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EOT20: a global ocean tide model from multi-mission satellite altimetry
Earth System Science Data ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-10 , DOI: 10.5194/essd-13-3869-2021
Michael G. Hart-Davis , Gaia Piccioni , Denise Dettmering , Christian Schwatke , Marcello Passaro , Florian Seitz

EOT20 is the latest in a series of empirical ocean tide (EOT) models derived using residual tidal analysis of multi-mission satellite altimetry at DGFI-TUM. The amplitudes and phases of 17 tidal constituents are provided on a global 0.125 grid based on empirical analysis of seven satellite altimetry missions and four extended missions. The EOT20 model shows significant improvements compared to the previous iteration of the global model (EOT11a) throughout the ocean, particularly in the coastal and shelf regions, due to the inclusion of more recent satellite altimetry data as well as more missions, the use of the updated FES2014 tidal model as a reference to estimated residual signals, the inclusion of the ALES retracker and improved coastal representation. In the validation of EOT20 using tide gauges and ocean bottom pressure data, these improvements in the model compared to EOT11a are highlighted with the root sum square (RSS) of the eight major tidal constituents improving by  1.4 cm for the entire global ocean with the major improvement in RSS ( 2.2 cm) occurring in the coastal region. Concerning the other global ocean tidal models, EOT20 shows an improvement of  0.2 cm in RSS compared to the closest model (FES2014) in the global ocean. Variance reduction analysis was conducted comparing the results of EOT20 with FES2014 and EOT11a using the Jason-2, Jason-3 and SARAL satellite altimetry missions. From this analysis, EOT20 showed a variance reduction for all three satellite altimetry missions with the biggest improvement in variance occurring in the coastal region. These significant improvements, particularly in the coastal region, provide encouragement for the use of the EOT20 model as a tidal correction for satellite altimetry in sea-level research. All ocean and load tide data from the model can be freely accessed at https://doi.org/10.17882/79489 (Hart-Davis et al., 2021). The tide gauges from the TICON dataset used in the validation of the tide model, are available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.896587 (Piccioni et al., 2018a).



EOT20 是使用 DGFI-TUM 多任务卫星高度测量的残余潮汐分析得出的一系列经验海潮 (EOT) 模型中的最新模型。全球 0.125 提供了 17 种潮汐成分的振幅和相位网格基于七项卫星测高任务和四项扩展任务的经验分析。与全球模型 (EOT11a) 的先前迭代相比,EOT20 模型在整个海洋中,特别是在沿海和陆架区域,显示出显着改进,这是由于包含了更新的卫星测高数据以及更多的任务,使用更新了 FES2014 潮汐模型作为估计残余信号的参考,包括 ALES 重新跟踪器和改进的海岸表示。在使用潮汐计和海底压力数据验证 EOT20 时,与 EOT11a 相比,模型中的这些改进突出显示,八个主要潮汐成分的和平方根 (RSS) 提高了  1.4 厘米对于整个全球海洋,沿海地区的RSS (  2.2  cm )有重大改善。关于其他全球海洋潮汐模型,EOT20 显示改进了  0.2  cm在 RSS 中与全球海洋中最接近的模型 (FES2014) 相比。使用 Jason-2、Jason-3 和 SARAL 卫星测高任务,对 EOT20 与 FES2014 和 EOT11a 的结果进行了方差减少分析。从该分析中,EOT20 显示所有三个卫星测高任务的方差均减少,其中沿海地区的方差改善最大。这些重大改进,特别是在沿海地区,鼓励使用 EOT20 模型作为海平面研究中卫星测高的潮汐校正。模型中的所有海洋和负荷潮汐数据均可在 https://doi.org/10.17882/79489 上免费访问(Hart-Davis 等,2021). 用于验证潮汐模型的 TICON 数据集的潮汐计可在 https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.896587 (Piccioni et al., 2018a) 上获得