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The Implicated Neoliberal Subject in Thomas Pynchon's Bleeding Edge
Journal of American Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s002187582100058x

This article argues that in Bleeding Edge, Pynchon moves from an oppositional schema in which the world is divided into “elect” and “preterite” populations towards one that is concerned with implication and complicity. The article uses Michael Rothberg's The Implicated Subject (2019) as the basis for analysis, and notably his argument that to be implicated in wrongdoing often involves a kind of structural blindness towards suffering elsewhere. In the case of Bleeding Edge, the protagonist, Maxine Tarnow, is implicated in the violence committed in order to secure the hegemony of neoliberalism. The article describes Maxine's gradual recognition of her own blindness, and hence of her implication in the harms perpetrated in the name of neoliberalism. It begins by noting that her experience of neoliberalism is one of process and of immaterial exchange. The second part of the article argues that the introduction of Nicholas Windust shows how neoliberalism may be an experience of rupture or trauma for those outside the developed world. Finally, with the 9/11 attacks on New York, the same violence rebounds against its source; the attacks therefore act as the final stage in Maxine's increasing awareness of her own implication.



本文认为,在出血边缘, 品钦从一种对立的模式转变,在这种模式中,世界被划分为“选民”和“过时”的人口,转向关注暗示和同谋的模式。这篇文章使用迈克尔罗斯伯格的牵连的主题(2019)作为分析的基础,尤其是他的论点,即牵连不法行为往往涉及一种对其他地方的痛苦的结构性盲目性。如果是出血边缘, 主角 Maxine Tarnow 卷入了为确保新自由主义霸权而实施的暴力。这篇文章描述了 Maxine 逐渐认识到她自己的失明,因此她对以新自由主义的名义所犯下的危害有影响。首先注意到她对新自由主义的体验是一种过程和非物质交换。文章的第二部分认为,Nicholas Windust 的介绍表明,对于发达国家以外的人来说,新自由主义可能是一种破裂或创伤的经历。最后,随着 9/11 对纽约的袭击,同样的暴力事件从源头反弹;因此,这些攻击是 Maxine 越来越意识到自己的影响的最后阶段。