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A new understanding of the chronology, circulation and function of Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) ferrous semi-products in north-eastern France
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01333-0
Marion Berranger , Philippe Dillmann , Philippe Fluzin , Enrique Vega , Michel Aubert , Stéphanie Leroy , Emmanuelle Delqué-Količ

In Europe, several thousand ferrous semi-products attributed to the Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) have been found. Recent advances in the field of archaeometry concerning the dating of iron objects, characterisation of materials and provenance studies have made it possible to address some important and hitherto unresolved questions. The results obtained from the study of an exceptional set of over 70 currency-bars found in north-eastern France shed new light on their chrono-cultural context, which is much older than previously thought. This interdisciplinary approach also made it possible to propose a new interpretation of the production, circulation and deposition conditions of these semi-products.


对法国东北部铁器时代(公元前 8 世纪至公元前 1 世纪)黑色半成品的年代、循环和功能的新认识

在欧洲,已经发现了数千种铁器时代(公元前 8 至 1 世纪)的半成品。考古学领域关于铁器物年代测定、材料表征和出处研究的最新进展使得解决一些重要且迄今为止尚未解决的问题成为可能。对在法国东北部发现的 70 多种货币条的特殊研究获得的结果为它们的时间文化背景提供了新的启示,这比以前认为的要古老得多。这种跨学科的方法也使得对这些半产品的生产、流通和沉积条件提出新的解释成为可能。
