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The beloved icon: an Augustinian solution to the problem of sex
Scottish Journal of Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0036930620000642
Onsi A. Kamel

Augustine famously believed fallen human sex to be inescapably bound up with sinful lust. In every sexual act, lust embodies both the sin of the fall (prideful idolatry) and that sin's consequences. John C. Cavadini has extended Augustine's conception of lust to include domination, and even violence. This leaves us with a disturbing question: is sex without violence possible? Building upon Jean-Luc Marion's distinction between idol and icon, this paper locates a solution to the problem of lust in Augustine's conception of friendship. Identifying the beloved as an icon of God entails relating to the beloved without lustful domination.



奥古斯丁著名地认为堕落的人类不可避免地与罪恶的欲望联系在一起。在每一次性行为中,情欲既体现了堕落的罪过(骄傲的偶像崇拜),又体现了罪恶的后果。约翰·C·卡瓦迪尼(John C. Cavadini)将奥古斯丁的欲望概念扩展到了统治甚至暴力。这给我们带来了一个令人不安的问题:没有暴力的性生活是否可能?在让·卢克·马里昂(Jean-Luc Marion)区分偶像和偶像的基础上,本文为奥古斯丁的友谊概念中的情欲问题找到了解决方案。将被爱者识别为上帝的偶像意味着与没有情欲统治的被爱者有关。
