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Efficiency of Solar Trackers and Bifacial Photovoltaic Panels for Southern Regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan
Applied Solar Energy Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.3103/s0003701x20060031
S. E. Frid , V. M. Simonov , N. V. Lisitskaya , N. R. Avezova , A. E. Khaitmukhamedov


One of the necessary requirements in Russia for obtaining subsidies that will compensate investments in a solar power plant (SPP) is to achieve the normative value of the capacity factor (CF). Although the stimulation of solar generation in the Republic of Uzbekistan is unconditional, the task of increasing the CF is also urgent for Uzbekistan. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact on a solar plants CF by the use of two methods for increasing the solar influx on the surface of a SPP solar battery; the use of Sun tracking systems (trackers) and bifacial photovoltaic panels. Calculation of the CF was carried out for several types of photovoltaic panels in the climatic conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the south of Russia by dynamic simulation using the TRNSYS code. Actinometric and climatic data were taken from the NASA POWER satellite observation database; the spatial resolution was 1° × 1° in latitude and longitude. Photovoltaic panels were described by the five-parameter model, whose parameters were determined using the manufacturers’ datasheets. It is shown that the use of vertical axis and tilt axis trackers can increase the CF in comparison with fixed panels by 6.5–6.6%, which is close to the effect of biaxial trackers (up to 7.0% of CF growth). It was found that the use of bifacial panels was most effective together with tilt axis trackers (the increase of CF is up to 4.1%). This effect is less for fixed panels and other types of trackers (up to 3.6%). According to the simulations, the magnitude of surface albedo (without the use of special reflectors) has almost no effect on the usage of bifacial panels.




俄罗斯获得补贴以补偿对太阳能发电厂(SPP)投资的必要要求之一就是要达到容量系数(CF)的标准价值。尽管在乌兹别克斯坦共和国刺激太阳能发电是无条件的,但增加乌兹别克斯坦的CF任务也很紧迫。该研究的目的是通过使用两种增加SPP太阳能电池表面的太阳辐射量的方法来评估对太阳能发电厂CF的影响。使用太阳跟踪系统(跟踪器)和双面光伏面板。通过使用TRNSYS代码进行动态模拟,在乌兹别克斯坦共和国和俄罗斯南部的气候条件下,针对几种类型的光伏面板进行了CF的计算。光化学和气候数据取自NASA POWER卫星观测数据库;经度和纬度的空间分辨率为1°×1°。光伏面板由五参数模型描述,其参数由制造商的数据表确定。结果表明,与固定面板相比,使用垂直轴和倾斜轴跟踪器可以将CF增加6.5–6.6%,这与双轴跟踪器的效果非常接近(CF增长高达7.0%)。发现双面面板与倾斜轴跟踪仪一起使用最为有效(CF的增加高达4.1%)。对于固定面板和其他类型的跟踪器,此影响较小(高达3.6%)。根据模拟,
