr Dvořák, Michal Pink
This article addresses the candidate selection process for realistic list positions with regard to multiple-office holding and personal characteristics in flexible-list proportional representation ...
Populist Juggling with Fear: The Case of Hungary East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-03-08 Domonkos Sik
In this article, the interrelatedness of contemporary populism and fear is analysed. It is argued that contemporary populism is burdened with the uncertainties and contingencies of late modernity. ...
“A Disease Like Any Other”: Awareness-Raising and Neuro-Tivization of Depression in Poland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-03-04 Beata Szulęcka
This article shows how Forum Against Depression,1 an online platform devoted to depression, creates awareness on depression in Poland. This qualitative study uses critical discourse analysis to int...
A Balkan Neofunctional Success Story or the Curious Case of Bosnia’s Central Bank East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-02-22 Eoin Lazaridis Power, John Branch
Bosnians show little faith in their state-level institutions, and with good reason, as the country ranks poorly on measures of corruption, regulatory quality, and government efficacy. However, the ...
Between Ideological Loyalty and Political Adaptation: The “Agrarian Question” in the Development of Bulgarian Social Democracy, 1891–1912 East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-02-21 Kristian Stefanov
At the end of the nineteenth century, European social democracy founded acceptance among some circles of the Bulgarian intelligentsia. However, the social base of this new ideology, including indus...
How Right-Wing Populists Influence Citizenship Education—Evidence from Poland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-02-21 Łukasz Zamęcki, Piotr Załęski
As the importance of right-wing populist parties (RPPs) has grown significantly in Europe, with some even forming governments, the attendant political and policy programs are attracting greater att...
Idiotic or Columbo’s Wife? Constitutional Conventions in the Czech Republic East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-02-14 Lukáš Hájek
Academics usually look for constitutional conventions in Westminster-style democracies, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, or Australia. Nevertheless, growing evidence from practice shows that con...
Are They Building a “Second Ireland” in Poland? Political Remitting by Polish Migrants and Return Migrants from Ireland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-01-11 Dominika Pszczółkowska
Despite the significant body of literature on migrations after the 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union, including on social remittances, a subcategory—political remittances—is only now...
Factors in National Self-Designation of Slavic Muslims in the Montenegrin Sandžak East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-01-11 Mehmed Đečević, Danijela Vuković-Ćalasan
National fragmentation of Slavic Muslims in the Montenegrin area of the Sandžak region into Bosniaks and national Muslims was recorded in the last two population censuses in Montenegro, with minor ...
The Conflict in Eastern Ukraine and International Support for the Decentralization Reform (2014–2022): Theory-Guided Observations East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-01-11 Maryna Rabinovych, Andrea Gawrich
This article explores Western donors’ support for the decentralization reform in post-Euromaidan Ukraine prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, with a focus on the re...
Ownership Transformations in a Post-Transition Economy: Which Institutions Matter? Evidence from the Polish Banking Sector East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2023-01-04 Emilia Klepczarek, Agata Wieczorek
In this article, we investigate what kind of institutions affect bank ownership transformations in a post-transition economy. We use statistical data concerning mergers and acquisitions in the Poli...
How Can One Assess the Level of Party Newness, Continuity, and Change? Some Examples from Poland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-12-21 Beata Kosowska-Gąstoł, Katarzyna Sobolewska-Myślik
Even if political parties have new labels, they often can be perceived as a continuation of an earlier existing grouping. The main goal of this article is to discuss how to assess party novelty and...
Peripheralization Processes as a Contextual Source of Populist Vote Choices: Evidence from the Czech Republic and Eastern Germany East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-12-09 Tomáš Dvořák, Jan Zouhar
The existing research on contextual sources of support for populist parties has revolved around two factors: the unemployment rate and the size of immigrant groups. Conceived as residential charact...
Obedience to Authority: Attitudes of Prison Officers in Stalinist Poland, 1944–1954 East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-12-01 Anna Machcewicz
In this article, I adopt the following hypothesis: the prison system in Poland of 1944–1956 was the effect of an imposed legal framework and administrative regulations that demoralized and destroye...
Pre-War Government and Party Networks in the Rebel Political Institutions: Individual Co-Optation in Eastern Ukraine East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-12-01 Martin Laryš
The extant literature on rebel governance takes the political institutions that rebels develop to rule a civilian population as an indivisible entity. As a result, it cannot answer the question, wh...
