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Spatial distribution of radon concentrations in Balakot-Bagh (B–B) Fault Line and adjoining areas, Lesser Himalayas, North Pakistan
Environmental Earth Sciences ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s12665-021-09569-8
Fayaz Khan , Salman Ahmed Khattak , Zafar Wazir , Muhammad Waqas

A study involving soil radon monitoring using RAD-7 instrument was carried out near Balakot-Bagh (B-B) Fault line hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake in October 2005. The study aimed to determine the spatial distribution of soil radon gas levels and the relationship between the soil radon gas and fracture density. Eleven soil samples were collected near the fault line, and 56 more samples (fourteen each from the adjoining district/area). Field measurements were made in the summer season of 2013, as a part of continuous measurement for regular monitoring the area for radon emanation and for observing the anomalies with previous values. The study area is located in Lesser Himalayas, North Pakistan, the Balakot–Bagh (B–B) fault in the Hazara–Kashmir Syntaxis. Soil gas radon concentrations were found higher near the Balakot-Bagh Fault line with an average value of 11.9\({\text{kBq}}\;{{\text{m}}^{ - 3}}\) compared to other sites of the study area with an average value of around 6.5 \({\text{kBq}}\;{{\text{m}}^{ - 3}}\). The radon value near the fault line is 70% higher as compared to the surrounding area.



2005年10月,在遭受7.6级地震袭击的Balakot-Bagh(BB)断层线附近,进行了使用RAD-7仪器进行土壤ra监测的研究。该研究旨在确定土壤ra气水平的空间分布及其之间的关系。土壤ra气和裂缝密度。在断层线附近收集了11个土壤样品,另外还有56个样品(每个样品从相邻的区域/地区中收集了14个)。在2013年夏季进行了野外测量,这是连续测量的一部分,用于定期监测the的发散区域并观察以前值的异常情况。研究区域位于巴基斯坦北部的小喜马拉雅山脉,哈扎拉–克什米尔综合征的巴拉科特–巴格(BB)断裂。\({\ text {kBq}} \; {{\ text {m}} ^ {-3}} \)与研究区域的其他站点相比,平均值约为6.5 \({\ text {kBq} } \; {{\ text {m}} ^ {-3}} \)。断层线附近的ra值比周围的区域高70%。
