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Effects of wave-current interaction on storm surge in the Pearl River Estuary: A case study of super typhoon Mangkhut
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.692359
Zhifa Luo , Bensheng Huang , Xiaohong Chen , Chao Tan , Jing Qiu , Guangling Huang

This study explored the effects of interactions between waves and current on storm surge in the Pearl River Estuary using a fully coupled wave-current model. The model was validated based on in-situ observations during the traverse of super typhoon Mangkhut. The results indicated that the model could reproduce the storm surge and wave setup processes. Numerical experiments showed that simulations of storm surge are minimally affected by wave setup. The wave setup during super typhoon Mangkhut reached up to 0.23 m and contributed to the total near shore storm surge by up to 8%. The simulations of the coupled model showed a better correlation with observations compared to those of an uncoupled model. The storm surge increased with transport upstream in a tidal-dominated outlet, whereas it decreased in a river-dominated outlet. The storm surge and wave setup increased and decreased, respectively during spring tide as compared to that during a neap tide. The storm surge increased with increasing runoff in the upper river reaches, whereas there was little change in the tidal-dominated lower river reaches. This research emphasizes the importance of integrating the effects of multiple dynamic factors in the forecasting of storm surge and provides a reference for similar studies in other estuaries with multiple outlets and a complex river network.



本研究使用完全耦合的波流模型探讨了波与流之间的相互作用对珠江口风暴潮的影响。该模型基于超强台风山竹横穿期间的现场观测进行了验证。结果表明,该模型可以再现风暴潮和波浪形成过程。数值实验表明风暴潮的模拟受波浪设置的影响最小。超级台风“山竹”期间的波浪设置高达 0.23 m,对近岸风暴潮的贡献高达 8%。与非耦合模型相比,耦合模型的模拟显示出与观测值更好的相关性。风暴潮在潮汐主导的出口随着向上游的运输而增加,而在河流主导的出口则减少。与小潮期间相比,大潮期间风暴潮和波浪设置分别增加和减少。风暴潮随着上游径流的增加而增加,而以潮汐为主的下游河段变化不大。本研究强调了在风暴潮预报中整合多种动态因素的影响的重要性,并为其他具有多个出口和复杂河网的河口的类似研究提供参考。