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Study of the Interaction between Xmas-2, the Main Protein of TREX-2 mRNA Export Complex, and the Orc3 Protein, a Subunit of ORC Complex of D. melanogaster
Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1134/s1607672921010063
M M Kurshakova 1 , D V Kopytova 1 , S G Georgieva 1


The TREX-2 protein complex is the key participant in the export of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pores. Previously, a protein complex of D. melanogaster consisting of TREX-2 and ORC complexes was purified. It was shown that, in the TREX-2-ORC complex, the Xmas-2 protein, which is the platform for TREX-2 assembly, interacts with the Orc3 protein. The aim of this work was to investigate what regions of the Xmas-2 amino acid sequence are involved in the interaction with Orc3. It was shown that the interaction of Xmas-2 with Orc3 requires a C-terminal region of Xmas-2 located downstream of the CID domain.


研究TREX-2 mRNA出口复合物的主要蛋白质Xmas-2与黑腹果蝇ORC复合物的一个亚基Orc3蛋白之间的相互作用。


