‘Lots of red, but also lots of tricolour’: the liberation of Milan and the Liberal Party in the Minoletti–Quarello papers (April 1945) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Rossella Pace
This article uses the hitherto partially unpublished diary of Virginia Minoletti Quarello and her husband Bruno Minoletti to shed a light on the Resistance and on the transformation of Italian politics after the war from an original angle. Virgina and Bruno, members of the Italian Liberal Party, played a central role in the Resistance and in consolidating the network of the Liberal partisans led by
The ‘swastika epidemic’ of 1960 and the first major public debate about antisemitism in republican Italy Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Enrico Palumbo
In December 1959, several episodes of antisemitism occurred in West Germany. These events spread rapidly to other countries and were dubbed by newspapers the ‘swastika epidemic’. In Italy, the episodes sparked intense debate among the main political forces of the time, framing the interpretation of antisemitic episodes within a context that considered the comparison between the two countries, while
‘Fascism on trial’: Rodolfo Graziani and the manipulation of historical consciousness in postwar Italy Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Victoria Witkowski
This article uses the postwar trial of Fascist Italy’s most prominent general, Rodolfo Graziani, to examine issues of transitional justice and the formation of popular memory of Italian Fascism and colonialism after 1945. During the Fascist ventennio, the regime constructed Graziani as the nation’s colonial ‘hero’ despite his leading role in genocidal measures during Fascist Italy’s colonial wars in
Italian vermouth on the international market (1890–1960): a success story Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Omar Mazzotti, Luciano Maffi, Stefano Magagnoli
This article examines the causes and geographical trajectories of the globalisation of vermouth, one of the most famous Made in Italy products in the world. Of all the fortified wines, vermouth stands out for its unique history. Originally a product of Piedmont consumed mainly by the aristocracy and the emerging bourgeoisie, vermouth became the subject of a growing export trade between the nineteenth
The Forgotten Resistance of the Sinti and Roma Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Chiara Nencioni
The role that Roma communities played in the Resistance during the Second World War is a little-known part of history, especially in Italy. Through consideration of their involvement, we can highlight the complexity of the Resistance, and recognise Roma communities as an integral part of Italian society. Roma involvement in the Resistance had distinctive characteristics compared to that of the gagi
Old woods, new rule: the annexation of Veneto to the Kingdom of Italy from a forest history perspective Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Giacomo Bonan
This paper analyses the period following the annexation of Veneto to the Kingdom of Italy in 1866 from the standpoint of forest history. Recent historiography has demonstrated that the development of scientific forestry was a crucial factor in the state-building process. Post-unification Veneto provides an opportunity to explore these dynamics from a decentralised perspective, focusing on two critical
The political drivers of antipoverty policy in Italy: persistence, change and reversals Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Rosa Mulè, Stefano Toso
This article analyses the political determinants of antipoverty policy in Italy between 1948 and 2022, providing a long-term analysis of the Italian minimum income scheme. We look for an explanation of that evolution drawing on three theoretical perspectives: veto players, gradual institutional change, and party competition. Our methodology is process tracing which involves the examination of ‘diagnostic’
Shaped by censoring attitudes: pornography in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Italy Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Claudio Monopoli
Through an analysis of the Italian context, this article illustrates how censoring attitudes shaped the modern meaning of pornography between the last two decades of the nineteenth century and the years of the Great War. The difference between the ideas of pornography and obscenity is pointed out through a concise examination of censorship archive documents from the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom, the State
‘Brigantaggio’ revisited: historiographical experiences and prospects for research Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Carmine Pinto, Gian Luca Fruci
This article describes the results of the Progetto di ricerca di interesse nazionale (Research Project of National Interest [PRIN]) ‘Il brigantaggio rivisitato’ (‘“Brigantaggio” Revisited’), which investigated the practices and imagery of brigandage (and the fight against it) in modern and contemporary Italy from a Euro-Atlantic perspective. A large community of scholars, both within Italy and further
Migrations, citizenship and administrative borders: the Italian case Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Lucie Bargel, Carlo Caprioglio, Enrico Gargiulo, Daniela Trucco
This contribution summarises the scientific discussions that developed during a one-year cycle of international and interdisciplinary seminars focusing on the relationship between migration and citizenship in Italy. We considered human mobilities in their relation to the politico-administrative institutions of the state and observed the latter's attempt to define and govern them. The relative marginality
