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Religious and Spiritual Conflicts: A Psychological Perspective
Pastoral Psychology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11089-020-00900-x
Isabelle Noth , Jessica Lampe

The authors present a brief history of research on religious and spiritual struggles and of the development of the typology and measurement of such struggles by means of the Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale (Exline et al. 2014). Following a terminological clarification of the terms “religiousness” and “spirituality,” which are often used interchangeably, an overview of the current state of research in the field of religious and spiritual conflicts is given based on fundamental contributions, especially by one of the main pioneers in this field, the American psychologist Julie Juola Exline. Research so far has most extensively focused on American samples, but scholars have recently begun to explore various other cultural and social backgrounds as it cannot be assumed that results from one society can be readily transferred to others, such as more secular societies. The article concludes with a discussion of the findings and a description of future research needs, especially for the European context where a lack of data is still evident.



作者通过宗教和精神斗争量表(Exline et al. 2014)简要介绍了宗教和精神斗争的研究历史以及此类斗争的类型学和测量的发展。在对经常互换使用的术语“宗教性”和“灵性”进行术语澄清之后,基于基本贡献,特别是主要贡献之一,概述了宗教和精神冲突领域的研究现状这一领域的先驱,美国心理学家朱莉·朱拉·埃克斯莱恩。迄今为止,研究最广泛地集中在美国样本上,但学者们最近开始探索各种其他文化和社会背景,因为不能假设一个社会的结果可以很容易地转移到其他社会,比如更世俗的社会。文章最后讨论了研究结果并描述了未来的研究需求,特别是对于仍然明显缺乏数据的欧洲环境。