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The Characteristics and Seasonal Variation of Methane Fluxes From an Alpine Wetland in the Qinghai Lake watershed, China
Wetlands ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s13157-021-01415-8
Fangtao Wu , Shengkui Cao , Guangchao Cao , Kelong Chen , Changhui Peng

Alpine wetlands are an important natural source of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. However, the temporal variations and main driving factors of CH4 fluxes in alpine wetlands are not yet well understood. In this study, CH4 fluxes were measured from an alpine wetland in the Qinghai Lake using eddy covariance (EC) technique. Strong seasonal variability in the daily CH4 fluxes was observed, ranging from − 18.24 mg CH4 m− 2 d− 1 during the non-growing season to 117.44 mg CH4 m− 2 d− 1 during the growing season in 2017. The annual CH4 budget was 9.41 g CH4 m− 2. The growing season CH4 flux accounted for 91.5 % of the annual budget. At the daily scale, the CH4 fluxes increased significantly as the net radiation, air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, soil temperature, and soil volumetric water content at 5 cm depth increased. Additionally, correlation analysis also revealed that daily CH4 flux was significantly related to CO2 flux when daily CO2 flux was negative, but there was no correlation when daily CO2 flux was positive. Path analysis showed that seasonal variations of soil temperature at 5 cm depth and CO2 flux had strong direct effects on daily CH4 fluxes.



高山湿地是大气中甲烷(CH 4)的重要自然来源。然而,对高山湿地CH 4通量的时间变化和主要驱动因素尚未完全了解。在这项研究中,使用涡度协方差(EC)技术从青海湖的一个高山湿地中测量了CH 4通量。观察到每日CH 4通量的强烈季节性变化,范围从非生长季节的− 18.24 mg CH 4 m − 2 d − 1到2017年生长季节的117.44 mg CH 4 m − 2 d − 1。 CH 4的年度预算为9.41 g CH4 m -2。CH 4的生长季通量占年度预算的91.5%。在日尺度上,CH 4通量随着净辐射,空气温度,蒸气压赤字,土壤温度和5 cm深度土壤体积水含量的增加而显着增加。此外,相关分析还显示,当每日CO 2通量为负时,每日CH 4通量与CO 2通量显着相关,但是当每日CO 2通量为正时,则不存在相关性。通径分析表明,土壤深度在5 cm处的季节性变化和CO 2通量对日均CH 4有很强的直接影响。 通量。
