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Residency, home range and tidal habitat use of Green Turtles ( Chelonia mydas ) in Port Curtis, Australia
Marine Biology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s00227-021-03898-9
Richard D. Pillans , Gary C. Fry , Michael D. E. Haywood , Wayne Rochester , Colin J. Limpus , Toby Patterson , Russel C. Babcock

To understand habitat requirements of green turtles in an important foraging area subject to both anthropogenic and natural perturbations, we examined residency, home range and habitat use of juvenile, sub-adult and adult green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Port Curtis, Australia, using passive acoustic telemetry. Acoustic tags were attached to turtles at Pelican Banks (n = 33) and Wiggins Island (n = 16). Between May 2013 and September 2014, tagged turtles were detected > 1.3 million times by 46 acoustic receivers. Data demonstrated variability in residence index and home range size between Pelican Banks and Wiggins Island that was largely attributed to larger body size at Pelican Banks and habitat differences. Tide had a significant influence of movement and habitat use. At Pelican Banks turtles moved into intertidal seagrass beds at high tide and retreated to the channel at low tide. At Wiggins Island, high tide 50% KUD area was more than double low tide area and turtles moved into the mangroves at high tide and retreated to channels at low tide. Diet reflected availability of food resources; seagrass dominated diet at Pelican Banks whereas epiphytic red algae dominated diet at Wiggins Island. There was no evidence of a diurnal shift in home range or habitat use. The use of intertidal areas by both turtles and small recreational craft during high tide at Pelican Banks resulted in increased risk of vessel strike. Unusually short residency at Pelican Banks suggested that animals had either relocated to another foraging area or a combination of recent flooding, port development and reduced seagrass coverage during the period of monitoring resulted in higher emigration rates than previously demonstrated for this species. Acoustic telemetry is a valuable tool for obtaining fine-scale, long- term data on movement and residency of green turtles.


澳大利亚柯蒂斯港的绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)的居留权,住所范围和潮汐栖息地利用

为了了解在受到人为和自然扰动的重要觅食区中绿海龟的栖息地需求,我们使用以下方法研究了澳大利亚柯蒂斯港的未成年,亚成年和成年绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)的栖息地,住所范围和栖息地使用情况:无源声遥测。声学标签贴在Pelican Banks(n  = 33)和Wiggins Island(n = 16)。在2013年5月至2014年9月之间,有46个声音接收器检测到标记海龟的次数> 130万次。数据表明,鹈鹕银行和威金斯岛之间的居住指数和家庭范围大小存在差异,这在很大程度上归因于鹈鹕银行的较大体型和栖息地差异。潮汐对迁徙和栖息地的使用产生了重大影响。在鹈鹕河岸,海龟在涨潮时移入潮间带海草床,并在退潮时退回河道。在威金斯岛,涨潮时50%的KUD面积是退潮面积的两倍多,龟在涨潮时移入红树林并在退潮时退回河道。饮食反映了粮食资源的可获得性;鹈鹕银行的饮食以海草为主,而威金斯岛的饮食以附生的红藻为主。没有证据表明家庭范围或栖息地使用日变化。鹈鹕银行在涨潮时,海龟和小型休闲船使用潮间带导致船只罢工的风险增加。在鹈鹕银行不寻常的短暂居住表明,在监测期间,动物要么迁居到另一个觅食区,要么是近期洪水,港口发展以及海草覆盖面积减少的综合结果,导致该物种的迁徙率比以前证明的更高。声学遥测是获取有关绿海龟活动和居住的精细,长期数据的宝贵工具。在鹈鹕银行不寻常的短暂居住表明,在监测期间,动物要么迁居到另一个觅食区,要么是近期洪水,港口发展以及海草覆盖面积减少的综合结果,导致该物种的迁徙率比以前证明的更高。声学遥测是获取有关绿海龟活动和居住的精细,长期数据的宝贵工具。在鹈鹕银行不寻常的短暂居住表明,在监测期间,动物要么迁居到另一个觅食区,要么是近期洪水,港口发展以及海草覆盖面积减少的综合结果,导致该物种的迁徙率比以前证明的更高。声学遥测是获取有关绿海龟活动和居住的精细,长期数据的宝贵工具。
