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Reducing the carbon and water footprints of Brazilian green coconut
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11367-021-01871-8
Ana Paula C. Sampaio , Anne Karolyne P. Silva , Júlio R. A. de Amorim , Antônio D. Santiago , Fábio R. de Miranda , Viviane S. Barros , Marta Celina L. Sales , Maria Cléa B. de Figueirêdo


The assessment of the carbon and water footprints of agricultural products is important for fruit producers because it enables improvements in environmental management along the production chain as well as the opening of new markets. This study analyses the carbon and water footprints of green coconut produced in seven farms located at the main producing States in Brazil (Ceará, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia), investigating opportunities for reducing these footprints.


The carbon footprint was calculated based on ISO 14067 and the water footprint, on ISO 14046. Primary data were collected from orchards with dwarf coconut trees, located in the states of Ceará (CE1, CE2, CE3 and CE4 farms), Alagoas (AL farm), Sergipe (SE farm) and Bahia (BA farm). The impact categories considered and their assessment models were as follows: (i) for the carbon footprint, climate change impact was assessed (ILCD midpoint); (ii) for the water footprint, water scarcity (AWARE), human toxicity, cancer, non-cancer, and freshwater ecotoxicity and marine and freshwater eutrophication (ILCD midpoint) were assessed. Sensitivity analysis was performed for variations in emissions from land use change (LUC) and water scarcity characterization factors. Uncertainty analysis was applied to identify best performing farms and their practices.

Results and discussion

The farms that resulted in lower footprints (AL and CE4) caused less carbon losses in LUC and used less nitrogen fertilizers and irrigation water. LUC emissions answered for one third of coconut carbon footprint when orchards were installed in areas with Caatinga vegetation. However, if coconut orchards replaced annual crops, carbon footprint may reduce up to 61%. Regarding water scarcity, in the case of applying monthly AWARE factors, the impact increased as much as 95% in relation to impacts calculated using annual factors. The use of regionalized annual or monthly AWARE factors increased impact up to 97% in relation to when annual and monthly AWARE were used.


The analysis of alternatives for footprint reduction showed that both footprints can be reduced in all regions with changes in orchard lifespan, irrigation and fertilization. Increasing the useful life of the orchard results in a reduction of up to 38% in footprints, adjusting irrigation, up to 49%, and the amount of fertilizer, up to 70% of the carbon footprint and up to 82% of water footprint profile. Regionalized factors were more accurate for identifying critical watersheds for coconut production.






碳足迹是根据ISO 14067和水足迹(根据ISO 14046)计算的。主要数据来自位于塞阿拉州(CE1,CE2,CE3和CE4农场),阿拉戈阿州(AL农场)的带有矮椰子树的果园。 ),塞尔希培州(SE农场)和巴伊亚州(BA农场)。所考虑的影响类别及其评估模型如下:(i)对碳足迹,气候变化影响进行了评估(ILCD中点);(ii)对于水足迹,评估了水资源短缺(AWARE),人类毒性,癌症,非癌症和淡水生态毒性以及海洋和淡水富营养化(ILCD中点)。进行了敏感性分析,以分析土地利用变化(LUC)和缺水特征因子造成的排放变化。应用不确定性分析来确定表现最佳的农场及其做法。




