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Temperature Variations of a Geomembrane Liner in a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill from Construction to Closure
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s41745-021-00249-x
Abdelmalek Bouazza 1 , Lu Zhang 1, 2

This paper explores the variations of the temperatures of a black high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane (GMB) liner in a municipal solid waste landfill through the lens of a field case study. The geomembrane temperature was monitored from the start of the construction phase to the closure phase, a span of 7 years. Solar radiation had a significant effect on the temperature variations of the geomembrane while exposed to the atmosphere. The more significant impact was on the geomembrane on the side slope of the cell, where temperatures were much higher than on the cell floor. A white geotextile cushion did not insulate the geomembrane from solar radiation, which still experienced elevated temperatures. However, the placement of the drainage layer reduced the impact of solar radiation on the GMB and insulated it. The daily temperature variation of the geomembrane covered with a white geotextile varied from 12 °C to 38 °C at floor level but dropped to 20 °C after the placement of the drainage layer. Along the side slope, without the drainage layer, the daily temperature variation of the GMB fluctuated between 5 and 59 °C and dropped to 23 °C after the installation of the drainage layer.



本文通过实地案例研究,探讨了城市固体垃圾填埋场中黑色高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE) 土工膜 (GMB) 衬里的温度变化。土工膜温度从施工阶段开始到关闭阶段进行监测,跨度为 7 年。太阳辐射对土工膜暴露在大气中时的温度变化有显着影响。更显着的影响是对单元边坡上的土工膜的影响,那里的温度比单元地板上的温度高得多。白色土工织物垫没有将土工膜与太阳辐射隔离,太阳辐射仍然会经历高温。然而,排水层的放置减少了太阳辐射对 GMB 的影响并使其绝缘。覆盖有白色土工布的土工膜的日温度变化在地面水平从 12°C 到 38°C 不等,但在放置排水层后下降到 20°C。沿边坡,在没有排水层的情况下,专线小巴的日温差在5~59℃之间波动,安装排水层后下降到23℃。