Public space at stake: competing forms of territorialisation and the construction of a democratic public space in the first years of the Italian Republic Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-12-27 Virgile Cirefice
The end of the civil war, the fall of the Italian Social Republic, the allied occupation and the gradual transition to the new Italian Republic not only set Italy on the path to democracy, but also gradually gave Italians access to a new public space. This article proposes to revisit the classic question of the legacy of Fascism by looking at the question of space and the difficult construction of
Signposting the Meschita: Palermo's medieval Jewish quarter as a site of memory Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-12-27 Sean Christian Wyer
Street signs in Italian, Hebrew and Arabic, installed in the twenty-first century, mark Palermo's former Jewish quarter, over half a millennium since Sicily last had a substantial Jewish population. They recall a medieval Jewish minority, but also symbolise what some consider to be Palermo's essentially pluralistic character. What motivates this inchoate revival of ‘Jewish space’, and what does it
Women candidates and mayors in Italy (1993–2021) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 Anna Carola Freschi, Vittorio Mete
This article uses an original dataset to sketch a portrait of women mayoral candidates and women elected as mayors in Italy in the period 1993–2021. The analysis highlights several significant findings. Women must compensate for their political marginality by deploying other resources, such as higher levels of education. Nevertheless, women are penalised not only by the reluctance of parties to put
A disaffected, right-wing, conflicted Italy: the general elections of 25 September 2022 Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-11-14 Dario Tuorto, Vittorio Mete
You can never really get tired of Italian politics. Over the last 30 years, we have seen many turning points, the most memorable of which was undoubtedly Silvio Berlusconi's unexpected ‘descent into the field’ in 1994. Nor have we been deprived of colourful characters, such as Matteo Renzi or Matteo Salvini, who, as their careers took off, ended up burning their wings. And after many unsuccessful attempts
Rethinking the end of Christian Democracy Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-17 Rosario Forlenza
This article is about the seminar held at Luiss University in Rome on 17 June 2024. The seminar focused on ‘The End of Christian Democracy: A New Direction for Research’ and was the first milestone and official launch of the PRIN research project ‘The End of Christian Democracy: The Collapse of a Political Dream – Voices from the Margins’, led by a consortium of four universities: Luiss, Roma Tre,
Raising the Arandora Star: history and afterlife of the Second World War sinking Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Terri Colpi
Since the sinking of SS Arandora Star 84 years ago, the memory of this tragic wartime incident has been strongly held and developed within the British Italian community, moving through several phases, from oblivion to recognition and commemoration to a more recent growing awareness in a wider mnemonic community of interest. The aim of this special issue is threefold: to raise further the profile of
Enemy Aliens: internment and deportation policy in Great Britain, September 1939–June 1940 Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Rachel Pistol
During the Second World War, Germans, Austrians and Italians living in Great Britain were designated as ‘enemy aliens’ and consequently interned. The worsening situation on the continent in May and June 1940 stirred up hysteria that spies and saboteurs could be amongst the Germans and Austrians. Mass arrests started in May 1940, and Italians were soon caught up in the detentions when Mussolini declared
Hunters and hunted: the sinking of SS Arandora Star within the wider context of the Battle of the Atlantic 1939–1940 Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Robert Rumble
On 2 July 1940, the ocean liner SS Arandora Star was torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-47, with the loss of around 805 lives; over half of these were British-Italian civilian internees. This article approaches the event from the arena of Second World War military history, contextualising the sinking within the early Battle of the Atlantic. In so doing, it shifts the customary focus away from
Deathscape, materiality and memorialisation: Arandora Star remembrance in Scotland Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Terri Colpi
This article progresses Second World War historiography of ‘enemy alien’ internment, especially of the SS Arandora Star, sunk in 1940 with a high loss of Italian civilian lives. Employing a new paradigm, that of the deathscape, defined as a topography of death and the practices that surround it, this investigation recontextualises Arandora Star remembrance in Scotland. Ambiguous loss, complicated grieving
Oral histories of Italians in the North-East of England: the sinking of the Arandora Star Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Simona Palladino
Within British-Italian history of the Second World War, there are several questions surrounding the sinking of the SS Arandora Star, on 2 July 1940, which still remain problematic. Nevertheless, this tragedy continues to play a prominent role in the heritage and memories of the Anglo-Italian communities in the UK. This article focuses on the experiences and memories of the Arandora Star from the perspective
