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Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose disease in A. andraeanum, manifested as spathe rot also in addition to spadix rot and leaf spot.
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-021-02366-w
I. S. Komala Vithanage 1 , D. M. D. Yakandawala 1 , N. K. B. Adikaram 1, 2 , S. S. N. Maharachchikumbura 3 , L. Jayasinghe 2

Anthurium is an ornamental flowering plant, cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Anthracnose is a major disease in anthurium, known to be manifested as spadix rot and leaf spot, and caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides or its teleomorph, Glomerella cingulata. The objective of the present study was to describe spathe rot, a new disease, and identify Colletotrichum species associated with spathe rot, spadix rot and leaf spot, using multi-locus DNA sequence analyses. Diseased spathes were obtained from anthurium var. Tropical Red while the diseased spadix and leaves were from var. Hawaiian Butterfly. Colletotrichum was isolated from diseased spathe, spadix, and leaf on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) following surface sterilization. DNA, extracted from the isolates, was subjected to multigene DNA sequence analyses using ITS, β-tubulin and GAPDH. The two isolates from the spathe rot were identified as C. fructicola and C. orchidearum and the isolates from the spadix rot and leaf spot were identified as C. fruiticola and C. siamense respectively. Koch’s postulates were performed using C. fructicola and C. orchidearum, isolated from the spathe rot, and their pathogenicity was confirmed. The manuscript reports C. fructicola and C. orchidearum as the causal agents of the new disease, the spathe rot, and the association of C. fructicola and C. siamense with the spadix rot and leaf spot respectively.


炭疽病菌在 A. andraeanum 中引起炭疽病,除穗腐病和叶斑病外,还表现为佛焰苞腐烂。

红掌是观赏花卉植物,栽培于热带和亚热带气候。炭疽病是红掌的主要病害,主要表现为球茎腐烂和叶斑病,由胶孢炭疽病菌或其有形目Glomerella cingulata引起。本研究的目的是使用多位点 DNA 序列分析来描述一种新的疾病佛焰苞腐烂,并确定与佛焰苞腐烂、茎腐病和叶斑病相关的炭疽菌物种。从红掌变种获得患病的佛焰苞。热带红,而患病的穗轴和叶子来自变种。夏威夷蝴蝶。炭疽菌表面灭菌后,在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂 (PDA) 上从患病的佛焰苞、稻穗和叶子中分离出。从分离物中提取的 DNA 使用 ITS、β-微管蛋白和 GAPDH 进行多基因 DNA 序列分析。两个从佛焰苞腐烂的分离物被鉴定为C. fructicolaC. orchidearum,从裂果腐病和叶斑病中分离出的两种分离物分别被鉴定为C.fruiticolaC. siamense。柯赫氏法则是使用进行C.腐病菌C. orchidearum,从佛焰苞腐烂隔离,他们的致病性进行了确认。这份手稿报告C.腐病菌C. orchidearum作为新病害的病原体,佛焰苞腐烂,以及C. fructicolaC. siamense分别与茎腐病和叶斑病的关联。
