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Parameter estimation with gravitational waves
Reviews of Modern Physics ( IF 45.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-08 , DOI: 10.1103/revmodphys.94.025001
Nelson Christensen , Renate Meyer

The new era of gravitational wave astronomy truly began on September 14, 2015, with the detection of GW150914, the sensational first direct observation of gravitational waves from the inspiral and merger of two black holes by the two Advanced LIGO detectors. In the subsequent first three observing runs of the LIGO-Virgo network, gravitational waves from 50 compact binary mergers have been announced, with more results to come. The events have mostly been produced by binary black holes, but two binary neutron star mergers have been observed thus far, as well as the mergers of two neutron star–black hole systems. Furthermore, gravitational waves emitted by core-collapse supernovae, pulsars, and the stochastic gravitational wave background are within the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA sensitivity band and are likely to be observed in future observation runs. Beyond signal detection, a major challenge has been the development of statistical and computational methodology for estimating the physical waveform parameters and quantifying their uncertainties in order to accurately characterize the emitting system. These methods depend on the sources of the gravitational waves and the gravitational waveform model that is used. This review examines the main waveform models and parameter estimation methods used to extract physical parameters from gravitational wave signals detected to date by LIGO and Virgo and from those expected to be observed in the future, which will include KAGRA, and how these methods interface with various aspects of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA science. Also presented are the statistical methods used by LIGO and Virgo to estimate detector noise, test general relativity, and draw conclusions about the rates of compact binary mergers in the Universe. Furthermore, a summary of major publicly available gravitational wave parameter estimation software packages is given.



引力波天文学的新时代真正开始于 2015 年 9 月 14 日,GW150914 的探测,是两台先进的 LIGO 探测器首次直接观测到来自两个黑洞的螺旋和合并的引力波,引起轰动。在 LIGO-Virgo 网络随后的前三个观测运行中,来自50紧凑型二元合并已经宣布,更多结果即将到来。这些事件主要是由双星黑洞产生的,但迄今为止已经观察到两次双中子星合并,以及两个中子星-黑洞系统的合并。此外,核心坍缩超新星、脉冲星和随机引力波背景发出的引力波都在 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA 敏感带内,并且很可能在未来的观测运行中被观测到。除了信号检测,一个主要挑战是开发用于估计物理波形参数和量化其不确定性以准确表征发射系统的统计和计算方法。这些方法取决于引力波的来源和所使用的引力波形模型。这篇综述探讨了用于从 LIGO 和 Virgo 迄今为止检测到的引力波信号中提取物理参数的主要波形模型和参数估计方法,以及未来将要观察到的信号(包括 KAGRA),以及这些方法如何与各种LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA 科学的各个方面。还介绍了 LIGO 和 Virgo 用于估计探测器噪声、测试广义相对论并得出关于宇宙中紧凑二元合并率的结论的统计方法。此外,还对主要公开可用的引力波参数估计软件包进行了总结。这篇综述探讨了用于从 LIGO 和 Virgo 迄今为止检测到的引力波信号中提取物理参数的主要波形模型和参数估计方法,以及未来将要观察到的信号(包括 KAGRA),以及这些方法如何与各种LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA 科学的各个方面。还介绍了 LIGO 和 Virgo 用于估计探测器噪声、测试广义相对论并得出关于宇宙中紧凑二元合并率的结论的统计方法。此外,还对主要公开可用的引力波参数估计软件包进行了总结。这篇综述探讨了用于从 LIGO 和 Virgo 迄今为止检测到的引力波信号中提取物理参数的主要波形模型和参数估计方法,以及未来将要观察到的信号(包括 KAGRA),以及这些方法如何与各种LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA 科学的各个方面。还介绍了 LIGO 和 Virgo 用于估计探测器噪声、测试广义相对论并得出关于宇宙中紧凑二元合并率的结论的统计方法。此外,还对主要公开可用的引力波参数估计软件包进行了总结。以及这些方法如何与 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA 科学的各个方面相结合。还介绍了 LIGO 和 Virgo 用于估计探测器噪声、测试广义相对论并得出关于宇宙中紧凑二元合并率的结论的统计方法。此外,还对主要公开可用的引力波参数估计软件包进行了总结。以及这些方法如何与 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA 科学的各个方面相结合。还介绍了 LIGO 和 Virgo 用于估计探测器噪声、测试广义相对论并得出关于宇宙中紧凑二元合并率的结论的统计方法。此外,还对主要公开可用的引力波参数估计软件包进行了总结。