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Comparing Element Content in Small Pelagic Fish Species from Different Fishing Grounds in the Central-East Atlantic Ocean. Risk Assessment
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s41208-021-00340-1
Enrique Lozano-Bilbao 1 , Gonzalo Lozano 1 , Joana Raimundo 2 , Alba Jurado-Ruzafa 3 , Sebastián Jiménez 3 , Arturo Hardisson 4 , Carmen Rubio 4 , Soraya Paz 4 , Ángel J. Gutiérrez 4 , Dailos González Weller 5

Toxic metal and trace element levels in the ocean are increasing heterogeneously in the world, which is why it is important to assess their concentrations in organisms of fishing interest. The study of metal concentrations in different fishing grounds is of vital importance for nutritional control. In this study, two fishing grounds have been studied, in the Canary Islands and in Portugal, in each area 50 muscle samples have been taken from each of the studied species, Scomber colias, Sardina pilchardus, and Trachurus species from the Canary Islands (T. picturatus) and Portuguese (T. trachurus). The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, V and Zn have been analyzed in mg / kg. Cd and Pb concentrations are higher in the species from the Canary Islands and may be linked to the African upwelling inputs, which greatly influence the metal concentrations of the species. The species with the highest concentration of metals and trace elements are influenced by the anthropogenic action of coastal pollution and the natural action of African upwelling and Saharan dust. The Cd and Pb concentrations determined in the muscle tissue of S. colias, T. picturatus, T. trachurus and S. pilchardus are below the maximum permitted limits set by the current legislation, and are, therefore, suitable for human consumption. But supporting very little nutritional percentage of the elements studied.



海洋中的有毒金属和微量元素水平在世界范围内呈异质性增加,这就是为什么评估它们在具有捕鱼兴趣的生物体中的浓度很重要的原因。研究不同渔场的金属浓度对于营养控制至关重要。在这项研究中,研究了加那利群岛和葡萄牙的两个渔场,在每个区域从加那利群岛的Scomber colias、Sardina pilchardusTrachurus物种中的每个物种中采集了 50 块肌肉样本(T . picturatus ) 和葡萄牙语 ( T. trachurus)。已分析 Cd、Pb、Cr、Cu、V 和 Zn 的浓度,单位为 mg/kg。来自加那利群岛的物种的 Cd 和 Pb 浓度较高,可能与非洲上升流输入有关,这极大地影响了物种的金属浓度。金属和微量元素浓度最高的物种受到沿海污染的人为作用以及非洲上升流和撒哈拉沙尘的自然作用的影响。S. colias、T. picturatus、T. trachurus 和 S. pilchardus 肌肉组织中测定的 Cd 和 Pb 浓度低于现行法律规定的最大允许限值,因此适合人类食用。但支持所研究元素的营养百分比非常低。
