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Seasonal dynamics of manganese accumulation in European larch (Larix decidua Mill.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) over 10 years of monitoring
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09415-1
E Wildová 1 , J Elznicová 1 , E Kula 2

Leaves of European larch, silver birch, and bilberry were sampled 5–7 times per growing season in 2010–2019 in a locality near the city of Litvínov in the Krušné Hory Mts. (Ore Mts.) near the Czech/German border. The locality is characterised by a large amount of plant-available Mn because of acidic soils in the study area. All three investigated plants at the studied site acquired manganese concentrations close to the definition of hyperaccumulation (ca. 10,000 mg kg−1). This paper presents the most detailed collection of plant material for the characterisation of seasonal dynamics of Mn concentrations in the foliage of the three studied plants under field conditions and compares this information with that in published studies. Time (day in the year or day in the growing season) and cumulative precipitation anomalies were major and minor variables, respectively, explaining Mn dynamics in leaves, while temperature and insolation anomalies were not significant. The three investigated species showed plant-specific Mn acquisition rates in the growing season and specific effects of precipitation. Seasonal dynamics must be considered if plant leaves are used for environmental monitoring.


欧洲落叶松 (Larix decidua Mill.)、白桦 (Betula pendula Roth) 和越橘 (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) 中锰积累的季节性动态超过 10 年的监测

2010-2019 年,在 Krušné Hory Mts 的 Litvínov 市附近的一个地区,每个生长季节对欧洲落叶松、白桦和越橘的叶子进行了 5-7 次采样。(Ore Mts.) 靠近捷克/德国边境。由于研究区为酸性土壤,该地区具有大量植物可利用锰的特点。研究地点的所有三个研究植物都获得了接近超积累定义的锰浓度(约 10,000 mg kg -1)。本文提供了最详细的植物材料集合,用于表征田间条件下三种研究植物叶子中锰浓度的季节性动态,并将这些信息与已发表的研究中的信息进行比较。时间(一年中的一天或生长季节的一天)和累积降水异常分别是主要和次要变量,解释了叶片中的锰动态,而温度和日照异常不显着。三个研究的物种在生长季节显示出植物特定的锰获取率和降水的特定影响。如果将植物叶子用于环境监测,则必须考虑季节性动态。