Challenging Civil Society Elites in Poland: The Dynamics and Strategies of Civil Society Actors East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-12-01 Elżbieta Korolczuk
The shrinking of civil society—a problematic trend in a growing number of countries—often involves enacting legal measures to curtail the activity of civil society organizations and vilifying and/o...
Russia, the Western Balkans, and the Question of Status East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 Janko Šćepanović
This paper reassesses Russia’s policy vis-à-vis the Western Balkans in terms of its pursuit of status. The region has been historically significant to Russia. It saw centuries of interaction betwee...
Home as an Uncanny Site of Violence in Polish-Jewish Autobiographical Texts on the Holocaust East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Natalia Aleksiun, Karolina Szymaniak
Autobiographies frequently feature the author’s understanding of home as an anchoring ground for the creation of the self. While home in such texts often invokes childhood and family, in the contex...
Being “Local” in Eastern Slovakia: Belonging in a Multiethnic Periphery East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Hana Kubátová, Monika Vrzgulová
Focusing on coexistence in towns and villages of the former Šariš Zemplín County during World War II, our article exposes the shifting meanings assigned to belonging in what was a multiethnic borde...
Three Accounts—Two World Wars—One Town: Narratives of War and Genocide in Eastern Galicia East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Omer Bartov
This article belongs to the special cluster, “Biographies of Belonging in the Holocaust”, guest-edited by Natalia Aleksiun and Hana Kubátová.This article argues for using personal accounts in recon...
Biographies of Belonging in the Holocaust East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Natalia Aleksiun, Hana Kubátová
This introduction highlights the analytical potential of “belonging” for those studying the social processes of Jewish exclusion in the Holocaust. It does so by proposing a tripartite definition of...
Being Polish, Jewish, and Tarnovian: Youth and Polyvalent Senses of Belonging during the Second Polish Republic East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Agnieszka Wierzcholska
“This was my rudest awakening that I was Jewish. I was not Polish, I was horrified!” Cesia Honig, from Tarnów, perceived herself as a Polish patriot until 1938, when she was insulted for being a Je...
Purim Gifts from Russian Neighbors: Prewar Identity Formation and Wartime Survival among Young Jews from Soviet Vitebsk East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Jeffrey Koerber
Life under Stalinism in the 1930s challenged Jews, particularly the young, with innumerable compromises to their religious and ethnic identity, yielding unexpected responses during World War II and...
The Polish Countryside as a Gray Zone: Village Heads and the Meso Level of the General Government, 1939–1945 East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Tomasz Frydel
This article focuses on a cluster of institutions rooted in Polish rural life that were co-opted by the German authorities into the lowest level of rule in occupied Poland from 1939-1945. It identi...
Late Bystander Testimonies in East Galicia: Between Memory, Identity, and Loyalties East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Anna Wylegała
This article examines the advantages and limits of late non-Jewish witness testimonies in Holocaust research. Grounding my conclusions in more than 150 biographical interviews conducted in small co...
Terror in Przedbórz: The Night of 26 May 1945 East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 Joanna Tokarska-Bakir
This article reconstructs the events leading up to the killing, on the night of 26 May and early morning of 27 May 1945, of Jewish survivors who returned to their home town of Przedbórz near Radoms...
Whose Interest Really Matters? The Role of NGOs’ Representatives within Local Advisory Councils in Poland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-05 Anna Kołomycew
The article shows the results of empirical research conducted among members of advisory councils operating in Polish cities. The study covers five types of councils: councils of NGOs, senior citize...
Fiscal Burden as a Determinant of Innovation Performance in the CEE Countries East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-05 Paweł Felis, Michał Bernardelli, Marcin Jamroży, Jacek Lipiec, Elżbieta Malinowska-Misiąg, Joanna Szlęzak-Matusewicz, Grzegorz Otczyk
This article aims at finding a relationship between the degree of fiscalism and innovation in eleven countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The article uses clustering algorithms to divide ...
Intragovernmental Grant Distribution and Party Alignment Bias under Democratic and Authoritarian Governments: The Case of Poland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-03 Joanna Siwińska-Gorzelak, Grażyna Bukowska
This article studies the party alignment bias in Poland. Relying on quasi-experimental regression discontinuity design and 2006–2019 data for over 2,400 municipalities, we aim to establish whether ...
Unwillingly Orientalist: Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s Travel Diary to Burma as an Example of an Unusual Postcolonial Eastern European Account East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-10-01 Michał Lubina, Magdalena Kozłowska
This article explores Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s largely forgotten travel diary “A Journey to Burma.” It argues that the strategy Herling-Grudziński employed to describe the postcolonial world was...