Shades of complicity: archives of the ‘implicated subject’ Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Derek Duncan
Knowledge of the Arandora Star is no longer limited to members of the UK's historic Italian community but is shared by a much larger constituency thanks to the greater accessibility of historical documents relating to the sinking of the ship, and to the substantial volume of new creative work inspired by it. This article examines this expansion of historical memory by following two discrete but entangled
Arandora Star: analysis and ‘Embarkation Listing’ of Italians Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Alfonso Pacitti
This paper critically reviews and examines the available data concerning Italians embarked on the SS Arandora Star on 30 June 1940. It encompasses their fate on 2 July when the ship was sunk, their subsequent journeys and the sources used to verify the conclusions. The principal aim is to establish, as far as is possible, the precise number, correct names and other details of those who were embarked
South(s) of the South(s): race, caporalato, and the ‘Southern Question’ renewed in contemporary Italian border-making Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-09-20 Margaret Renata Neil, Federica M. Cerruti
In contemporary Italy, media and public actors frame the exploitation of migrant agricultural labourers as the outcome of caporalato. This concept – translated as labour brokerage or gang mastery – connotes the violent treatment of workers and their exploitation by powerful individuals, who are today increasingly racialised and understood as being Black and immigrants. However, our fieldwork in Apulia
From Cadarese to Morasco: the creation of a Fascist hydroscape in alpine space after 1928 Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Sebastian De Pretto
This article explores the socio-ecological impacts of Fascist hydropower extraction in the Alpine valleys of Italy, focusing on the Toce river basin during the interwar period. It investigates the conflicts between local communities and hydropower initiatives by private energy companies under Fascism, thereby revealing the regime's communication strategies rooted in its political ecology. By analysing
Italy between liberalism and democracy: universal suffrage and the 1913 elections Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Goffredo Adinolfi
In 1912, the Italian parliament approved the extension of male suffrage, making it ‘almost’ universal. This process of revising representation transformed the very idea of the relationship between citizens and the state and shaped a profoundly different Italy. The aim of this article is to trace both the process leading to the approval of universal suffrage and its impact on the party system. With
Narrating COVID and captivity in Italy: ‘no prison’ writings and the restorative potential of the penitentiary Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Monica Jansen, Stefania Basilisco
Italy's prison overcrowding became world news in early March 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak sparked riots in prisons across the country, causing the death of 13 inmates. As a crisis narrative, the COVID-19 pandemic made visible the deep, ongoing crisis of Italy's prison system and disclosed new conditions for critical thought on the restorative potential of the penitentiary system. This article first
‘Palermo is a mosaic’: cosmopolitan rhetoric in the capital of Sicily Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 Sean Wyer
The political messaging of Leoluca Orlando, who served five terms as mayor of Sicily's capital, Palermo (most recently, until 2022), articulates a cosmopolitan vision of local identity. Orlando seeks to emphasise Palermo's ‘tolerant’ values, invoking the city's history to foster this image, as well as using a variety of rhetorical strategies. He portrays Palermo as having a true ‘essence’, which is
Buffalo Bill's Wild West, cowboys, and the fate of the western in Italy Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 Paola Bonifazio
This article examines the first tour of Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Italy and the so-called ‘sfida dei butteri’ (the challenge of the Italian cowboys of the Pontine marshes), which took place in Rome in March 1890. Analysing nineteenth-century Italian newspapers and photographs, I demonstrate that populist, anti-capitalist, and anti-American sentiments marked the Italian media's responses to the American
Imaginary work: media representations of work and gender in Italy from the economic miracle to the present day Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 Andrea Sangiovanni
The article explores media depictions of industrial labour in Italy, with a special focus on visual, film and television portrayals, spanning from the 1960s to the first two decades of the twenty-first century. Rather than delving into an analysis of labour processes, the primary objective of the article is to scrutinise the gendered representations of work and whether and how the representation of
‘Entirely white’? Female immigrants and domestic work in Italy (1960s–1970s) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 Alessandra Gissi
Recently, a renewed history of foreign immigration in Italy, focusing on the very first migration flows after the Second World War, has offered a more appropriate periodisation of the phenomenon. Women have been at the forefront of these flows, which were initially determined by the new postcolonial setting of the former Italian colonies (Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia). Subsequently, the immigrants
Introduction: Gender and work in twentieth-century Italy: new approaches Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 Maud Anne Bracke, Ilaria Favretto, Nicola Pizzolato
