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Studies of the movement ecology of sharks justify the existence and expansion of marine protected areas in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-021-01204-6
A. Peter Klimley 1, 2, 3 , Randall Arauz 2, 3 , Sandra Bessudo 3, 4 , Elpis J. Chávez 3, 5 , Nicole Chinacalle 3 , Alex R. Hearn 3, 6 , Mauricio E. Hoyos-Padilla 3, 7 , James T. Ketchum 3, 7, 8 , César Peñaherrera-Palma 3 , Eduardo Espinoza 9 , Jonathan Green 10 , Elena Nalesso 11

We present a compilation of published telemetric results, complemented by the addition of new results where necessary, to justify the expansion of the marine protected areas in the Eastern Pacific. In addition, we furnish evidence that fishing effort by commercial vessels, carrying position-monitoring, satellite-communicating radio beacons, has diminished within their boundaries. Researchers have described the movement ecology of nine species of sharks at these insular sites: the Galapagos archipelago off Ecuador, Malpelo Island off Colombia, Cocos Island off Costa Rica, and the Revillagigedo archipelago off Mexico. Mainly two telemetric techniques have been utilized: (1) placing coded ultrasonic beacons on individuals and detecting their presence with autonomous receivers deployed along the coasts of the islands and (2) outfitting individuals with SPOT and PSAT tags: the former enabling the ARGOS satellite to detect surface-swimming individuals, the latter releasing from individuals and rising to the surface to transmit geolocation based-positions to the same satellite. This information has enabled Mexico to create the Revillagigedo National Park, Colombia to increase the size of the Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, and Costa Rica to create a protective corridor between Cocos and the Las Gemelas seamounts. Satellite tracking of sharks outside the current boundaries of the Galapagos Marine Reserve supports the need to increase its size in the future. Hence, telemetric studies have played and continue to serve an essential role in providing a well-supported rationale for research managers to match the size of their marine reserves to the spatial ecologies of the species within them.



我们提供了已发布的遥测结果汇编,并在必要时补充了新结果,以证明扩大东太平洋海洋保护区的合理性。此外,我们提供的证据表明,携带位置监测、卫星通信无线电信标的商船在其边界内的捕捞努力已经减少。研究人员描述了这些岛屿上九种鲨鱼的运动生态学:厄瓜多尔附近的加拉帕戈斯群岛、哥伦比亚附近的马尔佩洛岛、哥斯达黎加附近的科科斯岛和墨西哥附近的雷维拉吉格多群岛。主要使用了两种遥测技术:(1) 在个人身上放置编码超声波信标,并使用部署在岛屿海岸的自主接收器检测他们的存在;(2) 为个人配备 SPOT 和 PSAT 标签:前者使 ARGOS 卫星能够检测水面游泳的个人,后者从个人释放并上升到地面以将基于地理位置的位置传输到同一颗卫星。这些信息使墨西哥能够创建 Revillagigedo 国家公园,哥伦比亚以增加 Malpelo 动物和植物保护区的规模,以及哥斯达黎加在 Cocos 和 Las Gemelas 海山之间创建保护走廊。对加拉帕戈斯海洋保护区当前边界之外的鲨鱼的卫星跟踪支持未来增加其规模的需要。因此,
