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Resting egg banks can facilitate recovery of zooplankton communities after short exposure to glyphosate
Ecotoxicology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10646-021-02371-z
Jorge L Portinho 1 , Henrique Nunes Oliveira 2 , Ciro C Z Branco 2

We assessed the short-term viability and recovery of zooplankton communities after exposure to glyphosate (active ingredient—a.i.). We conducted a hatching experiment in two steps: Step 1—natural lake sediments containing resting egg banks were placed into individual trays and exposed to a solution medium of glyphosate at three different treatments (LD = Values below the detection limits, LD < 0.05, 0.44, and 0.89 mg a.i./L) for 14 days; and Step 2—we replaced the exposure solution of glyphosate with distilled freshwater, keeping them all trays under freshwater conditions for another 14 day. The results from Step 1 showed significant effects of glyphosate on the emergence patterns of resting eggs, with a reduction in hatching of rotifers, mainly at concentrations of 0.44 and 0.89 mg a.i./L. On the other hand, the results from Step 2 showed an increase in the emergence of viable eggs for rotifers after restoration of freshwater conditions in all treatments; there was no effect for total zooplankton and microcrustaceans. These findings suggest that (i) glyphosate may, effectively, impair zooplankton hatching from resting egg banks; (ii) the magnitude of the negative effects depends on the the zooplanktonic group considered; and (iii) the restoration of freshwater conditions may, in some way, allow the recovery of the zooplankton community from viable egg banks. Our results can be useful in predicting the influence of glyphosate on the distribution patterns of freshwater zooplankton, which can represent vital information for environmental managers.



我们评估了接触草甘膦(活性成分 -ai)后浮游动物群落的短期生存能力和恢复情况。我们分两步进行了孵化实验:第一步——将含有静止卵库的天然湖泊沉积物放入单独的托盘中,并在三种不同处理下暴露于草甘膦溶液介质中(LD = 低于检测限的值,LD < 0.05, 0.44和 0.89 mg ai/L),持续 14 天;步骤 2——我们用蒸馏淡水替换草甘膦暴露溶液,将所有托盘在淡水条件下再放置 14 天。步骤 1 的结果表明,草甘膦对休眠卵的出现模式有显着影响,并减少轮虫的孵化,主要是在浓度为 0.44 和 0.89 mg ai/L 时。另一方面,步骤 2 的结果表明,在所有处理中恢复淡水条件后,轮虫的活卵出现量有所增加;对总浮游动物和微型甲壳类动物没有影响。这些发现表明(i)草甘膦可能会有效地损害浮游动物从静止卵库中孵化出来; (ii) 负面影响的程度取决于所考虑的浮游动物群; (iii) 淡水条件的恢复可能在某种程度上使浮游动物群落从可行的卵库中恢复。我们的结果可用于预测草甘膦对淡水浮游动物分布模式的影响,这可以为环境管理者提供重要信息。
