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A comparison of Korean and Indonesian secondary school students’ career values
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance ( IF 1.928 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10775-021-09476-1
Jun-Ki Lee , Arif Rachmatullah , Sein Shin , Yustika Sya’bandari , Ai Nurlaelasari Rusmana , Rahmi Qurota Aini , Minsu Ha

The exploration of career values can motivate and inspire young people, and help them achieve career success. The current study assesses the effect of sociocultural background on adolescents' career value among 951 Indonesian and 1,242 Korean secondary school students. Latent class analysis results suggest that participants can be grouped into five classes: personal-stability oriented, ability utilization, social-status oriented, social-relation oriented, and multi-valued leadership. Furthermore, the result of a three-way ANOVA indicated significant interactions for country, gender, and educational level on all career values for every class. The findings are discussed in the sociocultural contexts of Indonesia and Korea.



