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Toys: a Man Has His Reasons. Winnicottian Perspectives on the Playing of Men
Pastoral Psychology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s11089-021-00937-6
Jaco J. Hamman

The essay draws on the psychodynamic theory of D.W. Winnicott to argue for eight interrelated reasons informing the playing of men. Through playing, men seek to reestablish a holding environment; (re) discover their bodies; dabble with non-pathological insanity or madness; support their true self; experience transformation and enter transitional spaces; toy with destruction; seek healing from physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual wounds; they play to experience ego orgasms; and, men play for play’s own sake. The author’s own playing, in the form of long-distance motorcycling provides a backdrop of lived experience for the essay. The article mirrors Winnicott’s methodology, which resisted grand theory making as it focuses on specific psychodynamic insights and themes. Winnicott’s thought is used to extend William Blake’s wisdom around toys and reasons, wisdom Erik Erikson explored previously.



本文利用DW温尼科特(DW Winnicott)的心理动力学理论,基于八个相互联系的理由来争论男人的比赛。通过玩耍,人们寻求重建生活环境;(重新)发现他们的尸体;涉足非病理性的精神错乱或疯狂;支持他们的真实自我;经历转变并进入过渡空间;破坏玩具;从身体,情感,关系和精神上寻求治愈;他们玩耍来体验自我高潮;而且,男人为自己的利益而玩。作者以长途摩托车的形式自己玩耍,为这篇文章提供了丰富的生活经验。这篇文章反映了Winnicott的方法论,因为它侧重于特定的心理动力学见解和主题,因此拒绝了宏大的理论制定。
