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Animal Creativity as a Function of Behavioral Innovation and Behavior Flexibility in Problem-solving Situations
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s12124-020-09586-5
Luiz Henrique Santana 1 , Miriam Garcia-Mijares 1

A natural approach of animal creativity through insightful problem-solving may offer a panel of how physiological, contextual, cultural and developmental variables related to each other to produce new behaviors. The spontaneous interconnection of acquire behaviors is an Insightful Problem-Solving model based on the new combination and/or chaining of behaviors that were previously and independently trained. This model seems to offer an integrative alternative for the studies of Innovation and Behavioral Flexibility because it allows the research on innovation in a scenario in which the response that solves the problem situation is not available by trial-and-error. Measuring task-appropriateness by behavior flexibility and novelty by behavior innovation under insightful problem-solving paradigm can contribute for the integration of decades of evidence in Cognitive Psychology, Neuro-ethology, Behavior Analysis and Behavioral Neurosciences. The Insightful Problem-Solving allows the independent test of behavioral innovation and behavioral flexibility as it measures the behavioral innovation inside insightful test and tests if the BF depends on variables arranged in the problem-situation and/or on the previous training (e.g. familiarity with access to appetitive stimulus in the pre-test, the number of distinct behaviors trained, and contingency changes in the post-test).



通过富有洞察力的问题解决来自然地发挥动物创造力的方法可能会提供一组关于生理、背景、文化和发育变量如何相互关联以产生新行为的面板。习得行为的自发相互联系是一种有洞察力的问题解决模型,它基于先前独立训练的行为的新组合和/或链接。该模型似乎为创新和行为灵活性的研究提供了一种综合替代方案,因为它允许在无法通过反复试验获得解决问题情况的响应的情况下进行创新研究。在有洞察力的问题解决范式下通过行为灵活性和行为创新来衡量任务的适当性,有助于整合认知心理学、神经行为学、行为分析和行为神经科学中数十年的证据。洞察力解决问题允许对行为创新和行为灵活性进行独立测试,因为它测量洞察力测试中的行为创新,并测试 BF 是否取决于问题情境中安排的变量和/或先前的培训(例如,熟悉访问前测中的食欲刺激、训练的不同行为的数量以及后测中的偶然变化)。
