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Integrated Farming System Model for Sustained Farm Income and Employment Generation Under Rainfed Vertisol of Southern Zone of Tamil Nadu
National Academy Science Letters ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s40009-021-01059-6
S. Elamathi , Suryendra Singh , T. Rangaraj , P. Anandhi

The study on integrated farming system (IFS) was conducted during 2011–2017 at Agricultural Research Station, Kovilpatti, to find out economic viability of IFS model by changing in crop(s) or cropping system and integrating different livestock enterprises. The IFS model consisted of five crops or cropping systems, viz. sorghum (K-8) + cowpea (Co-7) (1:1) (0.40 ha), maize [CoH (m)-6] + greengram (Co-6) (1:1) (0.15 ha), cotton (KC-3) + blackgram (UBN-6) (1:1) (0.60 ha), clusterbean (local variety) (0.15), fodder crops [sorghum (COFS 29), Deshmanthus (local variety)] (0.30 ha) with dairy (1 cow + 1 calf of Sindi breed) and goatery (10 does + 1 buck of kanni breed) components in 1.60 ha total area. The results indicated that the IFS model is good enough to provide sustained average net income of ` 137,712/ha and employment of 389 man days/year as compared to conventional cropping systems (CCS) which gave average negative net income of ` 644/ha during 6 years of investigation due to deficit of rainfall. Thus, it is concluded that farm productivity and profitability as well as employment generation could be sustained by integrating different enterprises, i.e. dairy and goatery along with modified cropping systems in Southern Zone of Tamil Nadu.



综合农业系统 (IFS) 研究于 2011-2017 年在 Kovilpatti 农业研究站进行,旨在通过改变作物或种植系统以及整合不同的畜牧企业来找出 IFS 模型的经济可行性。IFS 模型由五种作物或种植系统组成,即。高粱 (K-8) + 豇豆 (Co-7) (1:1) (0.40 ha)、玉米 [CoH (m)-6] + greengram (Co-6) (1:1) (0.15 ha)、棉花(KC-3) + blackgram (UBN-6) (1:1) (0.60 ha)、簇豆(当地品种)(0.15)、饲料作物 [高粱(COFS 29)、Deshmanthus(当地品种)](0.30 公顷)含奶制品(1 头奶牛 + 1 头辛迪品种小牛)和山羊奶(10 份 + 1美元 kanni品种)组件在 1.60 公顷的总面积中。结果表明,与传统种植系统 (CCS) 相比,IFS 模型足以提供持续的平均净收入 137,712/公顷和 389 个工日/年的就业,传统种植系统 (CCS) 在由于降雨不足,调查了6年。因此,得出的结论是,通过整合不同的企业,即泰米尔纳德邦南部地区的奶牛场和山羊场以及改良的种植系统,可以维持农场生产力和盈利能力以及创造就业机会。
