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Fear of COVID-19 in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Pub Date : 2021-09-18 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18189847
Marco Marotta 1 , Francesca Gorini 2 , Alessandra Parlanti 1 , Kyriazoula Chatzianagnostou 1 , Annamaria Mazzone 1 , Sergio Berti 1 , Cristina Vassalle 3

A marked decline in myocardial infarction (AMI) hospitalizations was observed worldwide during the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic may have generated fear and adverse psychological consequences in these patients, delaying hospital access. The main objective of the study was to assess COVID fear through the FCV-19S questionnaire (a self-report measure of seven items) in 69 AMI patients (65 ± 11 years, mean ± SD; 59 males). Females presented higher values of each FCV-19S item than males. Older subjects (>57 years, 25th percentile) showed a higher total score with respect to those in the first quartile. The percentage of patients who responded “agree” and “strongly agree” in item 4 (“I am afraid of losing my life because of the coronavirus”) and 3 (“My hands become clammy when I think about the coronavirus”) was significantly greater in the elderly than in younger patients. When cardiovascular (CV) patients were compared to a previously published general Italian population, patients with CV disease exhibited higher values for items 3 and 4. Measures should be put in place to assist vulnerable and high CV risk patients, possibly adding psychologists to the cardiology team.


急性心肌梗死患者对 COVID-19 的恐惧

在 COVID-19 爆发期间,全球范围内的心肌梗死 (AMI) 住院人数显着下降。这种流行病可能给这些患者带来了恐惧和不良心理后果,从而延误了就诊时间。该研究的主要目的是通过 FCV-19S 问卷(包含七个项目的自我报告测量)评估 69 名 AMI 患者(65 ± 11 岁,平均值 ± 标准差;59 名男性)对新冠病毒的恐惧。女性的 FCV-19S 各项指标值均高于男性。年龄较大的受试者(>57 岁,第 25 个百分位数)的总分高于第一个四分位数的受试者。在第4项(“我害怕因为冠状病毒而失去生命”)和第3项(“当我想到冠状病毒时我的手变得湿冷”)中回答“同意”和“强烈同意”的患者百分比显着增加老年患者多于年轻患者。将心血管 (CV) 患者与之前发表的意大利普通人群进行比较时,心血管疾病患者在第 3 项和第 4 项中表现出更高的值。应采取措施帮助弱势和高心血管风险患者,可能会在心脏病学领域增加心理学家团队。