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Genetic analysis and resource evaluation of Dazhuang geothermal reservoir in the Minle Basin
Arabian Journal of Geosciences Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s12517-021-07176-2
Xinjun Zhang , Haoyu Zhang , Zhiyong Cao

To understand the characteristics of geothermal resources of the Dazhuang geothermal reservoir in the Minle Basin, regional geothermal geological data of the Minle Basin were collected. Combined with the Dazhuang geothermal reservoir survey, drilling and logging data, the main thermal control factors of Dazhuang geothermal reservoir “source-reservoir-pass-cover” are analysed, and a geothermal model of Dazhuang geothermal reservoir is established. The Dazhuang geothermal reservoir is based on the geothermal flow of the pull-apart basin formed on the basis of a right-handed strike-slip fault. It uses atmospheric precipitation as well as melted ice and snow in the southern Qilian Mountains as replenishment sources and flows into the thermal reservoir of the basin through the Neogene pore strata. The heat flow generated by the asthenosphere in the longitudinal direction of the Earth’s crust normally increases to form a medium–low-temperature conduction geothermal system. The Dazhuang geothermal reservoir has the characteristics of large caprock thickness, many thermal reservoir sections and rapid replenishment. The thermal reservoir caprock is mainly Quaternary and Neogene Pliocene, with a thickness of 1798 m. The thermal reservoir is composed of sandstone in the Quanzi member of the Baiyanghe Formation in the Miocene, and the cumulative thickness of the aquifer can reach 390m. The resource evaluation of the Dazhuang geothermal reservoir research area is performed using the heat storage method. The total geothermal resources in the study area are 2.08 × 108 GJ, equivalent to 612.1 × 104 t of standard coal, which has a significant development value.



为了解民乐盆地大庄地热储层地热资源的特征,收集了民乐盆地区域性地热地质资料。结合大庄地热库的勘察,钻探和测井资料,分析了大庄地热库“源—储—盖—盖”的主要热控因素,建立了大庄地热库的地热模型。大庄地热库是基于右旋走滑断层形成的拉分盆地的地热流。它利用祁连山南部的大气降水以及融化的冰雪作为补给源,并通过新近纪孔隙地层流入盆地的热储层。通常,软流圈沿地壳的纵向方向产生的热流会增加,从而形成一个中低温传导地热系统。大庄地热库具有盖层厚,热库段多,补给快的特点。储层盖层主要为第四纪和新近纪上新世,厚度为1798 m。储层由中新世白洋河组全子段砂岩组成,蓄水层累计厚度可达390m。利用储热方法对大庄地热库研究区进行资源评价。研究区的地热资源总量为2.08×10 许多蓄热器部分和快速补水。储层盖层主要为第四纪和新近纪上新世,厚度为1798 m。储层由中新世白洋河组全子段砂岩组成,蓄水层累计厚度可达390m。利用储热方法对大庄地热库研究区进行资源评价。研究区的地热资源总量为2.08×10 许多蓄热器部分和快速补水。储层盖层主要为第四纪和新近纪上新世,厚度为1798 m。储层由中新世白洋河组全子段砂岩组成,蓄水层累计厚度可达390m。利用储热方法对大庄地热库研究区进行资源评价。研究区的地热资源总量为2.08×10 利用储热方法对大庄地热库研究区进行资源评价。研究区的地热资源总量为2.08×10 利用储热方法对大庄地热库研究区进行资源评价。研究区的地热资源总量为2.08×108 GJ,相当于612.1×10 4 t标准煤,具有重要的开发价值。
