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Haploidentical transplantation and posttransplant cyclophosphamide for treating aplastic anemia patients: a report from the EBMT Severe Aplastic Anemia Working Party.
Bone Marrow Transplantation ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41409-019-0773-0
Pedro H Prata 1 , Dirk-Jan Eikema 2 , Boris Afansyev 3 , Paul Bosman 4 , Frans Smiers 5 , José L Diez-Martin 6 , Celso Arrais-Rodrigues 7 , Yener Koc 8 , Xavier Poiré 9 , Anne Sirvent 10 , Nicolaus Kröger 11 , Fulvio Porta 12 , Wolfgang Holter 13 , Adrian Bloor 14 , Charlotte Jubert 15 , Arnold Ganser 16 , Alina Tanase 17 , Anne-Lise Ménard 18 , Pietro Pioltelli 19 , José A Pérez-Simón 20 , Aloysius Ho 21 , Mahmoud Aljurf 22 , Nigel Russell 23 , Helene Labussiere-Wallet 24 , Tessa Kerre 25 , Vanderson Rocha 7 , Gérard Socié 1, 26 , Antonio Risitano 27 , Carlo Dufour 28 , Régis Peffault de Latour 1 ,

In the absence of an HLA-matched donor, the best treatment for acquired aplastic anemia patients refractory to immunosuppression is unclear. We collected and analyzed data from all acquired aplastic anemia patients who underwent a haploidentical transplantation with posttransplant cyclophosphamide in Europe from 2011 to 2017 (n = 33). The cumulative incidence of neutrophil engraftment was 67% (CI95%: 51-83%) at D +28 and was unaffected by age group, stem cell source, ATG use, or Baltimore conditioning regimen. The cumulative incidence of grades II-III acute GvHD was 23% at D +100, and limited chronic GvHD was 10% (0-20) at 2 years, without cases of grade IV acute or extensive chronic GvHD. Two-year overall survival was 78% (64-93), and 2-year graft-versus-host disease-free survival was 63% (46-81). In univariate analysis, the 2-year OS was higher among patients who received the Baltimore conditioning regimen (93% (81-100) versus 64% (41-87), p = 0.03), whereas age group, stem cell source, and ATG use had no effect. Our results using unmanipulated haploidentical transplantation and posttransplant cyclophosphamide for treating refractory AA patients are encouraging, but warrant confirmation in a prospective study with a larger number of patients and longer follow-up.



在没有HLA匹配的供体的情况下,对于难于免疫抑制的获得性再生障碍性贫血患者的最佳治疗方法尚不清楚。我们收集并分析了2011年至2017年间在欧洲接受移植后环磷酰胺单倍移植的所有获得性再生障碍性贫血患者的数据(n = 33)。中性粒细胞植入的累积发生率在D +28时为67%(CI95%:51-83%),并且不受年龄组,干细胞来源,ATG使用或巴尔的摩条件疗法的影响。在D + 100时,II-III级急性GvHD的累积发生率为23%,而在2年内,有限的慢性GvHD的累积发生率为10%(0-20),而没有IV级急性或广泛性慢性GvHD的病例。两年的总生存期为78%(64-93),两年的无移植物抗宿主病生存期为63%(46-81)。在单变量分析中,接受巴尔的摩调理方案的患者中2年OS较高(93%(81-100)比64%(41-87),p = 0.03),而年龄组,干细胞来源和ATG的使用则没有影响。我们使用未处理的单倍体移植和移植后的环磷酰胺治疗难治性AA患者的结果令人鼓舞,但在前瞻性研究中有大量患者和更长的随访时间得到了证实。