Key Features and Factors behind Social Trust Formation in Ukraine East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-09-06 Larysa Tamilina
While social trust is seen as an essential factor in political, economic, and social progress in the world, its country-specific mode of formation remains underresearched. Considering Ukraine as a ...
Intersection of Conflicting Values: Symbols of Memory and Acts of Artistic Expression East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-07-29 Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias
Symbols of the past influence the present, very often in the way dependent on the will of those who currently “weave the story,” to use the expression coined by Olga Tokarczuk.1 This applies in par...
The Development of National Cinema in Post-Maidan Ukraine East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-07-25 Elżbieta Olzacka
Since the Euromaidan revolution, Ukrainian cinema has been experiencing a renaissance, associated with both the wave of civic and creative activity and the policy of the post-Maidan authorities sup...
Cultural Expertise versus Strategic Ignorance: Confronting Cultural Diversity In and Out of Court in Poland East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-07-11 Stanislaw Burdziej
Based on a systematic analysis of three databases of court decisions and a comprehensive overview of out-of-court use of cultural expertise in dispute resolution across various institutional contex...
Consensus-Seeking and Reversed Representation among Polish Officials in the Council of the European Union East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 Kamil Ławniczak
Most issues that come before the Council of the European Union are decided without any recorded opposition. Constructivist literature explains that informal norms encourage state officials to condu...
The EU and Dispute Settlement: The Case of the Macedonian Name Issue East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 Dimitar Bechev
The Prespa Agreement concluded between (North) Macedonia and Greece in June 2018 is hailed as a major success for the European Union’s (EU) policy of promoting conflict resolution through in the Ba...
The Evolution of Civic Activism in Contemporary Russia East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-06-10 Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom, Laura A. Henry, Valerie Sperling
This article examines Russian citizens’ support for and participation in civic activism today, nearly three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Specifically, we consider how activism has evolved over time in two key issue sectors—environmentalism and women’s rights. We draw on a recent nationally representative survey that challenges existing stereotypes of Russians as apathetic and/or
Civic Engagement and Its Disparate Goals in Bosnia-Herzegovina East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-06-10 Paula M. Pickering
Qualitative studies featuring in-depth research have recently pushed back against characterizations of citizens in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) as passive. After mobilizations in 2014, ho...
Party Views on Democratic Backsliding and Differentiated Integration East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-05-16 Richard Bellamy, Sandra Kröger, Marta Lorimer
Both political parties and differentiated integration (DI) play an ambivalent role in regard to democratic backsliding. Parties’ positioning towards democratic backsliding has not always been straightforward, and DI has been seen as facilitating it. We analyse whether party actors view democratic backsliding as a problematic issue for the EU, if they think DI facilitates it, and how they consider the
The Incumbency Advantage during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining the 2020 Polish Presidential Election East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-03-25 Dawid Tatarczyk, Waldemar Wojtasik
This article analyzes how the 2020 Polish Presidential election was affected by the recent COVID-19 pandemic in the context of global democratic backsliding. Specifically, this article examines how the incumbency advantage of President Andrzej Duda was bolstered during the pandemic by the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS). Although PiS was unable to carry out every planned electoral manipulation,
Rethinking Theoretical Approaches to Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Toward a Dynamic Approach East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-03-09 Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves
The developments that took place in Central and Easter Europe (CEE) over the last three decades have consequences for how researchers define and understand the concept of civil society. This article revisits four major approaches to civil society that were developed after 1989 and provides reasons for a reconceptualization in light of new research and empirical data. It argues that civil society in
Preferences for Redistribution, Welfare Chauvinism, and Radical Right Party Support in Central and Eastern Europe East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-03-07 Lee Savage
Why do supporters of radical right parties in Central and Eastern Europe hold economically left-wing policy preferences? In this article, the author argues that this can be explained by welfare chauvinism. First, in ethnically heterogeneous societies, minority groups provide a plausible scapegoat for the grievances emphasized by radical right parties. Therefore, the majority population is sensitive
Unsettling Borderlands: The Population Exchange and the Polish Minority in Soviet Belarus, 1944–1947 East European Politics and Societies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2022-03-03 Dmitry Halavach
The article examines the Soviet nationality policy in Belarus in 1944–1947 during the population exchange between the Soviet Union and Poland. Unlike in Lithuania and Ukraine, the authorities in Belarus prioritized keeping the labor force over national homogenization, determined nationality by territory of birth, and attempted to keep the people by designating them as Belarusians irrespective of their