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Political inequality, political participation, and support for populist parties
Constitutional Political Economy ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10602-021-09357-3
Kim Leonie Kellermann 1

We theoretically investigate how political abstention among certain social groups encourages populist parties to enter the political stage, trying to absorb inactive voters. We design a two-stage game with two established parties and n voters who jointly determine a taxation policy. The electorate is divided into two groups, the advantaged and the disadvantaged. Voters’ decisions on whether to participate depend on a party’s tax rate proposal and on general party ideology. Effective political participation requires a certain amount of financial, social and intellectual resources to, for example, evaluate party programs or to engage in political discussion. As the disadvantaged are endowed with fewer resources, they lack political efficacy, resulting in less political participation. Consequently, the established parties propose a tax rate which is biased towards the preferences of the advantaged. The unused voter potential among the disadvantaged draws the interest of a populist challenger. To win support from the disadvantaged, the challenger party optimally proposes a respectively biased tax rate, which then works to polarize the political spectrum.Please confirm if the author names are presented accurately and in the correct sequence (given name, middle name/initial, family name). Author 1 Given name: [Kim Leonie] Last name [ Kellermann]. Also, kindly confirm the details in the metadata are correct.All correct.



我们从理论上调查了某些社会群体的政治弃权如何鼓励民粹主义政党进入政治舞台,试图吸收不活跃的选民。我们设计了一个两阶段的游戏,有两个既定的政党和n共同决定税收政策的选民。选民分为两组,有利的和不利的。选民是否参与的决定取决于政党的税率提议和政党的总体意识形态。有效的政治参与需要一定数量的财政、社会和智力资源,例如,评估政党计划或参与政治讨论。弱势群体资源较少,缺乏政治效能,导致政治参与度较低。因此,已建立的政党提议的税率偏向于有利者的偏好。弱势群体中未被利用的选民潜力引起了民粹主义挑战者的兴趣。争取弱势群体的支持,挑战方最优地提出各自有偏见的税率,然后使政治光谱两极分化。请确认作者姓名是否以正确的顺序(名字,中间名/首字母,姓氏)呈现。作者 1 名字:[Kim Leonie] 姓氏 [Kellermann]。另外,请确认元数据中的详细信息是正确的。全部正确。
