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Emergence and Spread of a B.1.1.28-Derived P.6 Lineage with Q675H and Q677H Spike Mutations in Uruguay
Viruses ( IF 5.818 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.3390/v13091801
Natalia Rego 1 , Cecilia Salazar 2, 3 , Mercedes Paz 3 , Alicia Costábile 3, 4, 5, 6 , Alvaro Fajardo 4, 5 , Ignacio Ferrés 2, 3 , Paula Perbolianachis 4, 5 , Tamara Fernández-Calero 1, 7 , Veronica Noya 8 , Matias R Machado 9 , Mariana Brandes 1 , Rodrigo Arce 4, 5, 8 , Mailen Arleo 8 , Tania Possi 8 , Natalia Reyes 8 , María Noel Bentancor 8 , Andrés Lizasoain 10 , Viviana Bortagaray 10 , Ana Moller 10 , Odhille Chappos 11 , Nicolas Nin 12 , Javier Hurtado 12 , Melissa Duquía 11 , Maria Belén González 11 , Luciana Griffero 11 , Mauricio Méndez 11 , Maria Pía Techera 11 , Juan Zanetti 11 , Emiliano Pereira 11 , Bernardina Rivera 13 , Matías Maidana 13 , Martina Alonso 13 , Pablo Smircich 14, 15 , Ighor Arantes 16 , Daiana Mir 17 , Cecilia Alonso 11 , Julio Medina 18, 19 , Henry Albornoz 18, 19 , Rodney Colina 10 , Gonzalo Bello 16 , Pilar Moreno 3, 4, 5 , Gonzalo Moratorio 3, 4, 5 , Gregorio Iraola 2, 3, 20, 21 , Lucía Spangenberg 1, 22

Uruguay controlled the viral dissemination during the first nine months of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Unfortunately, towards the end of 2020, the number of daily new cases exponentially increased. Herein, we analyzed the country-wide genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 between November 2020 and April 2021. We identified that the most prevalent viral variant during the first epidemic wave in Uruguay (December 2020–February 2021) was a B.1.1.28 sublineage carrying Spike mutations Q675H + Q677H, now designated as P.6, followed by lineages P.2 and P.7. P.6 probably arose around November 2020, in Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital department, and rapidly spread to other departments, with evidence of further local transmission clusters; it also spread sporadically to the USA and Spain. The more efficient dissemination of lineage P.6 with respect to P.2 and P.7 and the presence of mutations (Q675H and Q677H) in the proximity of the key cleavage site at the S1/S2 boundary suggest that P.6 may be more transmissible than other lineages co-circulating in Uruguay. Although P.6 was replaced by the variant of concern (VOC) P.1 as the predominant lineage in Uruguay since April 2021, the monitoring of the concurrent emergence of Q675H + Q677H in VOCs should be of worldwide interest.


乌拉圭 B.1.1.28 衍生的具有 Q675H 和 Q677H 尖峰突变的 P.6 谱系的出现和传播

乌拉圭在 SARS-CoV-2 大流行的前九个月内控制了病毒传播。不幸的是,到 2020 年底,每日新增病例数量呈指数级增长。在此,我们分析了 2020 年 11 月至 2021 年 4 月期间全国范围内 SARS-CoV-2 的遗传多样性。我们发现乌拉圭第一波流行病(2020 年 12 月至 2021 年 2 月)期间最流行的病毒变种是 B.1.1 .28 携带刺突突变 Q675H + Q677H 的亚谱系,现在指定为 P.6,随后是谱系 P.2 和 P.7。P.6可能于2020年11月左右出现在乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚,并迅速传播到其他省份,有证据表明存在进一步的本地聚集性传播;它还零星地传播到美国和西班牙。相对于 P.2 和 P.7,谱系 P.6 的传播更有效,并且在 S1/S2 边界的关键切割位点附近存在突变(Q675H 和 Q677H),这表明 P.6 可能是比乌拉圭共同传播的其他谱系更具传染性。尽管自 2021 年 4 月以来,P.6 被关注变体 (VOC) P.1 取代,成为乌拉圭的主要谱系,但对 VOC 中同时出现的 Q675H + Q677H 的监测应该引起全世界的关注。