This introduction to the special issue ‘Gender and Work in Twentieth-Century Italy’ draws on key strands of historical scholarship on gender and work, including women workers’ experiences, labour market discrimination, domestic work, the impact of gender norms, and ideas of masculinity and femininity on work identities. It traces the development of feminist influence within this scholarship, from making
Working in the dream factory: gendering women's film labour under Fascism Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 Carla Mereu Keating
This article draws on a broad range of under-explored historical sources to document the career trajectories of the women who worked in the Italian film industry between 1930 and 1944. Challenging established histories that normalise male dominance in Italian cinema during and after Mussolini's regime, the article sheds light on women's overlooked contribution to Italy's sound film industry and explores
Italian women workers and women activists between home and factory: the struggle against labour precarity (1950s–1970s) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 Eloisa Betti
From a gender historical perspective, labour precarity constitutes a long-term phenomenon. Women's work represents a privileged observatory to understand how instability and precarity also characterised the cycle of economic and industrial expansion of the 1950s and 1960s. The article compares the conditions of female factory workers with those of home-based workers, a traditionally invisible category
Italy's diasporas: a discussion between Donna R. Gabaccia, Lucy Riall, Pamela Ballinger, and Konstantina Zanou Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 Konstantina Zanou
It has been over 20 years since Donna R. Gabaccia's seminal work Italy's Many Diasporas was published (London & New York, 2000), an overview of the social, cultural and economic history of Italy's various migrations. Much has changed since then, but this book remains a classic. In this roundtable, historians Lucy Riall, Pamela Ballinger and Konstantina Zanou reflect on the value of Gabaccia's work
Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war and their employment in the Italian hinterland (1915–1920) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 Balázs Juhász
This essay deals with the criteria for the employment of POWs in Italy during the Great War. It is a contribution to the current research demonstrating the close connection between civilian and military spheres during the war, including in the area of internment. This intertwining is particularly evident when one studies the wartime economic system. Although the article shows that the contribution
Political change through the culture of the Radical Party (1962–89) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 Lucia Bonfreschi
The article aims to sketch out the main features of the political culture of the Radical Party (PR). This political culture is paradigmatic of a much broader phenomenon that has affected the politics of Western democracies since the 1970s: the critique of traditional parties in the name of a party model formed by spontaneous groupings of society; the extreme emphasis placed on individual choices in
Association for the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI) Summer School 2023: conference report Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-02-07 Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti, Chiara Brogi, Karen Bertorelli
This report is about the ASMI Summer School held in Pisa on 22–23 June 2023. The conference focused on twentieth-century history issues: gender studies, cultural studies, resistance studies, fascism studies and mafia studies, with the addition of a round table and two keynote lectures, which discussed the profession of the modern historian and the history of racism in Italy from the Second World War
Fascist transnationalism during the occupation of Albania (1939–43) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 Alexander Lang
This article links the study of transnational and imperial fascism in the context of the Italian occupation of Albania by examining how Italian authorities sought to turn Albanians abroad into assets rather than liabilities. Organising and monitoring Albanians occurred through conferences, youth institutions and consular activities. Studying such concrete contacts and negotiations allows us to explore
Sex work and gendered tax imaginaries Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-01-15 Isabel Crowhurst
By exploring how the taxation of sex work is interpreted and explained, this article aims to expand theoretical and empirical understandings of tax imaginaries – the collectively formed meanings ascribed to taxes, taxpaying, and the purposes they serve – and how gender is mobilised in their construction. It argues that tax imaginaries created and circulated through online expert commentaries on the
Teaching the difficult heritage of Italian Fascism Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 Selena Daly, Hannah Malone, Vanda Wilcox
In recent years, the architectural legacy and so-called ‘difficult heritage’ of Fascist Italy has become a flourishing field of research. These topics have also begun to make their way into the undergraduate classroom. To date, however, there has been little research carried out into the methods we use to teach the history of Fascism in particular. In this short article, we outline how we have applied
Calabrian self-perception and the struggle for recognition in the context of ’ndrangheta stereotypes: oral sources Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 Aurora Moxon
Calabrian ‘illegitimacy’ in the (inter)national imaginary today is largely the result of the region's association with the ’ndrangheta. Using analysis of oral history interviews, this research examines how this ‘illegitimacy’ influences the self-perception of Calabrians. It argues that a spectrum of prejudice and its effects can be mapped out both metaphorically and geographically. This spectrum incorporates
To vote or not to vote in the homeland elections? Insights into voting abstention in Italy's constituency abroad Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 Simone Battiston, Stefano Luconi, Marco Valbruzzi
Since its introduction in the early 2000s, legislation relating to the voting rights of Italians abroad has enabled millions of residents of voting age outside of Italy to engage in homeland elections and elect their own MPs. The inclusion of Italian citizens abroad in the Italian polity has nevertheless translated into a patchy electoral engagement. This article does not intend to provide an analysis
Dynamics, experiences and political meaning of the black market in Second World War Italy Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-10-25 Patrizia Sambuco
Rationing and illegal food trade in Second World War Italy have received very little scholarly attention in comparison to the scale and impact they had on people's daily life. This article contributes to filling this gap, first by providing an overview of the dynamics that already in the early years of the war determined the development of an illegal system of food trade. It then considers the experience
Salvemini, militant historian, and his publications on Fascism Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-10-19 Mirko Grasso
This essay analyses Salvemini's major works on Fascism, namely The Fascist Dictatorship in Italy (1927), Mussolini Diplomate (1932) and Under the Axe of Fascism (1936). The focus of this analysis is twofold: to explore both Salvemini's methodology and the events leading to the publication of these works. In The Fascist Dictatorship in Italy, Salvemini examines the origins and the rise of Mussolini's
Metamorphosis of an intellectual: Gaetano Salvemini, exile in Europe and the United States Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-09-19 Renato Camurri
Long neglected, Gaetano Salvemini's years of exile (1925–1949) now constitute a crucial period for reconsidering his intellectual and political profile. This article intends first to propose an overall interpretation of Salvemini's exile that considers the years 1919 to 1925 as the culmination of a profound turning point in his life. The central part of the essay is devoted to reconstructing the genesis
Migration, Voices, and Methodology Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-09-19 Patrizia Sambuco
If the ‘colour line’ was prophetically defined as the issue of the twentieth century, in the twenty-first century the concern of many scholars is with the research methodology that the attention on the colour line has generated. Migration, postcolonial, and blackness studies focusing on Italy have all asked fundamental questions on how to reframe history, memory, and culture. Charles Burdett (2018)
What's new under the sun? A corpus linguistic analysis of the 2022 Italian election campaign themes in party manifestos Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-09-15 Federico Trastulli, Laura Mastroianni
In this article, we introduce an innovative approach to examining campaign themes in Italy, by performing an original corpus linguistic analysis of the party manifestos related to the crucial 2022 election. Through its systematicity and flexibility, our approach allows us to gauge theory-driven propositions using a large amount of so far unexplored textual data. As anticipated, the 2022 Italian party
Gaetano Salvemini: profile of a transnational intellectual Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-09-12 Renato Camurri, Alice Gussoni
Gaetano Salvemini (1873–1957) is one of the most influential intellectuals of Italian and European twentieth-century history. As 2023 marks the 150th anniversary of Salvemini's birth, this special issue of Modern Italy aims to attract the attention of an international readership and contribute to filling the gap in scholarly publications in English, offering a tool to approach Salvemini's intellectual
Gaetano Salvemini and foreign policy during the First World War: the collaboration with The New Europe Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-09-12 Andrea Frangioni
In 1958, A.J.P. Taylor's essay The Troublemakers explored the tradition of dissent against power politics in the United Kingdom. Gaetano Salvemini, who had always shown a consistent interest in British political and cultural debates, shared many of the positions put forward by these ‘troublemakers’, such as free trade, the fight against military expenditure, and suspicions regarding standing armies
Salvemini's antifascist exile in London: attracting the attention of a British audience Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-08-11 Alice Gussoni
In 1925 the Fascist dictatorship forced Gaetano Salvemini to leave Italy and begin a new life in exile. Salvemini understood he could find political and financial support in London to achieve two main aims: to live a decent life as an antifascist exile and fight the Fascist dictatorship from abroad. Thanks to a network encompassing intellectuals, academics, journalists, and politicians, London provided
The Italian Olimpiadi Universitarie of 1922: at the origins of the Fascist ideology of sport Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-08-03 Erminio Fonzo
University sport was less developed in Italy than in other European countries in the first decades of the twentieth century. Nevertheless, in April 1922, students from the University of Rome organised a national multi-sport event, which they called the Olimpiadi Universitarie (University Olympic Games). Many eminent figures of the ruling class supported the initiative and thousands of undergraduates
A discussion on Il colore della Repubblica. ‘Figli della guerra’ e razzismo nell'Italia postfascista, by Silvana Patriarca, Turin, Einaudi, 2021. With Valeria Deplano, Guri Schwarz and Silvana Patriarca Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-05-30 Francesco Cassata
Over the last 30 years, Silvana Patriarca, a professor of Contemporary History at Fordham University, New York, has deeply and consistently investigated the construction of the Italian national narrative: its ‘long term’ genealogy, its characteristics, its tensions. Her first book, Numbers and Nationhood (Patriarca 1996), focused on the co-production of statistical knowledge and the national image
Naked men on the run, regression to childhood: cultural figures of the trauma during the First World War Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-05-23 Vinzia Fiorino
Although there is a wide-ranging historiography dealing with psychoneurosis, various manifestations of psychic suffering widespread among traumatised soldiers during the Great War have received less attention. This essay, based on an analysis of soldiers' clinical files in Italian psychiatric hospitals, draws out these phenomena. The main forms assumed by this kind of trauma are three: soldiers who
The extreme right and the democratic institutions in Italy. The response of the regions to a national and trans-national phenomenon (1973–1975) Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-05-15 Michelangelo Borri, Valerio Marinelli
This essay aims to analyse the presence of neofascist organisations and far-right terrorism in Italy in the early 1970s from a new perspective. Firstly, it will focus on the activities to combat the subversive structures of the ‘black galaxy’ carried out by regional institutions through the creation of special ‘regional commissions of inquiry on the problems of neofascism’. Between 1974 and 1975, these
The name ’ndrangheta: history versus etymology Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-05-05 John Dickie
The article uses archival sources to critique the currently dominant etymological approach to the history of the word ’ndrangheta as used to refer to the Calabrian mafia. Scholars such as Paolo Martino and John Trumper have latched onto the word's ancient Greek origins to argue that the mafia organisation that we today call ’Ndrangheta has origins dating back many centuries. Moreover, according to
The Years of Lead. Memory, history, journalism, victims Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-05-03 John Foot
‘Soprattutto un attore di quella drammatica fase della vita italiana è stato tuttavia privilegiato in modo schiacciante come oggetto di studio: il “soggetto terrorista”, ovvero i terroristi e le organizzazioni terroristiche.’ (‘One kind of actor in that dramatic period of Italian life has been privileged above all others, in an overwhelming way by researchers and others: the terrorists themselves and
Poor, sinful and dangerous women: illegal prostitution in the Mezzogiorno before and after Unification Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-03-01 Oscar Greco
In the nineteenth century, when Italy was undergoing significant institutional and socio-economic changes, the bourgeoisie affirmed its principles of ‘respectability’. In this context, the spread of prostitution among the poorest and most disadvantaged classes of the South became a real obsession for bourgeois society. Through the study of primary sources relating to various health institutions, this
Building pasta's empire: Barilla in Italian East Africa Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-02-28 Diana Garvin
This article investigates the role that Italian food companies like Barilla pasta played in creating narratives of East African empire at the apex of the Fascist ventennio. It aims to use the commercial remnants of Fascist empire to provide a more thorough accounting of how colonialism shaped the modern cultural history of Italian pasta. To do so, I analyze the paper ephemera, that is, the pasta advertisements
The scientific discourse circulated during a national-populist commemoration: Dannunzian Fiume and the ‘Italo-cosmopolitan’ field of history Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-01-04 Christian Lamour
In today's Europe, commemorations can be times at which to affirm international reconciliation, based notably on the knowledge produced by historians who are becoming progressively cosmopolitan. However, commemorations are also used by national-populist political parties for electoral purposes and can lead to tensions with neighbouring states. This was the case in Trieste in September 2019, when the
A discussion on Nel cantiere della memoria. Fascismo, Resistenza, Shoah, Foibe, by Filippo Focardi, Rome, Viella, 2020. With Valeria Galimi, Philip Cooke and Filippo Focardi Modern Italy (IF 0.4) Pub Date : 2023-01-04 Andrea Mammone
The centenary of the March on Rome has prompted Modern Italy's Contexts and Debates section to focus on the public uses of history in reference to interwar Fascism. We are looking into the ‘Past, Present, and Future of the Italian Memory of Fascism’, to borrow the title of Guido Bartolini's interviews that were published in our issue 27 (4), 2022. While commemorations and anniversaries shouldn't inherently